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Other urls found in this thread:

>anything into SAO

100,000 tvs just changed the channel

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>kittytoe cant even one-shot the goblinos like he would in any other game

It's like the batshit logic in RPG sequels where the protagonist has to reset and learn every skill from the beginning all over again

Best girl

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i guess he got ahead of himself


fuck waifus

Tomoko, it's not nice to make fun of fellow autists.


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well, that's it, that's our story. yugioh's dead, goodnight!

Attached: goodnight.jpg (640x360, 27K)

>Only 2 more weeks

Attached: DarlingNeighboringHectorsdolphin-size_restricted.gif (500x281, 1.04M)

>Letting them go.

>My name's KittyToe!

Will Toonami ever reach the same heights of Akame Ga Kill into Sword Art Online

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>#4 again
The Toonami drinking game got to you huh?


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Looks like Yugioh's heading to the Shadow Realm.

>Go back to your fucking niggertowns you shitskins!!!

Woah Kirito

>Letting them live

>he came to save you, not Alice
Alice BTFO

I've felt crummy all day and could really use a hug.

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Damn, I was hoping we'd get it tonight.

Hows it goin guys?

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>>"I'm sure to win because my speed is superior": The Anime
Boy this sure is exciting

That is a problem with a lot of sequels...
Is why I wish more series would have a generational time-line.

Makes some sense if you're playing as a new character, learning the ropes again.

But, Beater-boy got his skills clones into like three completely different games. Its about time he had to skill back up now that he's on his 4th.

guilt tripping the bitch huh

>Level 9999 goblin chief
>Ah yess, but I am fast despite being in a child's body and only level 1
I hate this shit so much I want to RAGE

>The image of Quagmire having to use extra lube to plug his dad's neovag is now in your mind

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>this isn't a Shadows of Mordor anime so a bigger goblin won't take that fucker's place

it's cause unlike other SAO stories, he didn't get to import a character with bullshit stats for no reason

he also doesn't have access to bullshit skills that nobody else can use

he's basically just a kind of low tier swordsman in this world who struggles to fight goblins

>Post characters you want to see sword fight Kirito
I would also love to see Kirito fight Aku

Attached: Samurai Jack Scotsman Magic Runes.png (790x600, 497K)

>DeMarco thought this show was a good idea

Meanwhile Mob S2 is killing it

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 100 (of 131)
11:30 Boruto 21 (of -)
12:00 My Hero Academia 39 (of 64)
12:30 Sword Art Online: Alicization 4 (of 18)
1:00 Megalobox 10 (of 13)
1:30 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 25 (of 39)
2:00 Black Clover 59 (of --)
2:30 Hunter X Hunter 132 (out of 148)
3:00 Naruto Shitpuden 239 (of 500)
3:30 Attack On Titan 13 (of 12)
Week 353 of Toonami

>Ratings for 2/17
11:00 DB:Super: 784,000
11:30 Boruto: 513,000
12:00 My Hero: 484,000
12:30 Sword Art Online: 363,000
1:00 Megalobox: 339,000
1:30 JoJo: 337,000
2:00 Black Clover: 316,000
2:30 Hunter: 234,000
3:00 Naruto: 260,000
3:30 AoT: 201,000

You think well go right into season 5?

You think well get a season 6 simuldub!?

The BGM is nice and epic-sounding though.

Time is of the essence guys. You can have this cute little chat while you're healing him.

Fucking really?


>make sure this kills me
>she smiles

Here's your harem, bro.
What is your next step?

Attached: Alicization.jpg (4183x5921, 3.75M)

So in the original Japanese, are the "spells" in English to make it seem more exotic?

based Cee lo

You ever taken a really big shit? Big enough to hurt? It's a lot like that, except a lot worse and usually in a vital organ.

I feel you bro, im watch this shit too

Reminder that best girl returned in the LN

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Idk why everyone liked that show. It was awful. Corny. Everyone dying was the best part of it. Unironically worst than black clover

I think the inevitable Attack on Shitan into SAO or reverse will be pretty similar. Unless the second half of AOT is actually good.

Incest saves the day yet again

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>ANOTHER love interest

>Life drain
Is she a lich?

Technically 40k Orks and 40k Goblins are variations of the same species.

Attached: The Hunt for the Red Orktober.png (764x1076, 301K)

there he is

>But, Beater-boy got his skills clones into like three completely different games
He has the skills, but not stats. The stats in this game are completely different. So he can use his fancy sword moves but the power behind them is pathetic since he hasn't done any grinding to up his stats.


Attached: Kermit Scream.gif (216x150, 1.98M)

>played a necromancer in many online games
>life transfer
this shit aint churchy, any of them know a lifetap spell to heal themselves after that shit?

stop hurting my feelings, bro.

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UNSPEAKABLE EVIL versus Beater...

Yeah, that's a fight for the books... MY BOOKS!

Until this shit is over, have something SAO related that's actually good

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What the fuck is this porn dialogue


If you die in VR, do you get a harem?

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>"Can you keep going?"
>"Yeah don't stop"

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Finally something fucking happened.

Can't wait for the Units version with based Tommy.

And they all died, the end.

Get a better harem

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>When you have no monsters and your opponent attacks your Lifepoints directly

The badness and corniness made it funny.


