How do we save Rick and Morty? Is it already too late, and we should just move on?
How do we save Rick and Morty? Is it already too late, and we should just move on?
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Justin, stop coming here and asking about your dumb show.
Make it a straight porno or a straight pbs educational show
5 season ahead
move on
stop talking about it
no more threads
complete and utter withholding of support
Multiverse anthology
Each episode follows a different Rick and Morty from the multiverse.
Have a few episodes with Mainline R&M, Bushworld R&M and Evil Citadel Morty for fanservice/advancing the overarching plot.
This board hate for this cartoon is a literal meme, and made me take this place opinion way less seriously.
I get it, this show got flaws like every other show but this board judge it by a such a high standard that would make 99% of the shows people here enjoy straight up trash both animation and writting wise.
Should’ve ended in season two
>Each episode follows a different Rick and Morty from the multiverse.
I wonder if this is gonna be a finale twist or something covering the whole show
>and made me take this place opinion way less seriously
You don't mean that.
If you think criticism of humor like fucking baby dolls is "harsh" then I really don't know what to say except every criticism you see you're going to bias as harsh
Season 3 is objectively bad.
>If you think criticism of humor like fucking baby doll
There is no "baby fucking" joke in the show. South Park in the other hand had this exact joke in the series.
How are you so broken? Who hurt you?
It's hit the unholy combination that MLP has hit:
The popularity will die out and no one will be interested anymore, deeming it old and irrelevant
Bring back the hero
Make Rick less edgy and have him get maimed or wounded as a consequence for his drunkenness sometimes, but not too often, like once every 3 or 4 episodes or so. And don't improve him, keep him drunk and unkempt. Also, give him his heart of gold back, you can't be an asshole with a golden heart if you aren't actually nice sometimes, then you're just an asshole. Dial back his nihilism a notch too, it's quiet off-putting to many people.
Cut off Summer's legs, she has no place in an adventure, she belongs in home as a side-character and then you can make no legs jokes about her and toss her down stairs. If someone REALLY wants to do a story with her, give her cyborg legs that break down all the time and can be seen buzzing and sparking because they are only partially functional and Rick does not bother to try to fix them often because Summer is a reckless dumb teenager who will break the cyborg legs by misusing them anyway.
Include more trippy visuals and ultra-violence. That's what a lot of the more casual fans watch it for anyway, so have a little of both sprinkled in every episode. Don't avoid a TV-MA rating, go ahead and wallow in it.
Finally, you have to make the bad guy of the episode (if you have one) be significantly edgier and more violent than Rick so that Rick looks better by comparison. If the antagonists are nicer and more likable than the protagonists then you have a recipe for trouble.
Damn it, I meant to reply to OP, not the Justin guy.
More Morty shota scenes
Fucking this. I was waiting for her the entire season.
>Who hurt you?
Pic and the April Fools premiere that fucked with Samurai Jack's premiere.
>Dial back his intellect a notch too, it's quiet off-putting to many people.
Typical, once again the genius must constrain himself for the good of the small.
t Andrew Ryan
The worst scenes tend to be the ones where the characters tell us how to feel about other characters instead of having their actions speak for themselves. They just become this cringe-worthy shouting fest of insults that feels less shocking and more bloated as time goes on, just like the last season of Bojack Horseman.
Just have them do crazy shit and let the audience interpret for themselves. Don't insult the audience by flat out saying that this character is a piece of shit or that character deserves sympathy. Fuck any writer who gets that lazy. What's funny is that Dan Harmon is famous/notorious for how he edits the scripts, so all the blame ultimately belongs to him.
>Cut off Summer's legs
B-but Summer has sexy legs.
It's not a sex show. If you want sex show go find some porn, this here internet is full to the brim with it. Her sexiness is a suitable sacrifice.
Being a pessimistic nihilist doesn't make you smarter though. And although it's not really relevant, yes, it is okay for smart people to constrain themselves so stupid people can understand. Stupid people vastly outnumber smart people, and their needs are just as important.
Holy shit am I glad YOU don't write for the sow.
I'd just suggest a little more Elliot Smith. I tried to kill myself over that stuff.
Well, different people like different things. Also the music in your link is kinda bad.
>t. the small
It's too late user. It was all over once they let female writers on board
Women are like a degenerative disease for quality
>Being a pessimistic nihilist doesn't make you smarter though
Rick already aknowledged more than once that his nihilistic views are not rational and are nothing more than part of his depression. He's just too lazy to get help.
It's already too late, they fucked it. You can't remove technology and hyper competence of S3 now without having everyone just ask every time something happens "why didn't Rick just do x like he did in S3".
Easy, remove his robotic parts and claim it was making him think and react faster.
go to a universe where it's still s1 rick and morty, then
The show peaked with the very first scene. Everything after that suffered from the "people love our show, so we can afford to be lazy" attitude.
Learn to make an argument. It usually works better than just getting your panties in a twist because other people don't like the same things as you.
This show has objectively gotten worse over time.
Making Morty a cynical mini Rick completely destroyed a fun dynamic.
Stop trying to make Summer be a thing. She fucking sucks and belongs on the sidelines.
As long as Justin's on his show she will be forced.
The writer behind that episode left the show to make another crappy Asian-themed ABC sitcom.
Cool I'm just not gonna watch it. S3 was a burning dumpster fire of used tampons. I can only imagine the shitshow S4 will be..
Did she already think she's a star and can write her own paychecks?
She needs to get knocked up to she has a reason to be on the sideline
Something like that will never happen to Summer. Unfortunately if any character were to suffer like that, it would be Jerry.
Fire all the female writers
Show is instantly saved
You all know I'm right
/end thread
Which woman hurt you?
>last episode October 1, 2017
Fucking how? Adult Swim has almost NOTHING now to show and even in the era of OK KO and Family Guy, R&M is still the cheapest, ugliest and most low effort show to produce. It's just puppet animation on Toon Boom, how long can it take to make? It doesn't matter if season 3 and the fandom cringe created backlash, it will still print bazillions from normies out of 10 bucks hiring some Korean slaves
Kill Dan Harmon
I actually didn't like season 3. I don't give a shit they hired a bunch of women writers, but when I literally saw some fucking tumblr shit being played out it made me hate the season.
Also not being able to watch it on Adult Swim website anymore in the middle of the fucking season. And the people running the livestream shit were absolute degenerates openly mocking the fans
seriously, his bullshit ruined the show cause he wanted to get his dick wet
Abandon it
Hot Streets is the superior sci fi show now
>"Am I evil?" "Worse, you're smart."
Have [AS] Commission Michael Cusak to make a full season of Bushland Adventures.
those three usually means same thing. If it's mainstream than of course it's popular and has retarded fanbase. how can you call that 'combination'
The show is fine.
The fans are trash fires.
If it has more than 5 seasons it's doomed
Kill Dan and just let Justin do what he wants
Whatever, it got too popular and it’s already peaked so now it’s a matter of time of everyone forgetting it was a thing
>show starts winning awards
>ratings jump once they get rid of the toxic male writers and replace them with superior writers
>viewership jumps 80% and stays there
Im sure you miss seeing you faggets in these threads. enjoy whatever next childrens cartoon you move onto