why American Comic is so low level? compared by Japanese Manga
Why American Comic is so low level? compared by Japanese Manga
two nukes weren't enough
why language level is so low level?
Because they keep making everything either SJW or edgy.
>/threading your own post
He's right, and there's nothing more to say beyond SJWs screaming "incel" at everyone for the next 500 posts.
American comics aren't as varied and the culture surrounding them is seen as niche, confusing, or for children no matter what strides it has taken in recent years.
>all the basic ass harem mangas
>all the basic ass slice-of-life mangas
>all the poorly done and recycled trash seinens
>trope upon trope upon trope recycled
>the recycled worldbuilding aspects
Western manga/comics have their faults.
because it always focuses on trying to get the attention of people through gimmicks like pandering to agendas, killing off characters, changing their race, etc. instead of just having a good fucking story with actual continuity and good artwork
>/threading your own post again and talking in the third person
Capeshit will always be king in America because
>muh culture
>muh american exceptionalism
>muh jazz
No one here apart from weebs care about school girls doing cute shit
>east vs west
It's not funny anymore, stop it edition
because manga are generally specific linear narratives with a specific beginning, middle, and end, created by singular authors (or, in recent years, commonly the adaptation of another such work ie. a light novel). if they unexpectedly become wildly popular they may be subject to bloat, filler or a marked reduction in pace, but they're still making progress towards an inevitable, pre-defined ending.
in contrast the big western cape comics are 'timeless' expressions of certain concepts, which can never end or meaningfully 'progress'. they are written by an endless procession of different people, who very rarely have anything like 'authorial' control over even their own little self-contained arcs/'runs' (and even if they do it is actually a near-certainty that whatever they may do will probably be eventually countermanded by later writers).
they're just totally different mediums, western comics the far more limited one.
By that logic RPGs and platformes are different mediums, as well as jazz and rap, impressionism and realism, and sci-fi and fantasy
Why haven't they banned Argentina and the surrounding countries yet? You people have contributed literally nothing to culture
>RPGs and platforme(r)s
yeah, basically. 'videogames', 'interactive digital entertainment' is absolutely a uselessly broad 'medium'/'format'. the rest of your examples are retarded and in generally you are an autistic retard.
What is with these ESL weebs and shilling their Chinese cartoons on the wrong board?
>in generally you are an autistic retard.
They're mostly south americans seething that the real america is infinitely more important than they will ever be
It's not. You're just a low weeb that don't bother to know any good comic and probably enjoy mainstream garbage mangas, mostly shonens, that are naruto-like or any of those repetitive troopes.
Ive been to picture attached, beautiful place
Also (((they))) control western animation and it has been purposly made to destroy western civilization
Hence why they use to be shown on saturday when children should be outside learning about the world
Remember when people speculated that BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) would be a thing?
Lmao, BRBRs got left in the dust and India is still trying to potty train their population while claiming that they are a space-faring people.
Nobody gives a fuck about your garbage opinion. Go back to Yea Forums and stay gone, faggot.
Because Nips work outrageous hours.
Honestly why DC/Marvel haven’t outsourced the drawing to japan yet when this is the expected work culture, and pay is like 1/3 that of an American, is beyond me.
Because they only stick to fucking Superheroes all the fucking time.
The Comics Code actually did a whole lot to butcher the diversity of genres in comics, and the sheer amount of moral puritans in the 1900's meant that publishers had to bend a knee or get spanked. By defanging comics, they basically relegated them to being the literary fare of children, and for most of the 1900's, that's all they were or could be, because the code or squeamish publishers would think something was too extreme to include in something that to them was still aimed childward.
Nowadays, the puritans are back, but their boogie man is whatever -ism or -phobia de jeur has them shitting in their pants or pandering.
This never happened in Japan, except for the United States walking in after WW2, seeing all the dicks and pussies, then saying "Nope! Can't have that!" Boom! Censorship and tentacles.
>industry with authors in poor health working on shitty old school business practices
nothing is sacred and flawless user
So low level mangakas reference them in their comics and trace American artists when they draw for Dragonball.
American comics have a really bad content delivery system that essentially operates as an opposite to Japans.