He'd purge him

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DLC content costs extra.

post more Beartiger

Fuck them, build up a clan, and run a trading post.

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Kind of. Spells are essentially console commands.


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>Digimon will never get a Live Action movie
Why do people hate it guys?

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When does the tree die though

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Isn't he fucking married?

Sauce wishes he was as based as Gentle.

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My thoughts exactly.

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With thighs like these? Of course

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Is this a beyblade reference

that goblin would be like level 20 in WoW terms

Kirito is just really weak in this story

you see just how weak he is once he starts training to be an integrity knight later

What is this image in reference to?

>I TOO spent a hellish time in a kittytoe alarm clock
>but despite our shared torment I must still DESTROY YOU

Attached: Aku See You.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

Back from my walk. Did Kitty Toe get raped by the goblins?

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Next we've got Big Data with Dangerous.
I really like the groove of this song. The bass really drives the whole thing, the song's built on its back, and it's a damn good lick. Funny video too. Love the way it synchs with the beat drop moments. Again, motion to music, it's effective. Song's got a surreal kinda sound to it in a way, fits the content pretty well.

Anyway, give it a shot, see what you think.

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Samurai Jack vs Jei
Who wins?

Where's my wife?

I aim to please

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So she can remove clothes, spawn tanks and edit physical attributes and statuses? In a game with sex mechanics? Nice.

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Can a necromancer use lifedrain on plantlife?

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I fucking love RBF.

Best girl can make arms to give the best hugs in the world.

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Best girl and my wife

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You agree with me. I like you. Wanna come over? I got kool aid.

>goblins are lying in a pool of their own refuse

You had one job

If God gives you a shitty harem, FIND A NEW GOD!

Attached: Different Interpretations of God.jpg (512x640, 81K)

Most console commands are in English, even in systems designed for other language users. Most programming languages also don't have good support for unicode in source files.

Digimon is ugly, Pokemon is cute. They cannot co-exist one must suffer.

Because, its just not good.
It started off as tachigami that you could make fight to the death.
Then it was an alright anime at the same time as pokemon became super popular. And it never managed to escape that shadow.

Sort of.

you can't marry a corpse user

Pic related or Terra/LW

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They are in English because they are essentially computer commands.

So if this is an actual game, or at least a concept of one, the idea is that when you start a new game, the game injects an entire childhood worth of memories/experiences into your brain so you can follow the plot as an integral part of the main character group


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Anything with that much bass is fine in my book.

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yes, some of them even had plant only spells with high damage/mp spent ratios

This OP was "alright" when I first heard then, then when they pulled the twist with it, it became my favorite.
>All the seemingly random things with the animation suddenly make sense
>The last elongated note right before final "Greeeat daaays"
It was so good. Though *maybe* Fighting Gold is my favorite one now.

are not*

Is that KFC Robocop commercial a multilayered joke or are they that fucking tone deaf?

He might be able to hold on until Miyuverse Shirou activates UBW.

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Forgotten on the back of a giant elephant a million episodes ago.

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Just wait a bit nigga. All in due time.

Basically in that Gun SAO, the japs got bootyblasted so hard by based USA that they split the servers so that big american penis couldn't kaiju them anymore.

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>go and stay go

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Jack. Debatable if his blade would put him down for good though since he is apparently still around after getting defeated by a similar divine blade

Yes. Many times.

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Are you ready for Lime Pussy when Super returns?

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the only thing I know is that I gained 15lb since the spicy bowl was released. im glad my toilet is inanimate.

He could whoop his ass with just the Z saber.

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>I guess I dreamed it

KittyToe you're such an idiot.

Do they have eggs?

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This tree's gonna get it.

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It's not a game, it's a simulator.

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He is Goblin Slayer, not Goblin Coroner

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Back at it again with the tree

>stand back
every fucking cliche in the book

>buy 60 dollar game
>100 dollar dlc
>reduces my titties physics

Fuck SAO, I ain't buying another one of these fuckers. SAO is dead!

Can I come back as an Necro soldier?

I want a majestic harem, with hookers and blackjack.

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Strong girls are my weakness

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Now he's back to fighting the tree. Remind me why SAO exists again.

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This is making me mad now

oh shit they leveled up and now they can wield the weapon they discovered the other day

fuckyeah its like im really watching the warcrafts

FSN Saber
Kaoru or Kenshin from Ruroni Kenshin

Would i have thought this shit was cool when i was 14?

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>Wanting a live action movie
After Tri, I wouldn't trust Japan to do it properly. And I sure as hell would never trust Hollywood to make an enjoyable adaptation.

You're real cute.

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Did that screencap came from this show?

What're we drinkin' boys?!


>Getting mortally wounded by that goblin made me strong enough to hold this sword

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Cutting a tree with a sword doesn't seem like a good idea. I didn't watch the other episodes of this redpill me on the plot and this blonde dude.

Strong girls are best girls

We're reaching Rick and Morty levels of brain fuckery.

>your woodcutting level will never be high enough to cut trees with a sword

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Then stop watching. Go outside. Get a life.

>Will you teach me to use a sword?
I know there's more to using a sword than just swinging it around, but it's still funny

Fuck I'll take 30 minute recap over this

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That's one thicc tree.

Why doesn't anyone become an Axeman? Or Polearm Man? Swords weren't even that great of weaponry in medieval times.

