ITT: non-Yea Forums properties that you wish would be given a TV series or movie.
ITT: non-Yea Forums properties that you wish would be given a TV series or movie
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The Darkness
TV is dying. Web series all the way!
it's got a comic series, I'm good with that
Shame it will never update also nice 7s
obligatory Psychonauts stop motion Laika movie comment.
Although it did get a rather strange Yea Forums animated short, it was still lackluster. The creator's just struggling for the Alice rights at this point.
San Andreas by Aaron Mcgruder
SMT mainline or strange journey or Devil Summoner.
or viewtiful joe
Disney if you aren't going to do anything with it please sell the rights to someone who cares.
Doesn't update consistently enough, which is unfortunate. The people who make the official animated shorts clearly have a lot of comedic talent in both the way they animate the characters and make them play off each other. The VAs also do a great job in their line deliveries.
Boomer fortress fags are so fucking cancer holy shit
Can't wait until Fortnite replaces that relic so you all shut up
The Maddest Lads
>>Can't wait until Fortnite replaces that relic so you all shut up
>He doesn't know
Been wondering, but if GoT were animated for Netflix instead of being live action, where the budget wouldn't be too dire for the special effects, would it still have been a pop culture hit?
what are you talking about OP? The comic is going to update any day now, it's so finished that the 3 writers/artists left Valve to go indie just last week.
Also pic related
why must you hurt me this way, user?
it's a bummer, it's fucking quality shit
It would've been a hit with everyone, no matter how mixed-received the plot twist was. The world sells.
You sure made a lot of implications based on absolutely nothing.
I know a lot of people have been wanting Zhanna to be a class in TF2, but I can't imagine how the rival lines would work for her and Soldier. Probably not as love-stricken as Skywrath Mage of DotA.
>he says this after is posted
Classic Yea Forumsmblrcow
Silly troll. If you only posted Overwatch instead of Fortnite, you would've had a fighting chance at getting more (You)
The only people who still care about TF2 are people who can't get past their hypocrisy, blind valve fanboys, and whatever the equivalent of Melee retards are
Why do you feel so threatened by this game existing
Because its shitty, obnoxious modern community gives it a bad image, so people sadly miss out on the good traits the game has to offer.
Not to the same degree, no
Magic the Gathering
Holy shit I want this now
I'm sorry you've had to put up with awful people in the fanbase, but I don't think it's fair to attribute the fandom's worst aspects to the game like it's the game's fault. Even though TF2 has clearly run its course, I do think there's still potential for something good to come out of it. Also, I do agree there are "lolsorandumbxD" aspects of the comic that go wildly out of character even for TF2's standards. The Soldier especially seems like a completely lobotomized version of his former self.
I'm not threatened you defensive pansy, I got over 400 hours from it pre F2P. What you need to understand is that Valve has crippled TF2 beyond belief with constant tone-deaf updates, poorly made cosmetics, bad patches, and an almost biyearly content update schedule. I love TF2 but the fanboys who keep touting that "TF2 is still good guys and so much "betterer" than these nu-fun zoomer games" are blind to the fact that modern TF2 is no different than these "Nu-fun zoomer" games. Valve has now become SOULLESS, apathetic and no different than Blizzard, Bungie, Bioware, Bethesda, and Dice in where they are a hollow shell of their former glory.
No, but it would have been a much better adaptation. We would have gotten
>all the stylish armors
>Castles would have looked way better
>essos would have looked way better
>They could have included the freaky ass dreams and visions
>characters would look like book canon(Daario with blue beard, Tyrion with a fucked up face, Dany would have targ eyes, etc.)
and basically you're just saying you don't like thing that people likes. It's no secret people have given up on Valve, but being actually angry that people haven't left the game with you just shows that you're getting all flustered over nothing. In fact, that's pretty much most of Yea Forums.
>People still like this thing? Fucking cashuls.
TF2 had a chance of being an adult swim show but valve being the lazy fuck ups they are they took too long and we only got one episode, expiration date. What an ironic name.
True, but they probably would've gotten most of the sex abuse out due to sensitivities. Anime may have balls for it but Netflix animated doesn't.
