>Highest grossing solo film
>Critically acclaimed
>Multiple award winning
>Culturally relevant
It’s objectively peak MCU. Will they ever make a better film?
>Highest grossing solo film
>Critically acclaimed
>Multiple award winning
>Culturally relevant
It’s objectively peak MCU. Will they ever make a better film?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's still a pretty mediocre movie with probably the weakest third act especially amongst phase 3 movies
I hate that I had to sit through it just because it was a MCU film. I regret that.
I like how suddenly merit doesn’t matter and only feelings do.
Black Panther 2, just needs better CGI this time
I don't think so but the movies don't really need to upstage each other. as long as they keep translating complex characters and storylines in a streamlined fashion, the MCU will keep making that money and be critically acclaimed.
I can't wait for my waifu to be in the movies.
How was it culturally relevant?
I mean it was a made up country that was an amalgamation of probably inaccurate uses of other African nation cultures.
The movie was great because it didn’t take place in le America like most of the other movies took place. Wakanda was a breath of fresh air and Killmonger became my favourite MCU villain. Also his theme was amazing.
Glad Ludwig got an Oscar for this.
OBJECTIVELY the greatest movie in human history by ratings from real, professional critics who actually know how to have opinions right. Stay mad boo
>How was it culturally relevant?
It came out at a time when people said black movies will never be good and never accomplish anything
> peak MCU
Only in the US
Well, that's objectively true, but even with that mediocre execution it has a great concept behind, and it was culturally embraced by all the US
Ladies and gentleman, superhero blockblusters are culture
>Get Out
>Glad Ludwig got an Oscar for this.
>it was culturally embraced by all the US
This say a lot about american (lack of) culture.
Are you saying films that are culturally relevent don't exist?
I'm European, in my cunt top 1 is The Winter Soldier
>Black Panther and Spider-Verse had both black leads
>Will they ever make a better film?
>Marvel: Writing the Perfect Villain
>Black Panther Fixes Marvel's Most Common Flaws
>Is Black Panther's Killmonger the Best Villain Since the Joker? – Wisecrack Quick Take
>Why Black Panther Has Marvel’s Best Villain Ever
>Killmonger - 3 Screenwriting Reasons WHY he's a Great Villain
>Why Black Panther Works
>Black Panther - A Lesson in Worldbuilding
>How We Felt About #7 | Black Panther
>How the Music in Black Panther Tells a Story
>Black Panther — Creating an Empathetic Villain
Black Panther was a fine movie but come on now, Blacks eat this this shit up which inflated its spot in the cultural sphere.
it is the biggest profile black superhero movie ever. superheroes are staples of pop culture which last forever.
>Multiple award winning
Get fucked Infinity War
>How could blacks eat up a movie about blacks with a black villian that shared some feelings with blacks in America.
How was it so successful in China
>rated by onions critics afraid of telling the truth since they will be called racist, and thus, ruining their career
Yeah, sure bud.
there was a guy unironically surfing an armored rhino in the finale. It was so stupid and not in a good way.
Also, how many Wakandans died in that big battle at the end of the film when they were all fighting each other?
These people have no loyalty. Have the nation flipped against T'Challa without a second thought as soon as Killmonger showed up.
Didn't you faggots say it wouldn't win an award because of the based white men in the Oscars and other various award shows?
>t. actual seething cuck
But those aren't the actual _/10 ratings, merely the percentage of how many 6+ ratings it got.
It could be 98% of 7/10 results.
Also presenting this list shows just how irrelevant it is in culture. I mean Inside Out is already replaced by more recent kid movies (whatever is still on Netflix and easy to play for toddlers to keep them calm near naptime). Moonlight was in no way popular enough to be considered relevant on a culture level scale. Third Man I'm sure is great but honestly it's not even that well known of an old movie compared to Citizen Cane or Psycho or Read Window or even Some Like It Hot.
>These people have no loyalty. Have the nation flipped against T'Challa without a second thought as soon as Killmonger showed up.
They had to give Killmonger his challage and since he won he became the rightful hier. Same shit happens in many Medieval movies where people usurped the throne
>as soon as
more like after he won the crown
they're loyal to the throne, not to a dead king
>Implying the oscars weren't welfare awards.
If anything, it deserved the costume one. Everything else is pretty much forgetable.
>Moonlight was in no way popular enough to be considered relevant on a culture level scale.
It won 35 awards total user including Best Picture.
It'll last forever like the Blade movies and the half dozen black superhero movies before it.
>Implying the oscars weren't welfare awards
But they aren't, you faggots even said it will never win an award because it has blacks in it so why the sudden change?
>Yea Forums is one person.
I bet you think Blankman is on the same scale as Black Panther
>He doesn't know faggots is plural
And made less than 100million box office gross.
I'm not saying it's isn't a well made movie, but to be considered popular you actually would need to be making more than fucking 65mil. People actually need to see your movie before it can affect a culture, and right now Happy Death Day had almost twice as many people see that.
No but you didn't say scale/size was the staple, but superheroes.
