Nope, still not getting off me chair

Nope, still not getting off me chair

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Other urls found in this thread:

abubububa bah bubbubuh *laser noises* bubhuhu bubbubbuh

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I'm sure this was a fetish thing.



I don't know about the machine hit but yeah him being in that chair and not getting out of it is my fetish

Loli and guro, bro.


Attached: tumblr_inline_owln4eyaXI1r9atfx_500.gif (500x400, 474K)

Gee really?
You think?
Never would have guessed man, big news

live flaying is a fucked up fetish, but there's probably worse fetishes out there.


There are. Like those Japanese girls with the cockroaches. I wish I had never remembered that.

>As he doesn't move, there's no need to constrain him.
>He gets flayed just offscreen with grotesque yet cartoony sound effects and a shadow for effect
>Cut back to him in the exact same position in his chair, but with no skin.
>"Muriel! Close the window! It's Drafty in Here!

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I find is strange that two old people in the middle of nowhere would bother to have a computer and internet access.

Excellent post

Why is he in the machine for? What is the cymbalism


Unironically kill yourself.

Sorry bro, this is too CURSED to be a meme

O Yea Forums ive got something for ya...


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Uhhh, can I get a redpill?

Nope only blues and whites

How fucking worthless, autistic and stupid do you have to be to tell someone to kill themselves because they got a gif from a site you don't like?

10/10 post

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Original image was of a girl being filet alive


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Drawfags get in here


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> Flesh is pulling the exact same Sitting pose next to him

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>Muriel knits him a new "skin" from a blanket she was making during the entire episode, giving Eustace the appearance of a person-shaped blanket

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I'm 28 now and I'm pretty sure I saw this in high school on gaia online
why is it making the rounds these days?

This shit is ancient. Why have newfags been pushing it so much recently? It's really not that funny.


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It's on facebook as well. What's with the old Yea Forums memes being revived in normalfag territory recently?

Sensible chuckle.

Unfortunately it only made her stronger.

Attached: Laser Loli.jpg (3488x3000, 2.5M)

>There are. Like those Japanese girls with the cockroaches. I wish I had never remembered that.
Come on, the Chinese fucking Japanese girls isn't so bad.

I saved some image of flys fucking lolis and cumming inside maggots through the x Ray portion

You're thinking of the turks.

Outside of, I can't really think of much worse.

I remember when that was going around
Theres another one (or maybe the same one) where the girl gets turned into a roach monster girl that I may or may not have developed a fetish from

People that are old enough to have grown up with it are reposting it
People that are young enough to have not seen it are being introduced to it so they're passing it around like the older people did
Also gb2 gaia

why is redddit so obsessed with that meme recently? The original is more than a decade old. It's literally little kids thinking they found hot original shit while at the museum

>It's literally little kids thinking they found hot original shit while at the museum
You just described the vast majority of popular internet memes from this entire decade.

I like it.


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Probably Courage got it


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sans chair

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Someone should post the rest of the art of her as a villain

This is great. We need a drawfag STAT

You deserve the heaven, son

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this tbqh family

Quality post.

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>Lousy, no-good skin! What'd it ever do for me? Itch all the time? Get wrinkly? Pah, useless!

>ywn be eustace's chair, never to be gotten out of
what's the point in living?


My god

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kill yourself

What a reddit post. Cringe.

>off me chair

top kek

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include me in le epic reddit screencap

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I could not resist

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>The hat's still there

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Somebody screencap this thread

It's not too hard to explain:
>2016 attracted lots of normalfags to /pol/
>when the elections ended, they spilled over to other boards
>they found out about lots of ancient memes
>took them to social networks to get ebin self-steem points

>This fucking thread

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I could hear him just going "OW!" as he's sitting

Hard to say, Eustace has ignored some painful situations, or at least got over the pain in some instances and just carried on like nothing had happened to him. That man was beyond stubborn. especially while sitting in that chair.

>Nope. Not gettin out of me chair

>feet at the exact same shape as his shoes
makes it even better


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Yea Forums will always shine to the top because of posts like these


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Fucking lel

You guys are alright.

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forgot the whine

Yea Forums is alright sometimes.

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>Yea Forums

>being stupid on purpose for the yous

Nice try Yea Forumsermin

Damn, Yea Forumsirgins really are the dumbest attention craving hoes on 4fuck.
Here's your you.

theres always a worse fetish.

Damn it the numbers are ever reversed it's fucking destiny!




un-cursed post

I don't know, how do you beat getting off to someone being skinned alive? Even that one comic about diapers (you know, THAT one) isn't nearly as disturbing.

>I don't know, how do you beat getting off to someone being skinned alive?
Simply going off what I've seen?
Post soul vore disposal.

>blaring Chinese music
>stupid dog can’t stop machine. Soon all skin will be removed
>watch where ya going you fool

Attached: 4A1FE492-F611-47BD-AAD2-EAAD2E6BE331.png (636x468, 293K)

Like feet for example.

