Superboy: Skooks/ Superboy terrorizes some school bullies

It's time again for a Superboy on our countdown to the end of this strange low-budget show. Let's get this party started.

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Well well well look what washed up on the shoes of Wilson Lake. A bonafide genuine caveman!

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He must have been frozen in there for millions of years! Since there's no such thing as global warming we should be safe. Still, it's a shame that Walt Disney couldn't invent suspended animation with an animation studio that talented and yet these cavemen (and women) had it mastered long, long ago.

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"He is kind of creepy isn't he, sir?"

"Yes. We can count our blessings he's in there and we're out here and he's in there and the sun's up there and the ground's down there and the mountains are back there and he's in there and etc. etc. etc.

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He's alive! And he heard us talking about him in front of his back!

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Would astonishing luck. Not even any freezer burns. He's been preserved perfectly!

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Well I'm spooked. Let's bounce.

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No no! We don't have a caveman in front of us! Well we do, but he's a caveman of opportunity. If you respond to this post "Yabba Dabba Do!" fruity pebbles and delicious chewable vitamins and push pops will come to you in the near future.

Anyways, we don't need any of those things but I did have an idea for a big crime and I just so happened to need a defrosted caveman to pull it off.

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I was ready to make do with an Australian but this will work better. Luck shines upon us today!

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Dan Didio?!

A flower? Growing on the beach? Here? In a temperate climate? Alone? In the far future?

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Mmmm flower

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Think fast you stinkin Troglodyte!

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I was just enjoying a flower in peace!

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Stupid troglodyte! Too dumb to dodge rocks! Good thing your skull is so thick to protect that brain you're not using!

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(I'm clearly a Cro-Magnon! How did my day go from picking a flower to this?!)

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You'll have to move faster than that to catch me!

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I take back what I said earlier. Your skull isn't nearly as tough as advertised.

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I win! Knocked him the fuck out! Ahahahaha!

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And scene! That's a wrap. Good improv with the rock throwing and banter. You have a gift.

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"Keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't go anywhere or fall asleep. We need him alive for my plan to work. Just treat him nice, ok?"

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I'll treat him like he was my own brudder

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No, I've seen your brother, he has less teeth than you. No, I want you to treat him as though you like him.

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Why do you have this Superboy costume and mask lying around anyways?

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And why are we doing this? Beating up some poor caveman for fun? To make him hate Superboy? Why?

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"You'll see! Take off that costume too! The next time he sees you he won't be able to control himself! Very Pavlovian you see."

"Why did Pavlov want me to cosplay and beat up Superboy?"

"Awww shaddap"

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We're ready to move onto the phase of my plan to steal the military's top secret flying space subterranean drill ship.

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Keep tight, keep your uniforms on so they can't identify us. Keep moving and move stealthily.

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I'll provide covering fire while you sneak in undetected!

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They're sneaking past us! Stop them!

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Beautiful day isn't it, Krypto? Good day for fishing. I know you can't use a fishing pole without opposable thumbs but I'll let you drive the rental boat after we deal with this. Deal?

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"Hi Mr.... caveman? Excuse me I need to get by a moment. Can you please scooch out of the way? It's really important"

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That face... that face is going to haunt my dreams. Why is he doing that? How is he doing that? That face that awful, awful, face!

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I'm sorry! I don't mean anything by this punch I'm in a hurry!

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I'm just going to throw you out of the way thank you have a nice day! I don't want any trouble!

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Krypto, I'm going after the criminals. If that caveman tries to come after me I want you to lick his face and roll around and show him your belly.

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Where'd he get a car all the way out here?!

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I tried to tell you already! I don't have time for you or catching cars!

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Krypto! Help! I got got! I need my hands! Grab the car!

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Thanks pal!

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Gosh! What can I do now? He's trying to hug me to death but Superboy could never say no to a hug. It's in my DNA. What to do what to do...

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Ah! Our prize!

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>not Flintstones chewable morphines

Ok so he's what we're going to do next. We're going to take this space drill ship and use it to destroy the San Francisco 49ers, The Chargers, and the Rams while they're at practice leaving the Oakland Raiders as the greatest California football team by default because let's get real they're not going to learn how to play anytime soon. The Raiders will be so grateful for the assist they'll give us front-row seats for life and limitless signed swag!

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I'm sorry Mr. Caveman but I have to use super-judo to turn the momentum of your hug against you!

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I'm not a bad person for this am I? I'm trying to stop him him without hurting him physically or emotionally. What else can I do, boy?

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Yabba Dabba Do!

Snap his neck?! What's wrong with you?! Not funny. Not funny at all.

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Oh no! They're getting away!

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We present for your viewing pleasure: a very phallic looking tower.

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If this isn't Freudian I don't know what is...

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Oh no! That poor priapic structure!

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We can fix this!

