Now that the dceu is finally dead, what does Yea Forums thinks of it as a whole

now that the dceu is finally dead, what does Yea Forums thinks of it as a whole

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>now that the dceu is finally dead
Aquaman made 1,14, DCEU is bigger than ever and just stomped fucking Transformers 2 times in a row.

It was irredeemable shit from "Maybe you should've let a bus full of you children drown, Clark" onward.

It is pretty good and not dead

MoS and BvS are great, SS and JL suck balls, WW and AM are fine.

I thought it was great

Did so much damage to the brand that DC can never recover from even if they weren't going bankrupt

>DCEU is bigger than ever
Remember you said this after they've had four bombs in a row by this time next year

Sup Ladderbluray aka CaptainSalt from comic vine.

>Remember you said this after they've had four bombs in a row by this time next year

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I still like MoS, even with flaws I can acknowledge. I'd rather sit and watch it than 2/3s of the MCU.

Beevis is just depressing to watch, and not just because of the mood of the film. It is such a monumental dropped ball. And Snyder, for all his fuck ups with the characters, really did nail a kind of aesthetic for superheroes that no one else remotely approaches. But the studio let him trample on several iconic stories to try and compete with the MCU and the rest is history.

Wonder Woman, honsestly, I was bored with. It was okay. But nothing spectacular, and I ended up falling asleep.

Suicide Squad is one of the worst things I've ever seen. It is just so fundamentally flawed from head to toe, and that was disappointing, because I was willing to give it a chance.

JL was a complete mess. I did enjoy the way Superman was written in this, though.

Haven't seen Aquaman

I still don't know what happened. How do you not only screw up a Superman movie that badly, but continue screwing up to such a degree with the Justice League, which by all rights should be miles better than any Marvel movie. It's the Justice League ffs, everyone knows about the characters already, no one knew about Marvel characters outside of the X-Men and Spiderman. After watching MoS I couldn't bring myself to watching anything else and the bits of BvS and WW I caught on TV were bland. I just want to know whose fault this is, because Snyder didn't do this all on his own.

>How do you not only screw up a Superman movie that badly, but continue screwing up to such a degree with the Justice League
>After watching MoS I couldn't bring myself to watching anything else

>I still like MoS, even with flaws I can acknowledge. I'd rather sit and watch it than 2/3s of the MCU.
Agreed. A lot of people will find a couple flaws in a movie and completely write it off and call it shit. At least for DCEU films.

Hated everything except Wonder Woman and Aquaman, those were really good movies.
Also is far from dead.

Unlike most people, I actually preferred the darker, more serious tone. Felt like an actual breath of fresh air from Marvel Humor™. I don't think we'll be seeing much more of that though.

that died when snyder left, the last dceu were literally marvel carbon copies anyway so I'm kinda happy that it already died, I'm happy with whay i got out of it.

MoS and BvS were miserable experiences, WW was like a high budget 90s Xenia/Hercules show but a movie, SS was embarrassing and AM was pretty fun and memorable for it’s batshit energy and content.

Shazam and WW 2 give me some hope, though.

all are shit

DCEU died in 2017 according to WB execs

Aquaman is just an Aquaman movie, there's nothing it ties into

Man of Steel was pretty bad, Batman v Superman, by some miracle, turned out to be a masterpiece, Suicide Squad was fucking unwatchable, Wonder Woman was okay, Justice League was an abomination, and I still haven't seen Aquaman.

Overall it was kind of a shit show but at least we got one genuinely brilliant movie out of it. I'm still glad it's dead.

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>Aquaman made 1,14,
To be fair it was a pretty good MCU movie.

MoS was kino. BvS was great. JL was bad. WW and Aquaman both good. We don't talk about Suicide Squad.

wait til you see the ACU

Batman was shit
Superman was shit
Wonder Woman didn't had time to be Shit
Lois Lane is shit
Lex Luthor is Shit
Parallels to comics or the bible don't make a movie good,mcu is for soi boys but at least they make good movies
Snyder is a hack

MoS is an alright movie with some massive, easily-avoidable pacing and tonal flaws that set it back from being good.

