Jawbreakers: Lost Souls - STORYTIME

Gather round Yea Forums as we storytime the long awaited magnum opus from Richard C. Meyer (Iron Sights) and Jon Malin (not Rob Liefeld). It's the book they said would never happen!

Let's begin!

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Oh fuck is finally here.

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I'm still amazed that Malin was able to get onto a Marvel book two years ago...

Guy's a goddamn time capsule of everything wrong with comic art in the 90s

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Might want to get that cancerous growth in your cheek checked, dude...

Why is Doctor Starnge here?

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Why does everyone look like racist asian caricatures?

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Just leave skeletons laying around everywhere.

Clean the damn place up.

I swear to god that is retraced Voodoo or Zealot.

Just a reminder, this book is going to save comics.

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>magnum opus
>shoddy scan work
I appreciate the storytime, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, shill.

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"...Is that you have to take me with you."
10/10 grammar.

It feels like something’s missing but what do I know it’s probably a retarded dream sequence

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Stop kidding yourselves man. It ain't saving anything. This should have stayed buried in the 90's


Did Op forget to scan a few pages.

Well shit, nevermind...

The pages are out of order I can’t tell if OP is an idiot or this is legit how the comic was shipped

Are these reversed or just that bad in terms of pacing?

Nope. The pacing and story is actually like this.

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>Nope. The pacing and story is actually like this.

How much did this make again.

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Somewhere in the realm of a few tens of thousands I think. There was a meme number of like half a mil that was shipped around that included the campaigns for other comics in the company.

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The storytelling in this is about as schizophrenic as a current-day Neal Adams written story

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Oh god the artworks so bad that Hellpriest has gone Blind

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You know even the woke brigade put some effort into it.

>Meyer aped the fastball special

Comicsgate dead on arrival confirmed

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Okay giant rolling eyeball is kind of fun, I'll admit that.

When I was in junior year of high school this girl in my friend group trooned out, we would all tease him about it and he never really minded. We didn’t talk like this, this isn’t how harassing minority friends works, that’s always front and blatant. This is just a robotic race joke.

It would have worked better if they hit the water and the protagonist started teasing the black guy.

While having the lead scream YA BOI, which is what his "friends" call him in real life.

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>want to warm up, I know just the place

Wait is the totally not tony stark look alike supposed to be Meyer?

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Has no one pointed out that this red guy is just Grifter with a REALLY shitty redesign?

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By god- he’s gone fridge blind

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Hahaha fuck his mouth being full shrinks the actual mouth off to the side while he chews?

Honestly posed like that i just feel sorry for the giant ape.

I like how only 3 of the child soldiers are dressed accurately

Thanks again, OP. Any idea why the previous thread got deleted?

Does it have underwear stretch lines?

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Same. This was awful

>I'm about to rock this fool


So how did they get captured?

Our Boi Zack is not a writer

That was me. I had to fix several files that were acting funny and uploading upside down.

>with the power of 1,000 slaves

Ok this shouldn't be posted for free here people payed good money to support it and your ruining it for those of.us who actually want to save the industry

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This line is so bad it wraps around to being good again but holy fuck Meyer couldn’t wait a few days till February was over to let the niggas have a month before hitting them with this line?

Nah, he’s just a DD knockoff.

No wait sorry I thought that was all of the Gumballs not just the two who were captured

It's like he thinks by making the black guy say this stuff he's proving some kind of point, but it only really shows that he has never really talked to any black folks.

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Shut the fuck up EVS

This is absolute trash
I’m having such a good time

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Literal magical negro

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Does he mean
Yeah boi?
Or is he saying it like 'ya boi' as in 'it's ya boi'
Cause that is impressively, admirably stupid.



It's a reference to Meyers nickname "Ya Boi, Zack" Dead serious.

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You ain't saving anything with something this dumb. You're practically killing the industry yourself by supporting something so stupid that it should have stayed in the 90's. This ain't the 90's and it's time you get out of your bubble


Ok so if the old man is wearing the tribal clothes as part of a ritual I think, then why the fuck is the bitch wearing them too if she’s just some rando contractor.

Thank god that a big strong man was there to help keep the girl calm.

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Completely nothing. She's just eye candy and that's it

You know Old geezer Telecom job could have been funny if they built to it but no their not going to do that

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She's in fact part of the cyborg guy's crew of...extra-dimensional monkey poachers?

This is so stupid it comes back around and settles into being absolutely perfect.

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Comicsgate proving that Maybe Captain Marvels new outfit is not as bad as it seems


and saved.

I gotta give him credit, he has no fear of just being dumb as fuck out in public. It's almost Andy Kaufman tier but if Andy wasn't a legend.

It's ya boi, Skinnie Peenus.


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Question: The old dude works in telecom. So why is he a skeleton then?

>the collar

>in a fucking magic monkey cyborg squad

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That’s not true, she’s also a fucking moron.

Because Zack has no idea how to make a joke work.

I might be going out on a limb here, but Meyer MIGHT - and I stress might - be a racist, misogynistic, retarded or all three


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well way to fuck the telcom there boys

This shit makes pre-Ellis wildstorm look like Tolkien Tier worldbuilding

Yeah, that’s the gimmick, he’s an affluent, blind, catholic fighter because Zack has never had a unique idea in his life.

What is happening to the old guy?, he semes to be getting worse.

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I just kept thinking it was like the edgiest name he could think of since Knife Hand.

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Back in business. Captcha wasn't verifying anything.

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Hi Zack

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The fucking pacing of this page is a awful, bottom half of the panel should be a separate page.

I think that was site-wide

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His entire knowledge of Parlay comes from that bit in pirates of the Caribbean doesn’t it

>that texture

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D&C literally resorting to anime logic to let his T&A character go almost naked for the rest of the comic is fucking hilarious

He's jsut admiting he's a hack now isn't he?

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True, Appearing in this comic is a fate no one deserves.

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thank you op, this thread made my day. I haven’t laughed like this in years.

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Literally wtf is that last line. Did he think that was funny?

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I’m in orbit rn.
Bless this mess.

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>And that, kids, is why pencils have erasers.

Shame Malin wasn't told ahead of time

>An entire armada of mortar volleya taken out by a single helicopter

Call me crazy... But something tells me Ya Boi Zack's never been in a battle

Chirst this makes america look... well at least competent

And that is the end of that. What did you all think? Did it live up to the hype or surpass it?! YOU BE THE JUDGE!

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Written like an unsatified veteran with desk job duty

Does the big monkey fuck?

I'm interested to know what has been the overt response to this because this was ass. I wonder how many people are going 'B-b-but it's saving comics!'

I'm very sure this cemented that Meyer is not a competent writer at all.

He thought that line was good enough to repeat Jesus Christ this is awful and cyberfrog can only be worse cause this had a “writer”

>Repeating the pencil joke

Jesus... And I thought Millar patting himself on the back for "YOU THINK THIS STANDS FOR FRANCE?!" in Ultimates was pathetic...

OP, how much did they charge for this shit show?

I had fun.

So the gorilla was giant! I thought the man might have been tiny in the preview image.

The upside down image is the icing on this shit cake

Join me next time as I storytime Jawbreakers Book 1 (HD Remix) and Book 2 (Never before released) because I can tell you, you are in for a RIDE.

