What were the best Yea Forums toys you had as a child?

What were the best Yea Forums toys you had as a child?

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Does Lego count to a certain degree? Cause I had these awesome Lego Timecruiser sets and they had promotional radio plays for it that felt like comic books.

This was my favorite for sure

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I had no toys.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Each kenner alien came with a comic.

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Oh, i wouldn't know where to begin. I guess one of my favorites was this Hulk one. I remember we had to throw it a way because of a dumb prank i tried to pull, basically at some point i was able to somehow misplace its leg as if almost disassembling it, so i went to my mom and pretended the toy was broke for real. I wanted to surprise her by fixing it but she immediately accepted the idea that it was broken and pulled the leg completely, finally breaking it

My parents later bought me a new one from the Ang Lee movie toyline to compensate from the accident, and while it was still cool i always missed the cartoony texture and colour of the first one

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I had Muckman too when I was a kid. I was quite fond of him.

Don't know if this counts but I still have most of my collection

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In order of favorites over time it was Ghostbusters, Turtles, Batman and X-men. I also loved getting vintage Star Wars figures back when you could find them cheap (and usually pretty well loved/abused) at flea markets and garage sales.
I loved this one too

My mom didn't like these kinda toys, but for some reason she bought me a Robocop action figure once and it was my favorite thing ever (until I dropped its helmet playing with it on the street and a car ran over it. I'll never forget it).
I also had some bootleg Saint Seya toys later on, and a pretty cool one from the animated Ghostbusters show. I still spent most of my childhood being jealous of my friend's BTAS toys.

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Had the Rhino and Gorilla Alien. Always wanted the Mantis, and was super jealous my best friend had that one.

I've always liked characters who are literally made out of garbage.

I find them very relatable.

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Why would you want something that's bigger than any actual penis? What is the point?


Transformers. Loved em then, love em now.
This guy was super rad.

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The power rangers whose heads could be rotated into their chest to change them

From the thumbnail i thought the orange glass was the Thing

Does anyone actually use this, or is this a novelty item. Seriously, if there’s any fags here, I’d love to hear an answer, because I don’t see how anyone can use that thing and enjoy it.


>I've always liked characters who are literally made out of garbage.
>I find them very relatable.
Glad I’m not the only one. Pic related was another one of my favorite toys for that very reason.

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I always wanted this to be rebooted because I loved the monster designs but they’re damn expensive now

I had both the Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain toys. Snake Mountain wad better cause it had a voice changer in it.

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>Squirts "Alien Liquid"
Okay those quotation marks are concerning.

Fricken Krang man!

I had a shit ton of transformers toys but i was absolutely obsessed with this one for some reason. Completely ignored the rest of my toys for several months.

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What were your favorite he man figures that you had?

I have that Venom, i always though that the squirt thing was something to roll a string so it would be like he is shooting webs or something.

My older brother had this batmobile, I had the one from the first Burton movie that came with the plastic shield to put over it.

only one i've got left

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Fisto. and the see through robot guy.
the rest were good too but those were my favs

Battle Damage He Man and Skeletor. It was so simple, but I love that a flip in the chest would make it look damaged. Stratos was also a favorite, he just looked cool.

Used to think that looked like ALF on the right

anyone else have these or watch this show for the limited run it had?

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I had Bucky and a couple others. I always played with them with my Turtles figures.

Al negator is a great figure. I have a couple lying around because he’s one of those toys that whenever I see him for a few bucks I pick him up. Same reason why I have a lot of krangs and scumbugs in my house.

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I remember playing the arcade game.

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>that time Mikey obtained an N-word pass

They sold this to kids.

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I fucking loved that figure and I still have the burnt Anika’s somewhere. That, every single grevious figure, and the mustafarian were great. ROTS was the GOAT movie toyline.

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Bossfighter revived the series.

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This magnificent thing.