Attached: A Sword You Can Count On.jpg (765x1024, 241K)

It's an altered version of that fishing episode in season 1.

Why the....the fuck? SWORDS CANT DO THAT

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Probably. And you would wish every night that you could be a badass like Kirito and that VR MMOs were real.

>Putting this much investment into the first NPC you came across
I'm sure there's plenty of better options out there

The pain is almost over. Suffer with us a little while longer.

What’s your sword style called? My is xxxDeathxxx

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Does Kirito really "know" anything?
Back in SAO, they basically said that the game does most of the actual movement automatically for the player. Unless they are pushing some kind of muscle memory shit with him


Attached: SAO.jpg (679x909, 159K)

What the absolute fuck are these replies? Are YOU robots?! Am I robots?!

Or better yet the deadly repeating assault hammer!
>doesn't come silenced or suppressed

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They were in a party, so EXP was shared.

>I'll teach you every thing I know
>"alright so you just swing it and swing it hard"

For the next one we've got one that was probably overplayed on the radio back when it was new, but looking back on it now there was good reason for it. Here's Jet with Are You Gonna Be My Girl.
Gotta love that slingin', swingin' kinda rock. I can dig their beatnik hippie douchebag style, too. Cool drums, nice simple but effective and well-applied guitar, it's a real good head-bobber of a tune. Get those hips a-swayin and that head a-rockin' and have some fun with it!

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Iowa is my favorite boatslut and best girl!

Saratoga and gambler bay are good girls as well

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Isn't everything Kirito knows about wielding a sword just his mediocre abilities as a kendoka combined with built-in skills that are for some reason included in this game despite it having drastically different programming?

you mean that awful game you were stuck in that took years of your life and murdered many people, including several you were particularly close to?


>redpill me on the plot and this blonde dude
Nothing has been explained yet.

Everything about this show makes me sad for all the wrong reasons

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>Naming your sword style after the MMO that almost killed you and most likely left you with permanent mental scars

This is so fucking stupid.


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>Training has no dialogue because the writer doesn't actually know anything about swordsmanship

>Not yelling timber
it's like they wanted some random person to die

Damn got my hopes up it was from this episode because I wanted a good laugh.

Why does everyone yell so strangely when they swing a sword in this show?

I allready forgot, why did they need to cut that tree down?

>An hour special and 3 episodes to cut down a fucking tree.

haha this is gay af

So are they in trouble for cutting it down?




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>falls the opposite direction

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Count the rings!


Does Kiritoe actually have get effected by long term effects for once?

Would you rather be isekaied to a world with horny elves or horny goblins? Not all elves are female and not all goblins are male.

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so how many houses can you build with that tree?
how many winters can one survive with that much firewood?

The sword is the penis, a tool of penetration.

Kirito can't fucking win against my boy Rean the Cold Steel.

Attached: Rean_Schwarzer_S-Craft_(Sen_III).png (600x519, 258K)

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he'll teach him to be a beater

I wish the Symphonia anime was good.


It's anime, so yes.
>Am I robots?!
I doubt you are more than one robot.
Also, not sure about the first, but the second was a reference that you just didn't get.

I mean, his sister is a national-class kendo champion, Kirito himself isn't necessarily mediocre as he is overly fucking flashy and lazy when he's not grinding or going all emotional for a real fight.

>2006 was 13 years ago

Attached: im old.jpg (1500x1224, 643K)

>What do the tree and Eugeo have in common this week?
>They were cut down in their prime!


Attached: 1379442.gif (320x240, 1.45M)

Yes until his waifu shows up.

That poor tree was thousands of years old

Attached: Dead Goblins.png (500x522, 187K)

Somehow Kayaba's Nervgear really did implant the sword skills into the muscle memories of the players.

And yet you post the mighty Stabicus?
The reality is something along the lines of nobles used swords, and fighting with them is aesthetic.
As well as the fact that most game systems don't model the advantages of things like polearms.

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It was evil and doing some evil thing that we never saw.

>legendary sword used by the mightiest knights of the land
>some kid from bumfuck nowhere can use it after one fight with pushover goblins

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Put the tree on the wall.

Attached: 1491108374447.gif (500x375, 483K)

It was oppressing their lgbt community

>for the past 6 years I've been waiting for you to cum


>Unless they are pushing some kind of muscle memory shit with him
There's this, but sword skills are basically special moves in a fighting game. You still need movement, normal attacks, guarding, etc.

Tigtone would have gotten that tree cut down by the end of the first ep

These anime "adventurers" bah. I bet they've never completed a REAL quest!

Attached: Tigtone.png (1296x834, 1.52M)

I do think it's funny, but I think Kirito's autism is so great that he doesn't think that badly of it. He'd say it's how he met Asuna and all that crap. Plus he kinda prefers being trapped in VR to dealing with real life anyway.

So what happened in this episode? I took a nap.

Wait the tree is dead now? I was busy dealing with a kot.

Yep, definitely driven more than a few times to this tune. Not a favorite but I won't be changing the station.

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god this fucking music

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welp, put that tree up on the wall

Seriously, what is SAO any more?

Elves probably
Elf females (male) are cute

Are the horny male elves gay?

The tree is Sandwich tier right now

What was the point of the tree again?

