Why are they dumbing down Luke and Han just to make Leia look better?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because they hate Luke as a character and what he represent

Is there a new star wars cartoon?

Because he represents good qualities.

Yup, has been out since November 30th of 2018

They are straight white males with good qualities, can't have that nowadays.

Modern feminism in a nutshell

Is this just an excuse to bitch about TLJ and nu-Star Wars again?

It's just funny shorts my nigga, stop overthinking it

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Because they're condensing 40 year old movies into 40 second clips for children. The characters are going to be simplified and exaggerated to make them memorable for a new audience.

Luke is dumb and naive, just like in the original
Han is cocky and aloof, just like the original
Leia is bitchy and humorless, just like the original

People don't show their kids the original trilogy anymore because kids think they're old and boring. And an adult/teenager watching them for the first time is gonna think the same thing. You gotta indoctrinate them young.

Personally I like these. Especially any with Vader or Sheev

Did the episode 7 one die?

This board stopped being fun when it became nothing but fake outrage

Yes, he's been repeat-posting these threads for weeks.

>kids think they're old and boring. And an adult/teenager watching them for the first time is gonna think the same thing
Cull the whole crop, start over we fucked up this batch and they're all 100% fucked.

No, I haven't seen the new movies and have no interest in watching them. I just came across these cartoon shorts and was just curious about on why they're doing this to Luke.

>The characters are going to be simplified and exaggerated to make them memorable for a new audience
way to ruin a perfectly fine bait thread

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Exactly this right here


I'm not outraged I'm legitimately curious.

I am okay with this.

Ugh, I've only seen the early 2000's and mid 2000's cartoon, prequels, and the older movie

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You're welcome. See you next time

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>Luke doing all these wacky flips and shit when he was jut barely competent enough with a lightsaber enough to keep up with a Darth Vader that was basically just toying with him

Just completely suck all meaning from the scene why don't you.

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This is fucking lame.

This only it's all the boards.

what's with this actually great animation.

It's literally a commercial bump to make 6 year olds curious about Star Wars

>>Mommy Mommy what is this? It looks really cool!
>>I wanna be like the good guy with the laser sword!
>>I wanna be like the cool princess with the laser gun!
>>I wanna be like the bad guy black knight!
>>I wanna see all the movies! And have all the toys! And dress up for Halloween!

Maybe it's just because /swco/ got banned, but I hardly ever see Resistance get discussed here, whereas Rebels got discussed every time a new episode aired. I don't think they've done a very good job of getting people interested in the sequel era.

Then they watch the movie and it's literally nothing like it.

does the whole sho look this good?

Doesn't matter. They've spent their money. If they don't like the original, there's almost a dozen other movies, four cartoons, countless video games, Lego, toys, comics. You name it

Yeah it's all well animated. Each one's about 50 seconds so you can blow through the whole thing in an hour

Well it didn't look like that at all but it definitely looks cool

>dumbing down han

You mean the guy who played the whole 'weapons malfunction' line with a straight face.

... no really. Tell me something Han Solo did that was smart.

>People don't show their kids the original trilogy anymore
Good, they should show them the superior Prequels.

They're not. They are presenting exaggerated shortened versions of events that condense a scene into its simplest possible form. Much of the things in these shorts that have been screamed at by incels as muh feminism are just in-jokes among SW that have been around since these movies came out - Luke taking fucking ages to get that rappel out, for example, or Leia being way more prepared to ice motherfuckers than the farmboy.

Leia was unironically a hardcore badass. Compartmentalized the grief from the destruction Alderaan, and shrugged off torture like a hangover. How do you get like that on a pussy planet with no weapons?

>... no really. Tell me something Han Solo did that was smart.
Stuck the Falcon to the side of a Star Destroyer to hide.


Sheev edition

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It's annoying as shit honestly.

That looks great. Dig that they keep Vader mostly standing.

FPBP. Just see what they did to him in TLJ.