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>complain about the usage of female characters in comics
>has the opportunity to do a good comic that shows to do it
>does it
>the only female in the comic is just tits and ass that dies for dramtic effect.

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Boy this art is not off to a great start. Just running on air.

So does the red mask have a mouth hole? Or did he switch to a different mask with a build in airtank.

I should make a few comics that actually takes the opportunity to have strong female characters.

It actually wasn't completely terrible.

But yes, it was mostly terrible.

Zack is a hack, but then, who isn't these days?

...You are kidding right? This was utter trash. And it is exactly what I expected this book to be. Meyer is a god awful writer with completely unoriginal and uninteresting characters, and the art makes it even worse

The book is literally nothing. Completely uninteresting, so stupid and stereotypical, and literally nothing about it made any sense. There is just nothing captivating about this, and you're saying it's going to save the comic industry? A book like this today could lose the comic industry money because of how dumb it is, and this was made by donations. I mean how much money was paid for this? And who is even stupid enough to buy into this?

Seriously, I would rather read a Zenescope comic instead of this useless trash. At least it has a good story that made sense. Hell, someone post me some good comics with sexy women and good story just to cure me of this autism shit

Zack this is bad. This is really bad. If you're trying to return back to the joy of reading comics, this is not the way to do it. This is a mess. The art is terrible. The pacing is all over the place. The characters aren't even really actual characters. The main dude is actually yourself. And do we really need terms like sit-rep explained to us? Wtf man? We're not laughing with, we're laughing at.

>what is this, some kinda lost soul gorilla?

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>dies for dramtic effect

And even that only warrants a very small image with a tiny 'krak'.

We know nothing about her. No flash-backs, no info dropped in the text, not even a thought balloon "How I hate this man, but if I do not do his bidding, my family and village will suffer".
Is she a child soldier? A slave? Does she have a special mutant power to entice people? Is she a witch, a shapeshifter? Is she bad or good?

Jesus, Richard. You're a nice guy, but you sure can't write good comics.

I'm all for eyecandy, but you'd think somewhere along the way of learning perfect English and carrying around a bag of gems, you'd get yourself something besides a spear and a tattered rag.

He ripped that from The Predator because??

I mean, he's a nice guy so long as you don't drink any milkshakes while he's looking.

Ah the "it doesn't matter what I use or wear" reason. Fair enough ... I guess?

The fact that all of his characters are rip offs of existing characters just improves the surrealities of the thing. It’s like 50 shades of grey, you can just tell this used to be fanfic.

A gorilla got lost in a portal and lost its soul, which turned it into a giant. so some lady hires a bunch of fags to fix it, they tear its eye out and send it back through a portal. There is a cyborg.

That is literally too funny to be made up.

And this is why the 90sfags should just die already. I mean holy fucking shit this is just terrible. I mean what is this?

It’s comedy gold

Girl you've known him for like 7 pages.

These two just met and are now sucking lips. What amazing writing and romance.

What the hell, the last page he's offering the girl some armor, and now on this page they're falling out of a plane?

Did you skip something in between?

Those of you who, in the name of this accidentally funny, so-bad-it's-good book that I might otherwise actually enjoy, helped "Zack" and EVS dogpile on lots of innocent people?

This isn't even a celebration of the fun aspects of 90s comics, it's just a vapid retreading of everything we purposefully moved away from, only told with zero self-awareness.

Imagine thinking that this was somehow gonna save the industry, how fucking DELUDED can you get

Meyer you sad cunt, if you're reading this - don't quit the day job any time soon

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>a toast for the woman that almost killed us because Power of 1000 Slaves Man wanted some

well sure

So just everyone knows English? Or did they not think to do [brackets] and *translated from African language.

This is prime Storytime of Pain material.

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Do it, can't possibly be worse than this garbage.

Spawn comics are from the 90s and Zack said he don't like it. And Spawn is actually very amazing.

>Strong female character
>Literally does nothing but double-cross the protagonists, fuck one of them when he gives her the inspiring decision to not work with the bloodthirsty cyborg warlord, and dies fucking instantly in a throwaway panel when she decides to try and kill said cyborg warlord with a stone fucking spear

Bravo, Meyer.

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Okay, I will. And to top it off, I'll make it in detailed watercolor paint too.

It's justified because she's trying to entice them.

What is not justified is that they fall for it.

WTF!? Spawn was brilliant, and it did a far better job than this autistic piece of shit. What was Zack even thinking?

I remember in 2005 when "boi" meant a young, cute, nonmasculine gay guy, something like a twink

It's very cold.

>Ok this shouldn't be posted for free here people payed good money to support it and your ruining it for those of.us who actually want to save the industry

Too late!

I wouldn't have paid a dime for Jawbreakers, by the way, no matter what. This is barely better than his previous stuff, and I have to wonder whether that isn't just because of the art.

>Spawn was brilliant

....It was sometimes entertaining. It was absolutely never 'brilliant'.

I... I don't know what to say except that I think Zack thinks he's "The Shit" and he has bad taste. And his "critique" on comics is unfair.

This was like having a seizure in the middle of the Congo while playing Drake and the 99 Dragons.

>No thank you, I need to go araund naked to blast the libtards

At least it's enjoyable. That part this trash of a book doesn't have


So their group DOES own normal bikini tops.

I would read all of the America Chavez books before reading this heap of horse manure.

Who's shooting at them? The ape took out the tanks and they were never shown to have attack helicopters or jets.

They should share a storytime next SOP weekend.

They keep talking about having armored columns and divisions but all I ever saw was masses of poorly armed Africans. I know that the moment with the pilot mowing them all down was supposed to be cathartic but it's literally just a guy mowing down a bunch of brown people with guns.

....'America' was exactly as bad as this. And sometimes worse.

It wasn't just badly written, it was preachy.
Here, the main characters do not pretend to be better than anyone. They're pretty much assholes.
So was America in her comic, but you were supposed to adore her when you really just wanted to piss in her hair.

What's his power again? Does he hold the strength of all black people who died in chain?

Fuck off Zack.

WAIT why is their team called Jawbreaker? I just remembered that was their fucking name and they practically didn't establish it.

So, is this also being written by Liefield or just drawn?

Holy fuck, what even happened in this piece of shit comic? It’s all over the place. It feels like a story of 3-4 issues, from like 3 different comics, were compressed into one but done lazily. The story’s about these mercenary hero dudes being hired to stop some warlord, but then there’s this giant cyborg gorilla that lost its soul, and the warlord’s a cyborg, and there’s magic portals, and then the girl is a spy but not really... WHAT THE FUCK IS EVEN HAPPENING? This shit makes America look fucking decent. At least with the first issue, I could tell what the fuck was going on and America was BAD. These guys complained about Marvel publishing bad books, but they sure showed us... by making a book that’s just as shit if not worse.

I can make a way better 'Jawbreakers' comic than this.

Black power.

dude was a marine that's probably part and parcel for Jar heads

>"With the power of 1,000 slaves"
Are you serious?...

Nah I'm pretty sure Jaw Breakers is WAY worse than America Chavez, I actually kinda like America.

this reads like a love letter to stupid shit, and I kinda like but fucking Christ Meyers could use an editor

I thought the artist couldn't draw only woman, but no, he can't draw full stop.