I can't Yugioh is fucking dead.

Damn bitch get off of Alice's Jock.

Thank you for reminding me Jet were a thing. Hard to believe they're pretty much forgotten now as much as they were played back then

So I'm confused because I haven't been paying attention.

Is Kittytoe trapped in another video game, only this time he has amnesia so he thinks it's all real, and all of these shits are just NPCs?

Yup. Eugeo cut it down with the sword.

Depends on how hot the elves or goblins are and the world in general

Sachi is dead and forgotten

How can Kitty Toe be so good with women? Why can't I get a girlfriend.

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How do you feel about tall women?

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Will Toonami survive long enough for us to get Lupin Part V

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-23-22h24m48s215.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)


Ancient weapons like that are kinda like the zanpakuto from Bleach. The basic versions are just really nice, sturdy swords, but their real power has to be released by powerful users. They even have bankai sort of.

It wanted to destroy the world and take the power of the void for itself.

an isekai

Why was it a demon tree?

Attached: 1513210507447.jpg (600x599, 45K)

It drained the nutrients of that whole region making it impossible to expand village

Are they cute male elves? Cause traps are okay with me.

Giant tree sucks all the nutrients up, once they cut it down, they can farm around the place.

speaking of special skills, that was some real bullshit that Kirito would somehow know that sonic blade special move shit

>not gay

Attached: I am Captain Chaos.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

it was draining all the life from the surrounding area which prevented them from farming

Attached: LWA pose.jpg (850x928, 86K)

Did you not enjoy the Kratos show, were you not entertained?

Regal intro was fucking amazing though.

Yeah duh.

The sword style of the selfish and one with Stockholm syndrome

This will save the ratings.

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AI Training Program fought over by the Japs, Americans, and Koreans.

Try being more comatose?

I choose: bandit!

Tigtone would have found a way to make the tree cut down itself.

Nah, sorry. I've already got plans to watch chinese cartoons with a bunch of guys online tonight.

Oh you can just change your calling? Can I get Pussy slayer as my calling.

It burned their crops, Poisoned their water supply and brought a plague onto their houses!

he missed his chance to be the royal vagina inspector

If you think of Eugeo as the heroine of a shoujo manga, things make a lot more sense.

Probably not, But id watch it anyways

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I don't think they mention it in the anime, but the village chiefs were legitimately considering punishing them by being 300 years too early in finishing their task. Society is fucked.

Have all the women in your life be written by a manga author

It's a threshold guardian in the classic hero's journey nomenclature.

I want to put my penis in them.

I got it,I was just havin a laff

Why do they think Alice is alive?
I hope they find her in a rape dungeon or something

I really should watch this show already

If I can just walk into her pussy I might be a bit concerned.

If only

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Which one is the main character, again?

Tigtone would conquer all of SAO's mmo games in a episode

I mean that became obvious when he signed up for a program that alters his brain and suppresses his conscious awareness of how it's altering his brain. That's suicidally reckless.

Become like him and maybe you'll succeed.

Attached: nezumi question mark.jpg (454x490, 32K)

Why did they make the AI training program a bad muhmorpahgur?

But there was a whole forest...?

>just make sure the three of you come back
stay cool

If she wears invisible panties then does she also wear an invisible bra?

That's the thing about this arc, Eugeo sort of forces Kirito to share the spotlight.

They got all the quest XP from clearing the goblin raid to themselves.

>I can't stop you.
Literally just give up some puss and Yugioh will do whatever you want. He's such a fucking incel.

>somehow know that sonic blade special move shit
It's literally all stuff from the original SAO.


Kirito, Yugioh isn't real.

Her name is in the title



Maybe it's a picky eater and really like subsistence and cash crops.

Konosuba is a 10/10

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There's going to be a lot of gay sex on this adventure, huh?

The tree. It's going to get reincarnated as a hero and save the world from the demon lord

Yeah, this is the top of my wishlist for the new shows.

This show never ceases to be painful. Half an hour to cut down a fucking tree. Even the goblin slayer conclusion was weak. POST YOUR REACTION TO SURVIVING THIS WEEK'S EPISODE OF SHIT ART ONLINE!

We're all gonna make it...

Attached: kermit disgust.jpg (174x167, 15K)

>tfw Tigtone isn't the protagonist of SAO

would be 100X more enjoyable. It's fun imagining how he'd overcome the problems throughout the series

I have a thing for them.
>Robin is 6'2"
Taller than most women, though definitely not a giant by any means. Still incredibly huggable.

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If someone went back in time to stop SAO from being a thing would the world be a better place?

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Demarco hates fun things

Nobody wears bras over there.

Its not supposed to be. The idea is its a virtual world to grow AIs in so that they can do the cool shit for you later. Its really just a test bed right now anyways. Its all very very contrived bullshit.


We Monster Musume now?

Attached: 5578815-cathyl's_cowbra.png (839x704, 473K)

Why do they recycle the OP of a good show for this snoozefest?

The interesting one

tfw no nun loli

Attached: [Yurerutikuwabu (Sumiyao)] Botebara Haramase Goudou.jpg (1280x1829, 545K)

Thought that was Pearl from the thumbnail.
Though, I wouldn't mind watching her fight Kirito either.

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It gets more complicated than that.

