He did it again!

He did it again!

Attached: pick-up-line-comic-1.png (1500x500, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That’s mildly funny

A bit too ambiguous, but as far as Stonetoss goes at least an actual joke and not just an opinion.

This guy is kinda funny when not talking about politics.

Exactly. The tits, ass, and feet comic is easily his most popular and most exploited. Hopefully he'll wise up and stick with that.

That's pretty good, though the language is awkward. Typically ghosts aren't angels who fell from heaven. Points trying.

Ghosting isn't ignoring someone or leaving them on "read", it's when you stop replying after a relationship has been established. If someone acts like you aren't there or tries to get away from you instantly, it doesn't count as ghosting.

I thought ghosting was when someone just randomly decides to quit work, just doesn’t show up anymore

Attached: everyschmorkycomic.jpg (960x408, 40K)

Wow it's an actual joke, I'll give him a 6/10 for this.

I hate all these new zoomer dating terms. Actually, I just hate zoomer in general

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That edit is so bad it belomgs on the Antifa subreddit.

>stonetoss comic is actually funny

Attached: 1550332156901.png (1004x500, 130K)

do ghosts fall out of heaven?

its almost but not quite a joke

by extrapolation it can means any sudden disappearance. on the small end it may be not returning texts. on the big end it could be leaving town

No, and people aren't ghosted when a pick-up line instantly fails.

It's a stretch though, so much to give it new meaning in the context of this comic.

Attached: vegans-and-cyclists-comic.png (1000x1000, 106K)

Comic is miles better than his political shit but it still absolute garbage.

okay I'll give him this one

but on the other hand this is just copying shen and the 50 billion other self-depricating artists who think it's fucking comedy gold

fucking based

What do you think "ambiguous" means? Because this is pretty straightforward.

Well this is still a turd sandwich, but it's not a soggy one so there is that.

without an embedded /pol/ meme underlying the joke, i can't tell if it comes across as more endeering for attempting legit humor, or more pathetic for being unfunny

>Ghosts come from Heaven
>Ghosting means not responding to pick up lines
He should stop trying to be funny and just stick to his retarded opinions. They're less embarrasing.

It should be stonetoss poster vs clown world poster.

Last panel should've been one of those drawings of "himself" with the smug smirk.

>an actually funny stonetoss

Attached: male-feminist-comic.png (625x605, 57K)

I've always liked bicycling now and as a kid.
When I go bicycling, I try to stay on the sidewalk where possible and on the shoulder when there isn't one.

Who were the male feminist rapists?

In my state at least, cycling on the sidewalk is illegal.

Harvey Weinstein

Stonetoss is funny about 50% of the time. Which is better than most webcomics that arent nedroid.

It's technically illegal, "unless it's unsafe to use the road" where I live. There's not a lot of foot traffic on our sidewalks here though so it's not very stringently enforced either. Even in the summer you don't see a lot of people on the sidewalk around here.

If you've ever lived in a city you would understand it more. I never had a problem with them in my hometown and enjoyed it myself.
Cyclists in the city are the most insufferable cunts I have ever encountered in my entire life.

>mfw a cyclist

Attached: file.png (417x362, 69K)

Too bad, you are a Designated Other and thus influencers gain standing by telling people it's good to hate you.

Attached: shittoss.png (1000x1000, 192K)

Was he a feminist? I can't find anything about that beyond how he hired a feminist lawyer and that's not enough.

Attached: transgender-in-military-comic.png (1500x500, 227K)

Should be /pol/. Or Yea Forums.

Every Hollywood guy who got #metoo'd. Unless some of them are innocent.


Always love how assblasted these comics make people. Almost as good as people thinking kelly comics are serious

That's pretty vague. I thought that maybe there was someone who was actually marching or some male member of a feminist group who was actually raped, not someone like Louie CK being weird with females.

Its a pretty constant phenomena among "male feminists" that they end up being outed as rapists. There's a dozen similar comics in the same vein.

It's actually pretty easy to pick up chicks by pretending to be a feminist or a leftist. The people that actually rape are just really pathetic

Attached: insufferable personality.jpg (960x1200, 373K)

Holy fuck, he finally learned to give female characters breasts and eyelashes!

Whoch male feminist was outed as a rapist?

Attached: fixed.png (1500x500, 413K)

I used to go to work with my bicycle. Honestly I think it's a form of survival instinct. Even in a smaller city you are either an asshole or fucking dead.

This one is ALMOST on point. Vegan should be replaced with some gluten-free lunatic. Vegan is so 90's.

All of them.
It's identical to homophobic republican politicians being caught banging dudes. It's not a matter of who, but when.

Is killing good enough?
Aleksandr Kolpakov

t. Libbies

fuckin show some examples then

This is sounding like less of a problem.

That guy was paranoid and psychotic. He wasn't pretending to be a feminist to kill someone.

Does /pol/ dislike stonetoss?

I don't get it.

Yea Forums went from liking Stonetoss to hating it in the span of a couple months. Why does Stonetoss hurt your feefees so much, Discord? Smug is practically your entire persona.

No, he wasn't pretending. He actually was a feminist.

>The parody has better art than the original

Attached: PROD-Pop-Group-The-Beatles-1963.jpg (615x409, 41K)

It's not some "le ault rite" thing.
Everyone knows it.

He wasn't actually being a feminist to kill someone.

Don't be born in 2001.

>stonetoss comics are the new kelly comics
what a world. Never thought I'd see the day they were replaced.

holy shit

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Archive that shit. It won't let me read unless I pay a dollar and I'm not about to pretend I understand this opinion well enough based on the headline to apply it broadly to mean all male feminists are sexual predators.

>It's not some "le ault rite" thing.
And how does everyone know something no one in this thread can prove or even find a good example of? We've had this conversation before and the best someone could dig up was a male feminist who cheated on his wife.

even in this parody, his argument is sufficient.
>quod grātīs asseritur, grātīs negātur
"What is asserted gratuitously (without evidence) may be denied gratuitously (without evidence)"

Listen, if you need more names, maybe go visit Yea Forums. There are better chances that someone there keeps track of all feminist anti gg people who were later accused for various stuff by the very women they worked with.
There were quite a few.

holy shit. it's a stonetoss thread that doesn't suck.