Who has the more insufferable fanbase?
Who has the more insufferable fanbase?
Which one has Batfags who insist on Batman being a god? Or Superfags who say Superman has to be the first hero and be the sphere of interest?
Here in Latin America is DC by far, their fan base is mostly 30 year old virgins obsessed with Superman that will call you 80 insults for saying anything marvel related
That's a matter of character, not company. Also stop fishing for a company war slap fight
DC absolutely
They're a fucking cancer and honestly shouldn't be allowed on the board
Why blame the fanbase when it’s the company’s faults for ruining and shitting beloved characters like Superman, Spider-Man, Wally West, and the X-Men?
Maybe if the old boomers running the places weren’t so incompetent then they wouldn’t be so much complaining.
You don’t hear manga fans getting this fucked.
Just Sayin.
>Batman > Marvel > DC
>DC by far, their fan base is mostly 30 year old virgins obsessed with Superman that will call you 80 insults for saying anything marvel related
that's pretty much everywhere at this point
Marvel movie fans.
>Marvel-makes everything SJW
>DC-makes everything PSTD
They deserve cancer for making cancer.
dc but only because of snyder cucks
Batman > Yea Forums > DCEU > MCU > X-men > DC > Marvel >Image
Marvel has Ladderbros so they do by default
>Nuh uh, he knows every martial art in existence!
>Nuh uh he would use prep time and come up with a plan
>Nuh uh, he has contingency plans
>Nuh uh, he has super dooper armor that lets him fight Darkseid!
>Nuh uh, he can go back to his lab and invent an super dooper special Bat anti-.....
>Nuh uh, he is the third smartest guy evers!
>Nuh uh,
You spelled Marvel wrong
DC has a retard who calls everyone who doesn't love everything DC does "Ladderbro" so that's pretty hard to beat
I mean that dumbass made a fucking collage of random posts for fucks sake
>third smartest guy evers!
I love that one. He's top 10 at best. In no particular order there's
>Lex Luthor
>Doctor Sivana
>Ray Palmer
>Mister Terrific
Didn't mention Brainiac for obvious reasons
maybe you should try to see people on more of an individual level than try to categorize wide swaths of people as all one thing
But Marvel has that fag that constantly goes ''DC BANKRUPT DKEKS AHAHAHA''
hi ladderbro!
Marvel, specifically MCU fans.
Who is the smartest guy in DC? If Batman's feats are mostly INT required, why is the smartest fag inferior than him
Theyre both awful lmao. you cant choose sorry
That's depending if you're gauging by just Earth characters or everyone
What’s a ladder bro?
While at the same time.... Just saying. This spun out of an unprovable source and only one "news" outlet is talking about it.
People who think one is better than the other. They are both shit.
You and every other company wars fag
Marvel, Since it is owned by Disney so its for toddlers.
DCfags habor lotta inferior complex because of their shit tier movies after all
Seriously? I thought Marvel had better Comic sales than anyone?
Why you guys one or the other?
Based Latinos
That's a really ugly rat.
And Marvelfags have a superiority complex over average movies that aren't very accurate to the comics anyways. So how that works?
I don't know about their fanbase, but they both involve insufferable shitposters that hang around here 24/7.
Any Marvel fan that supports their current titles is an insufferable faggot. Classic Marvel fans are cool though.
No one knows but every Marvel and DC thread someone comes along and starts labeling a random post Ladderbro just like >106206058
kill yourself ladderbro
Movie retards are not fans
DC for being so old that they themselves failed DC Comics by being old and demand more classic stuff for their nostalgia crap
Classic Marvel fans need to die so Marvel can live
I fucking ladderbros or namorfags, or spam X obscure character, x fags complaing about scotts (thank God, the came back and no more of that He's right).
Cape fans in general are insufferable.
Actually, any major fanbase like SW, HP...ets have insufferable fanbase.
Marvelfag here. I only care about Batman line really and even that just Bruce, Damian, Cass, and Jason.
Nightwing is the most overrated and boring character I have ever seen in all of fiction. Apparently being drawn pretty is prerequisite enough to make a good character.
>any major fanbase
>that aren't very accurate to the comics anyways
What does that have to do with anything?
It's like you want to prove right.
Any DC fan that supports their current titles is an insufferable faggot. Classic DC fans are cool though.
Dc fags are more defensive so dc. Also snyder/dceu fags
Company fags are insufferable, regardless of what company they root for. They're exactly the same kind of people.
