Waifu thread

Attached: 1550804929691.png (1440x1080, 1.3M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck that, I want a Ballmastrz thread

Which one's your waifu?

left one

Yeah, can we sacrifice one of a thousand waifu threads for one Ballmastrz thread?

>season 2 fucking never

Attached: 1550266944746.jpg (397x371, 23K)

what is this cartoon, image search doesn't work? looks like superjail

Good choice. Would you like to see more of her?

ballmastrz 9009. it's created by christy karacas so you are correct on superjail part


These are the only good ones

Attached: Waifu harem chart.jpg (3264x3264, 2.65M)

Attached: 232.png (3010x4320, 1.83M)

>These are the only good ones

Attached: You know that ain't true.png (1280x720, 1.25M)

Attached: Waifus for lifus.jpg (3264x3264, 3.14M)

Attached: 2c.jpg (496x496, 134K)

Attached: 46436455670.png (1050x750, 762K)

Judge me I guess

Attached: 27B0B523-42F5-43C7-9022-BA473E81FA8D.jpg (4103x3949, 2.69M)


Attached: PicsArt_02-08-01.16.10.jpg (1080x1080, 259K)

I like your Total Drama picks

We're just going to keep doing this, huh?

Attached: doms and moms harem v6.jpg (3309x4437, 3.95M)

Aren’t green and purple kinda the same thing?

Green is for mean girls and bitches, purple is for dominatrices.

Based retard loving user.

Ace is bae.

Haruhi is trash.

>Princess Carolyn
Just for these you deserve a fistbump. Though Nonon is a lezbian, not a bully.

Rich waifus?
Kuuderes/ice queens
Milfs, or want to marry?
Am I reading it right?

is this a screenshot from one of the episodes? I don't remember this shot from the show

>Rich Girls/Sugar Mommies
>Boss Bitches
>Ice Queens/Cool
>Semen Demons
>Mommy GFs
>Amazons/Muscle Girls

I'm a much bigger Yea Forumsfag than a Yea Forumsfag, but there aren't that many waifus that beat out Eileen imo.

Attached: Eileen.png (174x252, 22K)

I feel bad for the kids today growing up with such shitty waifu material.

Might be from a season 2 preview.

>same user
Tbh, I just want a cute girl that serves me coffe everyday.

Attached: 1518012383920.png (1920x1080, 3.51M)

thanks user

Attached: autism3.jpg (1429x515, 882K)

I only need one

Attached: 20190117_005107.jpg (657x354, 224K)

Who is that?

Attached: 3x3 waifu.png (1440x1080, 2.48M)

OP, your shooped fat girl gimmick was cute the first two times but now it's getting stale.

This ain't really a chart or a harem but I'll post it anyway

Attached: 3rcJh8.jpg (1600x1024, 597K)

Attached: cooking with grandma.png (4961x3508, 3.15M)

Other Korraposter btfo

Attached: 1542047825187.jpg (875x913, 96K)

I've got too many waifus.
And half of them are forbbiden in this board.

There is only Monika

Doki Doki Literature Club

i hope you're not confusing him with me

Attached: 1526264962067.png (1185x1185, 1.89M)

Well played, my disciple.
So, she is mine.

Attached: 1547861486880.png (393x479, 246K)

rest of my list

do you want a wealthy waifu?
girls with lots of attitude
girls with great hair!
great taste as usual
>Twin peaks
watching it right now, kinda meh on it so far, Audrey is my waifu
water tribe girls are the best

Attached: 1465300968148clean.jpg (2154x2154, 2.24M)

Attached: new degen waifus.jpg (1225x1225, 270K)

You need this chart too.

Attached: 1548989998315.jpg (820x820, 223K)


Attached: 1494150420408.png (1280x720, 520K)

Who is the cat women?
The one between Nicole and Fifi?

Ms Fortune from Toonstruck

Attached: ms fortune.jpg (1024x576, 38K)

And... this

Attached: 1550521600023.jpg (999x750, 202K)

>he chose DeeDee over Gaz
You're the reason why this show is getting a second season.

Attached: 1527882436658.jpg (1920x3099, 686K)

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-19 02.41.59.png (507x383, 223K)

No user, not the werewolf loli

Anyone got a link to the series? Someone posted a mega the other day, but over half the files are corrupt and can't be played.

This thread is hot garbage and so are all the spergs that make these enormous collages of every cartoon female they've ever seen. Whatever happened to one waifu, one laifu?

Surprised how well organized and thought it this is

Attached: QqVNH6n.png (486x442, 209K)

That is for animefags user.
We have big hearts to spread love.

Attached: 7D271824-5634-4F4B-AC4A-367DDEDA5680.gif (800x450, 3.99M)

Your lack of dedication is disgusting and most of these collages are filled with weebshit anyway.