>soul vore
That thing Raziel does?

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Now imagine what happens to digested food normally.
But with the soul that just got eaten.

if the feet were more accurate this would be perfect

though the shoe-shaped ones are pretty kek-worthy

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Having seen some post-vore stuff, not really that surprising. Still, hardly the worst thing as that stuff rarely involves gore, just stuff that's generally considered gross.

top tier post

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Depends on what you consider more disgusting really.
Scat or gore. Some people find gore a bit less jarring. Personally, most scat stuff makes me more disgusted than most gore stuff.

But then, there's exceptions to both these and I'd have to confess to being into some sick shit if we keep going.

I would think people would at least be a bit less disgusted by scat since it's just crap, whereas gore is often times highly detailed things like entrails and tons of blood, or really disturbing things like torn up limbs and faces that makes you wonder how the people who drew it can sleep at night when they've just drawn something straight out of a nightmare. I mean yea, it does depend on what kind of scat you're talking about, but I can at least sort of understand what might interest someone into that than gore. How anyone enjoys seeing death and dismemberment is beyond me.

No no no. This was live action. The girls inserting roaches and fucking each other with smashed roaches and eating them. I saw this on Yea Forums like 4-5 years ago.

This thread is a great thread.

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>How anyone enjoys seeing death and dismemberment is beyond me.
At the risk of starting a long protracted debate: Violent video games, movies, cartoons and so on. I mean, for me, I compartmentalize fantasy from reality, and I can understand how you could enjoy the fictionalized version of something without enjoying the real thing.
For me, MOST forms of crap I just can't get out of my imagination the smell. If I see it, I can't get the memory of all the times I've had to smell raw sewage out of memory. The smell alone will make you gag.

I'm into guro and post vore scat.

Attached: Eh_Im_getting_me_lolicon.png (1406x956, 236K)

former gurofag speaking
it is literally exclusively middle schoolers and high schoolers trying to be as edgy as humanly possible
>be 12
>have no friends
>h-haha I don;'t like anyone anyway, I hate people
>find Yea Forums
>find progressively worse pornography quickly
>before you know it, be 13 and cranking it to Elfen Lied

what a dark year 2007 was

>it is literally exclusively middle schoolers and high schoolers trying to be as edgy as humanly possible
A lot of gurofags I've seen are women. Like, a disturbingly large portion are.

That said, no, I don't think it's exclusively people trying to be edgy.
t. guro fag that's well past high school age

Here's the thing though, most of those games and movies rarely go into as much gritty detail as gore art does. Not only that, you don't (normally) assume anyone is going to jack it to the gore effects of Resident Evil 2 remake or the latest slasher film.
Eh, hardly surprising given the kinds of stuff Yea Forums can introduce people to. As for gorefags being mostly tryhard kids, I can believe that given the malice behind some images I've seen.

>Here's the thing though, most of those games and movies rarely go into as much gritty detail as gore art does
I can think of more than a few games that do. Mortal Kombat being pretty much the shining example.
>Not only that, you don't (normally) assume anyone is going to jack it to the gore effects of Resident Evil 2 remake or the latest slasher film.
Again, I mean this as respectfully as possible, you didn't say sexually. You just said "How anyone enjoys seeing death and dismemberment is beyond me." Obviously I'm biased. But I don't see a huge difference (morally) in enjoying something one way or another; so long as people aren't enjoying the real deal, so to speak. Like I said, enjoying the fictionalized version of something, one way or another doesn't imply that they enjoy the real thing.

MK certainly is pretty gory, but even then there's a sense of dark humor to the violence, it's almost rarely ever played as straight up shock and horror.
And yea, might not have specified it as sexual, but the thing is that a quite a lot of gore stuff does have some kind of sexual stuff going on, things that are probably best left not explained in detailed for the sake of some people's ease of mind. As for whether some people get off to it in real life, yea, they probably don't, but even then, it's just difficult to imagine seeing even the fictional stuff in a sexual light.

>it's just difficult to imagine seeing even the fictional stuff in a sexual light.
I guess that's the central point I regrettably have glossed over. I can certainly see how it would confuse more than a few people. I feel the same way about more than a few fetishes. And while I don't consider them BAD or nasty fetishes, I can name a few that I simply do not understand. So yeah, I can certainly get where you're coming from, since I've seen a few fetishes that I felt the same way about.

Is this technically an edit thread?

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Nah, I like that it had a happy ending.

how ironic, that in saying that, you would reveal that you think I'm not a womanl
also yikes

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Sorry user, I don't believe in women.

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well your life will be easier then

If this thread is still up tomorrow i'll do it

Oh damn
This whole time I thought there was only one GIF and this series (the one with the loli getting shishkabob'd by a giant metal dildo) Is there just the two in the gifset?

