Why do people like his voice? It sounds like generic chad #2145

Why do people like his voice? It sounds like generic chad #2145

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He is generic chad #2145.

I preferred this anakin


>wanting i sound bri'ish maybe nawt realleh

That's why he's liked. Generic chad is a huge improvement over generic virgin from the movies.

I like how he sounds when he gets mad.

i always thought it sounded pretty bad too
barely even see him as Anakin

He's fine, he does well in the dramatic scenes where he's conflicted and sounds like a hero when he needs to.

Settle down, nerd.

He's not going to take your lunch money this time.

Movie Anakin sounds like he’s gonna snap at any moment, kill me, and my body will be found in someone’s attic.

Clone Wars Anakin sounds like a bro who’d I share a drink or two with.

yeah unless you so much as look at padme funny

He sounds more like someone who grew up on Tatooine instead of having that fake british accent.

I'm pretty sure Anakin personally murdered Clone Force 99 in secret well before he officially fell to the Dark Side.

Attached: 6kkLyqF.png (1365x770, 537K)

It serves its purpose without going into movie Anakin territory with the delivery.

Holy shit what season is this? It looks so much better than the S1 garbage and any other 3D show. Like holy shit this is very close to movie quality in terms of graphics.

How much did it cost George to animate an entire season of this?

Is this the same guy from Genndy's Clone Wars?

Final (Ep 20) episode of the fifth season (also the final season that aired on TV) before they aired the last 'season' online.

Each episode cost of TCW cost George roughly >$1 million of his own personal investment.

You really should watch the show

Movie Anakin sounded like he was about to break down crying at any moment

because that is what he was advertised as? new hope obi said he was Chad of Chads until the dark side. Having read and watched a lot of star wars its clear he was just a Reich waiting to happen but at least we have this voice and few other moments that may have fooled somone

Please watch TCW. The first season is rough but it's quality and animation gets better and better every season