BvS is so baffling bad that it can only be made by people with the utmost certainty that it would succeed. Like TASM2, its honestly quite fascinating how it single handily managed to ruin WB's entire plans for the DCEU.

Haven't watched Suicide Squad and have no plans on doing so.

Wonder Woman was overall a good film, though it floundered at the third act when it became another Zach Snyder patented, "smoke, fire and bad cgi" battle.

Justice League was a mess and was never going to be good, but I enjoyed it for what it was, mainly because I probably went in with such low expectations that I could only be impressed. That and Superman was actually likable now.

Aquaman is the best film of the whole lot, doing what MoS wanted to do but so much better. Only issue was it felt a bit crammed with everything, so the pacing felt a bt rushed.

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Not that faggot but he meant
>Birds of Prey
>the one from the Batman 67 movie

I still blame Batman for everything

Fucking normies and their shitty "i want everything to be realistic and gloomy" crap and their neverending fascination for mr. nihilistic and smart just like me XDDD

shh he's listening

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>there's nothing it ties into
Mera literally brings up Steppenwolf

Who are you quoting? Someone you made up in your head?


Never watched any of it, should I?

Warner Bros literally aren't making any more crossovers or tie ins, Aquaman was written and filming when they decided that and it's still a mess from trying to cut out all the crossover crap

the DCEU is dead

Is it time to bury it?

Mera literally meets Aquaman for the first time in two separate movies

Suicide Squad is literally a crossover you retard, plus there will be a Superman cameo on Shazam.

Its really interesting to look back at the Snyder trilogy and just look at how big of a cluster fuck it truly is.

>Character named Carrie(might as well be carol) Ferris shows up twice in MoS and BvS. justice league trailer teases lanterns on top of this. But neither Carrie nor a green lantern show up in Justice league
>Turns superman into a burdened Atlus character whose parental figures constantly tell him "Stop helping people, you don't owe them nothing"
>makes BvS into a Frankenstein monster of DKR and Death of Superman
>Creates a sub plot of superman turning evil due to "lois is the key!!!" that likely went no where due to the justice league was cut down to 1 movie instead of two.
>everything that has to do with flash.
>everything that has to do with Lex Luthor
>jimmy olson is killed for no fucking reason.
>the whole fucking subplot involving the african warlord.

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I'd argue MoS has far less flaws than the average MCU film. But people tend to highlight the flaws of the average DCEU movie while downplaying the strengths, and the opposite for the average MCU film.

I just want a good Superman movie. Is that so much to ask?

Donner made 2.

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> Man of Steel was pretty bad, Batman v Superman, by some miracle, turned out to be a masterpiece.

Are you dumb. You must be a batfag because BVS was absolutely shit.

it was doomed from the beginning. hack snyder is a terrible director who has nothing more than a superficial understanding of the material he adapts.

the most enjoyable thing was suicide squad, and only because I wanted to fug Harley and Enchantress

not a good sign

Liked it. Find the genuine outrage regarding the Zod death baffling. I like my heroes to be noble and kind but not necessarily because the plot makes it easy. Superman should be allowed to kill if it makes sense given the situation.

Terrible. I used to to think real estate Lex was bad until Eisen-Lex upped the ante. This should have been MoS 2 with Brainiac.

>Wonder Woman

>Suicide Squad
Didn't bother with it. Initially seemed interesting very early on until WB tried to make it Guardians of the Galaxy Lite. None of the jokes from the trailer were funny. A family is the exact opposite of what the comic incarnation is.

Haven't seen it but figured it be a disaster from what I heard. Wan doing a 180 on the tone to appeal to either WB or general audiences didn't fill me with hope; he started off posting Lovecraft quotations and later described it as a "swashbuckling" adventurer desperately assuring audiences that it would be "fun." Apparently it's watchable which means that Swamp Thing, an actual horror series within his element should be amazing.

Same. I think after Guardians of the Galaxy 3, if we ever get it, I'm checking out. See one of these movies and you've seen them all. And Noblebright is a bit dull unless it goes full wish fullfillment anyways.

Generally disappointed.

