>yfw the dceu is finally dead
Yfw the dceu is finally dead
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No. Death would be a mercy. There’s no escape from this hell.
Eh? What happened this time?
As a DC guy I say good. I want solid stand alone films or at most a trilogy.
every single actor that has worked in the dceu is leaving, look it up
>every single actor is leaving
>AQ2 just announced
Okay bro
DCEU is bad but man of steel was unironically good
We live in a timeline where Hollywood screwed up the DC universe so bad that Aquaman became the one pillar that keeps them from crumbling.
I'm not complaining, I like Aquaman, just wondering how did this happen.
Ladderbro is ban evading again. He actually sent death threats to a mod because he didn't like the anti-Captain Marvel threads.
>Amy adams
>Jeremy Irons
>J.K. Simmons
and soon eisenberg, miller, cyborg and the dude that was supposed to play deathstroke are going to leave too, the dceu is done. and this comes from an unironically snyder fag.
Suicide Squad 2 won't have Joker, Deadshot or Harley.
>this comes from an unironically snyder fag.
Prove it.
Holy shit, I might get unironically excited to see it.
>and this comes from an unironically snyder fag.
Whatever you say cunt
Holy fuck, got screenshots? If that's true the Blueray eater is finally the biggest autist of the board.
>You didn't forget me did you?
So you're saying Suicide Squad 2 might be good?
>prove it
I've lost the count how many bvs threads I've made on Yea Forums and Yea Forums, I actually really liked the approach snyder tried to take with the dceu by making them our new greek gods, too bad that the general public just didn't like it and wb exces never really had any faith in him since they always tried to get their way instead of letting snyder do his job.
>Implying that isn't a good thing
Deadshot is a worthy sacrifice to get rid of this version of Joker and Harley
>actors leaving left and right
>comics don't sell
>TV shows getting canceled
>streaming service a massive failure
>no video game announcement since that shitty Lego movie
And yet Dkek retards like OP think the movies are the only thing failing
"Every single actor except the two that couldn't find work until Snyder hired them is leaving"
There is that better you fucking moron?
It's been dead since BvS for anyone with a brain cell, MoS for actually intelligent individuals.
CaptainSalt you are fucked up in the head
You mean that autist from comic vine?
So what would be your lineup?
Literally forgotten about the second they announced Captain Marvel
Killer croc, Katanna, Boomerang, Rick Flagg, Black Manta, Cheetah, toyman, King shark
Aquaman and Wonder Woman are the backbone of their universe. A decade ago if I said that I'd have been laughed off the board.
Well it's pretty safe to say no one from the first movie is coming back except maybe Harley and Waller
He's still on comicvine?Afair he got banned over 10 times through 2 years.
Kinda easy to forget, they finished photography last year with near to no funky leak in the meantime and now there's nothing to do but wait for another year. I'm assuming the trailers will only start rolling around summer?
Female Toyman and you have a deal
>Film scheduling
>who cares
>Contract Battle
>Old English speaking actors are hard to come by.
Even when I didn't like the DCEU, I could at least enjoy the comics and CW.
These days though, the suffering crosses all media.
It just had it's biggest movie ever and has another 5 (Or 7 depending on how you see Joker and Super Pets) films coming out. You company war retards are so tiresome
No wait 6, because of Aquaman 2
Warner Brothers made $5.6 billion last year from movies alone, 25%+ of which was DC IP properties. That doesn't count the hundreds of millions they made from live action tv, streaming, etc.
Too much control from WB. When you hired prima donna directors who have their own vision to create the "perfect" superhero and they don't wanna share their ball in the DC playground. And with all the repetitive batman remakes and fail attempts of making Superman interesting. I don't think they even care, the contract with DC is strict and giving them creative control ,like how Disney gave Marvel control, is not gonna happen.
I do feel upset that they wasted those costume design on that injustice game. I dig that shazam/captain marvel outfit with the hoodie cape. But I guess were stuck with floss-dancing shazam instead.
You're the only retard here if you think any of those 6 movies are going to anything but bomb
Sure dude. Why don't you make another thread about it
Aquaman and Wonder Woman were major successes. Birds of Prey is being filmed right now.
I wish it was dead, I legitimately think all the DCEU movies are trash except Wonder Woman, but Gadot is a shit tier actor. I desperately want a reboot.
Show some proof
>I desperately want a reboot.
You aren't getting one. Something Yea Forums and Yea Forums doesn't understand is that this is financially the strongest DC has ever been. 5 out of their last 6 movies made money with Joker and Shazam looking like they will be profitable as well. Just look at what was coming out around TDK and Rises. Jonah Hex and Green Lantern
>Posts unconfirmed conjecture/rumor
For a franchise that is supposedly dead, there doesn't seem to be any evidence accept lies and rumors.
