So apparently the MPAA FORCED Marvel to remove Stark's alcoholic behavior in End Game to keep the PG-13 rating

So apparently the MPAA FORCED Marvel to remove Stark's alcoholic behavior in End Game to keep the PG-13 rating.

Welcome to Obama's Republic of Hitlerstan.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking Obama

how are you guys still blaming this man for everything? he hasn't been president for about three years. also the president doesn't control MPAA. move on.

It's 2018 and we're still feeling the effects of his poor decision making. Even Marvel feels the heet now.

bullshit. Disney hasn't used the alcoholic storyline at all so they would have been too pussy to do it now

I would've made him an alcoholic with rootbeer or something equally stupid as 'fuck you'.

"MPAA is a government organization founded by the Obama Administration in 2010."

Says right there.

The motion picture association of America is not a federal entity.
Checkmate, dipshit.

I mean Disney is going to have Captain Marvel try to kill herself in the next movie so they're clearly not afraid of edgy content.

>no source

Welcome to the Reddit Republic of Downvoteistan.

Ah thos old chestnut, really takes me back.

>too pussy
>has been making the edgiest movies in cinema for over a decade while everyone else makes romcoms

okay mate

Obama literally made the MPAA.

Because it's the easiest thing to do for people like them. :/

Those words don't mean what you think it means.

shit senpai you're right. it says a lot of shit.

"Yea is a government website founded by the Obama Administration in 2010"

I just found out he also made the ESRB. the bastard.

Wtf Yea Forums was made by wtsnacks not Obama are you stupid?

do you really think they will let anything suicide-related be in that movie? cmon man

which would be? I don't recall any Disney movie from the last decade being edgy or remotely risky. Fuck, the last edgy and/or risky thing Disney did was the Don't Look Under Your Bed movie. Now THAT was some fucked up shit

I love when old memes come back.

>not knowing wtsnacks is obama's gamertag
read more retard.

>like them

As opposed to you who allow good comic properties to be ruined by government meddling. Maybe next they should ban all adult cartoons like steven universe before you change your tune.

Script already got leaked and she'll be trying to kill herself after getting her powers, but won't be able to because shes too powerful.

I smiled, but then I got bummed out when I realized only two people recognized it.

Old Yea Forums truly is gone

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Uhhh ESRB is an independent company.

This shit always happens to things I love.

But Tony being a boozer was already swept under the rug and resolved during IM 2. You’re like the worst outrage farmer this month user

In IM2 hes only drunk in one scene. In the real story he ruins his whole life with alcohol.


Pretty sure hes still drinking the demon juice in homecoming, which happens after IM2. Doesn't get resolved at all.

um...user the MPAA isn't actually a government organization. It's a trade organization. half of these posts are trolls. The government literally can't censor movies that aren't breaking the law. also it was founded before obama was born in case you believe that too for some reason.

That's what obama wants you to think. don't drink the cool aid

Yeah, that’s what I mean by swept under the rug, alcoholism was replaced with Tony slowly dying due to his arc reactor. The closest thing we got to drunk tony fucking up his life was during his birthday party where he fought Rhodes. He hasn’t been an alcoholic since IM2 ended

The greater tragedy is Carol's loss of alcoholism. It's all she had besides sex appeal. Now she has nada

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You can have a casual drink every now and again after overcoming alcoholism user, so long as you don’t let it consume and kill you you’re fine

I get the feeling Carol is just going to be a bunch of manly tropes tossed in a blender for the movie. Shes already that way in the comic but it'll get cranked to 11 in the movie, maybe even have her shame feminine traits.

>Welcome to Obama's Republic of Hitlerstan
It's been far too long. Feels good.

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That's not how alcoholism works. Real alcoholics would die from relapse.

That Carol a cute, is that from that marvel disk anime?

Excuse me?

I was actually hoping the movie would offer some material for Marvel comics to fix Carol's character but that doesn't seem likely

It's a meme since Iron Man 2.

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Are you illiterate or something?

>Don't Look Under Your Bed

That's beuno vista, not Disney. Do your research.


That would be considered bribery. You can't just give money to a government entity.

Naw I work with a recovering alcoholic and see her have a drink or two at our annual Christmas parties and she has yet to die or relapse

MPAA gets bribed all the time. How do you think Freddy got fingered got an R rating when the Main character jacks off a hourse.

I really don't think get why they would think that's an issue teenagers wouldn't be able to handle in a movie, as if alcoholic parent figures aren't something many kids have to deal with in real life.

For those interested in the MPAA check out this documentary. Pretty interesting and you get interviews with moviemakers and see what they had to deal with. You even find out about the doll sex scene in Team America.

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Sounds like shes faking it for the attention.

Can you please enlighten a sympathetic newfag?

DO you really think an organization with resources and conections of Disney COULDN'T bribe a Govt organization to get the rating they wanted?

It's not like they show the horse fucking someone jacking off a horse is PG-13 at best considering zoos.

Could be, but she doesn’t really strike me as the kind of person who likes attention, but that could be the case

lol Disney isn't even as big as Apple. They can barely afford to pay their theme park employees.

