1. Go to nietzschefamilycircus.com

1. Go to nietzschefamilycircus.com
2. Take a screenshot
3. Post it ITT

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No, thank you.

For you, OP

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My almonds are activated

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Attached: The Nietzsche Family Circus.png (500x448, 27K)

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jsyk the reason this works is because Bil, Jeff and pretty much most one-panel comic artists by habit draw situations first, set them aside, and then a week or two later write a few potential captions for each then choose the best one.
t. former editor of FC caption site who learned this from Jeff himself

This one kinda works.

Jim Davis could have had Jeff "himself" killed the same way we kill billions of microorganisms every time we inhale.
Also this thread is amazing

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Thats actually really interesting. Makes me wonder how much traditional wholesome shit like this is like that.

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>traditional wholesome shit
Bil had a healthy love for blue humor but couldn't integrate that into his own work. Closest he ever came was a pre-FC comic where a GI returning to his family at the dinner table is apologizing to his fainted mother and saying "But that's what we always called creamed chipped beef on toast!" (i.e. shit on a shingle)
Ziggy is an example of single panel strips where it's obvious the gag was worked out before it was drawn but the single panel comics in magazines like The New Yorker follow the rule of draw situation first, caption later. Bil Keane knew about Dysfunctional Family Circus and didn't want to intervene but King forced his hand and he ended up calling Greg "Spinnwebe" Galcik directly to politely ask him to stop. Turns out they both went to the same high school.
I ran an offshool submission site for the old DFC regulars named "Psycho Cirkus" and some idiot there made a reference to Fark, I became a Farker for a few years and then someone on Fark made a reference to Yea Forums which is how I got here.

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