Why do/did american cartoons have such a range of style compared to anime...

Why do/did american cartoons have such a range of style compared to anime? While Anime does have a range it's definitely not as wide or as common to see unique things out of it.

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A lot of anime is based off of manga which is basically a comic, so there tends to be standard proportions in a lot of series just for ease of drawing pages. Also a lot of anime tries to tell longer stories and so may contain pages of monologues and reactions which are hard to draw or take seriously if you have characters that look as stylized as EEnE.

this is a really good question... I have no idea. it may be something worth posing to Yea Forums, but I have a feeling they would just think you were shitposting.

I bet it has something to do with the financial structure of anime. like, studios in the US basically do shows on commission. a studio will pitch a show to Nickelodeon, and if Nick likes it, they will pay the studio to do the show. I don't think that's how they do it, in Japan. I am don't know what the relationship is between studios and carriers is, but I do know that some shows are heavily reliant on merchandise and media tie-ins. like, having a super cute girl character is fucking paramount, or you won't sell any figurines of her. having a really catchy opening song is critical because you will need to sell CD singles. And so on...

Here in the US, you RARELY see merchandise for cartoons. Even very toyetic shows, like Tron: Uprising, from a few years back, get nothing. Go find me some Ed, Edd, n Eddy merch... and that show ran for years.

Especially weird, is the fact that manga styles are all over the map, while anime basically all looks the same. In fact, you can almost always pick out the manga adaptation, because the art style will be weird


Calarts is a trend for several cartoons
The anime style is for every anime

Because otaku control both the fandom AND the majority of the show staff, and the problem with otaku is they're obsessive weirdos who watch pretty much nothing outside of anime and treat that shit like it's a god damn religion, meaning that the creativity pool isn't just small, it's a shriveled cactus in the middle of the Mojave.

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Insectoids lack creativity. The differences in anime characters are no different than the subtle differences in eusocial insects... worker, soldier, drone, larva, unmated and mated queens, etc

aaaaaand this is why Yea Forums would think the question is shitposting. it took only 6 posts to get a racist reply.

Dear dickhead, look through some manga before you talk shit about Japan's creative output. the problem is not with creativity, it is which creative expressions get amplified and broadcast on TV

that's a complicated question, it depends what you mean by style, you see it helps no one to be reductive. I believe that cultular differences implie to some degree that there are animations with unique styles than others. Now we can get into the semanticalities of wester vs asian animation and assume that the very notion of animation itself can be rhetorically whittled to the bere nub of its meaning.

But for real there are also many of anime with different styles just like american cartoons, you just need to look for them. The "sad state" of animation industry as you can see starts with what's popular and sells, nobody tried to make something unique anymore because everything start to cost so much that one failure can prevent you to try make anything ever again.

Jap vidya is super creative, I wonder why.

Why were the 90s and early 2000nds so creative?

American cartoons just jumped on different trends. There was a long time when majority of cartoons were either strictly disney or hanna barbera style. Ren & Stimpy come out and suddenly everyone was designing fucking weird/deliberately ugly characters, then you have the 2000s when everyone started making angular cutout style characters. Now there's a bunch of shows with ugly wiggly line characters, possibly due to adventure time, possibly because of calarts making toonboom the standard.

Basically U.S. jumps on trends while anime usually just iterates.

Most anime are based on manga and manga is run like an assembly line sweatshop where artists have to adhere to a similar style in order to work on various projects and get them done on time. If the artists in the industry had to re-learn a new art style for every single gig, it'd be a fucking strain. It's the same reason why a lot of American comics have a homogenized style. And also of course: What ain't broke.

This translates to anime production where you hire entire studios to work on dozens of projects, whereas in American production, you hire teams to work on specific projects. The former rely on characters basically using the same proportions so they can get those rough animations done incredibly fast while the former has long periods of time to get used to drawing the characters on-model.

There's a reason why when we outsource the animation, the Korean teams either copy the storyboards or trace the models sheets. They don't have the fucking time to learn a dozen different art styles for every single project.

There was a time before that.

Because Westerners only care about either Shonen battle Anime or Moe anime, so only those get imported to the west

Don't believe me? Look at how so many Americans rejected One Piece in the 2000's because of how different its style was from "cool" shonen like Bleach

In recent years some of the more "wacky" anime has became popular among western anime fans

Every capeshit comic is photorealism except for anime rip-off ones
Every cartoon is easy deformation and geometric

Arr rook same

>Every cartoon is easy deformation and geometric
Why not just say "it's all just lines on paper lol"
It's all just flipbook illustrations, why can't they think of something new

Because it actually is
Cartoons are symbolism for kids. No emotions. Thats why most of them are comedies. Full of "funny" symbols that are oversimplified

This is Yea Forums. In 2019. It's surprising for any thread to last that long without a racist reply

Ironically that was the time creators were legitimately made up of calarts alumni

>waah racism

And this is why Yea Forums is called Yea Forumsmblr, because you clearly came here from tumblr

Not either of them, but I was only on tumblr for the porn, so I don't really go there very often anymore, and when I do, it isn't for the sjw blogs.

>not either of them, I just happen to find random page ten threads and bump them

Sure, faggot

>mentioning cal arts...

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>Why do/did american cartoons
>posts a Canadian cartoon

Actually I was and wanted to bump the thread, and figured I'd reply to the last post, but I was still being honest.