I'm disappointed because Henry Cavill was great casting. I'm disappointed that we seemingly won't get a subsequent Superman-centric movie. I'm disappointed they already blew the load on Doomsday.

I'm disappointed because I think the studio didn't learn the right lessons from Green Lantern.

I'm disappointed that Suicide Squad seemed to shy away from what it was getting built up as. Either:
*The marketing got away from the actual production and misrepresented it.
*The production changed after the marketing had already represented it.
*The marketing and production were not in sync at all.
I think the film that hinted at character moments, fun with villains, and some over the top hi-jinks would have been great. Instead we got two-and-a-half rounds of introductions and a shoe-horned in third act to try to wrap things up. Joker was almost completely superfluous. I'm glad it got an Oscar, Killer Croc looked great.

I'm disappointed that Justice League movie had anything to do with the Death of Superman story. It was too soon in the life of the shared universe. I'm disappointed that they rushed into elements of the Death of Superman and the Dark Knight Returns. I feel like they should have been saved for later.

Conversely I thought Wonder Woman was really good. Aquaman was fun. Man of Steel was a good Superman origin story. Batman v Superman was -off-. Justice League was -off-. Suicide Squad was -not good-. I'm hoping Shazam is great.

I'm also hoping Henry Cavill is still Superman. I'm hoping Ben Affleck recovers from what ails him, but I'm OK with him getting replaced.

I don't know why I bothered typing out all this SHITE for you people.

BvS is shite. JL is marginally better.

Why this board defends that pile of shit movie I'll never know.

The Hack's trilogy is dead, and it was as crappy as advertised

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This isn't funny. I don't get what secret cipher this website used to determine what's nonsensical what's obvious PR machinations and what's a bankable offense.

This isn't funny. I don't get what secret cipher this website used to determine what's nonsensical what's obvious PR machinations and what's a ban-able offense.

Wow look at all this talent, who paid for this?

>now that the dceu is finally dead
Technically, it never existed, at least by that name

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Technically Donner made one he was never 100% happy with but his own commentary indicates the kind of stuff he had to deal with when he was offered the role (like the producers wanting to cast Stallone and numerous other stupid things in the original draft of the movie), and another 65% of a second movie. Even the Donner Cut of Superman II isn't really the film he intended or likely would have made (by his own admission).

Still his movie and still a damn good movie.

Superman 2 is better than Superman 1.

Fuck no, Superman II is good but Superman I is just fantastic.

Close, except WW and AM are great, and MoS and BvS are fine. Honestly BvS is barely fine, I might put it in the suck balls category too.

I consider myself an enthusiast and I do my best to watch movies with a blank slate, ignoring critical reviews and fren's spoilers. that being said...

1. sups v zod was enjoyable, even the reimagining of the clarks, but sups killing zod for 1 family seemed kinda dumb considering he himself prolly killed hundreds by throwing zod through buildings. the entire escape from the ship was also pretty contrived and silly. lois had no reason to be on the ship in the first place.
2. batman v superman had its moments, and while I was high as fuck the single time I watched it. had I not been that drugged I might have stopped my play through. the whole 'martha' thing was pretty sad. lex zucker was completely out of character, and an ill fit for the whole thing. they spiderman2'd pretty hard on this one. I get that it was supposed to be for JL, but the adaptation of Death of Superman and the Batman almost kills Superman (forget the name of that arc... Dark Knight?) was good, but poorly executed on

3. wonder woman had a good theme song. I didn't sit through this entire movie. it was enjoyable, but again. too many contrived scenes. I know it was synonymous with Captain America 1 and WW2. I didn't enjoy it. I feel though could have picked a more original way to open this character. or at least a more unique way of her involvement in this history, it just felt like they were playing second fiddle too much.

4. JL, never saw it. the three proceeding movies did not deliver enough to invest in a medley and the ensuing story entanglements. from which I understand there were very little

5. whitefish goes to wetkonda: enjoyable movie, good male lead, weak female lead. best line from legendary actor. again, the rescue of the mother from exile (after chasing down artifacts did feel a little second fiddle-ish considering antman and wasp). but it was forgivable. the only movie of the 5 I have seen more then once.

