ITT: Bad episodes of good shows

ITT: Bad episodes of good shows

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>Not the fucking one where Jack gets eaten by a sea dragon because he was stupidly promised a wish

This episode is great, fuck you.

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All of season 5.

>disliking 4 seasons of death
>disliking that segment

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I love Gravity Falls, but I did not much care for this episode.

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Fuck this episode

Half of GFS episodes are cringey filler.

Yeeeah, this episode had a lot of weird aspects. Definitely the weakest episode.


Got any argument to back that up, pal?

>It's OK when Mabel is boy-crazy and flirts with every boy she meets
>It is morally abhorrent for Dipper to flirt with girls and not return the affections of Candy I mean holy shit what a monster

Fucking awful.

>They didn't think the Stan and Wendy heist episode was good enough to make.
>this episode somehow gets produced

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the first 3 episodes were unironically kino

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Nigga, user was talking about Episode XV, the anthology episode with a cannibalistic robot family and a ridiculously thicc fairy who was one of several characters that Jack sacrificed a portal back to the past for just to save them.

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Characters before story, user. Always remember that. Every GF episode grew us closer to these characters so we could actually care about their adventures.

Except “Roadside Attraction.” That episode was a narrative mess that only had funny jokes keeping it together.

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No but seeee, it's okay when Mabel does it because she only breaks people's hearts one boy at a time! Dipper was doing it en masse, so that made him in the wrrooonng! They said so in the episode!!

That's a weird way to spell "the farting dragon" episode.


Story comes from characters, but you always trim the fat on whatever isn't moving the plot along.

Technically not an episode but the Tokyo movie of Teen Titans is awful.

>hating the gang of greaserbot bounty hunters
>hating Wild Ride


Jack, The Woolies and the Critchellites is way worse. It's just a bland, mediocre mass of cliches that other episodes did better and less obnoxious.

I read that as Critchletits and wondered which episode they were from.