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Boy of Being Nice To Others

Sir? Superboy and Krypto the Superdog are flying after us and will catch up to us in a matter of minutes. What do?

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Drat! I forgot that cavemen can't fly. Why couldn't we have found a mothman suspended in a block of ice. Nevertheless! I have a solution! We'll fly down!

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They're going to crash!

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I know their plan! They're planning on drilling straight to hell and losing us there! We can't let them! You have to see Saint Peter first! Krypto! Stop them from going to hell! I'm going to do something else.

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Sir, I know I can't see much down here and I know I'm facing the wrong direction but I have the feeling like there's a dog behind us, watching us, and you know I'm batting 1,000 when it comes to dogs looking at me.

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Krypto followed us down here? No problem! We'll drill up!

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WHOA WHOA whoa whoa

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I know! We'll fly down again! Right at that caveman!

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That metal bird has it in for me!

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That caveman is destined for death! No wonder they didn't live past 30!

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Hello everybody. So it looks like all I had to do was grab it right here.

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We'll wait until they run out of fuel

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Don't get too comfortable around him Krypto. You probably look like dinner to him but with me? We're fast pals. Primitive people don't carry grudges and that's a lesson we all should try to learn.

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I'm going to fly him around the sun counter-clockwise bunch and send him back when he belongs before he dies of a cold or something.

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Hey everyone! Check out four-eyes and his effeminate glasses!

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We don't have a ball; you're the next best thing to kick around.

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Why are you passing him to me? I already took his lunch money.

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My apologies my good man. I should have passed glasses here to paintown

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Ms. Frizzle can't save you now. Right now I bet you're wishing you'd stayed in bed this morning.

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Lana: Ugh! There they go! Steve, Roy, and Biff at it again!

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They seem to enjoy picking on weaker boys wearing glasses.

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Why don't you go over there and tell those bullies off, Clark?

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I'm too much of a lady to use half the words I'm thinking of tee hee!

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Me? You want me to go? I wear glasses! There's three of them and one me! I'll get beat up! That's a job for Superboy!

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Really. Superboy. Waiting for Superboy. Maybe what's wrong with our society is that people don't stand up for what's right and expect superheroes to solve all their mundane problems for them.

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You know what? Telling off those bullies sounds more fun than shooting the breeze with a coward.

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The things I have to put up with to keep up this Clark Kent alter ego. Now I have to find a telephone booth and come up with a cover story of how I ran to the vice principal's office to tattle but had to wait in line. School sucks I hate it.

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You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, picking on a boy whose voice hasn't broken yet! You're probably just jealous that he has the angelic voice of a choir boy, while you all have the voices of dirty, gritty lumberjacks! Just because he's a svelte 80 lbs when soaking wet and enjoys listening to his beloved CATS! record doesn't mean that you're better than him! I'm sure he could lift at least 25 lbs unaided if he really tried! And maybe you can all be friends one day, and he can tell you where he bought his "Legos are fun" underwear and you'll all have something in common!

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Superboy: Miss Lang. Hello. What seems to be trouble.

Lana: These jerks are picking on this defenseless boy! People with glasses have it hard enough trying to look intelligent!

Superboy: I see.

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You'll teach these awful "people" that bullying is wrong won't you?

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Nothing wrong with what we're doing, Superboy. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Just us boys being boys having some harmless fun. I mean, look at that loser. He was born for bullying. If not for us some other, worse, bully would be here instead. We're doing him a favor!

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Is this some sort of joke to you? Because I'm not laughing.

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Give him a rap! A rap about not bullying! I'll start you off!

Yo I'm Superboy and I'm here to say!

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Please Miss Lang I can handle this. Why don't you run to class I'd like a word with these gentlemen in private.

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I wouldn't want an upstanding lady like yourself tardy on my account. These boys? I bet they were planning on ditching anyways.

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Steve Roy, and Biff. I want you to listen to me very carefully.

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"oooo Superboy's going to read us the riot act. We're sooooo scared"

"You need to do this for a merit badge or something?"

"Go on! Tell my parents! They won't care!

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No no you have me all wrong. I admire you three for you live free of the shackles of society. You do what you want and don't care what anyone thinks and I find that very admirable. Now that Miss Lang is gone? Between you and me I'd love to just do what I want. Believe you me I've toyed with the idea of taking over the government, turning the world into a socialist utopia and lobotomizing all the dissidents and turning them into Superboy robots but we don't always get what we want don't we?

Since I find you all so inspiring I'd like to do each of you a favor.

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A flavor?

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"No, I said a favor. A gift, a something I'd like to do for you and get nothing in return. I understand yesterday each of you in class expressed a dream of what you'd like to accomplish in life."

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In class? But how- Superboy are you spying on us?

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Spying on you? Please. I have super-hearing. I spy on everyone. Nothing personal.

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Why would you help us with that?