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I'm not gonna bother reading the thread, but I'm sure you sent at least 50 DCucks into a straight seethe!

Marvel ALWAYS wins.

>though it floundered at the third act when it became another Zach Snyder patented, "smoke, fire and bad cgi" battle.
What exactly did you expect/want besides that? We come to Wonder Woman for the same thing we go to Thor for, epic mythological battles between godly beings.
I didn't like Ares having telekinesis but it was still a much better more epic battle them most of what we got from any of the Thor movies.

>>the whole fucking subplot involving the african warlord.
There was nothing wrong with that, it's good to show Superman's tricky involvement in geo politics, it makes the world feel real and immersive.

Everything in 2 was ass outside of the Zod & Friends scenes.
The romance was barf inducing, the slapstick bullshit of Lois throwing herself of the bridge and burning Clark to see if he is Superman is unbearable.

>he started off posting Lovecraft quotations and later described it as a "swashbuckling" adventurer desperately assuring audiences that it would be "fun."
Both of those things are what we want from Aquaman, read his new 52 run.

>We come to Wonder Woman for the same thing we go to Thor for, epic mythological battles between godly beings
No, we don't. That's not what Wonder Woman's about at all

You go to Wonder Woman to see a badass amazonian woman perform close-quarters bdsm action moves on sexy villainesses.
The ending should've been between WW and Dr Poison hyped up on that strength gas and you know it.

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ur not missing out on much, but Aquaman was way better then Wonder Woman

DCEU is unironically dead. The movies are going to be all stand alone and no longer part of a continuity

>but sups killing zod for 1 family seemed kinda dumb considering he himself prolly killed hundreds by throwing zod through buildings
(1.) How many times do I have to clarify that this did not fucking happen?

Superman himself NEVER punched/pushed or threw Zod into a single building during the Metropolis fight.
And during their fight only Wayne Tower & a parking garage were fully destroyed and Superman did ZERO structural damage to the Tower.

The collective stuff Clark himself directly caused on purpose is as follows...
> He collided with Zod alongside 1 building leaving a crater (it's the 1 Zod is leaping up the side of towards Clark).
> Tackled Zod through some bars at the construction site.
> Dragged Zod's face through some windows as a spontaneous reaction to being punched into the building opposite.
> Plows Zod into the train station, causing very little damage (he only grained semi control of the decent at the last portion of the flight, Zod is the one that sent them back to earth)

(2.) It wasn't just about the family it was about not throwing away the advantage of the headlock, as soon as Zod is out of it they are back to Zod throwing him into buildings or Zod directly targeting civilians like he promised to. Throwing away the only way to stop Zod just to keep blood off his hands would have been selfishly negligent on a genocidal level.

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Wrong, Suicide Squad is a crossover, Shazam will have a a Superman came and DC officially said that they are still a shared universe.

>weak female lead
Fuck You.

yeah that was what i liked most about the DCEU the darker tone and serious elements.
the only MCU film that comes close is CA:WS

Crashing this scout ship... WITH NO SURVIVORS

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>he doesn't know

ur right, Zod did all the killing and Superman was justified in killing him.

that scene was still stupid as fuck tho. and u fanboying about it wont save it from being FUCKING STUPID

MoS and BvS were kino. SS got Marvel'd up by the execs and went to shit. WW fell apart in the last act. JL was JUST.

her bright red hair took all semblance of actractiveness away that might have distracted me from her shrill voice or terrible facial expressions.

>don't even bother trying to say eating a flower was anything but pathetic

>it’s mcu because I want it to be
If it were MCU it would be a 2 hour robot chicken typical Aquaman gag

