Why are so many of these people popping up these days? I remember just 10 years ago you couldn't even discuss capeshit outside of hobby shops and conventions.
Why are so many of these people popping up these days...
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you mean by "these people"?
People he doesn't like and personally attack him specifically
It's almost as if YouTube is a platform which lets people discuss their passions and make money while doing it too.
Comics weren't that weird in 2009. If you mean the rise of YouTube celebrities, it reflects broader access to high speed internet, and a younger generation who uses internet videos as a primary mode of content consumption.
Why do faggots think Yea Forums is the place for whining about literal whosthat have gotten them butt-blasted for some inane reason?
Because retards like fat turds like him even though his opinion means jackshit
Every board is plagued by eceleb discussion. Yea Forums really needs a /yt/ containment board.
This is a video game guy, and he's cool and doesn't like politics in video games. He also called out Magic the Gathering for having pedos as judges and got banned for it.
What in the fuck are you on about?
You know.. people. Disgusting bastards the lot of em.
Is he a youtuber? Should we all start talking about how shitty "comicbook youtubers" are?
The Quartering, a high-mid tier youtuber. If your political views lean to the right then you'll like him.
As /pol/ proves, sticking them among their kind shows how much they hate themselves and complain they cant discuss anything.
what in allah's name is an e-celeb?
>a high-mid tier youtuber.
>Less than 1M subscribers
LOL. Unless you mean in terms of quality, in which case, Yikes.
I have no idea what a youtuber would be.
do you mean someone who puts personal info on youtube? that would be retarded.
I think that's exactly what we should do, we need to make an entire thread of it.
And that's our problem how?
Forgive me for not being as well versed in the youtube hierarchy as you are, oh wise one.
>I remember just 10 years ago you couldn't even discuss capeshit outside of hobby shops and conventions
yes you could. 10 years ago was 2009, top grossing films were all geek and cape level. even 20 years ago they were alll the rave. You need to go back -at least- 30 years ago to get a demographic that didn't care about cape shit and that was more a fluke than the mainstream, people have loved and talk about cape heroes since the 50s.
2009 had more streamers about cape heroes than right now. Them being mainstream is making some talk less for stupid ass hipster reasons
allah is a nigger
Just explaining why they don't stay contained and infest other boards.
I think he means people under 40 with Santa beards
Get a global rule going against it too like #15 and it WILL stay contained.
These days? What the fuck are you on about?
Nuh uh, Nothing happened before my c section.
Really? The huge explosion of Cape content fans didn't really happen in until 2012 or so. Now it's basically a massive subculture all of a sudden.
Is that the greasy fuck who makes videos cutting the head off of Rose Tico dolls? I thought he was bald.
That requires better mods and full range bans, especially for the shitposting deluge that would erupt in response. The former is in damn short supply.
>he huge explosion of Cape content fans didn't really happen in until 2012 or so.
try early 2000s
Matrix, Spider-man, X-men, Blade, Unbreakable, and others caused a rabid demand for it, people loved it and bough it up. This is nothing new.
Big Bang Theory.
White devils
>The huge explosion of Cape content fans didn't really happen in until 2012
by what scale or graph? Where are you getting your data? Batman and superheroes have been a big seller for all ages since 1989. The X-men cartoon broke records and was a nation wide hit for kids and adults, same with Batman the Animated series.
Why does everyone ignore that shit?
because they just turn 18 and notice adults like this stuff too. I think that's all that happens. Im sure we could find threads archived like this back in 2000 asking the same question as OP
Lead Outragefags do it because they literally get money off of being offended idiots thanks to their clickbait
Faggot attention whores, the lot of them. I hate these "critics" and reaction videos because WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, AND WHY SHOULD I GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU THINK?!
The moment you notice them, they win. Move past the hate and find something you enjoy.
I don't click on them, I just hate seeing them in my goddamn feed every time I youtube a trailer to something
Literally nobody is making you, you faggot
They have their audience and the only person causing you to pay attention is YOU
It's like constantly going to a truck stop, sucking ten nasty dicks, and then complaining about why glory holes exist
>I just hate seeing them in my goddamn feed every time
why? you might as well rage that local products are at your major chain stores when you go shopping. I encourage you to look more into why you care because it seems more rooted in something personal than just "random kid spends his time uploading videos" That was the whole reason Youtube was started, it was never meant for anything past friends and family to upload and share videos on topics or ideas they wanted.
>gif reaction
they make reaction videos whats wrong
Who are you quoting?
You're both forgetting how shitty Youtube's algorithims are. You could go out of your way to avoid them, click something at the wrong time and suddenly have youtube recommending ten of the faggots to you.
That was after he got banned, the real issue started when he called out some cosplaying roastie and a bunch of white knights sprung up to defend her, causing him to go into a downward spiral
You're missing the point you dumb faggot. I DONT WATCH THIS SHIT, but somehow it ends up in my search/suggestion results
where the fuck have you been? Ever since the 90s capeshit has been mainstream.