Attached: replace v with almost any board.jpg (567x709, 347K)

Attached: 36385_1290792915494_full.jpg (960x536, 37K)

Based Jasmine Poster

Y'all need some Speedwaifu in your lives.

Attached: JoJos-Bizarre-Adventure-Speedwagon.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

>Not Lisa Lisa San

>not Hermes

Attached: co waifu chart.jpg (908x908, 266K)

Dang, your tastes are based, but pull off Catra & Ladybug

I only have one waifu

Attached: 71806011_p0.jpg (600x643, 61K)

>Not Narancia

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

I don't agree with your opinion, but I respect it.

Attached: Mega Waifus.jpg (1625x1625, 457K)

Rate my tastes.

Attached: BeFunky-collage.jpg (1000x1000, 306K)

Narancia best Toph, i mean, Best jojo

Attached: 1516757061669.jpg (500x364, 19K)

I haven't emotionally recovered after reading how he died.

We have some similar tastes user.
I lack the ability tomake a chart.
Amalia was my waifu...until the Goofball episode showed how old she was

Attached: scarlet witch.jpg (630x891, 334K)

Is there a template for this anywhere?

I always said this shit.
You have balls to make this good crap

you're lucky I have more waifus user

Attached: co waifu chart v2.jpg (908x908, 252K)

Ok, now i agree full with you.

Attached: 1551077859750.gif (500x281, 1.37M)


Jojo is love Jojo is life.
Those who hate Jojo never watched/read Jojo or they got salty for the over spamming "is this a jojo reference from the jojofags

Attached: DCF1B450-83DA-4265-849F-6B64D7F9EBDF.gif (138x259, 3K)

unironically masturbated to this back when I first saw it

whos the cat girl? wheres she from

Netflix She-ra

Attached: best waifus.jpg (1077x1077, 558K)


Hey. HEY!

Cut that out!

10/10 amazing taste, user.


Attached: 1545404234084.jpg (562x437, 82K)

Tell Ishikawa to do that first.

Attached: 1482332596338.png (500x450, 213K)

Yeah yeah, what he does is his own business.

Quit lewding my daughter.

Why so upset about a chart, Boco?

user...I know 12 of those girls...I don't know if I should feel bad or proud of myself.

Attached: waifu and harem.jpg (1024x764, 209K)

>Yeah yeah, what he does is his own business.
So...if drawing loli porn and sharing it is his own business? Then loving Roll is mine.
So quit being a obnoxious tripfag, At least I dont fuck dogs like you do.

>At least I dont fuck dogs like you do.

Why do mods allow cat girls but erase dog girls?

Aw the Hell with it!

Attached: 1270786635690.jpg (560x763, 91K)

Because dogs are stinkier than cats.

>Quistis and Nemesis.
I see you are a man of culture user.

Who is that in the upper right on the Yea Forums section?


Thanks, what game? It's hard for me to look them up when Resident Evil 3 exists.


Attached: 1508440717568.jpg (1661x1666, 409K)

Jorel's brother a shit.


she's from smite

Attached: template.png (1024x764, 43K)

I made one for/ v/ and Yea Forums

Attached: 1547267150671.jpg (2165x1082, 1.71M)

au revoir, gentlemen. even though she has been my waifu since the fandom began here[/spoiler

Attached: gay.png (1024x1323, 1.81M)

the characer or the show?

Exquisite taste right here. Goddamn.

Good taste right here. I never see Debbie on anyone's chart.

Attached: MyTaste100.jpg (3264x3264, 3.98M)

Attached: guardian of :co: rules.jpg (500x375, 57K)

It's not Yea Forums related but I'm a faithful man so I don't need anything else

Attached: Do it for Revy.png (1400x1000, 843K)

I'm not a weeb fag if you ask me.

>Not Rarity.
You deserve the ban.

brack ragoon

Revy from Black Lagoon
It's ok, not everyone is into that sort of thing

Attached: Dom Revy 4.jpg (532x960, 73K)

Ok, that's...

Attached: 1544873811938.jpg (248x233, 9K)

just like what dutch says, she goes into a 'charles whitman' fever everytime some stupid little shit happened. that ain't right, she's messed up user

also, it would be better if you convince her to get out of roanaproar and live in peace somewhere else.
fabiola says it better, "you're better off having a cheap noodle eatery somewhere else"

Me too.

Honestly user, I've always been one to want to help fix people. I know she's messed up, ok. The point would be to try to help her overcome her stuff, similarly to say, Cait in FO4 or Jack from ME. I would definitely try to get her out of the enviroment she's in as that's just making things go in a vicious circle. Despite the trauma and stuff, I truly believe she does want to get out of this life, Rock being her leash that's helping to slowly ground her again. She doesn't realize it, but being around him is helping her.

