Jose is the father!

Jose is the father!

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Spooky-lady-skeleton on tumblr.

Hot pairing but Jose is too pure to get up and leave kids like that

But he's a parrot and the triplets are ducks?

They don't talk about the kid they had during their fling

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jose can fuck so well your kids come out whatever race he wants. He could have given her puppies if he wanted

>not Joao
You have one job Disney

>Jose is too pure to get up and leave kids like that
Ehh, even at his best Jose is sill womanizing semi-deadbeat. If it were any other girl, he would probably still be pretty tempted to leave. However in this situation if his kids were the nephews of one of his Best Bro’s, there’s no way he’d be able to live with himself if he up and left.

>Della crash lands in South American jungle
>chops her way back to civilization through the dense foliage
>hungry dirty thirsty she stumbles into a party
>collapses into a barstool
>"you, my friend, look like you could use a drink"
>the handsome green parrot scores her food and water
>and then a few alcholic drinks as the night goes on
>Della knocks back the fruity drinks like nothing, can Samba even in ragged pilot gear, and shows Josè her battle scars
>Josè revises his opinion of this delicate flower into that of a wild storm
>her questions are geared towards exotic and dangerous treasures in the area rather than the usual sightseeing traps
>come the morning she's gone, an earlier riser than Jose, who was looking to do the same
>all that's left is her machete and the smell of airplane grease


He's named after his original voice actor José do Patrocínio Oliveira also known as Zé Carioca

user at his absolute worst (comics not counting that's a whole different character) he was absolutely guilted at lying about being successful due to having high enough thoughts about his friends that they were successful. Just because he's a single who travels to flirt with other singles does not mean he's not a saint of a character because a lot of times he is. There's no way he could live with leaving children like that, that's why he has safe sex

>that's why he has safe sex
Is that canon?

Probably not

That part was a joke, but he probably would and the rest is true

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semen go down the hoollleeee

This makes too much sense not to be true

safe sex by Disney's definition is waiting in the rooftops with a fully loaded shotgun

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>Most Disney characters: sex is taboo and can't be mentioned
>Chad Oswald: has to drive off storks with kids because he fucks so often he has too many
When did you realize Oswald is /ourguy/


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