Now, if the question is who has the most insufferable haters, it'd be Marvel because they're not DC and sometimes not even comic fans at all but simply people who want to OWN the SJWs.
In italy generally mcu fags who talk shit everyday about dc. Between the people who read comics, dc absolutely. A bunch of insufferable cunts.
Marvel is worst because they steal a lot from DC and no one points it out.
Example the Wakanda sign was stolen from Wonder Woman
>Apparently being drawn pretty is prerequisite enough to make a good character
The thing is that he isn't the only character who drawn pretty nor he has a unique features so I never understood why people are so focused on his looks in particular or why his fans pretend thag he is super handsome when there are dozens of characters who look exactly like him.
This is just creepy. What the fuck is wrong with dceu fags?
I can't tell if you honestly think this or if you are trolling.
DC for comments by casuals like
>Mod deletes my shit
Salty as fuck
Both are shit but recently i noticed that a lot of dc fags call out some marvel fags as casual while they are casual too
Marvelcucks, by far.
DCfags are at least honest.
Marvelcucks will lie out the ass about anything and everything to get you to read their stupid books
>"This run is really good!"
>first issue is some of the worst shit I've ever read
>"No, trust me, it gets good about 20 issues in!"
>it never does
>"Okay, but you can't judge it because you haven't read every single issue! Anyway, you should check out this run, it totally fixes the character!"
>read the first issue, its the worst shit I've read since the last comic
>"No, it gets good 20 is...
Repeat ad fucking infinitum.
It's a true statement
In my country DC fanbase are edgy sperglords who waiting snydercut, praise Batman as best hero all the time and hate their own source material cause MUH REALISM, TOO BRIGHT. They also hate Superman. Guess what country.
Prove me wrong. You can't
DC fans said the same thing about the Harley book and defended Night of The Monstermen.
Always remind yourself
>Guess what country.
All of them?
DC fans are hyper critical, if anything
>DCfags are at least honest
> There is nothing wrong with Before Watchmen
> I enjoy the new Harley Quinn take
> Nobody cares about Wally anyway, Barry best boy
> There is nothing wrong with Doomsday Clock
> Gaiman's take on Death is THE BEST and fuck any writer for daring to try something different than my goth waifuuuu
Holy fuck
Based Brazil
They tried to defend Bendis when he moved to DC.
It took THREE issues for them to give up.
Nobody fucking defends King, and everyone was dreading Bendis coming to DC. Everyone thinks Harley Quinn's book is retarded, and anyone who ships Jon and Damien isn't a DCfag, they're some filthy fujishit who spams South Park homo threads.
>They tried to defend Bendis when he moved to DC.
No, they did not. Nobody wanted Bendis to come to DC.
I work at a nerdy store in the mall and we have a lot of superhero stuff. I find the Marvel fans to be far more frequently annoying than the DC ones. Also, I notice there are fewer kids among the DC crowd.
Yea Forums's DCfags are way whinier. DC threads, Marvel threads, they're everywhere and they have a micro dick complex. How many threads am I going to see about Dr. Doom being omnipotent?
user, they did, I saw it.
At first they didn't want it, but a little before the first issue dropped they stared saying that DC would keep him in check and that it wasn't that bad.
DC has Tommy
True, true
No, but you had people saying "Lobdell and Dogfucker are good now so maybe Bendis won't suck too", and here we are
Is he a DCfag? Because I've seen him shitting on Lobo too
Marvel has two fanbases, the "diversity is the only thing that matters" fanbase and the "diversity is ruining everything" fanbase. They're both insufferable.
Do the DC comics even have a fanbase these days? All I hear are screeching Zach Snyder fans who consider his films "true DC" while Wonder Woman et al are "for plebs", "for kids" and/or "for cucks".
Dc because mostly indians are DC fags
>Nobody fucking defends King, and everyone was dreading Bendis coming to DC
this is some strong revisionist history on bendis and there are STILL kingfags on here that every critique of him gets you labeled a snyderfag
They also have Harleyfags.
No, actually, you're a liar.
On Yea Forums DC fans are the worst. Everywhere else Marvel fans are the worst.
Marvel Cinematic Universe they are insufferable
You sound like a butthurt powerlevel fag.
Powerlevel fags are the worst fags.
Batfags, supesfags, barryfags....
Thats right. Just keep saying that ladderbro.