Well this was not very good

Well this was not very good

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Cool villain and Charlotte was wife as fuck

I disagree.

Charlotte was the best part

Charlotte is a very good friend.

Lies Charlotte has the softest cunny and friends on the other side is catchy as fuck as well as having some pretty cool animation

I like it a lot, thought it was a lot of fun, looked great, cool villain, and best waifu.

Attached: 1277111384369.jpg (1920x1080, 769K)

original she was supposed to be generic bitch.
what changed their mind about her?

The twist of the movie is to let audience think Charlotte is supposed to be a stuck-up bitch like Cinderella's step-mother&sisters and she eventually a nice and loyal friend of Tiana.

well fuck you too

Honestly think the movie would’ve been better if Charlotte was the princess desu.
She would still have the same sweet personality from the beginning but she’d develop a sense of strength and be a little less spoiled, just by a tiny bit.

Reminder that this was originally going to be Charlotte.

Attached: charlotte concept art.jpg (850x531, 52K)

Just rewatched it, besides the slapstick hunters scene it was a lot better than I remember. Naveen is great

I liked it but they shouldn't have been frogs for half the movie, or arguably at all.

Everybody is great. Tiana is the most mature and responsible Disney heroine, Naveen grows a lot and they form a nice reciprocal relationship, and Charlotte is a good friend. Very sensible themes, too.

You have shit taste

Still better taste than frozenfags.

is she fat or preggers

>tfw no Charlotte gf

You can't hide pregnancy with a corset, user.

>Tiana is the most mature and responsible Disney heroine
That is Mulan.

>total klutz at the start of the movie who royally fucks up her meeting with the matchmaker
>crossdresses and lies about her identity so she can go fight in a war with a high chance of dying
>blows up a mountain with a rocket, which could have easily backfired
Mulan is reckless as fuck.

You can once.

what did they mean by this?

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