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The are even doing frikkin captain Mimi

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I vaguely remember watching this show and enjoying it, but I don't think I owned any of the toys.

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Was hoping you meant the cartoon when you said series. Those figures are sweet, but I'm disappointed now after finding you just meant the toyline.

That one was good, I also liked the one where he explodes, but by far the best was the sneak preview figure.

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this was the dopest shit ever

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>1 lightsaber
>only 2 arms

nigger are you serious? at least the other one had the concept art cape that covers most of his body (which the 2003 clone wars grievous had)

Anyone else have this motherfucker right here?

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It had the best sculpt and detailing, the problem with that deluxe one is that it’s gimmick hindered its articulation and didn’t work right. It’s supposed to separate into four arms but when it’s locked into two it can’t hold anything and the arms are clearly spaced out and not connected. The normal four armed grebious was the superior figure, though I’ll always have a place in my heart for the deluxes muddy paint scheme.

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say what you want about Transformers Armada but the toyline was god tier

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I always thought the Technodrome was by far the best playset to come out of the old TMNT toyline. A friend of my brother's had it and I was extremely jealous of him because of that.

Never owned the techno drone but I have to agree. I think my favorite TMNT figure would have to be either Krang or slash

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My favorite was the Mutagen Man, but alas I never managed to get a hold of that toy either.

Which ones did you have? And you can get mutagen man pretty cheap online. He’s one of my favorites too. My list would probably have to be
6.mutagen man
7.pizza face
8.fly Baxter stockman

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Uh, let's see: I had the four Turtles (the original, non-gimmick ones), Bebop & Rocksteady, Splinter, Krang, Shredder, Foot Soldier, Baxter Stockman, Muckman, Pizza Face… I think that was about it.

Wyrm was another awesome figure from the line I wanted, but never got.

Oh, I had Scumbug too, I think.

>Uh, let's see: I had the four Turtles (the original, non-gimmick ones), Bebop & Rocksteady, Splinter, Krang, Shredder, Foot Soldier, Baxter Stockman, Muckman, Pizza Face… I think that was about it.
>Wyrm was another awesome figure from the line I wanted, but never got.
Which ones were your favorites? Also wyrms easier to find them mutagen man is online

Muckman and Pizza Face, hands down. What I loved about the TMNT toyline especially and what drew me to it were those colorful, creative and weird characters.

I once threw my Batman toy in the toilet and pretended he was drowning. So I decided to create a "log" for Batman to grab onto to save himself. I didn't want to touch my toy after that so I just flushed my toy down the toilet with my turd.

pic related was the batman toy I had.

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What a story, user.

Yeah, it happened last week.

>I once threw my Batman toy in the toilet and pretended he was drowning. So I decided to create a "log" for Batman to grab onto to save himself. I didn't want to touch my toy after that so I just flushed my toy down the toilet with my turd.
I vaguely remember you telling this story before about a few years ago. It was as horrible back then as it is now. Please go back in time and kill your younger self.

The coolest was the arachnid alien figure

I had a ton of Beast Wars, but this guy took the cake, I wish he was in the show

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This one was my favorite.
My older brother broke it the moment we got home. FML.

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Also this one that I still have

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not best, but i still love the box art.
its that transforming April figure, the one were she turns into a cat. its like, holy shit, stop moving into that fucking goo, its just getting worse. oh shit, now your a cat. good luck writing news reports with cat paws!

i still have my bucky, but did they not release a jenny figure?

That big black one's there leader

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i did, gave it to a friend. i found the technodrome like 3 years ago for $5 at a flea market, no giant eye tho. that shit was like, the one fucking thing only rich kids had. same with the GI Joe FLAGG

>i found the technodrome like 3 years ago for $5 at a flea market
Fucking how did you find it that low?

>CTRL+F "street sharks"
>CTRL+F "extreme dinosaurs"
>0 results
It's like you guys had no childhood.

I just remember playing with it ALL THE TIME...