>tranny likes America Chavez
wow I'm shocked

Fun Fact : most of the komicsgayt community is shifting over to Yea Forums rather than Yea Forums and is shitposting and betraying comics. That is one of the reason I hate komicsgayt.

can we not use those slurs when referring to the incels please?

despite it's flaws I like it, and how dare you call me a tranny, that has nothing to do with liking something,

You're right, I'm sorry.

ffs did she die?

What am I missing.

I have no doubt he's using that bit from his actual experiences. Somewhere out there is a US soldier that served with Meyer and still grumbles about how many times he had to fake laugh at being called "token" or asked if he wanted second helpings or fried chicken.

America was funnier tho

*of fried chicken

This garbage is only 57 pages. That's not even 3 issues.

Yeah, the best part about reading America was reading every single bizarre moment and knowing that Rivera wrote it with the upmost sincerity and failed miserably. With this it feels like rewatching Sharknado and seeing that everything is just kinda shitty but some of it is just deliberately shitty because of the writer/director's failed attempt at being tongue-and-cheek.


It's like they want us to think Captain Marvel is great.

That's the saddest thing about this.say what you want about the Woke brigade but at least there seemed to be a intrest in writing. Zack can't even tell a coherent story.

Hell there are more memorable moments in america then there ever was in this.

That would have been super annoying as fucking hell to deal with.

Not so fast, fucker. Think long and hard if you want to go down this road and post more pirated content. Treat this message as an official cease and decist.
You may missed it, but you posted a picture of your hair on page38, which can be used to finding out your identity. Hair contain your DNA you fool, and with right photolaboratory equipment, it can be zoomed over hundred thousand times. Oh and don't bother deleting, I have it archived.
I can tell you right now that you're getting sued. It's up to you whether you're only paying damages for posting 1/3rd of the book, or for the entirety of it. Comicsgate community already proved that can crowdfund a lawsuit, and you'll be finding out that we still have resuorces to prosecute cancer thats ruining comic industry.
If you want to try apologizing and settling, contact Zack on his business email [email protected]. If it was up to me, you would be broke on the streets sucking dicks, but Zack is a good guy and you may have some results with a bit of good manners.

I am frothing at the mouth mad right now, the number of fucking times that Zack uploaded a book review from his car flat out picking apart every single woke comic and even going too rough on them sometimes, and THEN he says he is going to make comics great again and THIS ABSOLUTE TRASH gets crowd funded, CROWD FUNDED, and THIS is seriously the best he can do? This book is trash, it is insultingly bad. Holy fuck!

Based and CSI pilled

P O W E R O F 1 0 0 0 S L A V E S

Neal adams trips are at least fun and he had some great stories in the past to back him up, this shit does not.

Tfw Meyers only legacy will be a fuckin meme

>This woman is a traitor!

>I am! Apologies for the inconvenience! Bye!

Really? The only reason to hate 'America' is to be Yeboizack? Fuck you.

I know some people have a fetish for dumpy lesbian posers, but this is going too far.

I bet he only used it because it sounded cool to him when he was 12 and he swore he would use it one day.

So could Bendis. Although there would be very many speech balloons.

>You are now imagining this comic with Bendispeak

Based retard

He wasn't, as was pointed out in the next panel.
The comic is not good but it did make me smile here and there.

Yeah, the cyborg warlord broke her neck because she betrayed him. DRAMA!


Nothing Zack could ever write can ever top this page.

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A meme is born.

You have to go back

Superman fucking with Jimmy for no reason is something I'd genuinely like to see more of

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Is this Bendis? Sounds like Bendis.

I don't think this is Storytime of pain material. This is just painfully mediocre.Like I thought the art was shit, and the pacing was shit but nothing struck me as "I can't believe he thought this was good." All of it struck me as old man trying to sound cool with his comic. I can't look at America and say "I can't believe she thought space lesbians were a good idea", I can look at created equal and say "Super jizz jar" but I can't think of anything here that equals any of those, maybe "power of a 1000 slaves" but that line is not enough to elevate it to the "bad good".

Nah man, this is fun nonsense all the way. Perfect SOP material.

It's peak Neal Adams you pleb. Coming of the Supermen, read it now if you haven't already.

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Underrated review

A fever dream from a soldier in the dessert would have a more coherent writing than this story.

Nah. If anything he's poking fun at racism - soldiers tend to a bit less sensitive about this stuff, which is apparently something that happens if people shoot at you all the time. I don't know about the misogyny - I don't know whether drawing scantily-clad women with tig ol' bitties counts as misogyny, it's not like he's suggesting she should not be allowed to vote.
He's also not retarded - retarded people don't get hundreds of thousands of dollars to make comics.

He's just a guy doing a thing. I have to admire anyone who is better at doing what I like doing than I am.

If it's fun then where does the pain come in? It's not enough that a comic is bad, there are thousands of bad comics. No, they have to be offensively awful. So bad you wish you had never seen them.

There's a lot of Irony in how this is written with the pacing of Rivera's America. The art is amateurish. Meyer clearly has an idea of what he wants, but he also has no idea how to show it. It was far from the worst thing ever, but Im glad I didn't spend money on it. Of all the CG, guys, the only person I did back was TenNaple, he's the only person who knows how to both draw and tell a story.

Thanks OP

Wait, so to be clear, is this just him delivering a punch line or does he literally have the superpower of having "the strength of 1000 slaves." Like some kinda black The Collective Man.

It was all worth it for this page.

Is that you, Plastic Man? Cos you sure are stretching a lot

>the nineties are back... with a vengeance!
I'll give the comic this, it's making me look back fondly on my old Youngblood collection so much so that I think I'll reread them. They're trash, sure, but this makes them retroactively look pretty damn good.

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>I bet he only used it because it sounded cool to him when he was 12 and he swore he would use it one day.
Worked for Savage Dragon.

I guess that's a bit better of a sendoff than the second protag of iron sights got.

This whole thing just shrieks Wildstorm rifpoff.

Except savage dragon actually sounds cool.
Jawbreakers likens the team to candy

America had competent, and sometimes good, art most of the time. As far as the writing goes, America's writing is some of the worst I've ever seen. It's worse than this, sure, but it's also terrible in such a unique and profound way. I almost respect Rivera's ability to write some of the shit she did and send it to print. There's a boldness in how outlandishly bad it is.

But this? It's bad, but that's not the worst thing about it. It's also vapid and uninspired. There's maybe two pages in the whole thing that are memorable. America? I have never laughed at a comic as hard as that. I was so fucking excited for every issue to come because Rivera defied belief. Just when you thought she couldn't get any worse, that she wouldn't "go there," she fucking did. It was truly The Room of comics.

But this? The art is bad and the writing is bad, but it lacks that boldness in how it's bad. It just reads like a rejected 90s comic. It's uninteresting, uninspired, there's nothing "new" about it.

In all of comics, I can't point to a single other thing that's "like" America. But this? I can point to a thousand comics that are like this but better. This isn't interesting in how it's bad. It's just bad.

To simplify your point, America is creative. It's bad, but it's creatively bad. This is just an artist with no talent trying to replicate liefeld while a writer with even less talent tries to replicate 90s schlock while bringing nothing new to the table. There's no POINT to this. This does nothing that wouldn't be better served by just reading Extreme Comics or Wildstorm. America is a bad comic that's doing something new. This is a bad comic that has been done hundreds of times already.

