Silver age covers silliness

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You have to wonder why the public didn’t get fed up with Superman’s shit. Every other week he’s going absolutely bananas.

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It makes life more interesting.

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I don’t know why but this one just broke me. I’m typing this through snorts of laughter.

Is he vibrating his pelvis at supersonic speeds?

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bruh look at flashes head

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>Lois, check out my fursuit!

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Superbaby is the most interesting thing on that cover. I want to know more.

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this is in my opinion the silliest

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never mind this might actually be the silliest

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god superman is a dick, lol

lol, wtf
giggling like a ninny

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All of these are funny, but this one is my favorite.

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>Pulls boner
>While showing cops how

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this makes me grin every time i read it

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>Hello, fellow youngsters! DC is hip now!

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Not even old school comics were safe from it

I never knew Babs was this THICC

>Is he vibrating his pelvis at supersonic speeds?
Actually yes.

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Hopefully not the Bat Doctor as you're having a Batstroke.

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>Thrills of the 21st century
I feel old

No, he's a different person.

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Thanks to METAL I like to think these are all cannon worlds that died in the forge from the dark multiverse or whatever. Creepy as fuck to think this really happened in some form.

I thought I was about to have a stroke when I tried reading this.

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What's the story on these ones?

This page from that story seems like cover material, but it's actually part of the story.

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Also one of the rare times where Superman kills a foe.

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No Marvel Silver-Age sillyness?

I hope G. Willow Wilson is seeing this.

This one actually makes sense. In that issue Jokers goons made a fake jail cell in the police station that spins, locking Batman in.

Marvel has always been shit.

Fuck off panjeet
No because Marvel produced quality and grounbreaking books in that decade. Dc on the other hand stuff for autistic children

Silver age comic covers: the original clickbait.

The most classic of them all.

If I saw this I don't think I could resist and would HAVE to buy it to find out.

Who is this female Jimmy Olsen?

Ayyy I've read this one. It is honestly pretty fun to recognize stories and know the context behind their bullshit covers.

Possibly actual Jimmy Olsen.

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Batman tackles the Homosexuals


My favorite cover, I love how curt and pissed Superman looks.

So thats where the Ant superman from Sideways come from.


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Damn thats cold supes.


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Can it beat thanos?

Not sure about the rest but the one with Superman burning Jimmy's gift is because he received a prophesy that his son would kill him just a day after he decided to adopt Jimmy as a son. So he is acting like a jerk to him so Jimmy can nullify the adoption.

Marvel never had a period of wacky "clickbait"y covers.

UNF that WW

>Wyoming kid
Finally someone that can beat Thanos and darkseid

“Basically, Injustice is about Superman becoming evil. Again. It really takes you back to those terrible silver age comics, where they always tried to come up with some shocking twist to put on the front cover, and all they could ever come up with is “Superman is now evil” () or “Superman in now fat”. ()”
-Yahtzee Croshaw

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What's great is in the story, the aftermath of,the exchange is pretty real. Superman flips his shit, punches a wall and the people watching get scared as fuck. Prankster did something Led could never manage, he turned people against Superman.

Superdickery at its finest

Wait did Shocker actually have a Shockermobile?

isn't it the issue this came from?

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What happened? What did the prankster did?

You think that strange, what about that time Superman Became Killer Queen?

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The prankster started doing silly crimes like catching birds or putting pennies in his hears. Superman wanted to discover why prankster was doing those stupid crimes and sending him to jail. People started to laugh at superman for wanting to send the prankster to jail for that and started to imitate the prankster. Superman got fed up with people bullshit and destroyed a wall while being furious

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I love the casual face that bruce has during the image

Moby Dick
Yeah, good luck with that

Yup, just before this page.
It's an absolutely fantastic story, I rank it up there with Miraculous return of Jonathan Kent and Double or Nothing Life .

Anybody watch that episode of comic book men

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