Mutant Lives Matter

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Mutants aren't people

Muties aren't people.

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Sub-Humans don’t exist.

How are mutants Sub-humans?

Biggest mutant genocides caused by their own

Arent everyone going to turn to mutants at some point anyway?

No more mutants

everyone is already a mutant. its impossible to avoid mutation. red hair is a mutation, white skin is a mutation. freckles are a mutation. walking upright is a mutation. being a mammal is a mutation. being a multi-cellular organism is a mutation. cells themselves only exist because of chemicals mutating into living things.

No but you kids can be mutants and mutants can have non-mutant kids.

If I was a government leader I would have all muties working for me
It makes no sense not to exploit their powers and those that dont work for me will be SENTINEL'D

that is only true for criminals. for enemy combatants it is a different story. and as we all know mutants are the enemy of mankind.

We can't stop progress, the X gene is our strength.
Magnet man bad

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>be mutie scum
>oops I accidentally killed all the kids in this school with my magic mutant powers
>wtf why do humans hate me

You are assuming you have the power of a dictator and the X-man can't stop you.
The words enemy combatants is nonsense and if you declare a group of people the enemy of mankind because you hate them your a moron.

This. Magneto was right in the idea that Mutants should be able to leave for a homeland of their own, as baseline humanity is constantly at risk if left among the general population.
Along with the linked post, something else to consider is the fact that even those without inherently uncontrollable powers are still often irresponsible cunts with them. Examples include the Cuckoos erasing someone's memories because they dared to have a dirty thought about them, Mary Jane swapping consciousnesses to teach one person a lesson, pretty much anything Emma Frost has ever done, and Jean Gray and her "telepathically forced gay" fetish.

Cyclops was, is and will be right.

The idea that some mutants can't control their powers is pro-mutie propaganda. Its trying to paint them as innocent victims, when in fact we know the neural pathways to x-gene activation. It's entirely under their volition. The fact is, if that kid blew up a city block, it's because he wanted to.

>implying mutant are people

>Mutants should be able to leave for a homeland of their own
It just so happens they want that homeland to be where they're living right now.

They are different levels of mutants some are active 24-7.

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Nope, something more... Israel-esque. You know, commandeer some region in the Middle East for another satellite state that the Islamic states will rail against pointlessly.

that more proves that all telepaths should be lobotomized

Other powers are flashy enough to show whose responsible, telepaths are a nightmare for civilized society. Literally anyone caught committing crime can pretend they were getting controlled and there is no way to prove if they're lying. That's not even mentioning what could happen if one joined a politician's staff

Hilariously cringey, thank you.

Magneto also has tried to commit genocide, why do people listen to him again?

>"you should be proud of who you are!" "Embrace being a mutant! You dont need a cure!"

Nah fuck that, if I touch someone theyll die, I need that cure. Fuck Xavier and fuck magneto.

Reminder that, canonically, within what is less than 7 years ago in the Marvel Universe, a radical conservative politician was able to (almost) successfully win an election by pretending to be associated with The X-Men.

>Mutant hate=/real

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he balanced it out by also hating spider-man, another sure-fire way to win the support of marvel civilians

Widespread mutant-hate didn't become a thing until Wein/Claremont, which, given Marvel's sliding time scale, means it's been around for even less.

So, basically, the X-Men have been bitching about 'prejudice' that has only existed for less than 3 years in their universe. Trump has been president longer than that irl

when did omega level powers show up? after that they lost all legitimacy

Phoenix was technically the start of it, but that hasn't really been a thing until recently, so probably within just the last year or so.

Talked to my buddy the other day about stuff like this. I'm thinking wouldn't conservatives be a bit more pro powers, equating it to pro gun, and be against aborting mutants. Also wouldn't everyone now be against Sentinels, cause what is a Sentinel if not a giant drone. I think the major reason to hate the xmen( if marvel citizens knew) is that they are a private military force that used child soldiers and is supported by beyond NSA level equipment/ people.

They also had FBI cooperation as well

>The Virgin Mutants = Minorities vs the Chad Mutants = Pitbulls/Guns

>magneto made some valid points
That's one step from saying hitler made some valid points

>cause what is a Sentinel if not a giant drone.
I (assume) the reason people are against drone strikes is because of the mistakes the drone operators have made.

Not the actual drones themselves. I hope so, anyway. Because I can't see why someone would be against drone-strikes as a concept.

>Stand your ground, with optic blasts.

Let me correct myself, drone-strikes on American soil.

It does if they're not citizens.

Fuck off NiggerMutie.

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We should round up all the Muties put them on an island and then blow that shit up
Genosha was a godsend

I was going to say that people would be against drone strikes on American soil by comparing it to people seeing armored vehicles on the street, but I stopped and thought about it and realized there's no small portion of the population that is ok with this.