Nothing can stop Della Duck!

Nothing can stop Della Duck!

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>Nothing can stop Della Duck!
from being an awful mother

Wasn't there a saying about stopping a bird by sprinkling salt on their tail?

Remember when she fucked her own brother?

They will try to push that she dindu nothing

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She does, every night in bed I bet.

Does the show call her out in any way for being selfish and foolhardy? Or is it all strong woman UwU stuff

>Implying a guy who gave so little fuck that he didn’t even try to get into a Party school for a bullshit degree where he’d barely have to do any work anyways would have the motivation to go out and meet chicks instead of staying at home and lazing around, let alone fuck them.

Della's brother is Flintheart's nephew? I know you're trolling but I can't even imagine how

(Well, apart from Donald, but that goes without quacking)

So has she actually been on the moon for 10 years or are they also gonna use the time dilation thing from the same comic the rocket came from?

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What would she eat on the moon for 10 years? Cheese?

The show hasn't gone that far to really judge.

See OP's pic. Also, even ignoring the girl power narrative, Hollywood loves to idealize the bond between the biological parent and the child and how the adoptive parent is never enough

Her leg that got trapped underneath the broken ship and she had to cut off

Green cheese

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When's it coming back?

March 9th

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Except Motherhood, unless the show has her bullshit her way into being good at that and rapidly accepted by the Triplets. Could go either way really.

>Hollywood loves to idealize the bond between the biological parent and the child and how the adoptive parent is never enough
1. What are you on about, do you even have any specific films in mind or are you just making up an enemy
And 2. Holly wood doesn’t even make movies so again, what are you on about?

Wait shit i meant TV shows. Holly wood doesn’t make TV shows.

lol not anymore

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hope she brought crackers.

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Some friend Selene is.

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So would she try and take the kids back, or just try and ease her way into their family? If she moved in with Donald and the boys would they even have enough room in the Houseboat?

Scrooge spend a shit trying to find her and she's related to everyone in that family, she's long been accepted. There's no reason if she came back that she wouldn't live with them and join as a main character

There is plenty of room in the McDuck manor.

>she's long been accepted.
Because children often are accepting of strangers they barely know coming into their lives saying “hey I’m your new parent now” halfway through their lives.

They do in movies and TV

Has anything been done with how Webby is being followed by the ghost of her dead friend?

The kids are literally trying to figure out what happened with her

It's beyond obvious that they'd try to reconnect if they got the chance. Did you even watch the show or are you just eager to be offended?

nothing has been done with that yet.

What about exploding corkscrew penises?

Save that for St. Canard when she ends up at Macawber Manor.

She wears shorts.

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Ah, the ol' "Red Leg Zeff" special, eh?

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what if it della crush land on moon only few month ago .

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Would give a reason why Scrooge couldn't find her.