It's Team 7 meets King Kong drawn by the worst of the myriad of Liefeld ripoff artists circa 1994.

A black man having "the power of 1000 slaves" is unironically the only thing I liked about this comic. A competent writer could actually do something interesting with it. Unfortunately, here it was just "lol, black people, amirite?" Which like... eh? To what end? It's like it's trying to tell race jokes without being overtly racist, like that earlier page where he makes the "black people can't swim joke." It's like the kind of jokes that a white suburban teenager that only knows one suburban black guy does.


Didn't some user sketch up a better layout when the preview was out

Oh shit... I guess I'll read it.

Fuck everything.

>I really want this to be awful, but don't actually have anything bad to say about it, so I'll just compare it to America

Rest in peace, mouse.

>Cash, Bass or Ass
Wait... so he'd take fish as payment?

I swear there's an X-Force or Wildstorm cover with this exact team pose that this is ripping off.

...because it's a generic comic book cover?
There's probably hundreds of comics that it's "ripping off".


Okay, I know from previews these are reversed. I'll assume by the scanner, but I'd LOVE if it shipped like this.

Not that it makes sense in order, who did they ride up on the fucking thing without realizing it? They're falling off it's head or shoulder, they didn't notice driving on 20 ft strands of fur for the last half hour?

Here it is.

I don't think any of us expected the line of the page to basically be "1.21 NIGGAWATTS!"

Attached: jawbreaker layout fix.jpg (600x787, 66K)

This! This comic was genuinely good, and way better than any of the SJW-pandering trash coming out of marvel and DC. But leave it to Yea Forumsumblr to shit all over it for literally no reason. Sad.

No, a generic one would have them running heroically or something less posed. The middle guy looks like Cap throwing his sheild or Cable throwing a grenade, Fake Grifter reminds me of a woman running or floating and the ninja is mimicking Nightcrawler or Iron Man. It looks VERY familiar.

Gee, I wonder which one is Meyer's self-insert...

You son of a bitch.... Those were heartfelt complaints of that book you were reading.

Attached: guzma.png (994x765, 948K)

Eh, I'm wavering back and forth whether it's "good" or merely "alright", but either is still better than anything Marvel or DC shit out this week.

This all seems... completely out of nowhere. Am I have stroke or what?

like me? :)

Now now, have pity on him. He hates the SJWs so hard he praises shit that would be mediocre in the 90's.

This is just like every single Stonetoss thread.
It's okay, retard, we're all anonymous here, we won't tell all your Facebook friends that you enjoyed something "problematic".

Based retard

It adds a certain Golden Age Horror story madness to the entire torpid affair.

>Guy shows up with glowsticks, everyone starts having a dance party

Go ahead, can't be more embarrassing than spending that much money to get this.

I'm getting it for free. But be sure to make another 200 posts about how offended you are while grasping at straws. :^)

Yeah, this bunch could use a few guys in dresses and maybe one or two alternate reality Sports Championship T-Shirts.

He seriously skipped over the moment of impact? This is paced like a comic from 1932.

>One of the guys is named "Kuffz"

This is starting off well.

How can I? This story is so horrible and the art is spastic and dribble.

She doesn't even kill her boss, and Kuffz feeling bad about her death doesn't matter. Because he's not a character.

Quit trying to act smart, you're not good at it. You copy paste boomerfag.

>people paid money for this

You had me going right until the end, li'l fucker.

>a comic from 1932

Like eh... Alley Oop?


shut up fag

But Ya Boi, Zack served in the military! What use would his fellow soldiers ever have for a cute twink?

You don't know what "triggered" means... You're such a stereotype.


Neal Adams is pure, insane joy.

There's a difference between being offended and sharing an opinion.

Yes, and you're clearly the former.

Attached: dabbing octopus man.jpg (310x271, 24K)

Can you give me examples of me being offended? No, you can't because you're too immature.

Pardon me, Mr. Super Mature Adult, whom is posting on Yea Forums's "Comics & Cartoons" board.

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u765.jpg (548x550, 30K)

I'm gonna ignore you.

He means being serenaded by Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Do you not?

I think this user has a point here.
I remember every issue of Squirrel girl and America that was storytimed here because they defied belief. There really was something to say about the ineptitude and carelessness on every page. Truly, it was peak kusoage.

I'm probably not going to remember this comic after I leave this thread. That's not because I hate the man or his politics or whatever this comic stands for. It's entirely because it's a copy+paste of the thing that was done to death mid-90's.
It's serviceable at best, nothing really jumps out. I read this entire issue and I still don't know what the premise is other than 'superhero team'. There's nothing to distinguish this from every other superhero team out there who just have things happen to them.

Maybe it would be more entertaining in another medium. The A-Team, functionally identical to the premise here, was a wildly successful TV show.
>....'America' was exactly as bad as this.
That's hyperbole. Other than being bland, nothing about it is offensively bad. Nothing about it screams "Oh dear god someone had the idea to put this to ink."
It's just things happening, things. Why do they happen? Who cares, it's cool.

People are being too harsh with it mostly because of who made it and not actually because it's greatest sin: It's forgettable and boring.

The strange irony is that the person who wrote the comic would have probably had better comic book material by just making a 1:1 recreation of his time in the army than this thing.

Attached: squirrel-girl-new-warriors-988600.jpg (940x529, 110K)

This won't save comics. Actual effort will save comics though.

this page gives off gay vibes

On the same note, does anyone have the squirrel girl page where they left the stenciling in complete with "REMOVE BEFORE PRINT" in the margins that they forgot to remove because no one gave a shit even then?

The REAL gay vibes are going to be in Lonestar.

Attached: lonestar prayer.jpg (1133x1200, 326K)

See, this is what I mean. It's just things happening. Why? Who cares. What series of events lead to this? Don't worry about it.

It's just things.
Things are just happening.

Don't worry why they're happening. Things are happening. Be excited.
I'm shocked someone who apparently thinks of themselves as being well-versed in comics are seemingly not aware of why comics crashed in the first place, long before twitter and the internet was a thing.
You used to buy your local copy of "Things happening™" probably drawn by Liefeld and written by Miller or whatever and things would just happen. They just happened, sometimes not even in sequential order like here. It was just things occurring. They did this on purpose so no one would be lost if they missed a single issue and drop the whole thing, but by doing so they sacrificed any real tension or reason anyone had to read their comics except maybe the first and last issues.

Because things just happened.
For no reason.

Maybe Meyer forgot to mention that one of the worst eras of comics just happens to be the one that he's the biggest fan of. The current era of comics being shit doesn't somehow erase how tiresome and boring the old era used to be.

Attached: doredevil.jpg (736x1085, 224K)

That's a fair opinion. The comic did have it's moments, though. I likely won't actually remember the comic either, aside from shit like "THE POWER OF 1,000 SLAVES".
Judging by the thread, people seemed to like it, it's just that some people feel ashamed to like it, for some reason.

Every squadron needs their own cum receptacle.

I'm actually surprised that anons have to be reminded why Meyer's favorite stuff from back then was shit.

>those longing faces on the left side in the bottom panel


You're right in that was a huge problem with earlier comics. That, and "WORDSWORDSWORDS".
If I had to choose, though. I still take either of those over our current era of comics, which is "WE INTERRUPT YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED CAPESHIT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT WHITE MALE PRIVILEGE".