Besides all that I think women who would dom the fuck out of me and drink me under the table are hot as fuck, fight me

>tfw i hired an artist to make a daki design of her for me and then got it printed out

Attached: Revy smoking 3.png (588x656, 380K)

ok bro you do you but girls like her are honestly a downward spiral irl

Sadly but true

Except reality doesn't matter when it comes to waifudom, It's not like there's no positive traits whatsoever. Every cloud has a silver lining

>Except reality doesn't matter when it comes to waifudom
I have to remember that I wrote a consensual love trio in a novel.
That shit is good, but it's near impossible IRL

Attached: 1547243589227.jpg (375x550, 146K)

It's unfortunate, feel free to just drink the sadness away
maybe someday your dreams will come true

Attached: revy sip.gif (500x500, 1.83M)

Attached: IMG_5157.png (1741x1617, 676K)

Ah, a fine choice

then what's red for?

I love her so much.

Attached: IMG_5231.png (1230x1800, 332K)

Batshit crazy I presume

look on the bright side
>the popular western series besides jormungand
>weebs buying sword cutlass pistol
>doujins with tsuntsun revy
>series has a combat maid that's too unique, there's barely any combat maid that can rival her(maids that use magic don't count)

meanwhile i have to accept the fact that my waifu will never get any media outside of comics despite being a potential western counterpart of morrigan

Attached: Z14.jpg (1280x1968, 556K)

more pls

Hey, at least you have that Red Sonja/Vampirella and Archie crossover to look forward to. I'm still waiting for the next chapter of the manga because the creator is now starting up a new project just as Lagoon has reached its climax.

You have good taste man. Cause I feel bad for posting weebshit on Yea Forums. Lets get my favorite western female up here too

Attached: Big Barda.jpg (646x1000, 128K)

Attached: PhantasmaShitposting(7).jpg (803x900, 292K)

Alright time to post real chart.

Attached: Waifu.jpg (3264x3237, 1.06M)

Please, can you fucking kill yourself & die?

No? Why should I?

Attached: Harem.jpg (3264x2763, 2.72M)

i'd be willing to give you a pass on tomoko and the fucking bob's burgers chick but i will never get over how ugly jackie and janna are

Attached: 1543991468182.png (368x405, 303K)

nice waifu user

Attached: 15140583291435.png (1084x1084, 1.79M)

Can’t even imagine what being married to all of them at once would be like

I’d imagine it’d be hell for a lot if not all waifu charts

>i will never get over how ugly jackie and janna are
Whoa. Pleb alert.

>Literally the worst waifus of a shit cartoon.
If you wanna put a bullet in your head, i can help you, you know...

The fact that only Yea Forums has these charts always confounded me.

It's fun to show off and talk about bullshit.

We like to live long and love hard, deal with it

Attached: aeon flux.jpg (640x480, 173K)

Not allowed outside Yea Forums.

There is that one guy who makes a thread about it on Yea Forums but they get deleted rather quickly. Other than that, that’s about it

Nah, just a bubbly one

where can I get a chart from and how do I fill it

I just combine multiple images together.at one of those put two inages together things,

befunky.com's online collage maker is EZ mode

I just use MSpaint

new husbo

Attached: mynewhusband.png (213x243, 117K)

there's a specific layout with 4 on each side on and one, I'm assuming the main waifu, in the middle
where's that chart and how do I fill it out? do you all just resize the images

Just steal it from another user and replace the images with basic editing tools like mspaint.

I'm never letting any of you lay a finger on her.

Attached: 1509775612117.png (1200x1605, 793K)

>girls stuffing themselves
good taste

Finally found a template and made this in GIMP. Rate.

Attached: waifu project.jpg (1075x1073, 914K)

Attached: waifus GR15 fuck mods.png (1086x1084, 1.29M)

Alita might end up on here though.

Attached: love intrests2.jpg (1086x1086, 286K)

God-tier taste right here!!!
For me, she is the only one.

I recognized Mitsuba from a mile!

She was my number 1 before I met Haruko, and my first. Lol, guess I didn't travel very far from where I started.
Take care of her for me.

Attached: ryoko.jpg (369x512, 40K)

Great picks. Star is the ultimate waifu.

>not Princess Luna
Shit taste

Attached: BeetyBoopcute.png (150x218, 36K)

Absolutely patrician taste.

Is that a mommy gf fag I see?

gib moofy pls

Attached: MeriCollage.jpg (1536x1536, 391K)

>all those dumbasses
I love it when the anons who post these have a really clear type.

So you like messy bitches, huh?

I'd put Mitsuba on my 3x3, so I approve.
We are in accord.

You can have her.

I surely will!

>Sorakafags that don't realize who is top tier waifu.

Attached: image.jpg (400x400, 29K)

>Princess Amethyst
You're bold user.

/mlp/ has them too.

Teodora is best mexican waifu.

Yea Forums doesn't even really know what the word waifu means. Chartfags and haremshitters are disgusting.

