Literally one of the most talented animators on youtube

>literally one of the most talented animators on youtube
>always comes off as depressed and self-deprecating in his videos
I don't understand. How come no one has even approached him to do commission/contract on indie shit at least? He could easily work at professional animation studios if he wanted to.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's kind of an asshole

literally who?

>He's kind of an asshole
you kinda have to be to exist in today's world

he's as much as an asshole as anyone here is. it goes both ways with creators and their audience

I love max but he doesn’t do porn
And an artist than doesn’t do porn is like a dog that can’t bark

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he probably just doesn't post it

Would you rather a dog that never barks or a dog who only knows how to yap?

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I'm sure he's a lolicon.

>too proud for video game let's plays
>never even seen in a guest spot
>hints some pretentious d&d shit
>that shit not even that new
>he's not that bad though

Hopefully he contacts some known d&d channels.
>likely won't
>he's gonna derail his own sessions just to troll the d&d fanbase

Might as well start a drawfee clone with some other artist.

>as anyone here is
Yeah and no one here is working in the professional animation industry.

>most talented

the fuck does this even mean

No, pretty sure he's a full grown adult.

He's probably actually depressed, introverted and/or emotionally insecure. He'd a big dude, and super talented, but mental illness don't give a shit.

Have you watched any of his videos? I disagree.

The guy lust over the Powerpuff girls, I mean nothing wrong with that.
But he's a degenerate and you can't deny that.

Maybe they're just lurking user.

He's extremely weird and makes no sense sometimes.

>Yeah and no one here is working in the professional animation industry.
what? no, no, i'm saying that people with an online presence kind of have to be dicks and find a way to either ignore or weed through the bullshit they experience online

when i say that he's as much as an asshole as anyone here is i mean just that. i'm pretty sure you little shits engage in all sorts of petty arguments and squabbles with people irl and on social media. only difference is that max actually makes shit. i may have missed your original meaning, but whatever

The only video of his where I didn't feel like cutting it off because of how annoying he was being was his video about Apu.

IJQ is literally famicom

Yeah I think we were talking around each other a little. My point I guess is that people that are actually making good content don't have time to mix in the petty argument stuff. The people that rise to the top find a way to push that aside (usually). The reason he may not be invited to the big kid's table might be that he spends too much time doing stuff like making an extended video being mad about the power puff girls.

Ian Quarterly is... the japanese version of the original NES?

>literally one of the most talented animators on youtube
Not when Harry Partrige exists and his animations are top tier compared to Max.

He's one of those people who never emotionally advanced past being an edgy teenager.

i fucking love max and none of you can convince otherwise

The truth is you can easily get through the internet without being a hard ass, it just requires effort no one is willing to put in.

>The reason he may not be invited to the big kid's table might be that he spends too much time doing stuff like making an extended video being mad about the power puff girls.
and what exactly is the big kid's table if you don't mind me asking? who's at this table?

Yea Forums drawfags and tumblr porn artists

The conversation is about big animation studios or large animation projects.

>cartridge fags
Like I appreciate the drive and all but one animation a year that's less than 5 mins is some insane shit to commit to
Better than ricefaggot though that new jojo shit he's pouring his efforts into is smoothbrain levels of descision making in thinking that test "animation" with no lip flaps is worth doing at all

max, start up the old podcast again

OH that. I'm not even sure if he gives a shit about working on corporate cartoons or pitching something to the networks. If he could work remotely with them I'm sure he would.. right?

Maybe he's one of those people that just does his own thing. Either way its his choice. He'll probably take a break from Brain Dump and move onto something else?

Plenty of skilled people have shit a business sense. Look at Tesla.


>literally one of the most talented animators on youtube
Being the best among the marginally better than average still makes you worse than notable. Youtube is not a place for talented people - that's why everyone who is actually talented that gets their start on Youtube leaves and never comes back.

I fuckin love his animated works, especially the later stuff that wasn't as edgy as some earlier work (The Jerry series was ok) its too bad he's embroiled in controversy and has burned too many bridges with other online animators/fans to get as far as he could've potentially.

As far as personality, again alot less edgier then he used to be - I think he has alot of mental problems - like some serious OCD and phobias that keep him at bay.Like he says he is a virgin (or did) despite being an OK looking guy but obviously has some social issues that make maintaining a relationship difficult. Plus I think I read he doesn't know how to drive he is probably at home all day and animation is all he's got.

His avatar always makes me think of Bendis

has he ever collaborated with anyone? ive been listening to sleepy cabin again, and they never mention him, and they talk about everyone who ever made a name on newgrounds.
seems like he is often excluded from the newgrounds crew.