>Judging by the thread, people seemed to like it, it's just that some people feel ashamed to like it, for some reason.
What? Setting aside anything about the creators, there's nothing to like.

It's a poor, poor man's Team 7 or G.I.Joe ripoff. Leader guy is an obvious self-insert, Kuffz is his "black friend", Knife-hands is laser Snake Eyes, Grifter is Grifter and blind priest guy is just another assortment of stereotypes.

It's just... meh. No one has a character arc, except maybe T&A girl who isn't even a real character. And Malin's art is just trash.

I assume the remix and book 2 will be better though, since at least they're not drawn by Malin.

Attached: team7.jpg (420x628, 85K)

Or you could just read comics that don't suck.

>there's nothing to like.
Like I said, the comic has its moments, and although there's not really anything the comic does that's worth writing home about... there's nothing the comic does wrong either. It's serviceable. The only people legitimately upset by the comic only seem to be so because they wanted to "stick it to the casualgoobers" or whatever.

I read the whole thing wait for the cathead guy to be explained, but it never happened.

I’m gonna die in this thread

>there's nothing the comic does wrong either.
Are you serious? Have you never thought pacing or layouts or basics of storytelling? Actions are regularly resolved off panel, especially near the end where it just feels like Malin got bored with pretending to try. It's a cute mess, but it's shocking to think Malin ever drew comics before this.

It’s a book. You’re supposed to read it.

Attached: CEA98871-3277-4A06-8214-CE93177BB1F9.jpg (750x789, 160K)

This was okay

Did anyone actually get full fleshed-out characterization within the Team 7 series itself besides Grifter and Cray?

Lynch got to do a bit, but I think he didn't grow too much until he got older. Which was probably part of the problem with it being one of the early Wildstorm "prequel" books, they didn't want to step on the toes of characters with active books set in the present. I should probably look it all up again, and maybe Wetworks while I'm at it. The soldiers with super powered shit "genre" has a lot of actually good stuff in it, even if you stuck just to the actual 90s.

Attached: team7a.jpg (600x953, 136K)

Stop making excuses for poor work or trying to put words in people's mouth, it makes you sound desperate.

Seems alright to me. And by "alright", I mean "alright". "Room for improvement" doesn't mean "IT'S LITERALLY SHIT ON A PAPER". It's not like Iron Sights, where you literally could not tell who or what was going on because the art was such shit.

It's a comic book. Use the medium to its fullest. If you want to write a book, don't get into comics. However, I understand that back in the day, it was pretty much the opposite of "decompression"; they were trying to fit the most amount of story into the minimal amount of space, therefore would just type shit out instead of showing it.



>Equipment is in perfect condition
>Yet the place is fulled which corpses

>Knife hand
Do did Meyer use the "What's your Rob Liefeld Name" image to come up the characters name?

I recently checked out batman odyssey. Wtf was going on there?

I swear that giant gorilla has underwear

>It's Team 7 meets King Kong drawn by the worst of the myriad of Liefeld ripoff artists circa 1994.

And it's not even an original story. Ruh-roh.

Attached: space ape.jpg (560x560, 65K)

>I'm really disappointed that I didn't get a full page spread of a gorilla's dick and balls!

It has a waistband

read like an over the top cheesy 80/90's movie
in short, absolute kino through and through

Don't worry, he takes his pants off. Notice how you never see the waistband again?

Hey, Meyer, how much exactly did you overcharge for shipping? I hear these went out wrapped in tissue paper.

No, 1932 comics were a little before Alley Oop but still much better than this.

Attached: mickey and pete in desert.jpg (1414x2220, 956K)

I hope at the very least we get some quality gay porn out of this.

>I remember every issue of Squirrel girl and America that was storytimed here because they defied belief. There really was something to say about the ineptitude and carelessness on every page. Truly, it was peak kusoage.
>I'm probably not going to remember this comic after I leave this thread. That's not because I hate the man or his politics or whatever this comic stands for. It's entirely because it's a copy+paste of the thing that was done to death mid-90's.

Well, you're sort of right about both?

America and some of Squirrel Girl are what happens when a liberal cartoonist tries hard and does bad.
Space Ape here is what happens when a conservative cartoonist tries hard and does bad.

Both actually do have a lot of effort put in, but come out fugly to anyone but their fans.

This is way better than Jaw Breakers.

>Eye candy is at some distance running towards cyborg guy ready to throw(?) her spear at him
>Next page just has a panel with Cyborg guy chocking her
This is legitimately one of the worst paced comics i have ever read.

>Hey, Meyer, how much exactly did you overcharge for shipping?
Meyer doesn't work for nuMarvel.

Attached: DDqQffsUwAEScPd.jpg (900x900, 144K)


Looks like I'll be storytiming that next Wednesday.

>a phobic
Oh no... not a phobe.

Nobody is clicking on your link, give a tl;dr.

it's a pastebin you idiot

I have to know what the greatest Evolv salesman ever made for his comic book.

Attached: evolv water comic.jpg (550x977, 201K)

Someone needs to collect the worst of those and post them. There's some real crazy shit in that web comic.

I know there is a second Evolv one where he brings in some MMA fighter that shilled for the stuff as well, and had him beat up his critics.

I should look, I'm pretty sure I can find the one where the punch line is killing Obama.

Attached: electric tigers yugioh.jpg (550x977, 204K)

If you gave this guy a billion dollars he wouldn't be able to write a good book, maybe if he spent the money on hiring a different writer.

There's also a few crazy racist ones that feel like old timey racism. It's crazy.

This is the common theme you see with CG. They believe the more money a book crowdfunds, the better it will be. Talent be damned.

They believe capeshit is just as bad as ever, while literal cuckholds try to convince people "But it's not Bendis, everything is better now!", when it literally fucking isn't.

Okay, please say that the next time a casualgater chimes in with "BUT MUH FROG BOOK MADE 500k SO IT'S GONNA BE THE BEST!"

I have to believe you're pretending to be retarded. Cause I know we've purged nearly all the casualgate shills from here months ago.

No one appreciates the geological history of Earth, it's always fossils fossils fossils

Try again, discord tranny.

>geological history of Earth
Sure, sure. If you can't explain it in Yugioh, I don't think you're even trying.

Attached: Yugi.gif (441x352, 19K)

cut me some fuckin slack rock types have been out of vogue for a hot minute, unless you want me to bust out grandpa gem knights I don't have much to offer

Literally can't believe what I'm reading. Fucking "BEEP"? Are righties roleplaying as Honda Civics now?

Pure autism. It’s hilarious.

I dont get the icecream and cigar panel, is he holding both with the same hand? what's wrong with his cheek? wtf is wrong with his mouth?

Autism on parade.

Attached: 0E5AA5EC-3811-4128-B38C-505B49B3CE2E.png (500x775, 544K)

>Casualgate legitimately believed this would "save comics"

Attached: mfw Danvers.jpg (908x908, 206K)

>People paid money for this book
>People defend this book online
>People promoted this book to suck up to the youtubers that made it
How? How were people this stupid?

Attached: jawbreakers sad monkey.png (382x566, 539K)

I was just on Twitter and the book is getting a massively positive reception. Politics rot the brain.

Man, this was awful.

