>her boyfriend's father is 80
err is this teenager going out with a 50 year old man or what ?
>her boyfriend's father is 80
err is this teenager going out with a 50 year old man or what ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Japanese people sometimes have their kids late. Her BF is more or less the same age as her.
>expect a fun video about her trip to japan
>half the video is about her crying over the death of her cat
jesus christ, every one of her videos are her whining about something
if her boyfriend is a nip then why is he drawn black
Well, people can complain about animatic as much as they want, but it was a well animated cat.
Brazillain Japanese ?
But it seems it's more like he studied there in his childhood. Anyway, it happens from time to time someone get a kid late.
He is from Okinawa ?
okay illymation, I know it's you.
you don't have to pretend anymore.
I am not.
Every video she makes is about abuse or some shit
That's her BF, he doesn't look 50. At which point in the video does she say his father is 80 ?
This one wasn't about abuse.
Most of the ones are about that or something else negative
I wasn't expecting you to aknowledge it anyways
had you watched the video she said she and her bf went to japan to celebrate her bf's father's 80th birthday
why do you draw yourself with eyebrows when you obviously don't have any
Dang, I was hoping a trip to Japan meant bondage related shenanigans would ensue.
Why do cat's try their hardest to make sure we don't know they have easily fixable health issue until they're literally about to die?
if you know her history this doesn't exactly comes of as a surprise
>decides against going to the bath house
Also clean up your spilled drink, messy girl.
I don't draw myself.
>had you watched the video she said she and her bf went to japan to celebrate her bf's father's 80th birthday
>At which point in the video does she say his father is 80 ?
You didn't really answered the question.
>At which point in the video does she say his father is 80 ?
Less than a minute into the video.
>this thread
Is weekend Yea Forums actually the worst Yea Forums?
>cute character
>ugly piece of human trash
>human trash
wow, this was an incredibly boring video
Jaiden's are at least funny
how many boyfriends did this girl have
A lot, and abusive ones.
actually abusive or believes they were abusive
This girl seriously needs contacts
Light Cannibalism
One was a pedophile who asked for her nudes (when she was underaged) and threatened to kill himself if she didn't
She only had one boyfriend before her current one and it was the abusive one. asked for nude of her when she was underage and raped her the first time they met.
She is now at her second boyfriend and this one seems okay.
Also, there is this one, but I don't think that count as an actual boyfriend :
So, at most she had got 2.5 boyfriend.
can you please go the fuck back to tumblr?
Has his evil no boundaries ?