Having any kind of feelings for a fictional character is disgusting.

Not knowing where you are is even worse.

That's pretty philosophical user.

>quirky, funny, but still able to hold her own.
Yes please.

Downside, dont trust telepaths.

Attached: Screenshot_20190227-152407.png (800x1280, 1.35M)

The chart is meant to show your waifu, as well as some others you like to show a broader vision of your tastes.
But I agree, some of them get too big.

>The chart is meant to show your waifu, as well as some others you like to show a broader vision of your tastes.
Is it impossible to gauge someone's taste based on the one girl? Do you really NEED a chart.

Do you really NEED a chart?*

Its fun to figure out if they have a "type".

Was I talking to you, Boco? Shut the fuck up.

Nobody "needs" anything on this board.

We need a hug.

Yes sir...

Attached: 1549946431541.png (496x669, 394K)

But why is she fat?

FWWM version is superior

Leshawna’s got more than enough ass for all the others in your chart

I'll take your challenge on!

Attached: x_23_by_aosk26-dbh3ur8.jpg (800x988, 90K)


Attached: 1a18da5cd85e48668aea2c918919ae589bd9b7ee.png (1000x1650, 453K)

my 3 waifus

Attached: a4779f8a6334e0abe5b839ec5c8fc221.png (1478x1380, 398K)

>Not Hershey

Attached: 1548861028845.jpg (243x255, 32K)

My nigga

Must be hard having a thing for girls smarter than you.

Let's see if that image with Gruftine survives the purging.

Needs more ideas, roll and contribute

Attached: 1549501842656.png (592x664, 175K)

Bring the other chart, the one with double the options

Because it's hot

Let's see....

Attached: Toph grown.png (500x594, 244K)

Probably missionary, possibly with her legs held up.

>Aged up.
Shit taste.

Attached: 55562508_p2.jpg (600x947, 126K)

We already know you do.

Attached: best girls.png (1945x1293, 3.59M)

My cute wifes

Attached: oie_6QfQXQuZbMsw.jpg (968x742, 167K)

Do you have this without the pictures?
I want to make a chart but I don't know how.

I haven't seen Spiderverse, so I'm only familiar with Luv, the best Blade Runner girl.

But will we ever get a season2?

I use Inkscape, once you have a folder of square-sized images it's just a question of dragging, dropping and resizing them a bit. I'll dump some other formats, let me know if you want a particular one and I'll see if I have it.

Attached: big chart.png (1945x1293, 15K)

Attached: 1441477072046.png (1084x1084, 47K)

Attached: 1442144950510.png (1535x1535, 30K)

Yes, she's the best, thank you pal :^)

Brother, stop this.

Thank you user, your kindness knows no bounds

still waiting on a revival

Attached: 45 - Lr6qUJ8.gif (400x300, 989K)

god this looks so familiar, where is he from?

plz no bully
she's special

Attached: 1542490218611.jpg (326x390, 49K)

Blondes for me.

Attached: cornelia 3.jpg (300x312, 25K)

>Loli Wonder Woman
Ah, you're a man of culture as well.

>Likes "aged up" lolis.
>calls out others for having "shit taste".
user, Please have some shame.

I like girls who aren't prepubescent, and if you're the same user I think you are, then I know that you have shit taste.

Then why you posted Gruftine and Creepy Susie AKA two lolis?


Attached: cf46e580c35764c4004fb961414960ed.jpg (424x500, 51K)


Attached: f2655482f3fb7001385f1f9db6f8974a.jpg (1080x1080, 137K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190219-160700~2.png (1440x1088, 724K)

Attached: major approval 4.png (247x204, 6K)


My nigga! No really she's MINE!

I didn't, did.
Also I only know who one of those two are anyway.

Before a shitstorm about fictional characters age.
Can someone tell what is a waifu for you?
Is it a character you want to fuck, a female character that you like and appreciate or what?

All three.

>Can someone tell what is a waifu for you?
Don't let Yea Forums bullshit you. A waifu is a fictional character that you love and cherish above all else.

shit, im not telling you. i keep my reasons private

Wow, dude you just blow my mind.
Because I have waifus that I would love to fuck and a commited relationship with but there are other girl characters that I like with no sexual desire.
For example I like Dr. Mrs the Monarch from the Venture Bros because she's a strong overachieving woman and practically the most sane and collected of her group, but in a more respectful way like I would love to work for her. The same case would be for Granny Weatherwax from Terry Prachet's Discworld, I don't want to fuck her but I admire her.
Or other characters that are cute that i would love to hug or befriend them and be there for them because they may need some support.
Like Gruftine, Ravena, Teodora from Legend quest and some ponies that I can't mention here and others. without any sexual interest.
Maybe I had a misconception of waifu user.

ya know despite being called Katty Kat she is actually quite friendly

My chart is to show who would be my waifu in specific universes. I'd post it, but I kinda went overboard last thread so I promised myself I'd leave it a while. If you were in the last waifu thread, you'll know which one I mean.

