Was she right?

Was she right?

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No but she's cute so I'll masturbate to her anyway

Well starwars is stupid so no.

Yes but here methods were not

She like many Jedi needed a good dicking.

>blows up a hangar, killing dozens of people including civilians, and framed her friend because the Jedi are "too violent"
yeah that's a no from me papi

Yeah why did she go so far? Like what’s the plan of she never got caught and Ashoka was proven innocent? Someone tried to kill the Jedi big deal

Right and wrong are just points of view, Anakin. She had a point, but her reaction to it was wrong as were her methods. She assumed the Jedi were to blame not realizing there was a darker power manipulating them and even worse she allowed herself to become worse than she claimed the Jedi were behaving to prove her claims. In the end her confession was no doubt one of the cornerstones of Palpatine's case against the Jedi corruption and proof of their willingness to stage a coup to seize power.

Ironically Yoda realized the same point as her in the final episodes of TCW but at that point they were so deep into the war all he could do was hope to complete it as quickly as possible, then work on restoring the Order back to what it should be. It's really a shame and frankly is a wonderful example of Sidious' cunning. The Jedi weren't soldiers, they weren't meant to fight a war, but by having Dooku expose himself as a Sith it became the Jedi's problem. Sith Lords are their speciality, right? It is the Jedi's job to stop them, thus they had to become generals to meet him. Then Dooku and the Chancellor drag out the fighting to wear the Jedi down and let the violence, anger, and hatred begin to wear at them. Then none of them were prepared for Order 66.

This is your brain on the Dark Side. Anger and hatred are bad enough for normies but a Force Sensitive is particularly vulnerable to such negative emotions. In the end she became what she hated right down to saying she kept Ventress' sabers because they suited her. She never saw the irony.

She's right about the Jedi tripping over themselves but fucked up as soon as she turned to terrorism

>The Jedi weren't soldiers, they weren't meant to fight a war, but by having Dooku expose himself as a Sith it became the Jedi's problem

Actually, The Jedi had no concrete evidence to support that he was a Sith Lord. They didn't find out he was Darth Tyranus until he revealed it on Oba Diah when Anakin and Obi-wan found Vallorum's aide very, VERY late in the war.

The only reason why the Jedi were in the war from the start was because they were ordered to be. They answer to the Senate, and the Senate made them the commanders and generals of the GAR.

Everything else though was correct. The Clone War was, partly, Sheev's means of launching a bad PR campaign against the Jedi. The general public blamed the Jedi for the war dragging on. Hence why the vast majority of Republic/Imperial citizens were glad the Jedi Knights were wiped out.

>This is your brain on the Dark Side. Anger and hatred are bad enough for normies but a Force Sensitive is particularly vulnerable to such negative emotions.

^This. Darkside is a helluva drug. It's potent enough to get someone who's normally collected like Sheev to get autistic enough to get into a lightsaber duel with the best swordsman in the Jedi Order and rightfully get his ass kicked, when he otherwise could've just overpowered him with the Force and killed him without even having to get up from his chair.

>The Jedi had no concrete evidence to support that he was a Sith Lord
AOTC was unambiguous. Did you forget they knew Maul was a Sith without him even mentioning a word to them? Red blade, leaking Dark Side from his old man diaper, hurling lightning.

It's more that they never knew Tyranus was a Sith name. He was called Lord Tyranus, not Darth Tyranus. They didn't know he was Dooku which means they didn't know Dooku had a hand in creating the clone army. This hardly means they didn't think Dooku was a Sith. They in fact mistook him for the Master and Maul his apprentice. They learned better much later but too late.

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Yeah the more I think about it dark sides users tend to be blatan hypocrites if there not cunning assholes like sheev and Plagueis which makes sense since there ideology is garbage

>Inquisitor on the left

Part of the problem seems to be you can't trust them for shit, so who knows how much of what they say is true, even when you can't imagine why they'd have a reason to lie. Maul probably became the best example. He not only survived when he had no rights to, and still no reason on how the hell he pulled that off, he had a second chance, a family. He could have done anything with that. Instead he immediately hoped back on the Sith bandwagon to get revenge on his Master. It cost him his empire, his brother, his mother, his homeworld, but he still had his life. His big third chance, so what does he do? Hops right back on the Sith bandwagon to get revenge on his Master. Creates a new criminal empire which he clearly loses by his appearance on Rebels. But he has his life. A big fourth chance. What does he do? Yeah. At this point Obi-Wan was performing an act of mercy.

Don't do the Dark Side. Not even once.


>character dresses like a muslim
>make them into a terrorist bomber

what exactly did filoni mean by this

>ugly midget with huge nose
>owns slaves
>jedi tricks don't work on a me only money
What did Lucas mean by this?

They're nuns, user. They were always nuns.

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She killed innocent people to make her point, you know.

You don't know what kind of people they have in the Republic Senate, she might go up in their estimation

Damn sexy nuns.

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