This guy shows up in the Marvel Universe cranky, and hungry. How fucked are the Avengers?

This guy shows up in the Marvel Universe cranky, and hungry. How fucked are the Avengers?

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One shotted by the thousands of reality warping fucks on 616 Marvel earth

Jarvis makes a mean fuckin dinner at Stark Tower

>Anime weebs claim they are superior
>Given by the fact this and Naruto are the only things spammed those are literally the best works of anime
How does it feel to be objectively inferior weebs

Unless he instantly blows up the Earth, he gets his ass kicked by one of the heavy hitters. Hell, even if he does instantly blow up Earth, there is some higher level being or magic fuckery to make sure it's restored somehow.


They just give him shawarma.

Who is the actual best cook in the MU?

Literally killed by 8 year old franklin Richards. Or mind controlled. Or trapped in a time loop. Or a different dimension. Or age reversed. Or put in a dream he would never wake up. Now back to Yea Forums asshead

In the DBZ universe, having enough raw power typically means you can just straight up break through any kind of magic. This is because Toriyama is an idiot, but it would pretty much mean that Marvel is screwed.

three words. hostess fruit pies.


>having enough raw power typically means you can just straight up break through any kind of magic
Not really.

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What in the fuck is that thing?

Moro is a very special case.

Has the mango gone passed where the animu ended?

All Beerus has to do is not fuck around and he is good

Not always. I mean Piccolo was like a thousand times more powerful than Babidi, yet Babidi's shield magic gave him trouble. And that's before DB Super soft retconned the relative power levels to make the humans and androids relevant again.

Babidi's magic could also brainwash people a lot more powerful than himself. It was willpower, not physical strength or energy-projection capacity, that was the only way to resist it. So no, magic can't just be automatically brute-forced away in the DB verse.

The new villain

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But that's what 19 and Gero did!

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It's different

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What is this a flashback, they're dead!

>takes away the saiyan ability to be OP
Oh boy does this mean the other characters are going to get a chance to fight this time?

The Galactic Patrol and Boo are going to be the heroes this time.

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>Fat Kai is still trapped inside Majin Buu and will never get out because Buu is a more popular character, despite being in a series where everyone gets brought back to life like a hundred times
Poor guy

Doctor doom duh

Hold my ginger ale

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The same powerful people who never stop the heroes from trying to kill one another. There is no unity in Marvel, it needs to die.

Earth is fucked

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>there is some higher level being or magic fuckery
Beerus is a casual planet or sun destroyer, he has authority over the universe to destroy anything he wants, he has authority in the universe to do almost anything under his jurisdiction. He's basically like a small version of Galactus.

Ask yourself, if Galactus showed up on Earth would you say "Well some of the heavy hitters would instantly knock him the fuck out, or magic type people would instnatly poof him away, it would be easy!". No, because its fucking Galactus. Beerus is kinda the same thing, in order to mess with him you'd either need to play along with him for a bit, or you'd need something else in the universal tier of power to get him to go away. Like how Reed convinced Galactus to go away the first time by showing him some science device the Watcher gave him.

None of the Avengers have the fire power nor the physical means to stop him (Scarlet Witch if she isn't fucking around could probable take him). So my guess is that Wong and Jarvis are gonna make a giant feast for the kitty.

If you involve the entire MU, then someone might be able to kill him.

Next arc is Planet Eater Moro, or whatever he is. He has some strange magic powers apparently, like a goat version of Babadi. He's been in prison for the last few hundred thousand years wasting away, but he escaped recently.

The idea that none of Marvel's heroes know how to cook very well will never not be funny

Dunno, Beerus has access to some high level fuckery. He is capable of destroying ANYTHING, and capable of surrounding himself in an aura that has that same destructive/nullifying property (making it likely any reality changes wouldn't impact him).
Guy is also clearly aware of time travel shenanigans, along with the fact he is fucking ridiculously old.
Given that even back in the Buu saga, baseline Super Buu could "shout" through dimensions, and magic users are common place in the DB universe, I don't really think he would go down easy.

Full-powered Thor or Sentry could take Beerus down. Classic Doc. Strange too.

Nigger is a goat wizzard and powers up by stealing the energy of living things.

Like when Goku makes a spirit bomb but rather than asking for the energy he forcefully takes it all until you die.