Methinks they project their insecurities on the DCEU
But some YouTube reviewer said the DCEU was donezo!!!
>I desperately want a reboot.
Eat a bullet because you're never getting one fuck when this finally stops you'll get nothing but CW shit because no one willEVERY pay to see anything DC puts out in a theater
kek never change ladderbro
Good. Its about time they create a Batman Cinematic Universe instead.
Well you can go fuck yourself. Do you honestly think going back to square 1 would fix a Goddamned thing? Besides, if you hate the entire series so much why do you care at all?
I wonder why didn't see this kinda shit when TIH and Thor came out and were complete ass.
This desu. MoS was only liked by people who don’t read comics of watch animated series
>all the worse elements of the movie will be absent from the sequel
how is this a bad thing again?
>Durr I knows they messeded up with Green Lantern and Man of Steel but if we let them does it again maybe it'll be gooder
Because they weren't you just have shit taste
Oh yeah, because no one is allowed to do Superman differently. Everything has to be the same boyscout shit.
Nice back pedal fucking moron.
If you don't want to do Superman DON'T MAKE A FUCKING SUPERMAN MOVIE
No they were fucking shit. But Marvelfags have their run of the place and will not tolerate anyone talking bad about MCU films.
There are an awful lot of people who care a little too much about a series they constantly bitch about being bad.
He did do Superman, cunt. Sorry that it wasn't the same old Donner bullshit as always. God forbid someone wants to get their interpretation in.
Gureato daze
>Killer croc
>King shark
One has to go, it's useless to have two monster guys.
Unless you try to push the second team as a group of monsters
Tell me more about him.
the DCEU was done two years ago brah
literally the people in charge of deciding what it is said that it was dead
then they started making a Joker movie
>Our intention, certainly, moving forward is using the continuity to help make sure nothing is diverging in a way that doesn’t make sense, but there’s no insistence upon an overall story line or interconnectivity in that universe
How’s that 1 billi looking bro
Yeah that's why Shazam! has so many DCEU references, and why we are getting a lot of DCEU sequels right? Cuz it's dead?
The mental gymnastics some of these weirdos come up with to pretend their narrative exists is literally insane. It's pizzagate levels of retarded.
He is kinda infamous on comic forums due to not allowing people to discuss DC movies without making several posts in a row about how much he hates DC and how they will went bankrupt any second now.
Man it's been 6 years, when exactly is the DCEU supposed to die?
Reminds me of those ppl that say the rapture will happen, then it doesn't, so they say "next year for sure"
so we're left with
> Croc
> Katana
> Enchantress' boring host
> soldier captain guy
> Waller
> Boomerang
> Katana's cleavage
that's actually pretty cool, maybe they can put Killer Frost as the new thot and Bronze Tiger as the new "bad guy but he's actually kind of nice" character
>Fuck Snyderfags, fuck the companywars
>Fuck all of it
>The DCEU is diseased, rotten to the core
>There's no saving it, we need to pull it out by the roots
>Wipe the slate clean, BURN IT DOWN
>And from the ashes a new DC Film Franchise will be born
>Evolved, but untamed
>The edge shall be purged, and the cheesiness shall thrive, free to live as it sees fit
For the Dceu to die it's going to have to have something like three flops in a row. Fox has had a bunch of bombs with their superhero films and they just kept going. DC has been the highest earner for WB for the past 3 year and it probably would again this year if not for Detective Pikachu
> Croc
> Katana
> Enchantress' boring host
> soldier captain guy
> Waller
DC is fucking retarded so no or recast
> Boomerang
> Katana's cleavage
It's a reboot means either new characters or new cast
That's not an achievement that just proves how terrible a studio WB is
And three flops in a row? That's this year alone
It was stated from the start that they were going for a completely different team, but people thought Deadshot and Harley would stay due to being too big (in Deadshot's case mostly due to his actor). Deadshot is out now though.
Shazam and the Joker aren't going to flop. I dont get you company war guys. Is your self worth really linked to what media you consume?
>For the Dceu to die it's going to have to have something like three flops in a row.
After Wonder Woman, Aquaman and TDK and Rises giving up DC cinematic universe is simply not an option, Aquaman just made more money than any transformer movie ever.
In the worst scenario they will reboot it more times than Sony rebooted Spider-Man, they will not let go, is just too much potential money, DCEU at this rate will be the second biggest franchise on hollywood after MCU itself in less than a decade.