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Attached: look at she go.webm (258x144, 998K)

>SAO into Megalo

Attached: smile.jpg (1440x1080, 236K)

>Naming your sword style after the game where your girlfriend got molested

Well, it'll definitely give him motivation during a fight.

And one fight with pushover goblins gives them enough power to use the sword to solo the tree that people have been chopping for 300 years?

Is phoneposting fucking up for anybody else

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Yeah. That scene in the Imperial Gardens where he talked about there being no big difference between VR and IRL was very illuminating as to his psyche, and I'd venture to say that of Kawahara as well.


That's really stupid.

It seems more like, if you finish your calling early enough you get to pick another so you still have something to work towards instead of being complacent with your current self for most of your life.

It's already dubbed so if you care about that you can watch all of s1

I will say that the sword fighting animation was cool but that’s because it was a bit more realistic than xxxKirito2swordxxx style

Fucking ridiculous how much overlap he gets through all these VR games. I understand from a story view that you can't have your character waste time every new adventure grinding his level back up to relevancy, but he's just such a fucking beater

They only brought one sword? Why didn't they grab an extra one from the cave of loot?

We could all be getting better at fighting games right now.

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No I was talking about in general, shouldn't a necromancer be able to drain the life from vegetation to heal?

I can dig them

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>Sao into Megalomart

Attached: 1522071655833.png (345x345, 193K)

At least things will be good from here on out in SAO right?


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Finally let's round it off with something a good buddy of mine showed me the other day. Here's Energy by Fire Tiger.
Try not to let the sheer 80s of it all blow you away. Keep in mind this was made in the mid 2010's - video was posted in 2011 and their 10-song vinyl album came out in 2014. So goddamn. I will absolutely be looking for more from them - they came out with an album in 2018 too, so I'll look that up later.

But damn, this is some finely crafted pop rock. I gotta love that sparkly neon interlude with the synth piano. Like man, the more I listen, the more I watch, the more I love it. It sounds like it comes from the Transformers animated movie's soundtrack, but that just makes it so goddamn awesome. I love it enough to distract me from all the randos that show up in the background wondering what the hell this woman's doing and whether or not she got a permit to film any of this. That's just great.

Hope you guys have enough energy to make it through the night, and if not before, I hope you do now! As for us, we'll be around as usual, but we're done until next week. See you guys then! Deep Space Radio, signing off!

And to that user who requested the torture dance, I'm not entirely sure it's a real full song?

Attached: dj_sona___league_of_legends_by_yuse_art-d8kdc7u.jpg (926x862, 228K)

This episode was actually an improvement

i remember this doujin

My biggest concern is that without SAO we wouldn't get Log Horizon books or at the very least, they never would get translated or adapted into an anime as the Isekai genre wouldn't be nearly as popular.

>The interesting one

So the show doesn't have a main character?

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-12-05-00h36m10s933_pan.png (1920x1880, 2.64M)

I would unironically watch that over SAO.

Because Kirito can only wield two swords. Haha, get it? rip Yugioh

Black Clovers story.

SAO's animation.

Would it be perfect?

No...we need a shield hero.

I have seen worse.

Attached: 1549172346387.png (311x321, 190K)

>megalobox into jojo into black clover
yes tom, this IS the main event

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I see you have good taste user

You either need to stop .hack or runescape from existing to stop SAO.

Nice, it'll be top of my list now

Attached: 51393364_p0.jpg (2236x3264, 1.62M)

So to continue comparing it to Rick and Morty, it's not so much a game of Roy as it is a Microverse Battery

It didn't really require that much power. It will become apparent just how weak they are in the next few episodes. There's probably hundreds of people alive who could have cut that tree down instantly, but they didn't bother to send anybody to the village to do it.

Well, he doesn't think it's all real, but he does have a bit of amnesia.

He is trapped inside a game, so he can't log out of it.

He has a bit of amnesia, he knows it's a VR world, but doesn't remember how or when he got plugged into it, though he has a good guess.

Everyone around him is an NPC.

/tabletposting/ through clover dev.

>Touch the cow.
Why yes.
Polt still best doggo, tied for best girl with Tio and Snek


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>into black clover
ummm, sweetie...

It was this giant gorilla's birthday yesterday, say something nice about him.

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>Not sure if it's a real song

One google search is all it would have taken

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Because there was just the one sword. Or Kirito's sword that I think he took from that one asshole is just better than any other swords there aside from the super blue one they already had.

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Time for the main event!

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Yes, considering is taboo to go near the dark territory, getting that exp is difficult

Japan is so clueless about western religion. They keep thinking it's about loli slut nuns, but the actual church is all about raping little boys

shit is so boring that there's nothing to poke fun at anymore

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No? Black Clover's story is literally the weakest aspect about it.

Love 'em. Can't get enough of 'em.

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The fisticuffs are upon us.

Not entirely my style but I could groove to it. Thanks for the early tunes tonight, Mr. DJ. Peace.

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Its pretty boring. Things get a little rapey then we climb a tower literally on the outside and then things get a little rapey again. I need to watch this weeks episode and see what happens after Yugioh got mindfucked and fucked the wannabe goddess.

nun lolis are the best

we /box/ nao

Attached: AjagbaHarper.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Time for Megaloboxing

Attached: hurr durr.gif (645x773, 41K)

Not that user, but if you mean the Torture Dance from Vento Aureo, it's the song P Control by Prince.
The anime basically redid it to avoid copyright.

