What board would your favorite Yea Forums character browse?

what board would your favorite Yea Forums character browse?

Dr Manhattan is a robot. or at least a failed normie.

Attached: dr wojakattan.jpg (1600x900, 150K)

I suppose she browse /fit/, Yea Forums & Yea Forums.
Canon = /u/
Headcanon = /adv/

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/r9k/ needs to stop acting like theyre transcedent beings. no, youre fucking outcasts because youre awful people that nobody wants to hang around with. you nitpick and latch on to half-assed sociological assessments amd declare society at fault for casting you out when you have nothing to offer it.
Dr. Manhattan is neither a robot or a failed normie. he had a bitchin' girlfriend and a fucking career until he got literal godpowers and the ability to see into the future and became disillusioned with the limited nature of humanity as a result of it. robots/failed normies latch onto the faggy anti-social mindsets because of a damaged ego.
now, please fuck off back to your shithole.

Definitely /k/, maybe /out/ and /fit/, and potentially very rarely /an/.

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No fair, I was about to post her. Sigrun would only browse /an/'s cat threads when Lalli was acting stranger than normal.

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Fuck it, I'll just do one for all the louds:
>Lisa: /sci/
>Lola: Yea Forums and /pol/
>Lana: /an/ and /out/ and /diy/
>Lucy: /x/ and /mlp/
>Lincoln: Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums. Maybe /vp/ also.
>Lynn: Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>Luan: Yea Forums
>Luna: /lgbt/, and Yea Forums
>Leni: /fa/
>Lori: /int/

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he's that guy who gives genuinely good advice in /adv/

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If infect beasts were real I imagine /an/ would have threads about them, which is why I added it

Definitely /pol/

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did ditko make this comic?

OP utterly BTFO

No, Joe Kubert. They have very similar inking styles though, but Kubert has better anatomy and is grittier.

Might browse /g/ from time to time and maybe DIY for upgrades. I don't know, just a lucky guess.

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/qa/, /adv/, /x/

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and maybe /r/


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/trv/, /out/, /n/, /k/ and /his/, probably.

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You forgot
>Lily: Yea Forums

I don’t think lily even knows how to use a computer

kill yourself casual

user, it's a joke. A filename joke. I know Yea Forums is shit at those but come on. Don't let your "HUH ACHSHIUALLY QUESTION OPERATES IN THE FICTIONAL SHITHOLE HUB CITY, NOT DETROIT!" autism get the better of you

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it's much funnier if you just say hub city dude. Who gives a fuck if normalfaggots won't get it.

But Hub City isn't known as a nigger town, there's still plenty of white low-lives there.

Would absolutely get into huge flame wars on /pol/. Probably lurk /out/ as well

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He's blind, so he browses nothing.

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>Implying he doesn't have a text-to-speech app reading him all the latest shiposts

Sadly there's no board dedicated to being edgy. He might browse Yea Forums but mostly for the rare gore threads.

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all the porn boards while shitposting on /x/ and /pol/

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/pol/ isn't about being edgy, it's about dumb memes and hating non-white people (and a bunch of the white people too who aren't white enough). That's not being edgy, that's being ignorant, like really, really ignorant. Judge
Death would find their politics hard to relate to because most /pol/ users take for granted that their vision of the perfect world has survivors, and Judge Death wouldn't want to waste his time on people who would leave survivors.

/out/, /trv/, /int/, /his/ and /an/
Might browse /k/, and he'd shitpost on /fit/ and /x/ with pictures of himself when he has the chance

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All it takes is one day on Yea Forums to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one day on Yea Forums.

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You’re too new to remember when /pol/ worshipped ron paul as a god.