>using an boob edit for Tiana
I don't know whether to be impressed by your boldness, or disgusted that you felt your so-called waifu needed "improving".

The Sneedsons

I love Tiana but this edit is just amazing


But user, I'm already here

Attached: 231.png (499x591, 178K)

Who killed user?!

>I like girls who aren't prepubescent,

This user gets it.

Attached: 1463172360989.png (640x480, 215K)

Attached: waif.png (1084x1084, 1.39M)

Well excuse me for liking breasts.
They don't even have to be super big, but I don't want flat.

What font is that for the main text?

Attached: dfeb7e9ca44fb24aee5209ae0d994db4.jpg (600x400, 31K)

Journal and Ammy's handwriting

>Heavy's Sister
pretty gud

I'd settle for a bluray.

I never regret my choice whenever these threads pop up.

Attached: 1525738501411-1.gif (500x370, 1.96M)

Is it me or are there a lot of bad guys and gals who are gay?

imagine her pubes

The best moof.

Attached: BeFunky-collage.jpg (3264x3264, 2.6M)

la chica...

Attached: tumblr_ol5r60kxus1vcbbtmo1_400.png (400x400, 71K)

Fine, I’m taking this fine girl then

Attached: 991E5D51-644F-4A32-8EBF-7A9A59D7BEB4.jpg (262x335, 38K)

It's not JUST you, but you still could be overestimating the overall amount or being wrong about .

I'm Henry Firth

I wish there was More r34 of her

Attached: Näyttökuva 2018-02-15 kello 17.31.57.png (477x335, 150K)

Would you sit down?

>he likes woman with fetal alcohol syndrome

Attached: images.png (214x236, 6K)

[spoiler?] >press R [spoiler?]

Attached: 785A2CFF-4118-4921-92B4-4C3243B79122.jpg (566x800, 64K)

>press R[spoiler/]
Not on my watch!

Attached: 1F171EDE-2B93-49FD-8905-578FF2202CA2.jpg (566x800, 64K)


This is send through a phone, but tnx^^[spoiler/]

Attached: 2782C456-F1B7-4C23-9996-F5063539BE60.jpg (2306x2306, 660K)

Hershey is shite.
She acts the big baws but gives into dredd all the time.
Anderson beat Satan.

The word waifu has no meaning anymore

I want to make sweet love to Minnie Mouse.

Attached: 1dc802e8df29d4fca2f1487fedfa170f.jpg (747x1080, 152K)

Me have a type

Attached: 1447400611253.png (1076x1075, 1.96M)

Right again, Satan.

It still does to some of us.

Clara is a good wife!

Attached: clara.png (559x971, 143K)

sadako a cute

Attached: spookwaifu.png (540x717, 201K)



Thank you

Mako from Kill la Kill

Attached: 143543645654.jpg (172x173, 15K)

She's a full on rider

Oh god it’s on your watch! Save me!

Only user with any taste in this thread.

>more than one waifu
end your laifu

There is no laifu, only waifus.

>cute, female evil overlord
Best girl

Attached: 1548295666840.jpg (569x661, 66K)

All of us lost our minds user. We just pretend to be functional to get jobs to fuel our addictions.


Attached: 29552bf4-93c8-4b10-b609-4396e8b36a3f.jpg (969x1024, 158K)


Who is this semen demon?

No he is not

You’re not strong enough

who dis?

My first thought too, but I don't think she'd want to put in any work.

Second Lego movie villainess her name is General Sweet Mayhem or something like that

How is the movie?
I really enjoyed the first one and thought the Batman one was overall okay.

No idea haven't seen it

She needs love.

Attached: Theresa.jpg (251x567, 38K)

Natsuki's technically western.

Are there any other Yea Forums girls that pay tribute to the Single fang aesthetic?

Attached: fangy_joe.png (512x384, 212K)

Attached: 14271978_129084750884094_1816390224083681280_n.jpg (384x384, 24K)

Hot glue. Now.

Attached: 64379511-57af-4738-8468-2e387ee537b3.png (506x522, 169K)

You'll probably like the sequel. Some people have bitched about some low-level social justice stuff, but people will bitch about anything

Would you ever hold your waifu's hand?

of course

Every time if possible.


Attached: 3da2d900-9cef-0133-6b2f-0ec5ba6aa2f5.png (646x646, 273K)

Only if she's been good.

Rayla is te ultimate waifu
I was thinking the exact opposite

Attached: 1534410900444.png (1609x1616, 3.57M)

Attached: 1395032695322.jpg (233x347, 42K)

She is too pure.

You're lucky. I don't want to start a discussion.

Pfff no way, you will find someone irl like her.


