What the fuck was his problem? Mento thread

What the fuck was his problem? Mento thread

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A thread died for this

Some green boy showed up and started cockblocking him from getting Rita's tight pussy
Fuck off

This character was originally a jerk in the comics but everytime he pops up he's a jerk for different reasons. That said he does end up being proud of Beast Boy in the end so it's one of those "hardass father" things and the DP aren't supposed to be perfect.

It was one of the Carol threads so I am cool with it.

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Sounds accurate

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He was yandere hasubando.

I didn't like that YJ combined him with Nicholas Galtry. Especially when Mento was already filthy rich in the comics and what made him adopt Beast Boy in the first place was when he found out about Galtry trying to scam him out of his fortune. So much he even said he was going to use even the last of his pennies to get Beast Boy free from him.

He also had the misguided intention of wanting to help Beast Boy by curing him of his green skin to try to make him look normal. But then finally accepted him as he was when Beast Boy's girlfriend's dad didn't want his daughter to be around Beast Boy for being a freak. Mento was a jerk but he really did care in his own jerk way.

It's Cliff's fault, Steve didn't pay attention to Rita and Larry was gonna make his move on her but Cliff forced Steve into a date with her.

What's the deal with Mento in the comics? I only know him from that episode.

He’s cool

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I wouldn't entirely trust a recount of events that came straight from BB's probably biased mindset. The only bits we know are true is BB and Mento having a strained relationship and Mento not liking being associated with his superhero life.

Mostly well-meaning filthy rich jerk and occasional partner to the Doom Patrol until Rita's death, after which he goes crazy and becomes a Teen Titans villain. He ended up calming down and the craziness is chalked up to an addiction to the Mento helmet. Eventually a little wrinkle is added where it turns out he's a pervert and has had psychic powers all along without the helmet, he just wears it so people let their guard down around him when it's off so he can read their mind or get off on hijacking their body.

>Eventually a little wrinkle is added where it turns out he's a pervert and has had psychic powers all along without the helmet, he just wears it so people let their guard down around him when it's off so he can read their mind or get off on hijacking their body.

OK that's news to me who added that edgy crap?

Isn't he rumored to be in the DP show? Wonder if he's going to be a present day character or someone Rita was married to.

Keith Giffen

Yeah. They were casting him.

Of course.

He is filthy rich (like richer than batman), fell in love with rita fahr and asked his scientists to build him a helmet to amplify his innate psychic powers, and impress her.

It mostly works out because he ended up cleaning his act and become a good person, but it turns out the helmet drives people insane. So whenever he and gar fixed their relationship, the writer in charge made him crazy via helmet because lol drama.

Wasn't he also in the seance where Zatara exploded

Yes, it lead to a retarded arc about him making a group called the hybrid that was basically evil doom patrol. Had a nice ending with raven using her empath powers to reconnect him with gar, which made him sane again.

He was also Beast Boy's gay dad in that Earth-1 Titans story.

He's totally mental.

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Yep and he went crazy from it and him and Constantine were buddies.

Yeah I didn't get that arc but I liked the ending and the fact that they did see each other as family despite the fact that they initially only tolerated each other mostly because of Rita.

I hope we get to see his relationship with Gar somehow.

They aren't going to make crossovers with Titans, at least for now.

Probably not anytime soon unless Titans fails. Not to mention both DP show and Titan show are confirmed to be from different continuities even though DP reference some stuff from Titans.

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Is that good?

Doesn’t sound good

It's just a Runaways story where Lemire changed all the characters to the Teen Titans.

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The freshmaker?

He was kind of an asshole and a coward when the Doom Patrol died and he managed to survive. Flex is cooler than him though

>Flex is cooler than him though
Flex is cooler than everyone.

They aren't different continuities. They just won't acknowledge each other.

He did help save the world from the Great Darkness even if it meant that he had to fry his own brain. So good work Mento.

How did he get to built that helmet?

What was the point of using him instead of Chief?

Minus Bumblebee, this is the ideal doom patrol team

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What's up with the pelican?

Don’t like the red

why is bumblebee even there?

Where is Cyborg?, this isn't like in my Streaming shows

It's fucking awful and then some how volume two is even worse. The big twist is that Starfire was experimented on and they used her DNA to make every Titan have powers

I hate Phil cho 75% of the time, his pic falls within that

Why does Robotman look like Ultron?