How high could Billy fly?
With Endgame on the horizon I think $500 million is a realistic goal, especially with pretty modest budget.
Shazam! Box Office prediction
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What is that girl doing?
Yeah, I can see that. Is a wizard too magical for China, or will Billy get to play out there as well?
There is no chinese date yet. But IMAX China planning to release it when date is secured.
getting arrested by the invisible police
It will flop like all dc bullshit
It’s guaranteed to make a decent profit with DC riding on goodwill from Aquachad combined with Chadzam’s modest budget. I’m happy for Zachary and the rest of the crew. Good on him for picking himself back up after being dumped by Marvel.
If it hits $300mil I would be floored.
You mean US or worldwide? Cause if Shazam is releasing in China after all, it will get that much. Billy will be a hit in Japan.
I'll get wasted if Billy somehow get more money than Carol.
>billy will be a hit in japan
why do you say that? were his comics big over there or something?
$275 million at the absolute MOST
There's just no interest and too much competition
He is literally shonen anime: a boy transforming into superhuman by magic.
Nah it looks fun. Even the worst DCEU movies did okay box office wise.
I see this movie ranging between Antman (respectable numbers considering it's small budget) to gangbusters like Aquaman. People love fun movies, and Shazam is a neat little concept. It is a nice counterpoint to Avengers being somewhat darker, and Captain Marvel being semi serious. Hellboy is R and Glass is already out and disappeared.
The "worst" DC movies which is most of them benefitted from a lack of competition and interest from good trailers. Shazam doesn't have those
In fact $275 million may be $100 million too much
>to gangbusters like Aquaman
Only reason Aquaman got where it got was its very long legs. Explain how it's gonna get anywhere near that with Captain Marvel coming right before it, and Endgame coming afterwards. The window is very short for it to be a huge hit.
>"Retard most movies make their profit during the first week blah blah blah"
Ah yes who can forget Aquaman's $500MM opening weekend... Oh wait.
It’s 2019. Up your bait game.
>being dumped by Marvel
He wasn’t dumped by them
I liked the Shazam trailer.
Higher than Justice League movie. I wish.
Shazam doesn't have a trailer, it has a teaser from over half a year ago. Most people would have already forgotten it exists if DC fans weren't a fucking cancer and attacking Captain Marvel every other day
The one that's coming tomorrow Monday or...?
See? Billy is inspiring. Kids take pictures with his advertising
I'm pretty sure this is one of the MANY Captain Marvel ones that some DC fan photoshopped because they're THAT level of pathetic
Looking at the trailers I just wished they pushed the FUN factor a bit more. I mean i know its DC but its a kid that transforms into a superhero because a wizard cast a spell on him, play up the light heartedness for once.
Like that?
Yeah, it still looks a bit gritty though.
Though given I've one seen 1 ad, and that, since I don't have a TV
And the fact that you have no idea what "gritty" means
Okay semantics, it looked like the typical dark DC bullshit attempting to be light hearted but couldn't help inserting scenes about how horrible people are
I can't find the actual picture but yeah, it suspiciously looks like the exact same pose. I'll try and keep looking.
If you look at the shadows it actually makes no sense, the color of the pixels in the shadow changes as it gets closer, indicating that this is indeed a photoshop.
Kids will love Shazam, you know nothing.
>it needs fluffy colors to not be considered 'dark and gritty'
Most DC movies had good legs on box office. The same will happen with Shazam.
Go Billy
275 is a profit since is a tiny 90 million movie
>it has a teaser not a trailer
There’s multiple 2+ minute long promo videos. If that’s not a trailer, you’re retarded.
Those movies weren’t opening right before Avengers Endgame.
kill yourself ladderbro
Found the pic I was thinking of, and it's a different pose altogether. I still can't shake the feeling that it's photoshopped, but I have no evidence so I'll leave it at that.
kill yourself ladderbro.
>Small child touches bright colored object
Maybe is a little girl that really like touching posters.
Probably there should be an account for that,
I don't get this "hype" for Captain Marvel, Normies never heard of her, she was never a good role model at all.
Media and twitterfags are treating her like a female role model similar to Wonder Woman when she was always a c-list hero that ruined countless lives and did all kinds of terrible things.
Just go to the other thread with the autistic Yea Forums retard posting his imbecile copypasta over and over, this is a Shazam thread.
