Is Carol stronger than Thanos?

Is Carol stronger than Thanos?

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Not really, is just like the Riri is smartest than Tony Stark, yet he created an armor that was the most effective against Thanos.


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How are we supposed to know if neither film came out


Yeah, that's what everyone wants to see. 13+ fucking movies coming to a head with some nobody from the previous film curbstomping the villain that beat everyone. It's sure to be super fucking satisfying.

Good to know, I'd hate go into a movie thinking the hero might have some kind of struggle to overcome.

With or without the Gems?



Article is fake. He never said that

Might as well make the MCU just Carol Danvers, Shuri and Michelle just dancing to Nikki Manaj's verse in Monster.

Wasn't this confirmed a fake news article

Why are you still responding to this shit?

Who even cares, thanos did what he set out to do, beating him now does literally nothing

I think it's probably set up to bait and switch, in end game Carol is probably going to get her shit wrecked when she goes in one on one.

But he's still a big tough man that Brie can judo toss.

Okay, let's say Carol is this powerful.

Why should anything in the upcoming phases even be a threat?

There was at least one real article with that fake, clickbait headline, but it was written by a pedophile.

first part is shit
second and third parts are good

no, she isn't a ME BEAT THANOS
trust me, you are ALL fucking taking this way away. i was the same way as 99% of people on this movie, but watching it with a low as fuck expectation made it an 8.5 movie.

i can't say anything else

>tfw everyone says you are boring because you're too op and not enough flaws
>but they say captain marvel is great for those reasons

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>Is Carol stronger than Thanos?
Lets look at the facts. Thanos wiped out half the universe while Carol wiped out 80% of her fan base

How come women can't feel powerful unless they see a mary sue?

>paying to watch Captain Marvel

You don't deserve to call yourself a man.

Superman doesn't care. Superman does what is right and that's it. Anything else is irrelevant.

Yea Forums doesnt read comics holy shit.

The fact that this didnt blow up in a bunch of replies telling you how fucking retarded you are says something about how casual and shit this board is.

This, don't drag down the man of steel to Marvel's level.

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No, but Squirrelgirl is.

Kill yourself, you stupid faggot.

Yea Forumsmics are shit, so no one cares anymore.


This board really went down the shitter.

Yes, please go if you're not going to improve the quality of it with more shitposting.

You need to go back.

To the past.

Lol no she had her life saved by America Chavez of all people, who then got stomped by Thanos.

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back to the past

>Is Carol stronger than Thanos?

She shouldn't be, there is a very short list of beings in Marvel that could spank Thanos. In contrast to the MCU's infinitely short list of heroes compared to 616 and an even shorter list of true heavy hitters, she's very powerful, but under no circumstance should she approach Thanos's power.

Underrated post.


who said i paid to watch anything?
re-read my shit

is that the face she makes when she realizes nobody wants to see her movie?

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8.5 movie
based on the trailers + low expectations - brie larson and co being cunts = 3 maybe a 5 if it's good (thats with a bonus 3 points for the cat.

No, that's her resting face.


Dropping a deuce face

whatever he shoots at her, she can just absorb until she is more powerful than him.

Short list of people Carol Danvers is NOT stronger than:
> Thanos
> Thor
> Hulk
> Thing
> Nova

I can never figure out Thanos' powerlevel, especially in the MCU. I know power levels are dumb but Cap can sorta stop one of his punches but also he fucks up Loki, Heimdall, Thor and Hulk at the start?

I don't really like these kinds of cosmic level stories because the power levels get too weird.

No, her face is just drooping like that.

>Your mom

Will Carol lift Mjolnir?

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Superwho? The Age of Sentry is coming, Yea Forums.

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More powerful than anyone else short of Dormammu with the gauntlet. Much weaker than Surtur without it, and probably just about as powerful as Hela that has spent time on Asgard.

Hrm? Sentry is back again?

just feminist bullshit

Yes he is... And it saddens me that you ask, because it shows no one fucking read the mini.
Here, have Carol and Thor trying to stop him and failing.

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it's her frowny "grr, some white men still have jobs!" face.

I haven't been in the loop for awhile.

Nah, there is no way she is stronger. They just want to make her stronger because of "muh feminism".

How much do you want to bet that the underlying theme will be that Thanos = Patriarchy and Carol will be there to shatter him/it.

You can tell this is they way it is going to go because Carol is one of the most hated characters from Marvel Comics. Her series keep getting cancelled after about a year or a year and a half and they keep rebooting just to fail again.

She is not popular and should not be the face of the new MCU.