I mean, no one was really arguing about any of this in the thread until you showed up and threw a tantrum over it for seemingly no reason. I just wanted to see what kind of ideas Yea Forums had for non-Yea Forums related media and how it would possibly convert from one medium to another. Take this shit to Yea Forums where it belongs.
I'm still mad, but yeah Valve are lazy shits, and TF2 content seems pretty much done with at this point.
To be honest most of the sex was tertiary to the overall story in ASOIAF, I wouldnt mind them cutting(or downplaying) shit like cersei's myrish swamp, and FAT PINK MAST. I-I just want to see the kingsmoot as it was in canon.
You're completely right that it ain't the game's fault for having such a community nowadays, specially since it lived for over 11 years by now, however adding some better moderation / report systems or bringing back community servers (no, 24/7 2fort and idle servers do not count as actual servers) could at least make it more bearable.
I guess the flanderization of the characters has to be because of the aforementioned "game has been running for over a decade" reason as well, which is something that both the community and devs themselves do, but i don't really blame them since nearly everything has been done to death already both in the game and outside of it.
no it isn't, every TF2 thread on Yea Forums is "Look how awesome TF2 still is guys, Overcucks BTFO". This isn't me being the "fun police" it's me stating the fact that modern valve fanboys are no different than the thing they hate/loathe. If you still have fun with TF2 and its comics more power to you, life is too short to hate on dumb shit like entertainment, but at least acknowledge the fact that modern TF2 isn't the game you played back in 2009 with your friends after middle school was done for the day
Freddy Got Fingered would have been perfect during that period of "Main character annoys the shit out of everyone" genre of the early 2000s
Ok jeff
The history channel, by the San Andreas crew.
I would watch that.
Probably not
Overwatch lol
Rayman did have a french cartoon
I don't really Care about the game, I'm only follow TF2 because the animations and comics.
Need I say more?
Does it count though?
>every TF2 thread on Yea Forums is "Look how awesome TF2 still is guys, Overcucks BTFO". This isn't me being the "fun police" it's me stating the fact that modern valve fanboys are no different than the thing they hate/loathe
I think it's something related thoe fortnight is really popular with little kids, and hating on little kids is just human nature
>Comic artist says the comic literally isn't even being worked on right now but "they'd like to find an opportunity to pick it up again"
It's dead Jim
>not just playing tc_Hydro
truly 2007 tf2
No it's bitter manchild nature. Of course it's ok for little kids to enjoy something childish, including doing le silly dance.
Worm web serial It would work
This would be great in the style of Ballmastrz 9009
Supreme Commander. The concept of an army springing out of thin air is fascinating.
It'll be decades before they can properly adapt it too.
I would watch it and like it, but most of Yea Forums would only care about the waifus.
Don't forget that the smallest units in the game are 70 meters tall, and the experimentals are literally the size of skyscrapers.
>smallest unit
>70 meters tall
I think you got a unit wrong there.
That's the standard size of a Cybran T3 Brick, which is pretty tiny. The only thing smaller would be the mech marine, and as you see here, it's still pretty damn big.
Yes, but hardly the 'smallest units in the game'.
Always wanted an animated film version because reasons
Was it to show the boy-lover's proclivities?
Going for an easy one
Honestly closest to a TF2 show would be Venture Bros
The whole of Sigil is really a top tier spot for an animated production.
Actually it's got more to do with the fact that an animated/CGI version of the film could've theoretically been even more accurate to the book (i.e. taking the actual Mogadishu and recreating the entire city street by street). The live version had obvious technical and geographic limitations. One of the biggest things that annoyed me about Black Hawk Down was that the filming location of Salé, Morroco looks nothing like the city of Mogadishu. The architecture is all Arabic, whereas the actual city of Mogadishu is a mix of British and Italian influence.
>implying Skullgirls will ever get anything again
if only
Animated series depicting all the batshit things Keel talks about.
thisBut it'd be way too depressing for a TV show. Could make it a web series, those are seem to be in.
I like the game
Honestly wouldn't mind even if the animations / comics would be community made, just Skullgirls content in general would make me happy.
TF2 is for retards
based hydro chad