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I forgot it looked so damn cool.

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I still have pretty much all my toys somewhere.

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the drome was so much better than the sewer playset. but neither compare to either the turtle wagon or the pizza shooter for sheer fun value.

No casey jones

shiiiiiiiit i remember that.

check out bravestarr on watchcartoonsonliune if you havent since childhood... its fucking crazy. the horse is ridiculous

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2nd best Prime toy of all time.

anything TMNT related was the highest tier. i have some radical action figures from the early 90s. this helicopter was dope because you could fit a ton of guys inside and fly around punching shit. that trigger grip is a 12/10 toy design

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Good Damn these were so fucking awesome, the whole line

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Moss Man. I lost my Moss Man on a hunting trip as a child. It scarred me enough that I felt real emotion when I bought the modern Mattel version.

Oh man i loved my exosquad toys. I almost had everyone minus Alec, Maggie and Marsala.

I did have the Resolute 2 though

Best Christmas I ever had, no others was I ever spoiled so much, my folks bought me the entire available line. I had so many over the first couple years of release. Too bad they've all disappeared.

What year was it and what were your favorite figures from it?

see: top left.
Ive got the giant manta ray mech as well and a couple others put away in storage. for some reason one of the few toy groups i still have from childhood

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nm about that top left bit i got drunkfused

The helicopter was dope, I also loved this guy the bomb designs were amazing and combining traditional plastic with the inflatable blimp portion was genius.

Toy designers in the 90s were ahead of the game.

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Hasbro lined her up for the 2nd series toy releases, but after the cartoon got canceled so did the toy line. There are some floating around from the test figures collectors have but there was never an official release.

just people selling it man
not EVERYONE ebays, i could tell you SCORES of fucking Yea Forums shit i got since about 2005 for cheap as fuck.


of course they would be the ones to have stupidly rare shit

I had a kickass GI Joe vehicle but I can't remember the name, it was like a long semi truck or train style vehicle with tons of guns and missles.

that one was cool as fuck but as a kids toy that was fairly pricey at the time i can't even imagine the butt-pucker parents had hoping it withstood the abuse and didnt spring a leak

this one?
i didnt even know this thing existed and it looks fuckin sweet so I hope you had this shit as a kid

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or maybe this one?

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yeah, that train kicked ass
also that huge as fuck assault carrier, looked like the jawa sand crawler

It was this one, I know it didn't have the tracks. It was funny cause I was never into GI Joe, I only had like 1 or 2 of them, but I loved that vehicle.

90 I guess. It wasn't the whole line, just what they could find at the local stores. I had the base four, Casey Jones, Shredder, Foot ninja, Bebop, Rocksteady, the Krang robot. I really liked Mutagen Man, Muckman and the goo, Mondo Gecko, Baxter Stockman, Usagi Yojimbo. I thought Slash and Triceraton looked the coolest. I didn't have many of the costumed Turtles but I did have the Surfer Mikey. I also had the sweet Turtle van and this tank or something that shot pizza disks.

This is awesome

Loved this fucker. Had the van too, Always wanted the blimp.

I forgot to mention, but another favorite of mine would have to be antrax

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I hated how solid my Venom toy looked, really didn't look like a symbiote, so I made him a gooey "hand" out of chewing gum that I colored black.

>so I made him a gooey "hand" out of chewing gum that I colored black.
That’s better then my solution

Eh, it didn't hold and fell apart often do I had to regularly change his "prosthetic".
What was your solution, melting? Do I even want to know?

>What was your solution, melting?
No, I mixed my tween precum with ink from broken pens. By the time I was done making venom torture spider I was shooting ghost loads.

I had that guy for about an afternoon when I was 10. I tossed him into an empty bathtub that night to play with him in the shower and he shattered instantly.

Very cool

That's average for African-Americans.