>it must be photoshopped because I disagree with it!!
It really depends on China. I can see it making a modest, but unimpressive showing domestically, but everyone knows China is the real indicator nowadays.
To be fair, if I was carol I'd be pissed at the patriarchy too if my friends let some dude rape me then mind control me into marrying him while they just shrug it off.
It wasn't even me who said it, it was . I was merely pointing out that I saw a similar one and wanted to find evidence whether it was the same or not. Stop your paranoia.
The only other place that has OP's picture is an archived thread on Yea Forums so it's definite fake
It'll do better than Justice League, but not as good as Wonder Woman.
So it's going to do very well?
I don't think it's possible to make over 600 million since Endgame and Detective Pikachu will be soon after.
Endgame comes out a month after Shazam.
she was in the old x-men cartoon. she was in the super hero squad show. she was in Avengers EMH. she was in the Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon. She was in Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher. She was in Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors. She's in all the Ultimate Alliance games. She's in all the mobile games. She's in Lego Marvel. She's in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.
Normies been hearing about her for decades.
Yeah, but by the time it comes out, it wouldn't have enough legs to be a huge hit. It would need to start high, and with an opening weekend projection of $60MM, it means it needs to have Aquaman's legs in order to break through. It's just not feasible.
Definitely not photoshopped... that doesn't mean they're not staged, though.
You should have said Hellboy and Pet Sematary
Sub 100 million, 40% Rotten Score.
So Shazam has no competition.
I mean sure, it's not like a girl asks her parents to take a picture of them while they languidly touch a poster, normally they want to face the camera like a normal person would.
Sub 100 million, SUB 40% Rotten Score. This thing has Jingle All the Way 3 written ALL OVER IT
You are desperate dude.
600 million
No but it will get it's legs crushed and that's a huge problem
MCU movies start high but die quickly while DCEU movies start low but make it up with really long legs.
>DCEU movies start low but make it up with really long legs.
And then get crushed by some shit movie starring a hasbeen comedian
Is magic that heavily banned? I thought its mostly magic with undead and if there are gods praised?
Would an old men with magic giving a kid super powers a problem?
This He has the same vibe as power rangers and would fit oin My Hero Academia!
>I thought its mostly magic with undead and if there are gods praised?
You thought right, it's anything that involves the afterworld. Though I don't know how this worked with Infinity War, everyone knew what the Soul Stone really was.
This movie will be far less magical than Dr strange and Wonder Woman and both got released on China
Anyone else find it awkward that both touch weird places on the poster?
Young girl touches Marvels boobs. Girl touches his belly like in a love scene? Her legs apart like a porn movie isnt helping either.
>Her legs apart like a porn movie isnt helping either.
Dude... What?
Guess soulstone can be considered soul, like chi?
Its not as dead people or skeletons raising from their graves.
Is the skelton thing a bad sign thing? Or modern prohibitions? Because i remember that magical things that praise gods are forbidden because of anti-religion socialism and the fear that the leaders have to compete with religion/gods for the peoples praise. The same reason the Dalai Lama is a criminal for them, because he is seen as a higher institute.
Waiting for birds to poop on her booty
Thats the posture porn stars do when someone should fuck them from behind.
Sorry i watched too many porn.
Skeletons themselves shouldn't be a reason for a ban, but the implication that they're "alive" supernaturally. Either way, all these movies are reviewed beforehand and if they didn't find any issues with them, it means its supernatural elements aren't a dealbreaker. It pays having a cinematic universe rooted on "realism" to avoid things like these, though no idea if, for example, a new Blade or Ghost Rider movie would fly over there.
fucking hyped bros
Where did you get these shots? Is there a trailer I didn't see?
Ok, thx user.
trailer coming tomorrow
somehow this account got ahold of this low quality preview
who cares, i just hope its not shit. I literally don't understand how Aquaman reached a billion, it was such an uneven mess.
there's also this one
this pic seems weird the kid is probably like 8 at most. why is she pointing at a poster likes she's 3-4 yr thats enamored by it?
There's TONS of interest, faggot
You're an uneven mess
She's actually trying to keep it from falling down, user. Context is everything.
What time tomorrow?
they didn't say
My guess its manufactured (disney or some parents that want marvel to succeed) or she is just bored.
Sometimes these window stickers have a rough texture and the girl got bored and touched to feel it.