If this is the kind of shit you write you shouldnt be allowed to review anything else. What a shit show

I don't think it's really all that bad. Just kinda boring at worst.

Attached: ba5.jpg (768x625, 314K)

I mean what else were they going to say? "Whoa turns out that book we all gave $400,000 was kind of a fucking dud..."? They have SJWs to spite, user. Meyer could have mailed out literally pieces of shit sandwiched between blank pages in a sketch book and they'd have raved like it was the rebirth of the medium.

Attached: Goddamn book.png (114x120, 35K)

I honestly think it’s bad in a funny way. It was made out of spite like a bad fanfic, and that’s pretty amusing.

The funniest reviews are the ones that have people saying it's bad, but at least he followed his dream and money went to a good cause.

How come no one ever posts his Riri fan comic anymore? Because that's his literally fan comic made out of spite.

Well that was quite something. Jawbreakers was literally as bad if not worse than any comic Richard has ever reviewed on his channel in its entire history. I enjoy his roasting of comic books so it's a little perplexing how godawful this comic is. I heard EVS say that Iron Sights is shit compared to Jawbreakers...good lord.

Richard said Xaxi was going to feature prominently in the book...and THAT'S what happened? Pacing is bad, art is bad, story would be ok if the pacing wasn't bad. Conversations are webcomic tier and needed polish. It's pretty obvious why Richard can't maintain a marriage.

I'm definitely going to use 1,000 slaves as a meme from now on. This abortion will provide some enjoyment to the world in the end.

I didn't back this because it didn't interest me but I bought the $200 package for Cyberfrog for me and my friends. At the very least I know the art will be top notch. EVS actually KNOWS comics unlike Ya Boi so I'm expecting greatness.

Attached: image.png (405x316, 158K)

>Meyer could have mailed out literally pieces of shit sandwiched between blank pages in a sketch book and they'd have raved like it was the rebirth of the medium.

That kinda happened. A large percentage of the books arrived water damaged with pages falling out. All because he chose bottom of the barrel packaging from his fulfillment service. Dude did everything on the cheap. A lot of Gaters were saying "poor zack" or wanted a refund.

>At the very least I know the art will be top notch. EVS actually KNOWS comics unlike Ya Boi so I'm expecting greatness.
Sorry you spend so much on a book that's never going to ship. EVS admitted he didn't even finish writing it like last week.

>I bought the $200 package for Cyberfrog for me and my friends. At the very least I know the art will be top notch. EVS actually KNOWS comics unlike Ya Boi so I'm expecting greatness.

user, Ethan himself has said he's bad at writing comics. He hasn't scripted CyberFrog yet and will do so once the art is finished completely. These are all self admitted things. I'm so sorry.

>EVS admitted he didn't even finish writing it like last week.

He's going to write it over the artwork. He has no script.

He wouldn't be able to use that money to buy a good artist either even if neon blinking arrows pointed at the artist saying GOOD ARTIST HERE.

>but I bought the $200 package for Cyberfrog for me and my friends.

You poor fool.

Attached: bale kisses.gif (200x200, 1.79M)

You're a troll and have fun getting ignored

He has all the layouts done and just has to finish it, right? You guys are making it sound like he's drawing page to page.

Holy ship OP thanks so much for this story time

Sonichu has a better chance of saving the comic industry than this trite

Next thing Meyer writes should be his suicide letter after getting paid 400k to make this

I don't know why, stupid usually has no reasons or common sense.

If you gave him money to hire the best artist he could find, he'd hire the second worst one he saw, and pocket the change.

Attached: Meyer cheap 1.jpg (1199x787, 127K)

>A large percentage of the books arrived water damaged with pages falling out.
Don't they tend to come plastic wrapped?

I’ll be honest I can can kinda get behind that sentiment. The dude might be a sperg but at least he got his shit printed. There’s a certain merit to that, even if he has no business critiquing other writers.

>You guys are making it sound like he's drawing page to page.

That's exactly what he's doing. Have you ever seen EVS work? He does very loose pencling per single panel, inks over it without roughing or refining, and then goes on to the next one and the next one. He'll add new panels or finish others when he thinks of something he likes. He's not working at DC anymore where he had editors and a script.

Usually, but he had his fulfillment service package them in paper and manila envelopes.

He's released other comics in the past. This isn't his first rodeo. There's no excuse. Dude is a cheapskate.

this page is out of order

this page comes first.

OP is fucking up. read 12 then 11

At this point I don't expect the book until Christmas and I'm fine with that. I've bought a ton of Kikestarter/Indiegogo shit over the past few years and you just get used to things shipping 1 year after the expected delivery date.

I don't really care for most of the Casualgate Crew but I have a strong fondness for Ethan and Cecil. Would buy anything they put out.

he's so fucking dumb.

He claims he's doing it Marvel Method. Thing is, you need to actually have an understanding of how to do that. He thinks it's a shortcut. Experienced writers have said they've tried the method Stan Lee used and it fucked them up.

>everyone is equipped with an air tank
>asks if teammate knows how to swim
this guy sure is smart

But wasn't Marvel method
>writer and artist come up with overall story, ie: FF fight Galactus, hilarity ensues
>artist draws 20 odd pages
>writer fills in blanks
>goes to print
It sounds like he skipped straight to step 2.

Let's make our own story ourselves, any ideas?

The swimming comment is based on an old racist joke that black people can't swim. Meyer is in his 40's.

Hey, he's got a lot of child support to pay for all the kids he's had with several different ethnic women.

I’m pretty sure it was just supposed to be a joke, as in he was just horsing around with his co-worker. Hence “baloney-skinned motherfucker”.
It ain’t good, but it is legible.

I take a big shit outside and then wrestle a bear to show my dominance. Also I get a selkie gf.

>He claims he's doing it Marvel Method.
But, he's doing it alone right? That's not... that's just fucking retarded. Alone, the right thing to do is layout the WHOLE BOOK, just rough it out, then maybe script over that. But it's HIS book alone, right? Or does he have a writer who will do the scripting when he's done? Eitherway, Kirby and Ditko knew how many pages a book was when they started drawing it.

Attached: Some idiot drawing scene to scene.png (574x375, 43K)

Have they ever heard of a story board...

I don't believe Ethan would risk releasing a shit comic at this stage in the game. With all of his pride and all of his empire building the past year and a half...no way.

I think Reignbow Brute is going to be shit no matter what though. Way too difficult to write without either being unfunny or too edgy. I hope Ethan really has a strong review process before releasing that one.

>I think Reignbow Brute is going to be shit no matter what though.
What is that? Cyberfrog vol. 2? Should he even be talking the next volume if he's still working on the first? Remember when Inafune started up TWO Red Ash kickstarters before Might No. 9 even shipped?

But here’s the thing, his fans are genuinely enjoying this. I’m honestly sort of glad they’re enjoying something.

Just him. His next book Reignbow Brute will be written by a Youtube friend who writes unedited OC scripts in half an hour and calls it a day. Ethan thinks he's funny ON YOUTUBE so he'll write the next book.

At this point his fans won't care if it's bad they've invested too much time and money into this crap. Have you seen the shit they say? It's becoming very cult like. The dude clips his fingernails on streams and they all laugh about how wonderful he is.