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i'll be honest, i'm pretty fucked up right now

Man I want to see how Tigtone would deal with the whole series

>That one fairy fag flees from the game to the parking lot
>Tigtone shoots a nearby car with a bow and arrow which causes it to explode (because Tigtone) and take the foe down

But is the dub good?

I see.

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No, you have to finish your calling to pick another one. So you’re fucked for life if your calling is farming or something else that has no end.

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That's a nice tree you have there

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>SAO to Megalo

Attached: 1550812819079.gif (1024x1024, 665K)

Not the user who made the request, but apparently the torture dance song was based off of P Control by Prince, so there's that. Thanks for the tunes as always.


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>impregnating an ovulating sister by raping her while she sleeps

what does this mean?

True, but fighters aren't my cup of tea. They're fun to screw around in with friends, but eh.

I'm more of an RPG person. Tabletop and vidya.

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Yes. Basically. Eventually America and other countries get involved because they all want the tech for military purposes.
Now why the fucking AI world simulator has all of SAO's skills in it is fucking nonsensical bullshit since I don't even think this software came from the damn seed thing used to make all the other shitty MMORPGs that Kirito and harem play which ended up being sort of open source anyways since everyone had access to it.

Who's ready for the main event?

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It would be an improvement.

>megalo snore
Can we get more SAO sword action?

Time for Megalo Box!

Attached: Boxing Gloves.jpg (625x625, 64K)

This will be explained a bit better in time. Please stop freaking out.

The sword is that much better than the axe.

The sword isn't technically heavy, they just couldn't use it earlier because they didn't meet the level restriction for it.

why did he walk out
musta been paid off

time for megalomart

Attached: e22.jpg (960x540, 50K)

Based Pops betraying his student again.

I searched the title you gave me, man, it came up with a 12-minute loop of the scene from the show. Clearly my google-fu is not up to snuff tonight. Sorry.

Ret's Rumble!

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Can scorpions shut their eyes?

>still pissing blood

>pissing blood
I-is that bad?

p. control was a terrible song

>Damn still pissing blood
See a fucking doctor Joe


I'm getting real tired of your shit Pops.

Plants take in CO2 and give off oxygen, people do the opposite.

>allow little farm town to struggle for 300 years because they can't chop down a tree that kills their fields
>immediately show up to kidnap a child the day she accidentally crosses an arbitrary border with a single finger

Lolis or big tats
oppai lolis a shit

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I can't wait for S2 to get on Toonami

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Doesn't pissing blood warrant a trip to the hospital?

The only thing about the dub is that Kazuma is generic sounding instead of eccentriccly done by 2kujun. Other than that the girl's voices are all great if not comparable to the original japanese VAs

I gotta say, I really didn't see this twist coming last week.

I hope you liked the talking cave part, but now with less Sinonass.

>Pissing blood

That's not good. Next you're gonna be nutting blood and then shitting it.

I want them to use me like a dildo

>still pissing blood
It means he's got serious kidney problems and needs to see a goddamn doctor yesterday

Attached: 1531489814865.png (466x515, 282K)

Not with that attitude!

>inb4 he's getting paid to take a fall

How many times does that make?

>eh just pissing blood
Joe is a fucking idiot

Yes. Blood in any place but your veins is bad.

Thanks, DSR! You've outdone yourself coming up with new tunes to surprise us with!

only if you are a man.

>instead of cashing in on my underdog fighter's huge odds, I'll throw the fight for a pittance on the heavily favored champion

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It's totally normal to piss blood.

I'm not really going to disagree.
Just because of the meme, I would have died if the scene used this:

Pretty much. It's the random, arbitrary tyranny of anime villains.

>that ending

what happened to my dear boy

Attached: eric andre it doesnt have to be like this .jpg (404x364, 22K)

>since I don't even think this software came from the damn seed thing used to make all the other shitty MMORPGs
It did. Pretty sure they mention it in the infodump episode, but it's a lot cheaper to use an open source engine when developing a VR world.


Attached: lolibear.gif (542x548, 867K)

Fat tats jack, always bet on tig ol anime biddys

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Not paid enough
His opponent knocked out his last 4 opponents in the first round so he decided he wasn't getting paid enough for that shit.

Being Joe is suffering

Attached: sadness.gif (368x270, 2.5M)

Fuck you

Attached: 1551553479141.png (317x384, 37K)

Joe, I know it's fucked up but they'll literally break our legs and eat us if we can't do this.

Very bad. He needs the get the wiring in his penis engine checked out immediately

I think it might be explained by the SAO guy was originally a serious tech guy in these AI fields and only after going crazy did he get into making games with it to murder people

Fuck you you old shit. FUCK YOU

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There fixers, go for the safe bet.

>Jamieson Price hamming it up as a villain

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I didn't sign up for this.

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Who was in the wrong here?

>we'll never be legit
You're fucking legit now moron
AND you guessed Mikeleo's right straight wrong, so go fuck yourself pops

Shit it was? Its hard to keep all this bullshit straight.

big tiddies

Attached: Momo .jpg (750x1000, 122K)

I mean it would be an improvement over BC and SAO

it still wouldn't be "good" but it would be better than either of those


I'm not interested in flat chests.