Fuck you, Boco.
You said Morrigan wasn't real, so... your comment is invalid

None of these girls are real. You can love your waifu as much as you want, but that needs to be kept in the back of your mind. Stay somewhat grounded to reality.

Reality is subjective, Boco.

Shut up Boco and go be a dad already!

Only death is real.

t. man with taste

Attached: 7.jpg (1280x1718, 365K)

I don't really get into having waifus but you have good taste. Personally I tend to gravitate to whichever characters make me laugh when they're on-screen and there seems to be a lot of overlap with my favorites and your chart.

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I'm not sorry


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Maybe because you haven't been spreading her and her show far enough

me on the right

God I hate this series. But their waifus are 10 out of 10

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nice choice

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I, for one, welcome our new martian overlords.

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RWBY never had anything on RvB. Idk why it’s such a phenomenon.

>anime tropes for the kids
>international audience because it's almost anime
>fast and large output, because it's basically a Poser cartoon
>unironically the tragic allergy death of the original creator
>camp appeal

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The best season of RWBY can still only dream of being the best season of RvB.

Worst season of RvB*

Don't mind me, just posting my favorites.

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For some reason its famous in the female korean animation community.

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she's basically been my only consistent waifu, others have come but they've vanished with time

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neo > weiss

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Good taste...

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Jessica Cruz

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You're a milf hunter user.

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Weiss is too good for that god awful Texanime

based taste user, 9/9

Can't really call my main one a milf but dam, milf Hariet sounds hot.

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Who's that dolphin girl?

>Excuse me user, but would you a librarian?

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Dolphin Bomber from the Bomberman Jetters anime.

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>tfw /trash/ deleted my thread
Huh... I guess even they have their limits.

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oh really? what a shame

Both of them

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Why not both?

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Well, it's their loss. Most of them seemed really confused by the idea of charts... turns out it really is just a Yea Forums thing.

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>what costume would Marvel Adventures Tigra wear for Halloween?
She'd probably just go as herself and pretend it's a costume for her own amusement. She'd make me go as one of the Avengers to complete the illusion, but that'd be weird so I'd compromise and go as Loki or something. That would then involve the real Loki showing up to fuck with us, because my costume would be an insult to his pride.

Don’t have more than one waifu but rolling

Well here we go.

>christy karacas
She ruined super jail.

She doesn't have a favorite position, she's all about doing whatever she feels like at the time, though while she's definitely the type to take the reigns in bed she vastly prefers positions better for getting herself off than her partner.
If she's trying to get you off, but not herself, watch out, she wants something.

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Using "Your reality" would be too easy so youtube.com/watch?v=nIrYjzHAEp0

It's one of my dreams.

Best girl and she's all mine

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She belongs to all the Yea Forumsfags user, you included.
She is Yea Forums's national treasure.


I'm sensing a trend, but I don't know what to call it


why is that?

that's a cute Janna. i feel like she'd probably enjoy getting rubbed off why she's eating a sandwich in bed.

I haven't seen Moomin in years. It was probably the first tv show I really enjoyed as a kid.

Who is this?

is this a crop? where's the full pic?

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I'd hold both her hands while in the missionary position, yes.


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Leshawna gave me urges for THICC black girls

Nope all mine

It's when Hilda looks for the tide mice spell to help David

Yes. Repeatedly.

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Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

not fully Yea Forums related

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The best.

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Some Korean on 8ch's dcinside board.


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If it dies you will dissappoint your waifus.

Crab is great! But we would have a problem is you like Stupid Monkey or Shitty snake

>Felicia seems upset. What do you do to make her feel better?
I'unno, talk it out and hug her a bunch? If she tried to say it was nothing then I'd know something was up, because she's the most cheerful person on the entire planet.

Roll was my first waifu.

you like blondes

Roll is a daughter. Not a wife.

I was like 9 at the time.

Alternative picks. You're probably open-minded.

... Huh. Guess by the rules of the old roll chart I guess I can choose whoever I want, which is just as well because most of them would just be "lifting/normie shit"
>What would Twintelle do in her spare time?
Probably go to the Louvre or attend something avant-garde. Maybe read something intellectual.

Not Yea Forums, but I gotta post her.

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It would be neat of you could post the svgs for us other vector artists in the thread.

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SUPREME TASTE in Yea Forums wives, user

its hard to find waifu's in the edgy seinen shows that I watch

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>What does Pantha do in her spare time?
Lifting. She'll probably do it either in an actual gym then hang out in one of those public gyms you get in parks so she can show off/lift a bunch of kids with one arm. She'll be addicted to telenovellas, but that just means she's Mexican.

Get out of here you tentacle monster!

I like the girl, not the tentacle monster.

My nigger

Lara from a Brazillian show called Irmao do Jorel, is a pretty good show.

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Or he's black.
Plenty of black anons on Yea Forums.