>It came out at a time when people said black movies will never be good and never accomplish anything
So Blade never happened?
Nor did the lastpost imply it was. It's like Comparing a Kid in King Arthurs Court to King Arthur Legand of the Sword. As in one is a comedy and the other is an action movie.
Blade did but how many people wanted Blade to bomb because it had too many blacks and because it would make sjws seeth?
>you faggots even said it will never win an award because it has blacks in it
yeah except no one said that
FUCK Yea Forums
>yeah except no one said that
Just go through this thread
>People still Asshurt this movie became a sleeper hit.
Stay mad and cope trolls
They even though China will flop it but it backfired on them. When it comes to /pol/ everything they say is usually the opposite. Lmao
i see a lot of people saying it doesn't deserve an oscar based on the quality of the film, and not that it will "never win an award because it has blacks in it" that's retarded, no one that isn't shitposting thinks that obviously not that anyone said it in the first place looking at the thread.
>superheroes are staples of pop culture which last forever.
I do get what you're trying to say, but you should have corrected and saying "action blockbusters" or something closer to what you actually meant, instead of acting like you flat out never said it.
They already did with Infinity War, GOTG2, iron man 3
Sleeper? It's fucking MCU as released Hy Disney, it's hardly a surprise.
Better action and fight choreography in general
Y-you're not suppose to actually click the link.
Honestly I think IronMan3 is the worst story so far from the MCU. Worse than IM2 and everyone treats that like garbage.
Nobody said that though.
African American led movies have been winning awards for years, Moonlight literally won best picture the year before
Africa American led indies and dramas are often considered pretty stellar
>>Blade did but how many people wanted Blade to bomb because it had too many blacks and because it would make sjws seeth?
of course you're just trollin but still, you shouldn't ascribe modern values to the 90s. that didn't happen.
if anything, blade 3 failed because it didn't feature blade enough.
>If a youtube video says it it must be true
Did you skip the part where anons said it doesn't deserve it becayse it's full of niggers?
>Infinity War
Top kek
control+F "deserve"
>The movie is gonna win because its about black people and white guilt is strong this days. Give it another 30 years and people will realize that it didn't deserve it.
>No capeshit movie released so far deserves to be nominated for a Best Picture award.
>Crazier things have happened than BP winning Best Picture. But it objectively doesn't deserve it, its a mediocre film even within its genre.
>I can understand if it gets something like Popular Film Category, but it truly doesn't deserve anything past recognition for popularity.
control+F "nigger"
3 results
nothing relevant
>Damn, after all of these months there are still insecure white bois trying to say this movie is a failure in some regard. I swear to god those goalposts are going to end up on the moon at this rate.
>Could you point me at any posts, *one* post in this thread that suggests BP was a "failure"? Because people saying its just a so-so action movie does not equal failure. We know it made money, its not a failure. Beauty & the Beast live-action remake made tons of money too and its disposable at best.
Yeah but in terms of writing and cultural relevance, it’s at least as good as BP
>but in terms of writing
Isn’t Tony’s ptsd treated as a joke?
feels good
As far as I remember, no
the Terminator is more popular than the movie it was in.
It wasn't a great movie, but marvel will never have a more successful solo film
>It came out at a time when people said black movies will never be good and never accomplish anything
Besides the fact that statement is completely wrong, Don't you think giving a film that is at best serviceable ungodly amounts of praise simply to push the belief that "black movies can be great" is ironically way more racist? It's like giving someone an A+ on their book report because just because you pitty them, in the end the kid didn't learn anything and you look like a condescending prick who thought the kid could only do well if provided assistance.
oh boy I can't wait for the exact same thing to happen again after Captain Marvel
this board isn't going to be insufferable at all nooope
But the writing was terrible.
In the Fast&Furious movie they had a twist where the crime boss they were trying to get to was just a figurehead for the secondary badguy who had been relevant the entire movie. IM3 did that same plottwist, except it was predictable by the time Mandarin was making threats about fortune cookies. You got crap writing if fucking Fast&Furious is pulling it off better.
Also what cultural relevance does IM3 have???
Then where is its cartoon?
Checkmate, Athiests.
Wouldn't that be making my point of action blockbusters being the staple? I mean Terminator isn't a superhero.
What's with MCUcucks sucking off mediocre at best villains whose names start with "Kil"?
it did something that movies rarely do: be racist and offensive as fuck towards blacks so that other races will see it while at the same time triggering blacks into "wow we're heroes!"
Ultimately it's just another blaxploitation movie but just not as overtly racist
Why would anyone have thought Black Panther would have flopped? It's the same thing as with Wonder Woman, it was already decided to be THE MOST IMPORTANT, GREATEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR when they announced it would be directed by and star black people. Zeitgeist.
I feel like that was supposed to be a cool scene but I busted out laughing the first time I saw it
I guess
I hate it when we get outjewed
the people were fighting to the death in bloody civil war. Did it really need to come to all that? T'Challa let the bilbo baggins spook subvert his government with killmonger the US military asset.