>prominent 03 on several parts of the machine
What do you think, user?

Hello r/Yea Forums

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It is now.

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Do what now?

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I have browsed this shithive of a site for ten years now, and this is the first and thus far only post to make me laugh slightly irl
So fuck you OP

Glad I came to this thread

holy shit

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It's "yo".

Digits would suggest that your jaded soul has been touched by the divine.

Sweet, found the others, no idea it was a series
Didn't even notice the numbers until you said that, obviously my attention was focused on the middle

She was okay, just a little upset.
Pudding cup fixed that right up


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>A naked man has few secrets, a flayed man none.

Both of you are good people!

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>machine grabs him
>"What's eh?"

>post-vore stuff
you mean scat?


Well played. Although Meatwad would be far more horrific if he had skin.


My fucking sides

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Such innocence

Fetish talk? Fetish talk
Honestly most of the people who I know that is into it is because they experienced it beforehand (Myself included). It usually start with a watersports fetish and eventually you'll find yourself searching scat videos. Incidentially after you've passed scat stuff you'll eventually start getting into vore, that's why the correlation. Trust me, when you do stuff straight out a doujin the less you'll be worried is about the smell

Where's my liver!?

Please note, if anyone is going to make a screencap, just include the OP and these two posts. Maybe a few of the amused responses as well. Don't go the route of cramming in as many unnecessary reaction images as possible.

I say this because there's a classy way of making screencaps and then there's the Reddit way.

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Not occuring to Butch Hartman

what an absolutely shit tier fetish. not even diaper shit is this bad

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For me it was transformation that started me down the rabbit hole.

>be big into slasher and regular horror genre
>all but desensitized to gore
>the thought of someone beating their dick to it feels like the most depraved shit
of all the weird and disgusting fetishes on the internet this is the only one that makes me feel this way

Glad I’m not the only one. I love gore and brutal torture by my porn tastes are rather vanilla

I had to do this. Apologies if the voice ain't spot-on.

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Very nice.

Attached: JUST_SITTING_HERE.jpg (413x395, 99K)

how deep does this rabbit hole go?

legitimately tempted to animate this now

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You should do the last line after the last sound effect of the machine stop. let a small silence, and then do the line.otherwise, the sound effect get to be distracting

You know, nobody asked for your disgusting blog.

Even after all these years, I still love you Yea Forums.

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I fixed it just for you

Attached: MALLET LOCATED.jpg (481x428, 82K)

You got my blessing to use my clip.

that impression is god tier. you could be his VA if they ever do a reboot user.

Thanks, but that was probably all I could do. I don't have the range to do much else other than say "stupid dog!"

You pretty much nailed it.

Ok, Mr. Expert, give me an example that's worse than the outright mutilation of a live subject. Shit eating and stuff might be more gross, but when it comes to shere evilness, there is nothing.

Research Tlaloc sacrifice.

Little kids of extremely young age being flayed alive and their bones were broken while ashes were poured in the bones marrow, then their organs were harvested in a strict order to keep the lungs and heart working.

Killing the child was considered sloppy, they wanted the last breath to be one of agony.

It's bizarre sacrifice by human standards, they didn't want the blood of the innocent, they were offering the child cries instead.

*roller smack*
What did I do?

Attached: Nice.jpg (231x231, 12K)

Look up Unit 731.

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The fact that Muricans didn't stop them but took the research Intel without punishing the scientists is still bone chilling to this day.

>they didn't want the blood of the innocent, they were offering the child cries instead.
How interesting and also wholly, utterly horrifying.

Attached: Abstract.jpg (1600x1065, 532K)

Tlaloc was out of the blood debt pact, he wanted something different.

Partially the reason why Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl banned sacrifices, they loved humans too much, Xolotl even ripped out his face to create the dog as a friend to mankind.

what's so bone chilling about that?
wasn't our jurisdiction to punish them.

>well shit. I can't take blood sacrifices anymore since the other gods love humans so much.
>I know! I'll get sacrifices that inflict a thousand times more suffering onto the human in question! That'll be good enough.

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It’s actually strange how much gore cartoons can get away with. Taking someone’s skin off is ok if you don’t show the act of it getting pilled.

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Tlaloc never wanted blood, just suffering.

Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl banned all sacrifices, however in their cosmogony mankind had an eternal blood debt wich is why Quetzalcoatl got shamed into fucking his sister and casted out.

Quetzalcoatl and Xolotl sin was loving humans too much.

>give an example of something that's worse than the outright mutilation of alive subject
>two examples of mutilation of live subjects
Looks like you're supporting his point, anons.

They hand candy laced with anthrax out to children, surely that's worse than live mutilation

Who is "They"?

Imagine being that guy who cares about how an old mans feet are drawn and has screenshots ready on standby to illustrate his point.

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The Japanese to Chinese children