Samantha? Nice, younger me liked her. You like Peppercat too?

is she ever aged up in the show or only fan art?

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>Makoto Kino

You are me. Why are you me, I am me.

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>What does Felicia do in her spare time?
Okay, this is getting kinda weird.

Anywho, Felicia is probably the sort to frolic in meadows, chasing butterflies. If she's in the city, leaping across rooftops to mess with pigeons.

>What would Tomoko-chan wear for Halloween?
She'd probably say that she's too old to dress up (she's 51 this year) but I'd like to think that after a little persuasion from me she'd make a damn sexy oni

There's an episode where she
(and the rest of the main characters) is aged up

>What do you and Marvel Adventures Tigra have in common?
We're both good-natured people with a strong sense of right and wrong without having sticks up our respective butts, and sometimes ramble on in spite of knowing we shouldn't. That, and we would totally both love to listen to Captain America read stories

Attached: RCO014.jpg (1061x1600, 438K)

yep in the episode 13 of season 1.

>(and the rest of the main characters) is aged up

nah besides Lara, only Jorels brother and that black kid (that will never be relevant again) age up.

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What gives off Black?

>waifu charts

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>Where would you and Ms Lily from Scalie Schoolie go on a road trip?
Probably some out-of-town con. She'd have some big character arc over whether or not she should cosplay, and Camille would show up and be... well, Camille, but I think overall we'd probably have a nice time.

>Describe your first date with Twintelle
Probably somewhere REALLY fancy, where the napkins are made of nicer material than my jacket. I'll be sweating bullets worrying that I'll use the wrong fork, but eventually I'll calm down and we'll discuss her career and interests

You sir are the most based person in this thread.
Save for me!

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Mei is cute, but Olivia is my wife

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And mine as well!

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No, not into robots.

Messy bitches

Toph being all take and no give in bed?

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I'm not the type to bring sex anywhere near Winnie the Pooh, but if you're into sweet, thicc mommys she does fit the bill.

More like "vaguely out of norm" or "alternative tomboy"

I feel like she would start flat on her back in mating press, wanting you to do all the work for her, but if you couldn't go hard enough she'd attempt to roll her eyes at you before switching into amazon position to "show you how it's done".

who is this I NEED TO KNOW and reverse search says nothing

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Not like that user, I mean design wise.

My memoriy might be fooling me, but I think she's from an episode of the Real Ghostbusters. She helps them out when they come to this mysterious town.

Thanks user I'll try checking that out. I appreciate it.

Yes, they ghostbuesters were hired by a vampire who ruled that town. He wanted them to destroy another group of vampires that that were at war with him for the control of said town (Lupo ville)
The girl threw some intel about the vampires and about some.of the inhabitants of the town that were held hostage in the village prison, who were werewolves.
In the end the ghostbusters arrange a plan that ended up in a fight between the vampires and the werewolves, they escape.the town in the middle.of.the chaos and destroyed only bridge that connected the town with the main roadand the little girl was sitting in the back of the car as they left.

Yes. You were correct. It's Lyta from The Real Ghostbusters.

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>he picks the mofo who dies in the lamest way possible over best girl
and that's why narancia can get btfo'd

nice roll chart

It's the voice and personality, man. It would be attractive to me on just about any character.

This is what peak virginity looks like.

Shit taste. Though I kinda liked Izzy, as a horny teenager.

>no tharja
you will never be forgiven

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Doesn't she have like 4 minutes of screen time and zero character devolopment or personality?

Nah, Peppercat certainly isn't the Medarot with the best design. My favourites are the stag beetles and Viking Song from Medarot R.

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Stop posting on the same laosian bell chiming forum as me granpa

Why does the one in the middle have a giant dickhead?

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I have a huge fetish for dominant older women like Lusamine and Ragyo but I can only find Yea Forums examples

How old is Lusamine?

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Fantastic personality, butterball body, unique and interesting situation, wonderful family, excited to learn new things and loves to chat

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>Best Christmas present for Asuka-chan?
Christmas cake and a CD by that band she likes


The Baroness sort of fits the bill though her age is ambiguous

>What song best suits Twintelle?
I could cheat and just use her theme from the ARMS soundtrack, but I'll put some effort in and find something that's a bit similar
Wish I could take credit for it, but it's basically another roll chart with the waifu selection method of another chart

>What's Felicia's favourite position?

Who is that on the second row from the top third from the left? The one with the jetix logo in it?

Cornelia from WITCH

The ironic thing is that I've actually had quite a bit of sex, I'm just deranged.

Tharja is overrated.

Bad mother


>DCAU Vixen's favourite food?
With her body (and assuming that she's a model in this continuity as well) she's probably found various ways to eat healthily and still have it taste pretty damn good. That said, if she doesn't give a fuck then she'll order takeout like everyone else.