He used the 400k to pay years of owed child support...Fuck me user you figured out where all the money went

>His next book Reignbow Brute will be written by a Youtube friend who writes unedited OC scripts in half an hour and calls it a day. Ethan thinks he's funny ON YOUTUBE so he'll write the next book.
>letting a youtuber write your book
Does every qualified writer in the world hate him?

THAT'S WHAT THE ENDING MEANT! Meyer's self-insert is finally pay his child support thanks to the giant monkey, like how he's now able to pay his child support by being a giant monkey on youtube!


>Does every qualified writer in the world hate him?

Seems that way. He burned all his fucking bridges so he could be a 100k Star Wars and Anti-SJW YouTuber. Attaching your name to something EVS has done at this point would be career suicide.

I think Ethan is hilarious and an amazing artist but can you see ANY artist getting along with him? Ethan has a smothering personality he would rip apart any writer working for him.

How will Kiwifarms defend this shit?

Meyer is an anti SJW...he could literally shit in their collective mouths and they would defend it

>Ethan has a smothering personality he would rip apart any writer working for him.
So that's a politically correct way to say the guy's a cunt?

So what's the power structure of these guys? I see this and Iron Sights by Meyer, but does that make him a leader or just one of EVS's goons?

Meyer used to be the defacto leader, but now it's EVS. His twitter bio even says 'ComicsGate in a nutshell'. He even runs the main streams where they do everything.

Kiwifarms isn’t that partisan. They’re definitely right-leaning, but they don’t just defend people on the basis of being right-wing. They like to laugh at /pol/tards as well as the MRAtheist and manosphere types.

Well I enjoyed it

The fact that Meyers or EVS doesn’t have a lolcow thread is very telling, they were constantly defending Iron Sights, nothing is going to change with Jawbreakers.

>The fact that Meyers or EVS doesn’t have a lolcow thread is very telling,
Didn't Meyer read Aquaman in his sink?

>Reignbow Brute
I just looked that up on google and why is there so much merch for a comic that isn't even out yet? I'm seeing t-shirts, mugs and all that shit.

Gotta be honest, i kinda like Knife Hand. He seems like a pretty cool guy.

you're a dick fuck you.


ironically or are you an actual mongoloid?

I liked this book. It's a decent little squad. The characters aren't super brand new archetypes but this is supposed to be a 90s style comic and they fit that description.

It's off to a good start and I have a feeling it will only get better.

Yes, he also got pissed at a Superman comic or Lois driving an RV and said that a Deathstroke comic was lesbian propaganda because Terra didn’t appear to have double D breasts in one panel and that some of the female characters weren’t smiling when they were angry. Part of me thinks he’s doing some sort of social experiment because nobody can be this retarded.

I'm seriously thinking Richard Myer is toying with us from the get go. He's using his charisma to get what he wants while he sits back and watches results from all directions, wasting our time over and over and he's pointing and laughing at us for liking comics.

>but this is supposed to be a 90s style comic and they fit that description.
Who believes this excuse? People who didn't actually read comics in the 90s? What do people THINK 90s means? Like, just shitty?

Cause they still had character arcs and personalities in books in the 90s.

Attached: Art Adams New Fantastic Four.jpg (1383x1600, 737K)

Yeah, I read comics then. There's nothing terribly wrong with this comic. You just hate the creator.

there were bad comics in the 90s, most of them were actually good however and they make jawbreakers look like garbage than it already does.

Also, The comic just started. What kind of arcs do you think are going to be present?

Are you thinking clearly?

That's what people, like try to hide. The 90s had some good shit, and there isn't any point "being 90s" unless you're also making good shit.

... Anything? Who had a character arc? Who was a CHARACTER? Considering the story is only 2 1/2 issues long, I would compare it to about that many issues of WildC.A.T.s, and I get a much better idea of at least the basic cast in the first 2 1/2 issues of that than I did anyone in this. Silkworm is the leader, what are any of his other personality traits? Does he even like his teammates? Kuffz likes girls, that's not exactly a personality.

Attached: random wildcat page.jpg (1600x1176, 846K)

The 90s had some really good Spider Man books too and in fact most of the X Men shit I love is from the 90s as well.

Yeah, there was some great stuff there, so anyone pretending trash is "just like the 90s" is just proving they never read that shit. I'm going through some random Image stuff because Image was completely new ground, no one could use the years of earlier books as a shorthand. If you wanted to know the characters in issue 1, you had to see them established right then and there. Wetworks done a better job in a few pages of setting up what each person on the team does and general personalities than all of Jawbreakers did. Did anyone banter at all besides Silkworm and Kuffz (and that was just so Meyer could trigger libs with a racist joke?).

As someone who loves a lot of real 90s books, I find people saying Jawbreakers is anything like them to be bullshit.

Attached: random wetworks page.jpg (979x1519, 303K)

discord trannies seething

You literally don't know how to think do you? Are you taking your meds? Do you need help? Have you been staying up too late?

To say that Jaw Breakers is just like the 90s comics is fucking humiliating and insulting.

>giving (You)s to bait
Nigga how dumb are you?

I understand the trannies part of the insult, but can one of you explain what's wrong with discord?

Now you're playing it off as being intelligent. I think you have some serious issues. Somebody needs to check your head.

I think you might actually be on some crystal meth, I'm not positive though. Because you must be pretty fucking stupid if you thought that I wouldn't be playing it safe just in case you were actually this stupid.

Outragefag bucks

If all those outraged idiots were smart, they'd go out and buy Wetworks. That would send a message to the Big Two.

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thanks for the definition, now let's talk about comic books again, shall we?

short version: discord trannies is another buzzword like NPC.

long version: knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/reikos-trap-harem.

Yeah I don't know what was the point of that character and according to Meyers she was suppose to have a shorter scene.

It's a buzzword for a buzzword?

Considering she accomplishes nothing, I don't see why she wouldn't. Even if she left BEFORE they find the monkey, nothing changes. I guess Kuffz doesn't kiss her. That's it. Her betrayal adds nothing after they're hired, her being saved is meaningless and her attempt to kill her boss is meaningless.

And why not just make her naked. Fuck it, right? It's a kickstarter book, who cares? Being naked would actually make more sense than the weird chest rag.

This is terrible, but there's also something about it that I like. I can't explain it.

Supposedly he gave her a bigger role because his fans liked her a lot and were asking about her but lol he shouldn't have bothered.

>And why not just make her naked. Fuck it, right? It's a kickstarter book, who cares?

Because Meyers is stuck in that PG-13 body paint barely naked but not really scantily clad babes you find in comics. I know around a year ago he was asked to review a comics called Rags which is a fanservice comic where the main character is a scantily clad girl who loses her clothes during the zombie invasion. There's a point where she loses her top and her titties come out and Meyers didn't like it and thought it was crass.

>There's a point where she loses her top and her titties come out and Meyers didn't like it and thought it was crass.
Weird. It's like he's mentally at an age where he gets boners, but is still afraid of cooties. Like a confused tween.

I skimmed it out of curiosity... it's better than Jawbreakers.

Raided again by a twitter lolcow
We get it Lauren your mad Meyer wont give you his babybatter
thats no reason to be this obsessed

>for more context check Farms

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No one gives a fuck about your twitter drama, casualgate faggot.

Holy shit man this was awful. I knew that his previous work like that dumb Riri fanfic was trash, but I honestly expected him to at least improve or something. Sadly we all know that every casualgator will be praising this and sucking Meyer's dick.