I think its later one, becaue the girl just starres at Marvels boobies, where she touches it. She just is curious how the texture of the print is rough or small dots.
Wait, so you're telling me that parents take photos of their children in ways to make it seem like the child is more intelligent than they really are?
No they dont. They take pictures to get clicks or validation on fb or yt.
Otherwise you wouldnt get these ylyl or kids fail youtube clips.
>Otherwise you wouldnt get these ylyl or kids fail youtube clips.
We both know that's the best the child will ever do.
She's presenting user, that means she is waiting to get fucked
The whole prohibition on skeletons or depictions of an afterlife isn't as big of a deal as people often make it out to be in the West. For instance, Coco got a Chinese release despite being full of spoopy skellingtons and ghosts.
There's this whole narrative going around that r63 Ghostbusters got banned due to it being about ghosts, but it was honestly banned more due to it being a movie the Chinese market was unlikely to find attractive. So why bother wasting an import quota slot on it? When it comes to female actresses Chinese audiences are all about the slim pale traditional beauties. Nobody wants to see a hamplanet, a gorilla, and a pair of loud brash lesbians onscreen for like 2 hours.
I think more important than the actresses, its just a comedy. Comedies are usually much more specific to the region, its why you'll see samurai movies remade or kung fu movies, but you don't see China's comedies getting ported over that often.
Americans aren't going to find chinese humor entertaining, and Chinese won't find America's humor entertaining, so it would be a flop and they know it.
That is a good point as well.
...although given the box office results I don't think many people anywhere found r63 Ghostbuster's humor entertaining.
The captain Marvel photo came from a user on Reddit that was an obvious shill. An account with two posts acumulated karma and posted the Picture and boosted it
That's also fair, I mean I'm sure ghost busters in specific had a lot of reasons it didn't get imported.
But things like super hero movies usually will just because they are brain dead entertainment, you wouldn't even need to sub/dub it and people still understand and enjoy it.
Comedies you actually need to understand why people find it funny, and I get the feeling that China isn't going to find modern humor of
Thank you.
Define shill? A company shill or just an "agenda" shill.
Stupid DC. How dare they not have any female superheroes to fight the patriarchy!
Aparently company, only 3 posts, 2 about food and suddenly that long Capt marvel post with karma boost
DC has so many popular female characters that they could have several teams of them, separated by tone, afinity and similarity.
Good idea. Female Furies movie when? I want them to adapt the current series.
Does it make you a pedo if you want to see him in erotic situations?
Even with Endgame coming Shazam still gets 3 weekends and that's where movies get most of their money. Domestically about 80% at least. I'm going to say at least 600
>Explain how it's gonna get anywhere near that with Captain Marvel coming right before it
A month before isn't right near anything when it comes to movies. Disney is releasing Dumbo closer to Captain Marvel than Shazam
>benefited from a lack of competition
>Thinks back to Wonder Woman and Aquaman
Fuck me the revisionism is real. Even Justice League faced more competition with it being between Ragnarok and Coco both of which were much closer to it's release than CM or Endgame are to Shazam
>while DCEU movies start low but make it up with really long legs.
Only Aquaman and Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman didn't even open that low either
US is also coming on 22nd and that seems to be getting people pretty hyped
Of course it's an R-rated horror film so probably won't affect much, but still
That would be more damaging to Captain Marvel
I know
$ 500-600mil. world wide
I've unironically enjoyed this 6 seconds more than every trailer or spot for Captain Marvel
This fixation with the competition makes me think you won't even be watching Shazam in the end and you just want to make a point against Captain Marvel. Sad!
No I'll 100% watch Shazam. It looks fun
>I think $500 million is a realistic goal
The absolute bottom would be $125M domestic, $300M world wide, since I do think it will skewer more popular in some foreign markets.
HOWEVER, I doubt it will be THAT low. I think the actual absolute worse it will do is match Antman, or $180M domestic and $500 world wise is also the actual absolute worse.
POSSIBLE is $250/275M domestic and $600/675M worldwide (e.g. MoS money).
OPTIMISTIC (and unlikely due to box office fatigue and price increases for tickets, limiting re-watches) would be $325/800 (matching Suicide Squad, and increasing the foreign due to being allowed in China).
But I have serious doubts for the optimistic prediction above so would bet the possible of $250/$300 domestic North America and $600/$675 world wide.