>That's average for African-Americans.
I wonder who’s behind this post

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I never watched Street Sharks as a kid but I loved playing with this fella right here

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You ever see that video from a toy fair in the 90s where a pre fast and furious bin diesel is showing off street shark figures?

I got this playset for Christmas when I was like 6. Shit was awesome.

Isn't he one of the rarest TMNT figures, along with that cat?

No, I think you’re thinking of hot spot or shoate. I got another one at a yard sale about a year ago, only he’s missing all of his antenna.

>I think you’re thinking of hot spot or shoate
Yeah, I don't think I've ever even heard of those guys.

Hot spot is a pretty boring Dalmatian while shoate is a T. rex mutant

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No, but I had the Technodrome, which was amazing. I did have a neighbor who had it and I remember connecting it to the Technodrome through the pipes.

And this is shoate

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I agree, this figure is pretty lame.

I'd seen Hot Spot before, but this one was completely unknown to me.

Kenner's BTAMS line was great. I got Cat Woman and Batman for Christmas on 1993.

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Yeah, the line got pretty dull by the end. I still want scratch because he’s a villain and I like his design, but only him and the camel mutant peak my interest from the 93 line up.

I remember when Kay-Bee Toys had all the Toy Biz Spider-Man toys in the clearance bins for 3 for $10 back in the day. I loved that line. Had to glue Scorpion's tale on because it broke.

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I always thought that the villain figures were much more interesting than a lot of the good guys, possibly because there were a lot fewer of them. Like, a lot of those supporting characters just seemed so lazy concept-wise. Case in point, Hot Spot, a mutant-dalmatian who is also a firefighter. Or that moose-Mounty dude or the kangaroo who is dressed like a cliché Australian.

That being said, one figure that a lot of people didn't care for, but which I really liked was the giraffe guy. I think Halfcourt was his name.

What was the line where they had the shiny armor you could put on or take off?

The 1989 TMNT line was probably the best. It had so many of the coolest characters, plus the card designs and art just hit me hard when I see them. Case in point, Ace Duck. Also, Krang and Baxter.

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Also, Metalhead. I mean look at this bad ass! One of the greatest toys ever.

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I mostly prefer villains in every series, it especially when it comes to Ninja turtle figures the villains were the best. They were always the weirdest and most grostesque, which made them cooler then most of the heroes. And don’t worry, I like half court too even though he was a good guy, it helped that he had a really strong sculpt and that elevating neck gimmick.

While I agree I personally think the 1990 line up was the best. Even though my favorite figure Krang came out in 89 their only was 10 new figures while 1990 got like 20 and a lot more favorites showed up in that, even though I do love Baxter stockman and metalhead.

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That reminds me, this guy. It was so cool cause you could actually take him swimming.

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I got him but in black loose at NYCC 2017

1990 was really good too, I agree. For 1990 I'd have to go with Mutagen Man , I remember hunting him down in a K-Mart after seeing this commercial. youtube.com/watch?v=-gFeI46LOu4
Also, Slash and Muck Man.

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>For 1990 I'd have to go with Mutagen Man , I remember hunting him down in a K-Mart after seeing this commercial.
That must’ve been cool. I always wondered what that experience would’ve been like since i wasn’t even born yet

Only NEETs

It's a pretty vague memory at this point, since I was very young, but yeah, I lived through the first era of the Turtle craze. The movie was a HUGE event as a kid. One of the biggest deals, aside from Batman 1989.

Do you remember what figures were the rarest back then? It seems so surreal to see how large the toy shelves were back then.

It's really funny. He-Man was this 50/50 mix of absolutely amazing designs and absolute dogshit ones.

I think a lot of it was because filmation was still hung up on trying to ape comic books, even though their more stylized shit looked way better

It was very hard for me to get Beebop until 1989 or early 1990, he was really hard to find. I also never was able to get April at the time. She was never on the racks.

Man-E-Faces was pretty cool.

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How much longer until we get a blobfish mutant as a figure

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