>power of 1000 slaves

i like DnC videos but holy fuck this shit is literally much worse and cringier than the worst kind of anime


only funny if you are one of his fans. why comic losers get so much into a circkejerk and cant help themselves.

skimmed all pages but this shit is just fucking shit. its only slightly better than sjw trash.

what the fuck is this shit. i think particularly the pace is really fucking awful

>He claims he's doing it Marvel Method
It's not Marvel Method when you're both the writer and the artist.

>its only slightly better than sjw trash.

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Is he really releasing a comic based on a character created solely because he thought the new She-Ra looked too manly? Like, who even cares at this point?

youtube "famous" now
hes getting enough $ from ad revenue and livestream donos that he can just fuck around

im not an sjw but simply disappointed by this shit comic. a cringy inside joke like "ya boi" and a try-hard "diversity" attempt "1000 slave powa" aint what i wanted. its exactly the same shit as sjw trash

i thought it would be a straight up cheesy 90s action. if this is what comicsgate praises and bands gators together, its lame as hell. this shit cant even compete with 4/10 action manga. maybe dnc should make an obscure true indie war comic again. at least "no enemy but peace" and "chosin" seem to have a somewhat decent and serious story. or some comedy one. id like to read his asian comic called yonchi.

I dont think I could hate a group of people I'll never meet so hard I'd screw myself over just to 'stick it to them' in a way they'll forget even happened or hurt me more than them.

"Das Genie wohnt nur eine Etage höher als der Wahnsinn.“ - Schopenhauer

You wouldn't regardless. Gorillas have tiny genitals.

Eh. I like Squirrel Girl.
Not every comic has to be serious, let alone edgy.

Like I once said, maybe Marvel should have two or more separate imprints. I think that, ultimately, that's how you get maximal success.

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Is that... is that baby Jontron?

Uh... link?

>Iron Sights is shit compared to Jawbreakers

...Mmmm... I don't know if the diffference is THAT great. But it's black-and-white, webcomic-tier artwork around a story that I once described as "A Punisher book, only the Punisher never showed up so they all have to kill each other".

>You won't get paid the same as an American if your country has a better economy

Wow. Fuck you, Richard.

Um... yeah. He has no lines. So he's the coolest guy by default since he never says anything stupid.

>Being naked would actually make more sense than the weird chest rag.

Eh. This is slghtly sexier, for my money.

Did Eric Cartman write this?

No, then it would be funny.

Also the monkey would be a Jew.

So I guess manga won in the end?

According to f/a/gs, manga always won.

Is every single CG comic about evil brown people?
Alt Hero had more variety, Christ

user this is the guy that dropped a comic because a character he self-inserted ass was drawn "too gay"

This was fun. I can't understand why Yea Forums prefers the shitty endless plotlines that get scrapped and reused every X-Men and Batman comic compared tomsomething like this thta just wants to show cool stuff happening all the time.

I guess we truly were a giant soulless interdimensional ape all along.

Yeah man, fuck storytelling and pacing. COOL PICTURES!!!

I remember the other thread where someone posted EVS review of this book. Saying it was Richard's best work ever, Malin's best work ever. He complimented every single character and flipped through the book praising the "Mature and well developed" relationship of Kuffz and Xaxi.

I get that he can't say it's shit but by god these people who want good comics literally can't even be bothered to critique or help each other or they risk undercutting personal profit or risk the movement fracturing due to infighting. There's a lot of people praising this online but just as many ripping it apart and or posting random panels.

Like these guys could help each other right? Actually make a good product? Cause this is bad, it's got a few good lines and fun ideas but he repeats every good joke until it becomes shit, the characters aren't really enjoyable and the fact that he says "Mistakes are a homage to how Jack Kirby used to get stuff wrong between issues" just...

I hope the people who bought it like it because this is really bad for a 400K comic chasing a 250K comic. At least it's better than Iron Sights, but I honestly think that's just cause the art is brighter and more colourful (not necessarily better, by god some of the arms, legs and feet in this.)

>I can't understand why Yea Forums prefers the shitty endless plotlines that get scrapped and reused every X-Men and Batman comic compared tomsomething like this thta just wants to show cool stuff happening all the time.
Much like Yea Forums, we're infested with discord trannies. The comic was alright. I'm happy when indie creators at least make their dreams come true.

>15 matches
Holy shit dude, seek help.

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seems like the author can't go a few pages without the characters pausing to make a quip or "joke" that further ruins the pacing of the action scene

Who eats and smokes at the same time? Just pick one quirky thing for him to do while waiting for them, don't just stack 2 for no raisin.

>people use an abbreviation
>must be the same guy

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Fine, the villain is a wizard, but the power tool you're using isn't, put some damn protection on.

>randomly bring up a completely unrelated person out of the blue to bitch about them
Yes, there is only weird stalker that EVS has that constantly shitposts about him in completely unrelated threads. Aren't you banned? Are you phoneposting?

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>your ruining it for those of.us who actually want to save the industry
9/10 made me actually laugh my ass off

It's some faggot called latenightcomics. I wish that sperg would kill himself already.

EVS has multiple stalkers

Come on man, just put a Gulliver reference in there or something.
Why do these guys even bother with all the spec ops shit anyway, they're clearly OP.

Oh fuck, that landwhale.

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So wait, Xaxi was sent because she's good at recruiting through her charms but Catcher Freeman kissing her got her to completely turn coa- I mean loincloth?
Or is she going to shockingly betray them a second time?

>token black says "dayum" upon seeing hot chick
Is this being written bad on purpose as a love letter to 90s camp or is it just shallowly baiting SJWs?

I like how radio isn't a thing for some reason so that all this dumb shit happens without the 2 groups reporting to each other.

Final Battle of the comics White guy with a bigger weapon kills Black guy, who pretty much has nothing,

Yeah i know he's suspose to be a cyborg but from what i'm seeing he might just be a really commited cosplayer.

Thais is it a modern day
>but in the stone age

Running through a list of action hero cliche lines and joking about the amount of costumes pouches makes this decent satire, but it was supposedly made in earnest.

Man we got really close to a Harry and the Henderson moment.

Why bring up slavery so frivolously? The line would only work if he was punching a white man who was racist to him earlier, just bringing it up now is like casually dropping that he still sees blacks as slaves.

I think he might actually have the power of 1000 slaves tho.

Had to look it up. So part of his blackstory- I mean backstory is an excuse to write him poorly and stereotypically because he adopted a Shaft persona after going to prison but before getting handcuffed.

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When was that brought up?

so cops just have supernatural handcuff's right.

Oh and of course the black character happens to be into blaxploitation (because we don't have any other characters who are based on that already do we)

>Saying it was Richard's best work ever, Malin's best work ever.
What's the funniest part of all this is that it's probably true.

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>"Mature and well developed" relationship of Kuffz and Xaxi.

well it's the most devolped thing in the story, but it's also the most disapointing because none of the kill the evil Cyborg

>I remember the other thread where someone posted EVS review of this book.
here it is
he doesnt really say much
the only critique is at 7:12 , he didnt like the reveal here and rest of vid is him happy the book came out.
and yea OP did post pages out of order

It's called a fun castle you heathens!

Ahem, it's a BOUNCE HOUSE.