OTP thread

Post your OTP

Attached: kidnicole.png (612x600, 283K)

Riley and Cindy

Attached: 2kr28l.png (1280x720, 1.13M)

Number 2
Vicky/ Mark Chang

Evil baby sitter x /d/ level sex

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Louise x Regular Size Rudy

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Professor x Miss Irma Goodlady

Attached: home_in_townsville__chapter_22_by_perkygoth14-d8ts6kz.jpg (475x359, 65K)

Attached: EdsurMq.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

Terrible thread already

she got like 15 minutes of screentime total, but i liked their (albeit short) dynamic.
she is also cute.

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So last pic is werewolf boy and only girl from unholy little bastards

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I counter with

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Attached: smooch2.1.png (1920x1080, 580K)

Better than Katara

What would Nicole think

Tbqh I think katara worked better as a mother figure. That's kind of how they built her up, for the most part.

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Officially horrified.
Lowkey turned on.

Is Gumball very charismatic?

Would Lincoln try to turn a girlfriend of his into a nerd like him?


I really stopped following svtfoe after darker shows came out. But, I like this duo.

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Forever and always
since 2011

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Rails don't pail, but they are still cute and they love each other very much.

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Not entirely Yea Forums but...
Still better that Mako & Bolin

Attached: Kazurra & Majisami.png (1324x777, 1.06M)

I have yet to find an art shipping this two

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It’s been implied that the reason why lincoln likes ronnie anne is because she’s rough like lynn is. So lincoln marrying a tomboy is definitely possible.

Very good taste

I’m going to get a lot of shit for this.

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I refuse to believe that Prime’s ending was canon.

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God-tier taste. I also would’ve posted that pic, too. But I was afraid that Jack’s bulge in that speedo would be considered too lewd.

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go big or go home

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what does otp even stand for?
i get the concept, but what do the individual letters stand for


hey guess what


Don't give up little ship!

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One True Pairing


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That is OTT

Also, sauce?

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always and forever

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Autobutts by BootyDoc


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absolute fucking trash.

Incoming better ship

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