What does Yea Forums think of Harley and Ivy's relationship?
I've always fapped to the sexual tension that occurs when they're together
What does Yea Forums think of Harley and Ivy's relationship?
I've always fapped to the sexual tension that occurs when they're together
I think Harley's irredeemable without a retcon or her pulling a reality warp out of her ass to undo some of her more severe past crimes and Ivy really needs to just go full Captain fucking Planet.
It used to be cute and fun but it eventually hijacked the two characters completely
I love them, they are great and a great example of a good relationship between villains and how villains can love too. They compliment each other in a great way, their dynamic is fun to read.
Reminder that the bulk of the relationship happened in Palmiotti & Conner's Harley Quinn book where Poison Ivy was nothing but a super-understanding sidekick who was constantly lead on and cucked by Harley Quinn.
Nobody liked that aspect of their relationship, only tolerated.
Yeah, but you take that out and what is there? The cartoons where they were bickering friends with lots of innuendos? The pre-New 52 stuff that just had them as mere friends and wasn't that developed?
Nothing is developed till you develop it, mane.
There's Bombshells, which is more accepted by the people than P&C Harley run since Bombshells actually show them being in an actual relationship, also Injustice 2 comic by Taylor.
You are the lowest common denominator.
Those are empty feel good moments to entertain the shippers. There's no characterization, no working dynamic, no nothing. Just two characters saying they love each other and kissing. Then the comic skip them and focus on other shit that doesn't pertain to any of them or their relationship.
So we either count the cartoons, that actually had a functioning dynamic but is nothing like it is now and or we count the comics where the bulk comes from the Harley Quinn ongoing and basically has Ivy as Harley's friendzoned orbiter.
It actually has characterisation, it just that it's the same we always saw, and the dynamic is the same we are used to. True it skip them and that's something that shouldn't have happened. We can count it.
>it just that it's the same we always saw, and the dynamic is the same we are used to.
No, it isn't.
>The pre-New 52 stuff that just had them as mere friends and wasn't that developed?
Well there was a lot of obvious winking and there was that time Ivy and Harley slept in the same bed together
It takes the characterisation and dynamic from the P&C Harley run.
seems less forced, and more realistic than most Yea Forums lesbian relationships. There are many elements of manipulation and betrayal back and forth between them both. It seems like most writers are afraid to show negative elements of an LGBT relationship, for fear of being labeled homophobic.
It's been hinted at since the beginning when they teamed up in the New Adventures and in the comics at the time and of course the Gotham Girls webisodes. It's not like this is anything new and they have a lot of chemistry.
>green ivy
literally the clone
>I've always fapped to the sexual tension that occurs when they're together
no, they dont
fuck off discord tranny
It's an edit.
Ruined Poison Ivy as a villain. Used to be a mad manipulative misanthropic monster, if there was a war crime she committed it. Now feels bland whenever she is within the same area code as a clown.
I kind of dig it as a friendship, because in spite of them both being doctors, pre-villain Ivy seems like the kind of nerd that Harley would have bullied back in high school.
I think Harley becomes worse the further away from Joker she is, and that pairing her with Ivy only serves to make Pamela stagnant character wise. Furthermore, I’m disgusted at how modern depictions try to paint both as anti-heroes who did nothing wrong. Harley is an insane muderer, and Ivy is an ecoterrorist
>You and Supergirl
I think that would kill somebody.
nah, Supergirl is probably a pillow princess, which in this case works out safer for everyone
Why isn't Ivy pale in this picture?
It feels like it's lost its point.
I always felt the point of them being such close friends was the fact no matter how much Ivy tried to help her, which confuses me to no end because she's supposed to hate humans for harming her true love: plants, Harley would always go back to Joker because it's just who she is, a damaged nutcase.
Then it became a tool for "progressiveness" and completely undermined itself. Ivy isn't an ecoterrist anymore and Harley's just a lol randumb girl who occasionally sleeps with Ivy.
Their relationship shouldn't be sexual or romantic at all. I detest when they are lesbians
Girls in stories can't be just best-friends anymore, it's either lesbian or nothing.
They've been "friends" for decades.
I wasn't talking specifically about Harley and Ivy, I was talking about the state of comics movies and television now.
I wouldn't call it sexual tension but I loved it because they were almost equals and hated each other yet had to work together. I loved that two nutcases had to deal with each other.
It’s kinda dull at this point. Also inconsistent. Sometimes Ivy treats Harley like her equal and other times she treats her like she’s a disabled child that needs to be coddled. Pick one or the other, and stick with it