Maybe the next Star Wars movie can just asspull Sheev back from the dead, he's so much better than any of the new trilogy villains.

I miss the sense that the villains always had the upper hand in Star Wars, that the Rebellion was actually an underdog, not the fated-to-win thing it feels like now.



Always nice to see them as something other than targetshy goons

>to make Leia look better
Do star wars fans even rewatch their own movies?

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Revisionism, courtesy of the [insert very real boogeyman here] agenda. We can't have younger generations looking up to the [toxic white male] heroes and [internalized patriarchy] heroines of the past who worked together to achieve greatness. Girls need to learn that boys are useless retards that deserve to be cast aside, and boys need to learn that all girls are powerful princesses and that they have to get out of their way. It's just another brick in the wall of subversion, and they'll keep doing it until everyone listens and believes that Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. They did the same thing with Fembusters, The Last Star Wars Movie The Core Audience That's Been Keeping The Franchise Alive For Forty Years Will Ever Pay To See, Battlefield VVoke and most recently Captain Wamen, to varying degrees of success. Demonstrably, the game plan has been switched to an agenda over profit model for quite some time now.

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You're a bit late to this party incel. They're well animated toy commercial and we like them

Go back to r9k

Because feminists are chronic sexists who think very little of women and believe that the only possible way to make women look good is to make men look worse. Heaven forbid they just write compelling female characters who are badass within the bounds of the story rather than have the story and other characters bend over backward to service them.

this makes me happy

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>people have been making these same star wars jokes and parodies for decades
>it's only bad now because.....

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Looks like an anime.

>star wars fans

the people who made these videos are not star wars fans. they just like that they can use the brand to push their agenda.

Imagine feeling this threatened by a cartoon...

Did you even watch the video you just posted. Here. Enjoy this autistic breakdown since you don't seem to be capable of playing a simple game of 'spot the difference'


Lightsaber Training

Also just realized these are narrated by Dante Bosco, VA for Prince Zuko

>The Last Star Wars Movie The Core Audience That's Been Keeping The Franchise Alive For Forty Years Will Ever Pay To See

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>making sense on Yea Forumsmblr

You're wasting your time.

>comparing a parody animation with the real film
Are they going to make a side by side of this video next?

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>conspiracy theories

>I hardly ever see Resistance get discussed here
Unlike Clone Wars and Rebels, which were shows that could appeal to a pretty wide age range of people, Resistance is fairly simple and aimed at a much younger audience. It's not really surprising that it hasn't captured the interest of older fans.

The worst part is they're flooding the place with shills. There's people actually defending TLJ and stuff like SU and Big Mouth.

Autism or just plain stupid? Because it's so dumb by how you people are so easily triggered by a fucking cartoons aimed for little kids who had never seen a Star Wars movie. There maybe differences, but almost everything that happened in those shorts literally happen in the actual movie. Had you been a real Star Wars fan you should have realized the most obvious point when compared to the OT and they were nothing different. The series is viewing the point of view of a child when they saw Star Wars for the first time and they imagine the scenes in their heads. Seriously, why are you taking offese to this? And a kids series? You are threatened by a series for kids?

This is not the behaviour of a fan. This is a behaviour of someone with a mental problem and a clear agenda that's trying to turn a kids cartoon into a rant just to suck the fun out of everything it touches because they are offended by. How stupid this is to be threatened by a kids cartoon. You just couldn't let the young kids have this. How sad


Disney really fucked up their SW action plan, how the fuck did they decide to rehash the original trilogy?

>In the original Luke does nothing but job
>He looks intimidating here
I'm okay with this.

I thought Yea Forums liked blonde bimbo traps! yall never make up ya damn minds

Makes no sense to me, all three were awesome during the escape scene, was anyone feeling like she got shafted or something?

Guys I don't remember this happening in the original movie. Is lego rewriting Star Wars?

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>wipe out an entire generation bc they don't like STER WHER
im gonna turn you into a fat girl, user

This 100%. SJWs are creatively bankrupt so they have to infest other creators' works and change them in order to further their agenda.

