Zoomer kids (boys) really do this?
I do. I'm 28
Nothing wrong with it.
>I do. I'm 28
why are you afraid of your man tits?
how old are you?
Covering your crotch is pretty pathetic too, but I do it because it keeps the peace in the house. Otherwise, I'd let the guys bounce free.
nah, i wipe myself off and go around my house naked. flex in the mirror every time and pass and kiss my biceps
>kiss my biceps
That's both gay and narcissistic.
I used to as a kid
your really posting those pictures every chance you get
Only those who take it up the bung.
Is not like one can post a official naked Peridot or Pearl...Because only "male" bodies like Steven's are allowed to be naked.
It is totally okay to be insecure over your frail tiny white penis user. Make sure you keep it out of sight lest you are judged or a homo redneck sights it and tries to give it a wee tug and turns you homogay.
Didn't this happen at the peak of Steven's identity crisis?
That boy isn't taking care of his curls right if he just wraps a towel around it.
You are right.
Kids don't wear towels at all unless their mom makes them.
white boys btfo
I don't think I've ever walked around with a towel on my head.
You're not a girl user. Nobody is going to be embarrassed when they see your big fat boy tits.
oh, I guess OP meant the torso, yea I only do that if it's cold, but mainly just while I'm drying off in the bathroom and my change of clothes are already in there, i dont usually need to leave my bathroom between getting out of the shower and put on clothes
I do because it's always cold as hell when I get out of a shower
Nothing wrong with a bathrobe.
>Not just covering your lower half so you can look at yourself at the mirror and look like a fucking Greek Statue with your godly psyche
I drip dry.
bathe? Yeah, that's why they're so frail. Washing away their natural oils so Big Oil can collect it and sell it right back at a premium.
Not to mention the chemicals the gov*rnment puts in the water that turns boys into egg receptacles for the reptilians.
Thank goodness I live alone so I don't have to worry about fermenting by my wife. TV, radio, skate board.
based magaposter
are you retarded?
I once had to run an errand but didn't feel like dressing. So I went out in a bathrobe with underwear underneath. The woman I crossed paths with in the elevator did a doubld take. Good times.