How will weebs ever recover??

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>KH is entirely focused on story and the story is fucking awful
>The fans are either retarded enough to enjoy it as a guilty pleasure or even more retarded and genuinely find some merit in its unrelenting spew of garbage
>DMC5 is set to have a godly story despite most people considering the series worth playing for the combat and will make DMC one of, if not the greatest action series of all time

Being a KHfag is suffering

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What does DMC have to do with KH?

>Yea Forums defends this.

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>tfw I loved KH3
>Final Mix and Critical Mode with shit ton of superbosses and extra goodies basically confirmed for end of the year or early next year
>tfw RE2 was awesome
>tfw DMCV will be out next week and I'll most likely absolutely love that too
>tfw Sekiro out soon after that
>Hollow Knight 2 will probably be out by the end of the year as well

2019 is pretty rad so far gaming wise

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Nothing. He's mad KH gets more attention than DmC.

I go on Yea Forums too much so I'm carrying on the tradition of making fun of KH for being a complete joke of a franchise

>Godly story
Good joke.

>>Final Mix and Critical Mode with shit ton of superbosses and extra goodies basically confirmed for end of the year or early next year
That is entirely too long a wait for those of us that didn't love the game. Glad I sold it

>The year Fornite fell too
This user is right

>Darkest Dungeon 2 also announced

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>even a good story
what have you been snorting

Woody is a savage.

>CP2077 most likely coming out sometime after E3, too

2019 is starting out strong for vidya
I'm starting to have faith again

>DMC5 is set to have a godly story

oh do go on

Gee, KH looks way crappier that I've ever thought

>Woody trying a badass speech to a Sephiroth clone
KH is ridiculous, you're in no position to shit on Tails get trolled or Bleedman if you like that shit.

>implying I don't play it exactly for dopey shit like this

why not though? it's sincere

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>what is DMC3

Suck my balls

>Not liking Woody burning Xehanort and just telling him to get lost with his convoluted plots

Its like you hate fun

sully throwing that edgelord sora clone through a door is the best scene of the world, and defiantly a response to people saying the disney characters dont do anything outside of the first game.

OP actually makes KH seem like a cool premise. Cornball Disney bullshit walking out into anime edgelord territory and going toe to toe seems really entertaining

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I love kingdom hearts and the pixar scenes involving the villains were great. It was better than the shitty retellings of frozen and tangled

This. I just if wished the Frozen world and the Pixar worlds have been far more entertaining by far. How is PotC and BH6? And Scala ad Caleum?

Meant to say finished.

Kingdom Hearts had more effort put into it than any cartoon made in the last 10 years.

would it have saved the moment if the Sephiroth clone wasn't really paying attention and just sort of waved a hand and set Woody on fire a few words into the speech?

KH fans would actually complain if the developers actually made the disney characters do anythng other than waste time and reenact movies

>Psychonauts 2 comes out
>Oddworld Soulstorm might possibly be released
>Obsidian is releasing another AAA storydriven RPG
>Bethesda and Blizzard are both getting long overdue backlash from fans
This is the first time I've been excited about gaming in a long, long time

PotC as a level is fucking top tier. Like contender for best in the series good. The story for it is a kind of cut retelling of the movie though

BH6 is a nice little sandbox level but its short and the final boss for it sucks

SaC has top tier music...problem is its used for all of 10 seconds. Its not really a "level" but more of a boss gauntlet so its kind of disappointing in that regard. Pretty though

>tfw Kamiya implied that he'll be working on Dragons Dogma 2 after DMCV on top of all this

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Wait, why the fuck is Kamiya working on DMCV when he hates Capcom and is already working on Bayonetta 3 and Astral Chain?

Is there more to this?


PoTC story world is... eh. It's kind of interesting seeing Sora just lose his damn mind, though, he seemed heartbroken when Davy Jones killed Will. Although ??? that they literally made nothing of the fact that Davy Jones took out his own heart other than "Vexen wants to see how he did it? I guess?" Seems like that would have been an important part of the story in some way. Even just having Sora confront Davy Jones like you took out your heart on purpose!! you suck!