There's less avenues for general publication, and those avenues allow way less genres of work than japanese publications.
The delivery format itself, floppies, is unattractive market bullshit. It's 22 pages of content with 14 pages of ads for $1 less than 250-300 pages of content costs in japan, so it's much more expensive for US readers to get a variety of content and branch out.
Webcomics are the only open avenue in the states and it's a mess of crap. Not even comparable in most cases to the doujin market in japan.
I admire your dedication to falseflagging, including the use of broken English. Enough to get a handful of (you)s from the average sperg who browses here. Keep at it and refine your technique and you'll be making threads that hit the bump limit in a few hours in no time.
Because Japan has cute girls and fanservice, Unlike Murican current prude books, Say anything you want about 90s comic books, But they sold well because they gave the reader Tits, Ass and violence.
This. There are simply not enough diverse audience which interested in different genres, has different tastes and ready to pay.
>Hey it's that trope AGAIN
>That time I went to the manga store and it had an unnecessarily long title because that's funny right please by this
>school girls and panties lmao!
>D E C O M P R E S S I O N
You guys think Morrison could write a comic about tennis and make it fun and interesting to read? Could Bendis write a good cop story set in the real world? Can they write outside of capes. Not trolling or shitposting just wonder, as you all have more experience in their writing styles.
Neil Gaiman can.
Morrison can't.
Bendis can't write at all.
this is the part where i can say that Dynamite has some non-superhero stuff but then i forgot that Dynamite has it's own problems.
fuck you.
not shitposting or trolling, tho.
Why do off topic threads get made here more than any other board?
>manga industry is nearly twice as large as comic books in the US
>manga writers are making new things instead of churning out Soft Reboot #9741 of a crimefighter with an animal gimmick from the 1920s
>manga series typically stay with a single author so it has consistency over its entire lifetime instead of only for a few issues
>low operating cost and little corporate interference allows authors to take more risks
>just making more content overall with a larger potential audience
But hey, at least American comicbooks have nice pretty colors on every page.
I'd gladly go back to newsprint if it meant floppies weren't $4.
Lies, Yea Forums has the most off-topic threads of all boards.
Yea Forums is a highway hub?
>Bendis and Morrison
>writing good comics
Nah but seriously. Style-wise Morrisson couldn't because he relies on larger than life themes, like, all the time. Bendis, on the other hand, can do character-based writing and I could see him doing something down to earth if he wanted. In fact, that's probably exactly what he should do.
This will always be the only true answer.
>filler shit, filler shit, and more filler shit
>entire page of paragraphs, paragraphs, and more paragraphs
>single author means that that's 90% chance that the series will have a shitty portrayal of it's genre, ex. a pirate series that's not even close to actual pirate media like Treasure island or the PotC movies
nothing is flawless, user
>tits and violence woo!
If only I too could be 13 again.
Like it or not, They sold more than the current dyke pandering will ever do.
because we take the bait
>that 1000+ chapter boxing manga that turns out to be a complete waste of everybody's time
Not flawless, just superior. Lessons to be learned, user.
Doesn't make it good.
But it does.
The industry is healthier but the industry also demands good manga go in shitty creative directions 95% of the time.
I take it you're a fan of Sucker Punch then?
Comic fans pros and journos are so delusional that they can be always better than manga and too confident and insular to run business
>single author means that that's 90% chance that the series will have a shitty portrayal of it's genre, ex. a pirate series that's not even close to actual pirate media like Treasure island or the PotC movies
yeah this is getting stupid, tech levels are over the place like Naruto, nothing is consistent whatsoever, everything is character driven it could be in any genre it's entirely interchangeable.
Needs more tits and ass.
>I take it you're a fan of Sucker Punch then?
No wait I should have said those Transformers movies. Those shitty goddamned awful Transformers movies.
>Bendis, on the other hand, can do character-based writing
What fucking drugs are you on?
Every character Bendis has created has been embarrassingly terrible, and even the ones he didn't create all have the same Bendis-style dialogue, which is so far from good that it's a meme.
Being able to do character-based writing means you need to be able to write good characters, and write good dialogue, both of which Bendis fails miserably at.
