Why did Adult Swim stop making flash games?

Why did Adult Swim stop making flash games?

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Because they don't appeal to roasties

>hovering over the spoiler

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Just did this, hah.

Postin in a magic thread.

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Cause RUA is hard to top, the heavy metal version was alright

>hover over spoiler
>get seizure

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What is this sorcery?

Because they wanted to sell the games instead of putting them out for free.

>you can still access the games page on their site, but none of them seem to work
Rats. Amateur Surgeon was my jam.
I don't get it. Is today a holiday?

I think you mean...Horcery

they support games like rain world

What is this shit?

RIP aniki

You trying to get banned?

the one time Yea Forums comes together instead of bitching about video games for one day?
That's Harmony Day baby

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today marks the anniversary of when Moot discovered Robot Unicorn Attack and made a sticky about it on Yea Forums
It's also the only time Yea Forums fucking stops being angry
well, maybe not AS angry, anyway

because flash is defunct and all the old developers moved onto mobile and/or formed indie companies

snipperclips (switch launch title) was made by a bunch of old flash devs

Fucking hell, the first time I came to Yea Forums was by coincidence the first Harmony day. 9 fucking years ago.

Rise of HTML 5, death of flash, and rise of the mobile market. Pretty sure you can still get some of them through app stores

Thank you for posting that, user. I thought I’d never get to see something like this in years. Also I hope your day and everyone else has been going great too.

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Robot Unicorn Evolution was on Facebook.
Robot Unicorn 2 and 3 were on mobile.

You are a dinosaur.

Newfag from the 2016 Election here. What is this Harmony Day and what is it's significance?

Lurk more.


I've lurked for 3 years

if you don't know something, you always lurk moar.

Fuck off newfag, stop shitting up this site with politics

Admittedly, it was Yea Forums that got me into the game, because of the song, but the song is good in its own right.

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they made some real games.

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Oh shit, good memories

Does anyone know where I can download RUA and RUA Heavy Metal for offline play on the pc?