So what's the point of doing Dark Phoenix adaptions if there is no Hellfire Club or Shi'ar shenanigans...

So what's the point of doing Dark Phoenix adaptions if there is no Hellfire Club or Shi'ar shenanigans? Especially in Live action adaptions.

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None, really

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They want to go for a big name story, even though they think most of the story's content is "crap" that won't work on screen. The result should be obvious and yet...

>Hellfire Club
You only really need Mastermind.

>Not wanting Victorian cosplay BDSM fetishist villains.
What's wrong with you?

I only know the Hellfireclub from X-men porn desu

the club was the context for mastermind and he was the least interesting character of the whole thing. we need that

Literally the best part of the Dark Phoenix Saga and the single best Wolverine story ever made.

Like they way over used Logan, but shit why make Dark Phoenix without this fucking scene?

>the fucking cartoon kept the BDSM club
>live action movies cut it entirely
Which medium was supposed to be for kids?

This issue is basically the biggest reason why so many people wanted Clint Eastwood to play Wolverine for so long.

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The problem Fox has with adapting Dark Phoenix is that it isn't just 10 issues. Dark Phoenix is the payoff to a story that was being told, sometimes at the surface, sometimes in the background for nearly 40 issues. Jean doesn't just become god, go crazy and die.

Are they at least gonna use the actual Phoenix now?

>that smirk
Some of classic Wolvie was still there. Kinda wish they still played that angle instead of GRRR ANGRY MANLET all the time.

The Gifted attempted to do some Hellfire Club lore, but messed that all up.

Not sure why they decided to adapt this single page into six separate movies

Isn't Chastain going to play Lilandra?

Movies should take x-men to space with the phoenix. So much succulent content there... Asteroid M, Mojo, brood, star jammers, etc

This was before he could regenerate any limb and was virtually immortal right? Kind of makes it more badass if so.

Yeah, the early days of his healing factor were pretty tame compared to some later years.

And its cheaper.

I can agree, but the hellfire club helps what motivates this all and makes it work.
Its like argueing he does that because he is evil!

This. It's the whole point of Claremont's X-Men, having kinks on full display and getting away with it.

When his powers weren't even fully known to the readers he gets bitten by a dinosaur in the savage land, has his whole arm inside it's mouth, SNIKTS it to death and pulls his arm out without a scratch, telling Kurt "I heal okay". I think his regen was bullshit levels from the get-go.

The problem with Wolverine's healing isn't the actual level of it, it's the inconsistency. Readers are okay with a Wolverine that can regenerate from his invincible skeleton but they're not okay with a Wolverine that can do that one day but be drowned or have his brain crushed the next.