Brie 'overjoyed when a caucasoid is unemployed' Larson

Only to femnazis.

Shuri from BP is more appealing to little white girls than Carol

Hell yeah she was. Shuri was not forced. She was good comedic relief in Black Panther. But, she was also a strong female character that did not back down when the going got tough.

Shuri is the better hero hands down.

When it comes to foot odor, yes.

No, not sentry. Something else.

Something new.

>Will Carol life Mjolnir?
I know this question is mostly shitposting, but does Stormbreaker have anything that would keep Not-Thor from wielding it? I can see a mortal not being able to fully utilize it, but except for possibly being really heavy it shouldn't be unliftable, right?

Based Superposter looking on the bright side
Cringe companywar shit-stirrer dragging Sentry's name through the mud
Extremely based smart allecs joking around

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No, it doesn't have the worthiness enchantment Odin placed on Mjolnir in order to keep it from being wielded by anyone. Stormbreaker is probably just too heavy and I think it might have something extra juice going on for Asgardians.

Watching America get wrecked is such a pleasure.

Universe War Bob fucking when

>Cringe companywar shit-stirrer dragging Sentry's name through the mud

Yes I thought it was established that Sentry evolved already beyond (((Superman Expy)))

Who cares?
I just want her to beat the crap out of Hulk.

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Anyone with mild superstrenght and electricity resistance/immunity should be able to lift it, anyone else would either get their arm broken or fried

At this point? The guy has already taken enough of a licking be much less capable in a fight than Thanos. Let's not turn him into the Worf, whose recurring role is to show how powerful a new character is by getting his ass kicked.

The only reason I think this movie will struggle over previous ones is because it's the first one where even on facebook people are talking down to it or just saying they're not interested in it.

Honestly as a movie black panther was ok, as a marvel movie set in the mcu it was average, nowhere near the bastion for all niggers to rise up it was made out to be, I'd give a solid 7/10 As a movie but 5/10 as an mcu movie.

I'm expecting Captain marvel to be the same.

no she makes this one

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do you think it will do better or worse than Ant Man

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Thanos had fought near half the universe but only Carol was the only enemy that he felt he had to bring a gun for

Even NYPD is stronger that Thanos.

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Thor says weapons forged at nidavlier it would drive kill a mortal or drive them insane just to try and wield it, presumably if he wasn't exaggerating then stormbreaker is in that class of weapon.

It's just promotional hype you tards

it is for women. women don´t care about hard work or overcoming obsticles.
the only thing they won´t is being praised and worshiped simply for having a vagina
they always demeaned to get everything handed to them on a silver platter

>power level shit
Fiction works in abstracts, not concretes.

Without the gauntlet, probably.

>Thanos wiped out half the universe while Carol wiped out 80% of her fan base

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>fan base

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I'd wager anybody who can shoot lasers from their hands without a gauntlet is stronger than Thanos, but even if it's true or not, this is just another advertisement for the movie. it's the same as Shuri being smarter than both Stark and Banner, but Shuri didn't build a super suit of armor because she NEVER got captured by a terrorist group while she had metal lodged in her chest.

>Want the movie to be a massive hit to make shitposters seeth
>Want the movie to bomb to make sjws seeth
Conflicting feelings

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*conflicted seethings

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without the infinity gauntlet? yes. without it? no.

People forget Thanos is really not that powerful without the stones.

didn't mean to repeat without, you get what I meant, though.
its gonna make millions of dollars anyways, don't be a petty little child. You're no better than the alt-right retards who paid Nikey for shoes to burn, essentially burning their own money just to own da libs.

you basically summed up the theme of Cap Marvel movie trailers with that


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Does it matter? They’re just movies.

>People forget Thanos is really not that powerful without the stones.
Or with them since Thor cut through a blast from a completed gauntlet like butter

user everything is political nowadays so of course people with nothing better to do than sit on the Internet all day care about this.

I used to be this way last year and now I’m just apathetic towards everything political. Hopefully the rest of America follows suit.

That's cause comics are stupid as fuck just make actual good entertainment in superior format using already established characters.

Yea Forums gtfo reeeee

Superman isn’t better than anything Captain feminazi can hope to be

Ask me how I know you don't read Thor, secondary.

*is fucking typos

I'm kinda pissed off about all the hype because Wanda should be able to beat Carol 9 times out of 10. Dr Strange 10 out of 10.

Carol can't do shit about magic.

Nice Jungian slip, dunce.
Pretty sure that poster was talking about the movies, which is the actual discussion at hand... You know?

all mcu shits must fucking hang