Damn, Snyder would have used that stigmata idea if he'd thought of it first

1.) That doesn't provide him a ability to stop Zod which the headlock does. And him using his beams in Smallville showed the beams could easily harm other Kryptonians. If he was strong enough to take the beam it might deflect it all over the room and hurt other people.
2.) Pulling Zod away or turning his head doesn't stop the threat, again if he lets Zod out of the headlock then they are right back where they were before, Zod punching him through the city with zero way to stop him.
3.) Superman was previously focused on keeping Zod's attention on him after Zod threatened to kill the human race one by one that is why he didn't stop to try and save anyone during their fight because there would be absolutely nothing to stop Zod from attacking Civilians while Clark is not engaged with him. And again it wasn't just about the family, it was about not throwing away the advantage of the headlock.
4.) He has spent 33 years not punching down or even defending himself against bullies, yes it's safe to assume he is against killing and violence in general.
5.) The stakes weren't about Clark being hurt in the fight, it was about the fact that the longer the fight goes on for, the more people will get killed from the damage Zod causes to the city.
> why doesn't he just kill Zod back in Smallville?
- Because the World Engine hadn't been deployed yet and so it wasn't yet a apocalyptic situation.
- Because Superman had no idea how to kill Zod at the time.
- They barely fought in Smallville, Zod retreated really quickly when Clark exposed his body to the atmosphere.
> Crashing scout ship
Saved the entire human race from extinction.
Any individual Kryptonian could kill the human race by hand and there was over a dozen on the Black Zero, if Zod had been allowed to re aim and shoot down the military flight, the entire human race dies.
And Clark had no way of knowing the scout ship would bank downward immediately, he was just serving the controls so Zod couldn't' fire again.

Wonder Woman didn't suck that bad. Kill the rest with fire.

BvS was an extremely insightful commentary on the superhero genre in general and the place it has in our current culture in particular. It's the closest the genre has come to real introspection in a long time.

first they start the universe with a superhero vs superhero story (just in time with civil war) then they are upset because they have to go back and tell individual stories. we weren't aware of a connected universe before nick fury came up in iron man 2 in the mcu. so why didn't they just started the universe with individual stories, didn't they know they would have to forego the connectivity in order to tell the origin stories.

Ok, and that was the worst part about it. You got two TITANS of comics going against each other in a vs. movie and the best you can do is ok!?

its ded you retarded fuck

No it doesn't, it was literally all a trick because at the end of the day it was all Lex, and just like most of the movie that subplot requires everyone on the planet except Lois to be either retarded or corrupted by Lex in order to work

Im pretty sure Henry Cavill said that wouldn't happen due to his work on The Witcher, right before he bailed on the whole DCEU.

Sorry, but the best are easily MoS and BvS. WW and AM feel too much like popcorn movies. JL is just pure shit.

It's just doing another transition, Warner/AT&T aren't letting that cashcow die anytime soon.

MoS, and BvS are honestly really good to a point. MoS is way better than BvS but still suffers from Snyder's "stylistic decisions" that just ruin it (Pa Kent's cynicism, the neck snap), and BvS could have been wicked of they didn't try smashing DoS and TDKR into one movie that is also supposed to be the first Worlds Finest in live action. Way too much. If they had taken out the BAT of MURDER subplot, and Doomsday, and made the final battle of the movie Lex Luthor in his power armor suit, the entire thing would be kino. WW was solid, and Aquaman was very fun. Looking forward to Shazam.

>popcorn movies are too much like popcorn movies

Love it when people try and pull an elitist card with 200 million dollar blockbuster movies.

DCEU started on "Wonder Woman".

This user gets it.

>he started off posting Lovecraft quotations and later described it as a "swashbuckling" adventurer desperately assuring audiences that it would be "fun."
And thank fuck for that. The movie is so much better as a fun, nautical adventure. Also, we DID end up getting Lovecraftian horror a bit anyway.

Yeah for real. MoS was alright and I enjoyed JL despite it being a mess (although I probably wouldn't watch it twice) but the Snyder trilogy as a whole was one big dumpster fire. I hope WB has the sense to never let him direct another movie in the franchise again. They shouldn't even be letting him produce BoP.

This would be the correct answer;
Aquaman left the DCEU nowhere to go.
It might have made some bucks, but, really, it's shit.
It's over; Let it go. It's ded.


Its this

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Oh, that's easy.

If you don't like BvS, you MUST love Marvel, and that's bad. But can't admit there's any problems, or the other people who "love" it will turn on you too.

I love several MCU movies, and i still think that BvS is the best DCEU movie. What now?