I'm telling you, Disney is too pussy to do it. Just see how they will imply it at best like they did with the Hulk in Avengers

It was produced by Disney. Look up the interview with the producer of the movie. He literally states that Disney were scared to make the imaginary friend, a black guy, kiss a white girl at the end of the movie because of the Southern folks

>movie made in 1999
>offending southerners

sure thing pal

is that sarcastic?

I literally told you to look up the interview, it's even on Youtube. The guy discusses it there

Didn't even realize IFC is was a thing.

Don't remember the marvel disk anime?

Are the people of Yea Forums seriously too young to remember this?

Here you go, you shitposting dimwit

Most people on here don't even know what the MPAA does.

You only have to look at the board to answer that question.

Uhhh marvel makes comics so that's considered a cartoon.

Iron Man 2 came out 9 years ago.

9 years is only 9 years ago, though. Not that long, can't even buy cigars.

Just wait for the directors cut like everyone else.

Basically, people claimed that due to Obama's influence and the political climate of the time that the mpaa forced marvel to cut out scenes of Tony being an alcoholic, also claimed that it was created by obama and he was behind it

It was proven that he had some influence. Was done during the bombing crisis to deflect from the real issues.

Disney doesn't do directors cuts because it costs too much to produce.

What does that have to do with this thread?

>how are you guys still blaming this man for everything?
How the fuck is Yea Forumsmblr this easy to bait?

What? I think you're confused.

Don’t be dumb. They did it to get as many asses in the seats.

If anyone is to blame it’s Spielberg.

How horrible, we'll have to get more action scenes now instead of cliche mopey stories about alcoholism ruining his relationships.

What does a director that has nothing to do with Disney have to do with the MPAA and alcoholism?

>stories about real life abuse problems
>action scenes
>not cliche


I legitimately forgot Spielberg was even a thing.

Is that true?

MPAA aldo forced Marvel to hired a flat ass actress?
This is legal?

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wait is that the official poster?

They just edit it in post.

Gotta be the lowest standards ever for a marvel movie. All the dudes have to look like they're on roids while she looks like she hasn't worked out ever.

Yeah but did you hear Captain America is coming back to Earth?

??? No he isn't hes already on Earth.

>all the newfags in this thread

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This is some vintage. I love it

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>using the term newfag

looks like we've got a redditor here


here's your (you)

You see that hammer son? That means Captain America is coming back to Earth. Trust me I know cause I read the comics when I was your age.

Mjolnir is broken bro do you even watch the movies?


The MPAA has been around since 1922 you autist

Because Yea Forums is an alt-right website, whether you would like to admit so or not.


So it was created before movies? Get your head out of your ass.

>he doesn't know that Captain America is coming back to Earth
Do you even read the comics sonny?

Yeah this just seems like a way to get around the most iconic storyline of Tony Stark's history. Similar to how they are less concerned about Carol being space hitler and instead focusing on her "girl power" aspects.

God this thread is making me feel old

Fucker. "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" specifically about the MPAA was made in 2006. Two years before Obama ever even campaigned. Blame Obama for a thousand other things, but the MPAA is completely separate from him.

That was the documentary of how it was beginning to get take hold in congress, not of the association specifically.

Obama literally had a speech talking about how he caught his daughter watching an R-rated movie and decided to invent the MPAA to stop it.

It was historical because the house was unanimous in approving it.

>Using facts in Trump's America

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lol Carol was never space hitler. She was always a little girl at heart.


So was Hitler, but we don't put him in Disney parks.

So wait is your argument that Obama started the MPAA? Or are you just being a retard who thinks anyone complaining about their kids seeing an R-rated movie is a part of the MPAA.

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What? There's no argument, Obama started the MPAA.

She saved the world by stopping Hulk.

Is it weird, sad or both that I have nostalgia over 2009 shitposting?

jfc Evans and ScarJo aged like fucking shit

GOD Brie Larson is a hideous piece of shit, Black Widow shits all over her

The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is orders of magnitude more than to create it. So don't, especially not on some idiot who's more likely to just be trolling. Make them work for it instead. They make an idiot claim? Make them post proof. Corroborating sources, etc.

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Still better looking than Larson

>the left used to be about free speech
>now has turned into the same stuffy conservative censors
I want someone to make some vicious political attack squarely aimed at the pearl clutching faggots on both sides, the neocons and the SJW faggots who act literally the same and as backwards as the people they claim to be “progressive” against. If I could have speed force I would strangle the neck of every single dove corporation tumblrina think of the children cunts that have reduced media into this sterilized self censorship hellscape, and do it all at seemingly the same time so it could be blamed as an act of fucking god. Fuck this country, fuck this decade, I hate my fucking life.

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>dyke ra

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Good thing Larson's contract isn't getting renewed when Captain Marvel bombs.

>inb4 "muh go back to /pol/"

>120 posts

>less than 10 get the joke


Man, this board really went to shit, didn't it.