The right-wing outrage merchants will never help you in your real life. Watching their hour long crybaby sook whinges about the evil leftists will never improve you.
Becoming an mra, incel, gamergater, or watching that type of content, all of that shit is a gigantic waste of time, it's just propaganda for right wing billionaires, it's fox news for teenagers. It's just completely absent of reality.
Go play vidya, read a book, watch a movie you think is kino, go for a walk.
All they care about is generating online outrage, clickbait and making money from it not to mention the political actors manipulating this wedge to draw more voters that will continue to enact tax friendly policies for the wealthy. Pawns and fools, none of the shit matters.
>Thread on Yea Forums ends
>Go and make the exact same thread on Yea Forums
Holy shit fuck off with the ecelebs you faggot
Easy money
>You're both forgetting how shitty Youtube's algorithims are.
>clear cookies/browser history for the last hour
there, I solves your oh so bad issue you fucking moron.
>see trash in a sidebar
>instead of ignoring it have a nuclear bitchfit and come to Yea Forums to whine
You could just clear history user. Or even simpler, keep ignoring them and they will be out of your recommendations very quickly
They saw Dollar signs.
Hi Jeremy, I know you're the OP and this is your post. Please use your "ebin marketing skills" to do something more meaningful with your time.
Are nerd culture outrage merchants on YouTube just the mdoern equivalent of late '00s - early '10s atheism vloggers?
I watched a video of his about being "targeted" by some bullshit leftie website and I was on his side the whole time til they brought up a rape "joke" he made that wasn't even fucking funny and I was like WTF man! I went from being on your side to hating your guts in two seconds flat!
I love dark humor as much as the next guy but all he said was "I wouldn't even rape you" which is just an empty-headed black-hearted edgelord piece of shit thing to say. Fuck manbabies like this dude, and I say that as a 30 year old man on Yea Forums
Nah that’s EVS. He’s actually a published artist.
It got popular.
I'll thank you to refer to him by his real name, thank you very much.
Are they? I don't remember people posting about their hot takes until the fedora meme made its way here.
Yes they're direct descendants of the original skeptic community, there's a clear throughline from videos about "owning christians" through video game journalism videos and nowadays "owning the libs"
>high-mid tier
Is he even mid-tier? I heard that he cuts off any attempts at criticism by blocking anybody who dissents against his opinions or calls out his fuck-ups, like when he fucked up recently when he tried to call out Kevin Smith's event that would pay tribute to Stan Lee.
Friendly reminder that this faggot got beaten up by a tranny at a MtG convention.
thanks friend
Are you talking about outrage YouTube channels?
If so, it’s because they make money and people watch. Pretty simple.
I dont think it uses the browser stuff, I think its entirely based on youtubes search history and watched history. You need to go into your account history page and delete things from there.
Because men aren't supposed to talk about comics and video games in public. Bill Maher sez.
Alarmist outragefags who will tell you the sky is falling because you're looking for dirt on an enemy.
They bravely address the made up problems people don't talk about enough.
Haven't seen a picture of Quartering for a long ass time, wow he got fat.
MCU and the casualization of geek culture
Because it's very easy to do? Pretty much everyone can just read news and then give their lukewarm comment about it.
>"ebin marketing skills"
Objectively the worst part of Jeremy.
>Hey Guys I Run A Marketing Company And Somehow Though I Won't Actually Explain It Capitalizing Every Word In A Sentence Actually Is Good For Business!!!!
Fucking hate that shit, it just looks boomerish and retarded, and I'm probably older than he is. He crumples like a pussy when you call him on it too.
This guy apperently is a huge faggot and likes to talk shit behind his supposed friends backs. But he is also fucking retarded and says this things on stream where everyone could hear and tell on him. He got blown the fuck out at least twice.
This YouTube drama shit is retarded and yet quite entertaining at the same time. Like that beef sargon had with meteokor or whatever his name is.
they are talking about hollywood
This guy got his ass kicked by a transgender and starter a kickstarter to get money and sympathy. This guy leans right but in reality he's a beta lefty.
he fucks up all the time
i lost count the amount of times hes read an article, or tweets, and then painted the person as the ultimate SJW and ascribed them beliefs that they dont even mention.
then he bitches when people do the same to him
>This guy leans right but in reality he's a beta lefty.
"im center-left" everytime i hear a youtuber say that, all their vids are pandering to right wingers obsessed with the culture war and literal who's on twitter.
Have you forgotten where you are?
e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
well, its a screenshot of one, and the wrong platform, but you were so close to a relevant comment, heck, i'll count it anyway. good job buddy
If I remember correctly this guy is pretty based. He takes the piss out of corporate Hollywood and lib politics.
anyone who says he doesnt like politics in video games is just butthurt at different politics
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