Its fun when the people who get triggered the most are the ones who're mad about trigger warnings.

The meaning of the scene is lost but the animation is good... I mean I still got the movies so I'm fine either way but sucks for the kids who see this first.

That speaks more to the idiocy of the Imperials.

>the fans defending established lore and the original movies are the ones with the agenda, not the studio messing everything up just to virtue-signal to the "progressive" crowd


A cartoon series aimed for little children, and feeling threatened by it because it's not what you remembered. Who cares? Turning a kids cartoon to fit an agenda is just plain sad and pathetic

If it had been marketed as a parody, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Show me where it's been marketed as a parody, because so far from what I've seen it's been presented as a teaser to get kids interested in the franchise, not something making fun of the franchise itself.

I didnt know being a Jedi gives you anime ninja powers

That is literally the whole point for all of these shorts

Jedis are heavily inspired by actual samurais, but George up that in his prequel trilogies

Unironically this

come on now.

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Ding ding ding! Hence why the first comments read like the modern troll top ten list. And OP obsessed with the Leia vid as usual, ignoring that the very next week they released this little gem of Imperial propaganda


I guess now we should be outraged that they are going against the movies to make the Stormtroopers effective to promote their neo-nazi fascist alt-right agenda? Also nevermind that farmboy Luke is often made to look silly even when Leia isn't present


There are still a sithload of videos that make him heroic, especially when he's older.

How dare that evil vile SJW remote slap Luke around like his Uncle Owen! I guess!

Attached: no luke don't stab ben you'll only make him more powerful than you could possibly imagine. (1280x800, 100K)

Are there any videos with Luke and Leia where Luke isn't portrayed as a bumbling idiot?

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>This is not the behaviour of a fan
Ah yes, because as we all know fans never get upset when producers change things from one form of media to another. It definitely isn't common for people to rag on books that get turned into movies and pick apart what the movie changed from its source material. Never happens ever. Clearly, anyone who doesn't like their favorite stories being bastardized by an alternate form of media must have an agenda.

First you'd have to find any other videos where Luke and Leia interact for any length of time.

I don't care. At least the kids enjoy it, and it will be a good way to introduce them to the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy so they'll know what to expect. And they would watch it with their dad and not an old whiney fart that bitch alot

tell me what rock you been living, you are getting roommates.

>make animations for each character to make them look cool

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So, you do admit that Luke is portrayed as a bumbling idiot in the one video he shares with Leia? Good. Then why do you find it odd that people would complain about it?

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Child much? Because it's dumb to think you would need something to go with your safespace to escape the shitty reality that is your life

Boo hoo hoo. Who fucking cares

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You're quite mistaken, user, about a great many things. I am not surprised people complain about it. A legitimate kneejerk freakout from some, a standard chance to troll up the board for (you)s for others. Neither cares enough to bother seeing the product in the larger picture.

Also they are in other videos together, user. They merely do not share any great length of time interacting.

Because it's stupid and idiotic that anyone with a brain would complain about a cartoon show that's not aimed for them and yet they whine because it's not to their so-called standard

Here you go, user. These things are great for reaction vids.

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>makes dumb claim
>gets called out on dumb claim

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Attached: of course this didn't happen like this in the movie you idiot its a 60 second animation where t (771x423, 383K)

The Might of the Empire was pretty good too
plus the video showing the rise of the Emperor

If that last one doesn't give you a chub then call M. Night because you've been dead this entire time.

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I think the freak out is justified to a certain extent. These shorts are aimed at children, and children are very impressionable. Having Leia upstage Luke wasn't an accident. Someone wrote it, someone approved it, someone animated it and someone published it. No one in that chain ever stopped to say "Hey guys, wouldn't having both of them working together be more inspiring?". That's what people are ultimately objecting to, I think.

Keep trying manbaby, because only dumb people respond to something this stupid while hide in their safespace

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What the fuck, where's that from?