Ehh, I know he did some panels for Egoraptor back in the day. He had Markiplier guest voice on his Animal Crossing video and maybe some other Youtubers. As far as I know he seems to keep to himself.

AN edgy asshole. Being an ass is workable, but being edgy as fuck isn’t.

I just want more WGJ4K. Easily his best work and it's not even in the top twenty results when you search his name.

I am the Third Revelation.

neither is he nigger

The man is fucking homeless, and I am not joking.
Why wouldn't he be depressed and self-deprecating?

I know it is a long conversation chain, but that was the point.
>Why doesn't he work in professional animation or on indie projects
>He is an asshole
>So are people here
>Yes and none of us here are in professional animation.

would you?

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I agree on his talent. But people don't work with him cause he's an abrasive asshole

Is that Joe Rogan?

Not really porn but

>work at professional animation studios
>if he wanted to.
He could never work under anyone in an industry as up its own ass as animation. A studio would have to give him full autonomy over a project of his own design for him to even consider it. The guy is pretty much exactly where he needs to be.

>He could easily work at professional animation studios
No, he said mean things about ThunderCats Roar probably

Don't know who this guy is. I reverse image search him. He has a million subs? Scrolling through his YouTube channel hottdiggedydemon has multiple videos with a million views and one even has 11 millions. How is this dude underrated? He's doing way more than alright for himself.

>chubby girl in gif
>that belly on the mermaid
Amazing taste, now I'm mad he doesn't do porn.

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Speaking for myself, I'll never hire someone with gauges in his ears.

Didn't he get in a feud with Newgrounds animators and is sort of outcasted from the community?

>Doesn't get invited to the African dudes Collab
>Makes a response to this where the punchline is him saying "My nigger cartoon is better then your nigger cartoon"

>Hasn't uploaded anything to his Newgrounds since 2012, even after the huge comeback NG had so it's effectively dead

>Was edgy as fuck so his personality was likely a factor into why he doesn't have more animator friends

Combined with this and the fact his recent video's are just him self deprecating about how alone he is and how he basically has nothing it's best assumed he probably was outcasted at some point

>Implying you'd ever be put in a position to hire people

man, i'd listen to that every week.

the most lewd thing ive seen him draw is that one drawing of Apu from the simpsons

probably into gay shit but that isn't a bad thing

he comes off as an asshole.

cringeworthy illiterate post

He’s an ass, and a total idiot.


His character is kind of disturbing to look at, like a doll that a serial killer made out of his victims' skin wrapped snugly around a bunch of PVC pipes. I don't like looking at him.

Because he's a YouTube animator.

This and fuck anyone with earplugs. I hope their ears rot off as penance for being so ugly.

The animation industry is very small and everyone knows one another.
As a result, if you build a less than reputable reputation online no one in said industry is gonna want to hire you or work with you.

I love his animations, but I can't stand how pretentious everyone sounds. It's so long winded and overdone.

"are you sure you aren't using videogames to fill some void?!"

It shame to see Max's talent go to waste. He can write worth shit.

I can relate
>be animator
>decide to do less parodies and do original
>alright lets get writing
>1 year later still dont have a script
And thats how i learned i have no creativity outside of making stupid "funny" shit out of existing things.

How is everyone so sure hes an asshole in real life? To me it seems like he would be highly neurotic irl or something.

Speaking of, has anyone even seen him in real life outside of bronycon from 8 years ago? His one (public) friend lives in another country. How do we even know its him and not someone who killed him and absorbed his powers while wearing his skin

I'm starting to think anons have a looser grasp on reality and trouble distinguishing exaggeration than an actual homeless person.
He got kicked from his apartment, moved back in with parents, and a few months later moved to some middle of nowhere town where rent is a lot cheaper from what I remember on twitter. Do you think hes animating in a literal junkyard while taking wifi from the nearby mcdonalds

He was evicted from his apt like two yrs ago, and then moved back home with his parents.

pic related: his office.

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OP, does that borderline ill extreme recluse seem like he'd tolerate a studio environment filled with other animators knee deep in the California culture?

He is my favourite animator and probably my favourite person on youtube. I think he has some serious problems with his mental health and that makes him hard to employ (you can find proof in this thread). I just hope he will be happy and won't die soon.

Did youtube give him the ppg episode back? That was a good ep

That's a fucking horrible thing to say about another person


>acts like he can do better than existing popular animators
>spends all his time shitting on the animation industry's state
>surprised when this industry tells him to fuck off
Maximum retardation

Ian isn't an autistic pedophile with shit taste.

That video was megaboring.

I think you need to be an autistic pedophile to create something like OK KO.

Because while his humor is good, his childish demeanor and content, like that stupid ghost, ruin it for most people.

Wisenhiemers reboot plz