What i don't understand is why would manga authors come up with an idea that's either interesting, intriguing or decent and combine it with stupid shit.
Everything is fucking highschool
Settings that don't need magic and monsters, has magic and monsters
War theme/story but it's literally pacifist autism/"war is baaaad mmkay"
Fucking powerlevel autism
Fucking teen drama
Fucking villain monologues that sound like linkin park lyrics
what fucking happened to keeping it simple? are they allergic to that shit?
I'm not saying you're wrong exactly but he managed to make Peter Parker's personal life fun to read, if nothing else, back in old Ult. Spider-man. Not profound or anything and nothing he's written been nearly as charming since then but he juggled a nice big cast of supporting characters and it was nice to read.
Lots of manga has an obsessive fixation with being "cool".
I just to say, I would fucking kill for non capshit Western writing to be combined with the best manga art.
>Everything is fucking highschool
This is because of Lucky Star although they were second they solidified it
>Settings that don't need magic and monsters, has magic and monsters
The moe takeover in 2007 came about for three reasons 1 it was stupidly cheap to make 2 it was stupidly successful 3 japs don't like change unless it's absolutely mandatory and anime wasn't doing so hot prior to 2007 but once it came around everyone and everything had to copy it just to stay alive.
So now more than 10 years later, everything has to take place in a school setting, everything has to involve a gimmick in the school, but at least they're moving away from moe it's just sad we don't get adults in these shows anymore and everyone is 15.
Nope, Those movies don't have actual nudity like based manga does.
>they sold well because they gave the reader Tits, Ass and violence
That happens in american comics too.
Not anymore and they are covered so no nipples or bare butts in Murica anymore.
Why don't you read just read shitty boundless comics exclusively
depends on the comic
Yea Forums is the bomb, nigga
it's what I tell you Yea Forums, but you won't listen
can't keep running away from the truth forever, you know?
very stupid post
no it isn't
>Everything is fucking highschool
no one reads comics
Don't even fucking pretend that 70% of manga isn't in high school.
Am I the only who find amusing that most of the shows that Yea Forums holds in such a high regard are heavily inspired by anime? Just look at AtlA, or Teen Titans.
Also, I noticed when people propose their ideas for a new cartoon, 90% of the time it sounds like the premise of a show from the glorious land of the rising sun
I wasn't pulling up an actual statistic you aspie.
I have and still do read manga and I'm able to say it's oversaturated with the high school setting the same way avid fantasy readers can say fantasy books overuse Tolkien-isms. Cliches can be recognized without statistical rigor.
Why does this thread have replies?
so…american comic is so low level compared by Japanese Manga
these are the real reasons
>teen drama
>pussy shytype teenage protagonist
>JRPG autism
the Japanese literally work themselves to death
while American indies e-beg for sandwich money
Based pornaddictposter, you tell em
Anime and Manga pander to lolifags while Cartoons and Comics pander to shotafags, Lolifags have more money that's all.
>Bumping a "ur stuff sucks" thread
This is the most pathetic shit in existence
>bumping this thread
really, dude
everything is recycled bitch. you cannot name any comics that do not "recycle worldbuilding aspects" or involve tropes to some degree.
Tropes are fine but way too many manga have lazily recycled tropes to the point that they don't do any actual writing.
>How do I establish the MC's character
> just state outright that he's an average guy"
>should he ever interact with his parents surely they'd be an important part of his life and shape who he is
>no need for all that just say they're overseas or that they work late
>boy this is a big cast to fill. How do I characterize them all
>Its already done for you. you just need a kuudere a yandere and of course a tsundere!
Have they made a harem anime where it's all yanderes or all tsunderes yet? That's a future FOTM right there.
please leave this place is bad enough as is without you
this is entirely true. personally I think that the manga style makes for better stories but the industry is killer over there. it's much easier not to lose you mind in american sequential art
1. Not all western comics is capeshit
2. Even capeshit has stories that have a beginning, middle and ending. And the fact that another author writes another story has no effect on the quality of one particular story.
And no they are not different mediums you moron.
Eh. I've been far more satisfied more often with western comics. I think there are a lot of common conventions in the manga industry that hurt storytelling overall.