>MA Tigra is upset. How do you calm them down?
Honestly, I'd like to think all of my waifus are well-balanced enough that just talking to them would eventually resolve the situation. Of course, if it's obvious that it's mind control fuck you, Karl then I guess I'd ask the Avengers for help, or if they're all mind-controlled too then the Fantastic Four or Dr Strange.

thanks, just got back from my 3 days

>What song fits cartoon!Pantha?

>Ms Lily's favourite position
>implying she has one

>Why would Aunt Cass break up with you?
Good question... leaving aside my own many personality flaws, there's a chance that I could learn just what Hiro does in his spare time, and if she learns that then she'd be understandably pissed off with me for not telling her.


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Could be bigger

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>How does Ms Lily smell?

>lewd greentext for Marvel's Volcana
Man, am I glad I decided to put an hour's break or so between these...
>be me in Earth 616
>inbetween bullshit events
>Netflix and chill with former supervillainess
>we've just finished watching The Disaster Artist, because it's the one movie we agreed on out of the 8 trillion on Netflix
>much laughs were had as we spoon on the couch
>I'm the little spoon, because she's 6'5 and I really want to watch this movie
>suddenly, she's holding me a little tighter
>I make a rather arch noise of bemused interest
>she whispers in my ear that she's feeling frisky
>I joke that it's understandable, given the raunchiness of the sex scenes
>she's now got her hand on my junk, and is asking me if I can tell the difference between her bellybutton and her pussy
>I reply that I might need a quick visual aid
>several hours pass
>I did indeed know the difference... several times

She needs to be here.

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>5 days

Love to waifus?

>Why do you like Milly from Trigun?
Shit, what's not to like? Sweet, cheerful, can operate a bazooka by herself... I guess I'm attracted to women that more or less have their shit together and don't dwell too much on angsty bullshit. Milly's probably the closest to a Pollyanna in my waifu chart, but that's fine because she's so cute.
Waifu threads are probably the most chill part of Yea Forums. We know the importance of not just burning through posts while judiciously bumping the thread, and we're usually polite about individual tastes so there's rarely much shitposting.

She is an angel and it would sacrilege to lie with her

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I always thought we could do a drawing project together with how often these threads are made like they sometimes do on Yea Forums like pic but I then remember that 100% of us can't draw

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>Polite, when the thread started there were anons throwing shit at each other calling their waifus shit or calling each other pedophiles and similar stuff.

>What song best fits Volcana?
Look, if you include kids in your chart then you have to expect people mentioning you might have a mental disorder. If your chart is nothing BUT kids, then you really have it coming.

Isn't it a little hypocrite that someone says that another person has mental diorders in Yea Forums in Yea Forums in a waifu thread user?

that and some people do hate people who use charts

Pretty sure going on Yea Forums a lot isn't covered under the DSM-V

>Yea Forums

Attached: v...very funny anon2.gif (728x408, 2.24M)

>projecting this hard
Just get help

And liking cartoon/comic book female character isn't there either?

>Playing the projecting card.
Great come back user.

Look, either get help or fuck off to that other chan, you whiny cunt

>being such a bitch after getting called out on your bullshit
So, you have no argument.

Damn it, why are pedos such butthurt jizzstains? Is it knowing that society rightly hates you?

Great way to reach the 500 post with a fight between pedos and SJWs.
That's why we can't have nice things.

90's waifu.

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well, this thread ended on a very negative note

Normal in Yea Forums, happens in every board.
At least not as negatives like the ones in /pol/.

epic centrists ftw!

>star (vs)
>loud house girl
you have obnoxious taste and your humor is probably really damn bad too

Is this the new hipster? But only literal faggots say it?
Welcome back friend. Your kind keeps this site in check.
single handedly the best drawing of her

Ava ire will always be my pride and joy.

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I thought that was lucy loud for a sec

Another pedophile.

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>posting images of characters that aren't 18 means you're a pedophile
The weak will be weeded out.

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She is too pure.

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Fuck you i was her age when i discovered the comic. She can't grow old with me

Young Nora is cute but I prefer hot Sky Patrol Nora.

Both are good.

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See you all in the next thread whenever that may be.

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Should I make one?

Obviously the decision is ultimately up to you but I feel you shouldn't. This thread lasted 5 days. Maybe a break for a bit.

thread claimed in the name of /delicious/ see you next time

yeah wait a while.

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3 months maybe?

A few days to a week I'd say

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That's way too long. I was thinking end of the week/weekends or next week

I like this threads even with the shitpostings.
It will give me time to work on a waifu chart I will build a monstrocity.

Fit as much cake as you can in there user.

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I'll make a thread by the end of week most likely, unless someone does it before me which often happens

It doesn't matter who does it.
As long as we have a place to drop our stuff about fictional characters that we love in different ways.

Fictional characters are meant for fucking

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