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Because I'm Superboy! I help everyone! It's what I do. Tell you what? After school meet me on the roof and we'll work out the rest from there.

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Yo! White Shirt! Lay it on me brother!

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I want to be a bigshot! I want to do something no one's ever done before and go down in history! I want to go up high and look down on everyone else! And be rich! That sums it up.

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Steve Is that all? A man of your potential should be able to accomplish all that on your own? Still, I've pledged to help you out.

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Superboy: How about it? I pulled some strings. You wanna be an astronaut? They make a ton of money starting out. You would also be famous for being the youngest guy in space. How does that sound?

Steve: Suits me fine. Sure I'd like to be on that rocket ship.

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Just to be absolutely clear. You mean you want to be on that rocket ship?

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You deaf or something? They're about to take off! Yes! Get me on that thing!

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Superboy: Here you go. You are on the rocket ship.

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What? No! Not like this No! I take it back!

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Superboy: Boom! Pow! Straight to the moon!


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After I went through the trouble? Maybe you should have said you wanted to be IN the rocket ship and not on it. If I were a genie you'd be screwed but I'll let you.

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You keep acting the way you do and I'll do you more and more favors. I, Superboy, know all too well the art of killing with kindness.

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"Where's our friend?"

"He called in sick. Very very sick. No more questions next up Roy tell me your desire!"

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"Out with it!"

"I want to be the ruler of a kingdom! With subjects who serve me! A godking!"

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Nice wish! Ok so here's the deal I can't just take over a country for you BUT I can give a world. I know a planet in need of a ruler, their last one died and I can put you in charge of a whole world. Let's go! To space!

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See this? It's all yours.

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"Where are my subjects? I can't rule over a dead world"

"They're here. I told them you'd be here and they were very excited over the prospect of a new young, mammal ruler"

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Superboy: And here they are now!

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Cucumber Men!

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Tomato girls!

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Corn children!

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Superboy: I present to you the inhabitants of the planet Preduwa. Here to serve you. Good luck!

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Before I go I should tell you that the last leader quit and they're going through a severe protein famine but you can handle that

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Hopefully you'll last longer than the previous ruler.

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They're trying to claw me? OH NO I'M PROTEIN!

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Superboy don't leave without me I want to go home!

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"You said they'd serve me!"

"Probably grilled"

"I want to go home! I don't want to be in charge of anyone! I want to be normal!"

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Roy, sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

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"Listen, don't go with that Superboy. He put me on top of a rocket ship! A rocket ship!"

"You could have died in a completely metal way and you pussied out? I want what Superboy owes me!"

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h20m50s952.png (352x262, 79K)

I wanna be the meanest, toughest, bravest man in the world! If Superboy thinks he can trick me I say bring it!

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I heard that! Is that what you desire? I can help! I am very helpful!

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Yeah! I wanna be the toughest son-of-a-bitch in the world!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h21m06s349.png (352x262, 52K)

I told Biff not to mess with you but he won't listen!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h21m09s351.png (352x262, 56K)

"Seriously. Don't. He will mess you up. I got put om a planet with vegetable people and they tried to eat me they were cannibals well not cannibals I don't know the word"

"Yeah so? I would have eaten them first. In this world it's eat or be eaten."

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h21m15s865.png (352x262, 84K)

No, no. Don't try to talk him out of it. Let Biff get what's coming to him.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h21m26s701.png (352x262, 75K)

I still want to be the toughest! Do your worse!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h21m31s868.png (352x262, 101K)

Ok! Put this blindfold on!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h21m36s211.png (352x262, 110K)

Prepare yourself to be taken to the land of horrors!

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"I thought you said I'd be in a land of whores"

"That would be nice but no. Want me to stick around in case you change your mind and want to back off?"

"No. Fuck off. Leave me alone I'll rule this place in minutes."

"Best of luck!"

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h21m58s652.png (352x262, 105K)

This place ain't scary.

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Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h22m19s304.png (352x262, 77K)

I've been cursed! Superboy had this planned all along! I've got to get out of here!

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Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h22m46s425.png (352x262, 80K)


There can be no hope in this hell. No hope at all.

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Your soul. Surrender it to me.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h23m02s407.png (352x262, 82K)

I... I accept.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h22m54s958.png (352x262, 41K)

>The next school day.

Lana: Clark do you see what I see? Those boys are now model students. What did Superboy say to reform that terrible trio. Say, where's Biff?

Attached: There_Was_Another_Boy_Here_1.jpg (352x262, 49K)

Don't worry about Biff. He's where he belongs. I think they all learned a valuable lesson: When it comes to bullying it gets better unless it's Superboy then it gets much, much worse.

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Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-24-21h23m56s514.png (352x262, 66K)

Nice way to end it

thanks. Until next week

>strange low-budget show

All cartoons pre-1990s were cheap ass productions, senpai.

And even afterwards. many were