Attached: Best Canon.png (976x1220, 1.53M)

What did Nanbu think was going to happen?

holy shit what a soundtrack

Goddamn this music tho

Seriously, where are the doujins of this kid?

Attached: 56144649_p0.jpg (1666x1666, 2.22M)

All of them

A lot! At least he didn't hold Joe down during a terrorist bombing yet.

this is so fucking funny

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This is some damn good ost.

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not even a contest

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it's Fujimaki time

Actual earned drama, thanks Joe.

Only the best for me.

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Subtitles? On my Toonami?

you post this every week

I must at least admire your determination

Why won't that pussy just drive off the cliff for real already?

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Yes thank you for the taco translation.

It was straight up lit.

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why the fuck is this mob guy so imposing

Momo has some nice momos

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>Can't do subtitles instead of dubs
>But can do subtitles within dubs

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big bellies

Like we're honestly expected to believe Japan was going to use all that computing power to run those AIs for purely humanitarian reasons.

This samari champloon quality OST

Bros...we were going to the top but now things are getting heavy.

Everyone but more so pops for not being straight after all the shit thats happened so far.

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Suddenly spanish.

I miss Mind Games

Cutest couple in the whole Tales series.

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>I am beloved by the night.

Attached: 1361774-walter.jpg (560x640, 49K)

Joe? It was Joe refusing to throw a fight that started all this, and then pops' gamble to keep them from being turned into soup involved him throwing a fight in the big leagues. Joe landed them in this situation to begin with. If it wasn't for pops they'd be dead right now.

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-11-26-18h00m37s467.png (1920x1090, 1.28M)

fuck this piece of shit bastard

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wow the detail in this anime is amazing, is it watanabae?

Got any more of her?

Fun fact, the Spanish and English were in the Japanese dub too. And the English was actually fluent.

Why doesn't Joe just punch the mob guy?

Attached: Megalo Box Joe 1.jpg (940x492, 53K)

It's only a few lines of dialogue so it's ok

Because he doesn't need to yell, raise his voice, or cease smiling. He's confident in what he wants.

Fujimaki show up alone A LOT for a mafioso. Does he have a gun on him or he just that confident?

When will you make Sachio into soup?

Attached: 1549764541016.jpg (379x267, 21K)

>he wasn't here April 1st

Attached: no_way_fag.png (181x188, 4K)

he's got goons hanging around most of the time

Japan is also using it for military purposes.

It's the fucking mob. They're everywhere and you can't escape them. They'll cut your dick off and feed it to some pigs.

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what makes you say that specifically?

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Do you hear that, the sound of thousands of TVs being turned off

He's likely packing.

No, I demand all foreign languages be spoken as English but with horrifically stereotypical accents.


Not at the moment.

Sachio's Sperm Soup

>This show is actually well received
Well shit i wasnt paying attention in the beginning and now i can barely follow whats going on

We will never experience magic like that again.

how does the anime consistently make Perona look ugly? it's amazing

It's just a shame the VA wasn't super-dramatic in the fight. The voice was perfect otherwise.

This nigga is literally saying "I will make you into soup if you fuck up." Hard to get more imposing than that.

Because guns

To be fair, a lot of Americans would understand it. I'm 10+ years out of high school Spanish and I understood it just fine.



Christ pops

lel that would be better

>And the English was actually fluent.
Given how anime english usually is, that was surprising as fuck

Attached: 1537857910155.jpg (724x1024, 109K)

This little shit gonna shank a bitch?


Dumb question: Who is this Shirato person?

>Here, go murder somebody.

>A Knife
Pop christ


Damn this kid is hardcore.

Only way they could top it is a fake dub of kemono friends or a marathon of "Hamtaro Uncut"


>"Go stab her, kid."

>Hand a kid a knife to kill a grown woman


>have a blast kid, do It I dare you

Yeah, but he's literally the fucking boss. Stupid of him to show up in person so often. The next guy in line might even thank him.

I have a feeling they're going to reveal that Shigeo's parents were kidnapped and what he saw was just an illusion or dummies or some shit. The kid burned down his house to draw out Mob and his full power.

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big boss lady

No, because I was nearly dead from a gallbladder infection.

Then the surgeon nicked me in the surgery so I had to have another surgery and recover from that.

The One Piece anime has looked like fucking garbage for about 10 years now. Toonami stopped airing it at the right spot.

>literally bluffing a druggy kid with parental issues to kill the bitch

Kid is a street rat. He can handle it.

Attached: Mind Game.webm (698x274, 77K)

Firm yet fair

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You're suprisingly spot-on. You wouldn't have happened to have read, have you?

Attached: x45.png (768x1024, 289K)

>that title

t-the die is cast?

I believe it but still that scene was fucked. Especially with how light hearted the first half of the episode was!

ADD faggots in these threads cant keep attention unless the show is a shounen but then have teh gall to complain that all demarco ever airs is shounen, not even the first show that this has happened with

Attached: le no budget anime man.jpg (640x526, 99K)

Yes, Sachio, wait until she falls asleep...

>Next SAO is the battle royale episode

Attached: 1542658519256.jpg (376x500, 36K)

>pops is literally setting up a death flag
Oh fuck me. I'm crying tonight, aren't I?