The PoTC level itself is honestly fucking amazing and even though I beat the game and don't care about trying to get all the trophies and whatnot, sometimes just go back to fuck around in the world and explore. I keep finding stuff I missed.

Spawned a good edit too

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Okay, I believe you

I never found Woody attractive until this scene. I get it now.

Sounds like no one has ever loved yo

Well I mean if leaks are right Vergil kinda pulled some heartless/nobody shit.

The Pixar worlds In general feel like they got a lot more freedom to do their own thing.

>unnecessary sequel to an dated, overrated collectathon
>will almost certainly suck
>literally a meme studio
>implying it will amount to anything

afraid i just can't see where you're coming from, user

KH is only good in that Tails Got Trolled way where the absurdity of everything is just so hilarious you can't help but like it.


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>this unflattering picture will help my case

Vergiil looks fine you mong

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>Chad KH
>Chad FusionFall
Which anime western cartoon mass crossover did it better

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DMC3's story is a B- at best by video game standards, a D+ by actual film standards.

>B- by fucking video game standards and a D+ by film

Considering how most video games suck balls with their story that's wrong, and also comparing a story of a game where 80% of all the content is gameplay and WOOHOO to a meticulously crafted film is unfair. For what it's worth, the story content in DMC3 was fucking excellent, especially by action standards. DMC1 was alright if shlocky, 2 was a meme and 4 was half-baked (even if what was there was still decent), but 3 is great.

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That reminds me, what if in another world Kingdom Hearts had CN worlds and not Disney ones. The plot is exactly the same otherwise, just with certain characters replaced with other ones. What does this series look like?

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Cartoon network has a ton of super heroes and it would be lest justified asking OCs like Kairi for help when the powerpuff girls exist

It's some fag trying to start fandom bullshit between KH and DMC. He's already failed trying to pit DMC against Seriko

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I'm actually unrelated to that guy, I just wanted an excuse to shill on Yea Forums while also shitting on KH for being a garbage franchise

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eh, too bad its all fluff and filler

DMC3 has a simple story but it's told very well which matters a lot.

>Dragons Dogma 2
Don't promise me sweet lies user, my heart can't take it

Yeah, it's looking good for games. Shame about that apocalyptic global warming thing

>muh global warming is gonna kill everything in 5 years

shouldnt you zoomers be in bed by now

I see something long-absent in the sunken faces of passersby: A glimmer of hope.

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ten years, but yeah

Alright, I just don't get it. I "get" other weird fandoms. I understand bronies and furries. But Kingdom Hearts? Some melodramatic Disney/Pixar/Final Fantasy crossover that inexplicably takes itself seriously? I just don't understand it at all, and I cringe a little every time I see something from it.

>meme studio
What does that even mean

>My guess is no one's ever loved you before
>But that's about to change.

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I thought it was fifty years ten years ago. So we still have a good 40 years before the coast cities are underwater.


Yelling "DUDE PULL MY LE DEVIL TRIGGER" doesn't count as a good story.

its gotten significantly worse than expected in the past ten years.
look into how all the rich people with ties to oil and industry have been spending on fallout style underground bunker complexes. they know its coming, they just think they're special enough to survive it

God damn it Barry.

Honestly kingdom hearts barely even relies on Disney at this point doesn’t matter if it had CN worlds or not

As always, the worst parts of KH are the final fantasy bits. This series would have been genuinely 1000% better if it was Disney/Pixar characters going between worlds to defeat some ridiculously hammy bad guy.

>There's a snake in my boot, but there's an anaconda in my pants!

That was the original proposal for Kingdom Hearts. Disney poo-pooed it.

Global warming is VERY survivable. There will be plenty of livable locations still in place long after the majority of the population die from starvation and natural disasters. At this point, since there is basically bobody to pollute anymore, the weather will restabilize.