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MCU Stark isn't an alcoholic. Like many elements from the comics, they changed that when adapting the character for film. I'm not saying it's a change that improved his character, or that the movies might not be improved by exploring the concept, but that ship has kind of sailed, considering this revision has been in place since like 2008.

The albatross around MCU Tony's neck is PTSD, not alcoholism. It's been that way for ten years, and it's not likely to change now that the character is at the finish line. It's time to let go of Demon in a Bottle, Yea Forums.

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1.Motion pictures have existed since the 1870s or 1880s
2.Founded in 1922 as the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), its original goal was to ensure the viability of the American film industry. In addition, the MPAA established guidelines for film content which resulted in the creation of the Production Code in 1930. This code, also known as the Hays Code, was replaced by a voluntary film rating system in 1968, which is managed by the Classification and Rating Administration (CARA).
Either your a troll or a complete autist

>all those replies
Are this many people really baited by such old pasta or am I the one being hooked by some weird meta bait?

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I don't think you understand what meta means.

They literally say hes an alcoholic in the MCU.

I want to go back I can't take this anymore

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Bruh they didn't even have technicolor in 1922 get your head out of your ass.

>The albatross around MCU Tony's neck is PTSD, not alcoholism.
He's dealing with both alcoholism and PTSD. The issue is that alcoholism is a lot harder than PTSD to portray in the pg-13 rating the MCU has so there's no way to show the meat of it on the level 616 does. It's quickly glossed over as a result and he's basically a functional alcoholic.

PG-13 movies have blood, gore, sex, rape, but can't have alcoholism? Pretty sure this is just a political thing and not real limitations.

Nigger, blaming Obama for shit he had nothing to do with has been a Meme since almost before he was president
I mean fuck, here's Obama blaming Obama for something that's not really Obama's fault.

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I just don't get it, it's not like the movies would be glorifying alcoholism anyway, it'd be portrayed as a bad and destructive thing that he has to overcome? What's the problem?

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Big alcohol wants to make sure people know its cool to drink. Can't have Disney ruining their money maker.

Pretty sure that's a joke video not meant to be taken seriously.

>here's Obama blaming Obama for something that's not really Obama's fault
But HE chose the glass, HE chose the cookies, he only has himself to blame.


Are you absolutely sure about this?

Trolls out in full force i see.

>this is the average nu/co/ user
thanks obama

No, i think it's the Russian bots.

>outing yourself as a newfag by making fun of a newfag who outed himself first

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Funny thing about this picture is that someone just photoshopped in spider-man into the picture frame with the SAME picture.

I don't see what Russian bots have to do with the MPAA but okay.

Can we get back on topic?

I'm surprised they let you shitpost in the insane asylum you're from

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> All the dudes have to look like they're on roids
And when 16 year old Spiderman has a six pack perhaps we should ask ourself if we are going to far.

It's 2019, Disney has been edgy for a while now.

>Welcome to Obama's Republic of Hitlerstan.
Oh man, what a blast from the past. OP, you're okay.

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Oh, so THAT'S what it is.

he was around 20 in the movie

Sounds more like capitalism to me. Everyone knows that market is bigger. lol Especially with a toy movie.

They are being sardonic or ironic (ether or would depend upon their views).

I'd take it over post-2014 cancer.

"Refuse to pay their theme park employees a decent wage" is not the same as "Can't afford to pay their theme park employees".

more like 40

Feige went full SJW, so its definitely unlikely to happen.

Uhhh Feige is the exact opposite of SJW lol every disney movie has been bashing SJW theory.

interesting thing, it was actually produced by IFC, Netflix, and the BBC

BBC were absolutely useless in the production of that video. Just goes to show that socialized television is a waste of resources.

Obama's been out of office for almost 3 years now, so that copypasta would have likely been last used around then.

During that type the population base of Yea Forums has changed so much that a lot of folks don't even realize this is copypasta

Obama isn't out of office hes just no longer president.

Reasons why I fucking hate /pol: The Thread

That's nice but this is a Yea Forums thread, think you have the wrong tab open.

Sure thing buddy

Reasons why everybody fucking hates newfags: The Post

Why do you have to ruin a decent thread with shitposting?

Why do you have to ruin a decent world with existing?

I wish this was the real cover.

It's clearly a photoshop.

I still don't know what Brie Larson's face is meant to convey there. Who directed her to do that look in the Captain Marvel poster?

Shes like that in every piece of media they've shown.

They're going for badass/stoic but it comes across as apathetic because she looks like a regular valley girl with no muscles at all.

Sounds like one as well.

>half of these posts are trolls

They're great at revealing fucking newfag cancer and/or corporate shills who don't actually go here.

>>has been making the edgiest movies in cinema for over a decade while everyone else makes romcoms
You are full of shit. Disney makes nothing but safe tripe that never takes risks.

>Incredibles 2
>Infinity War
>never takes risks

Obama destroyed America.

That's a great joke. Don't you have an Alex Jones podcast to go listen too?

Stay on topic please.

YAAASSSSS finally someone said it.

there were movie industries before 1900s jesus christ