I don't understand

i don't understand

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user, it's 2019, it's the only way now.

Black people are the most nepotistic people.

It's their turn, you Trump voting, mysoginistic incel.

Ohhh, they made Starfire black in this?

I don't care either way, but that's not gonna get your fanbase to subscribe to your streaming service.

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it's always the gingers.

Whats not to understand? Including black characters? Thats a nono. Making non-black characters black? THATS progress.

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Original Starfire was designed when curls and hair-to-high-heaven where still in style.

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And a bigger version of the naked Starfire on bottom's panel.

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>Kills people she just met
>Smiles and laughs after burning 3 dudes to death

This is one of the edgiest shows I've watched in ages. The egg took the cake.

>I don't understand
Same reason they have a tiny Raven.

No one understand it user

Why not introduce black characters instead of racebending non blacks ??

she's not white you know

i dont understand either how after only 3 episodes and Doom Patrol is already MILES better than Titans in its entirety.

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She's not black either

Tamaranian powers are fueled by their emotion. So they're unsettling upbeat and provocative. all. the. time.
The cartoon version watered all that down and made her innocence and cute.

she's also not african american, but..here we are.

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anna diop as starfire is sexy as fuck though so who cares

White is closer to orange

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that's not necessarily true

It's a scientific fact

Starfire is an Alien, in the Comics her marriage to Nightwing was treated like an Interracial Marriage.

More like inter species dumbfuck

It really wouldn’t have been that bad if not for dressing her like a literal goddamn hooker.

More like some Demonic Interspecies Lesbian shit once Raven showed up

dude theres a brown-white, an orange-ish white, and a pink white. "white people" don't have one tone of color


Its really bothersome because Starfire isnt known for afro centric features such as nappy hair, broad nose, thick lips, etc.

If there was true "diversity", they would have gotten a latina for the role and sprayed her with an orange tan. But, in todays SJW media, (((diversity))) simply means more black people, as Hispanics gravitate toward whites and Asians are a model minority that doesnt need the leg up that blacks do.


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Oh brother you cucks still crying. How would an orange glowing woman blend in in a more grounded Titans story dealing with her investigating shit if she's fucking sticking out like a sore thumb. Use some common sense dipshits

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if you claim to not understand, you will be called a racist till you do
>And you think this gives you power over me?

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you moron think you can just pick any woman, paint her orange and voilĂ  here's your starfire ?

are you kidding me ?

to play starfire you have to pick an actress that actually LOOKS like starfire

does that chick in titans look like starfire ? NO


>Use some common sense
Das rite this enlightened whitey know what he be sayin! Mistuh...while your at it could we get mo money fo dem programs?

Fun fact: Teen Titans first appeared in the comics in the 70's. Most people when doing this kind of comparisons clearly believe that they were made up for the 2003 cartoon and think that every adaptation of them should be a shot-per shot remake of it.