I'm glad Harley isn't in it. She got out and is doing her own thing. It would feel very contrived to just shove her back into the Suicide Squad
Oh yeah I don't think it will happen or that WB will ever stop making DC movies but for the "DCEU" to die I'm saying that would have to have 3 big flops in a row. Then they just put it on ice for awhile and come back with another Batman or something. But again I dont think that will happen.
>Deadshot is out now though
Harley is in BOP so she ain't going nowhere.
OP didn't provide real link
Here's the deathnail
>This much has now been confirmed by Warner Bros. chief executive Kevin Tsujihara in a new interview with the LA Times, where he asserted that the upcoming slate of DC movies will not be focused on interconnectivity:
> “The upcoming slate, with Shazam, Joker, Wonder Woman 1984 and Birds of Prey, feels like we’re on the right track. We have the right people in the right jobs working on it.
>The universe isn’t as connected as we thought it was going to be five years ago. You’re seeing much more focus on individual experiences around individual characters. That’s not to say we won’t at some point come back to that notion of a more connected universe. But it feels like that’s the right strategy for us right now.”
isn't this a good thing? the less bagage the movie carries, the more based gunn can go all out
This is the best way to do it IMO. Have the characters stay separate for a decent while and build up good solo films, maybe a 2 hero team up movie or something to tickle the balls .
Wash away the BvS bad taste and build anticipation for a full multi hero team up, if there is enough demand for one.
So what they're saying is that the films are in the same universe but aren't buildings towards a big crossover right now. That's fine
>That’s not to say we won’t at some point come back to that notion of a more connected universe. But it feels like that’s the right strategy for us right now.”
So they will return to full shared universe after estabilishing each main hero similar to what MCU did on Phase 1 and 2
I mean, Shazam! doesn't look THAT bad, even if I don't prefer Johnsvanna
HA hA Ha
mate actually try reading the interview with the people from Warner Bros who are making these movies
they gave up on the DCEU in 2017
> “Some of the movies do connect the characters together, like Justice League. But, like with Aquaman” — one of their next efforts, out in 2018 — “our goal is not to connect Aquaman to every movie.”
--Geoff Johns, September 2017
That just means that Aquaman is it's own movie. It was still connected to the other films. Mera even name drops Steppenwolf
>man of steel was unironically good
A Superman movie that misses the point of Superman was not good
just take out the dad killing himself scene for a tornado and its at least an ok action film
Kek what a carolfag
Nobody actually cares about Captain Marvel. No honestly, normies I know who love Marvel flicks don't really talk about the movie and most comicbookfags I know can't stand her (even the females).
They are either Batmanfags or just like the Avenger movies.
Main problem is that it's bad marketing, overshadowed by Endgame and she is like a last minute plottdevice character.
Sounds like someone doesn't have very good reading comprehension.
Did you also throw a stink when Guardians vol. 2 didn't name drop Black Widow and Nick Fury?
I just hate that I know SHE is gonna be the big power to save the day. Not Ultimate sacrifice needed if she can just flick Thanos' shit in.
>Besides, if you hate the entire series so much why do you care at all?
It's pathetic that anyone thinks like this. Liking the characters and comics has literally nothing to do with liking the movie adaptations.
Won't that actually save the DCEU? Because then it can focus on being good.
Is Cavill really out? If Eisenberg is out too, I'd be so happy, because then they could just soft reboot Superman.
Anyone from before Justice League who wasn't in the middle of working on a DC movie is gone
Don't get me wrong the movie was terrible and Margot Robbie is not a good or even decent Harley. But her ass was the only good part of the movie.
Also Killer Croc, he was cool.
I'm kinda sad Cavill and Affleck is out but thank fuck Eisenberg is probably out too. You could probably squeeze a good performance out of the former 2 but Eisenberg was always a shit choice for Lex.
> major
Let's not get hasty now. They were lukewarm at best.
Aquaman somehow did a billion. Justice League got like, what, 600 million? Thats a big hit.
>They were lukewarm at best.
He obviously meant financially. I would have included Suicide Squad in that
>Lois Lane
>Commissioner Gordon
So far.
Ehhh, by the end of this year Wonder Woman wouldn't even qualify as one of the MCU's top 10 movies by gross, CM should cross 820mil WW, and if it doesn't Endgame will make somewhere around 2 billion. And then there's Far From Home.....
>Justice League got like, what, 600 million? Thats a big hit.
It's like the most expensive movie ever made bro.
Nice reading comprehension, bro.
learn to write my man. You should've put "That's a big hit." before "Justice League got like, what, 600 million?"
Justice League lost 80Mil from what I remember of
His interpretation sucked.
Arrowverse still going strong