Attached: 1524984831694.jpg (320x320, 31K)

>The DIE is cast
Okay now they're pushing it. That's not even in the right context.


Is Johnny Black going to be in the next ep of SAO?

It's a dark cyberpunk future. Spike Spiegel wants to be the very best, that no one ever was, but he's not a citizen so he's stuck in the junkheaps. Then the champion fights him and Spike gets a boost of motivation. He refuses to throw his fights, getting Fatty in trouble with Thin Tony Soprano. Tony gets Spike an id so he can do real megalo boxing and become the very best, that no one ever was. It's been an uphill struggle since he's not using gear as a gimmick to advance quickly. However, now Tony Soprano wants him to throw and this makes Spike sad.

Attached: Techpriest Consider the Following.png (900x850, 591K)

>Another preview where kittytoe swings a sword

Cold bitch but hot.

Don't worry. They can rebuild you. They have the technology.

Attached: War Scythes how do they even work.jpg (742x1085, 217K)

oh great, it's a fucking Asuna episode next week

these are the worst


Attached: 1540089764483.jpg (397x600, 35K)

>kirito and the gang try to take on the battle Royale market


Did Slott write this episode?


Shirato is the megacorp that invented and profits off Gear and basically built the city. Yukiko is the female head of the company who inherited the controlling share from her grandfather, who founded the company. She and her brother were researchers for the company pursuing two competing types of Gear.

No I haven't, just a guess

>It's a lost art.


Attached: 53922727_p0.jpg (1500x1042, 672K)

You want to not fap for a week? Look up Hematospermia.

Wew boy, so far this episodes been pretty 10/10 so far and that fucking ost


cherami leigh


I don't want the old man to die, you guys.

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Based Johnny will live forever so every new SAO title can start with him randomly ganking Kirito IRL every time in increasingly ridiculous situations

wasn't there a SAO spinoff with a girl in pink?

>Episode Title

Attached: otto.jpg (349x524, 51K)

So is this McGuirk-level parenting advice from Nanbu?

>BR's all gun shit
>No hand to hand combat BRs
well there was one but I think it's dead now. It never really stood a chance.

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If anything, that just makes him scarier. Like logically there's very little stopping Joe from beating Fujimaki to death and dumping him in the river. and yet that's just how confident he is.

Attached: jojo Giorno Zoom.webm (1920x1080, 2.16M)

I'm gonna end up crying if either one of them dies. I don't want this.

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neither do i
but we all know that he's gonna die because thats how kino the show is


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And Salad.
And pic related.

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I hate vaping but these commercials are just terrible.

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Yeah, but it had guns, so faggity man say no.

Not my Tatsumaki

Shouldn't Joe and Pops be pretty rich by now with all the 10-1 fights they've won? Couldn't they just pay the mob guy off?

>death in every bumper
>wolf allegories everywhere
>the old wolf made sure the little wolves are safe by sacrificing a lot
user, i...

Nigga would be good at DDR in the Arcade.

Spinoff of the gun game.

Attached: DbOIAcPVMAAzzCD.jpg large.jpg (787x787, 80K)

I think it should be legal to hunt people who vape in public with harpoon guns but I still find these commercials more obnoxious


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honestly I just want a battle Royale game thats based around sword fighting with some bows and arrows I guess

kinda like Minecraft hunger games

Goddamn right she is

Attached: top of the chain.png (414x475, 393K)

>madame president
drumpf btfo yet again gentlemen

Amazing how much has changed between them and yet so little.

Attached: giogio_v47_151.png (889x1400, 289K)

this fucking ost

>Couldn't they just pay the mob guy off?
You don't pay the mob off, the mob either pays you off or you repay the debt.


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Oh boy.

Didn't SAO bring back Argo despite her completely disappearing like midway through season 1?

I don't know that this look is called, but Toonami needs more of it.


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>That horn version of the theme song
this ost is great


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Aw shit. I'm also really excited to see Yuri fight.

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how long until one piece?


It is? I don't see it.

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Time for the main event


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Can you even bet on yourself?

no because the mob always wants more

Yep and it's way better than Aliciazation.

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Attached: Pepe Spike.png (233x217, 6K)


user, its propaganda. None of it is even remotely true. Because if they relied on the actual truth, they'd never get their way.


Attached: Apu proves he is the superior frog over Pepe.jpg (1024x686, 63K)

Well shit

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Yuri's theme is fucking awesome


who the fuck is Argo?

Will Pepe get his ass kicked?

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Fuck you guys and your shitty meme. I'm going to enjoy this.

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Well that clears things up, thanks
Why isnt Spike Spiegel voiced by steve blum again


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if he doesn`t speak spanish, i`m gonna go into a fit.

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Did someone say...spider?

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So is there any part of Yuri's biological arms left at this point?

Sure was. And it should've been the SAO we got

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Yes. You can't bet on the opponent though.

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Spider spider spider spider, spider spider spider. Spider

Attached: Shut your mouth, pussycat!.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

ESTO ES El FIN spider

>Draw an uppercut
>Call it a hook

Im surprised there arnt any deaths in this game, they putting turbo arms on these guys

Attached: real match.jpg (1280x720, 369K)

It seems like they think Christianity is just Shintoism with an occidental coat of paint and/or the supernatural CIA.