>dumbing down luke
luke always sucked
if anything he's too strong

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Bullshit. If you'd been paying attention to modern cartoons this is hardly new. Although this is by no means new it is true that in modern times there appears to be greater number of instances where the standard heroic main character and bumbling comic relief have been combined. Farmboy Luke in this videos is essentially Finn the Human, except unlike Finn his actually gets better in his later incarnations


The funny thing is you don't realize you're behaving exactly like The Enemy from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. You're the screeching Parents Groups claiming that Johnny Bravo is conditioning children to objectify women, nevermind that Johnny, like Beavis, never scored in his life. Did you shit your pants in rage that Dexter's Laboratory was conditioning children to laugh at shortstack nerds constantly being put in their place by his cooler, more coordinated if ditzy sister?

This is you: youtube.com/watch?v=3jFqhjaGh30 . Do you really want to be this person?

Are you seriously kidding me? Name one scene in the original trilogy that does that? None. Plus they haven't shown most of it yet

That scene was the moment were Leia was a badass. Let her be a badass in that. There's no reason to go overboard over a stupid reason


Y'all are acting like you've never seen the Unlikely Hero personality, where he's an oaf that becomes badass.

Luke was one of the first

If i remember correct it was a Rebels Recon

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I wouldn't take it too seriously

Being fair to them it is true that Luke had some extra moments of silliness with the grappling rope. In one of the other many threads we've had about this an user was flipping his shit because Leia slapped Luke, thus conditioning boys towards being the targets of violence against girls. Nevermind that she actually shoved him out of the way of the trooper's fire, something else that didn't happen. But it's Leia's showcase video and farmboy Luke is an easy target for humor, mostly because he had some bumbling moments in the movie.

Similarly Han and Chewie both become a bit ridiculous in Chewie's video (Han more so than Chewie), and they even had a variation on the Scooby Doo doorway gag. It's just a silly video. They still succeed and nobody had to pull out a damn compressor.

Here's the chewie vid. youtube.com/watch?v=DBvN-FbunfA

Different user, but this is completely different. Back then it was just fundamentalist nutjobs moralfagging and fighting windmills. Nowadays where we have minors dressed like drag queens and paraded in gay bars by their parents, the threat is not just in our heads. It's happening, and cartoons are playing a big part in that. My folks are as progressive as they come, they're both academics and they've donated to Dem campaigns and stuff, and even they were shocked when I showed them Big Mouth.

In the Artoo video they play spotting Vader stalking the halls of the Tantive IV slaughtering rebels for a "let's go the other direction" gag WHILE you can hear people screaming after Vader swings his blade and we hear it contact. They have a pretty dark sense of humor.


It's exactly the same. Today you freak out about drag queens. Back then your parents were freaking out about goths, punks, emos cutting themselves and edging towards worshipping suicide, satanic panic over D&D, etc.

That you think you are better, more righteous and more correct than the moral campaigners of the past is hilarious because some day someone will take up a moral campaign and feel they are better, more righteous and more correct than YOU, because the cycle of "the world isn't the way I want and I need to whine about it" never ends. Somewhere Mr. Bones is laughing as he sells another ticket for The Ride.

I do like to think Vader used his lightsaber when they boarded the ship.

We didn't see everything Vader did, but it's a moot point when these videos are padding out with things that didn't happen or altering other scenes for laughs. They aren't straight up animated versions of the film and aren't trying to be.

That was a badass scene

Trolling used to be an art.

Never said I'm better than anyone or that I feel better than anyone. I'm just saying that LGBTQWERTY folks sexualizing children is an actual danger that modern cartoons are trying to normalize, as opposed to the imaginary dangers moralfags of the past bitched about.

Man I would love to see this as a fully animated series.

Luke flips over a tree on Dagobah

This, kind of. Han is very capable and talented, but he's a terrible planner and generally ignorant of important shit. Meanwhile, Luke is largely green and incompetent in the original trilogy until he gets a decent amount of training under his belt. it's kind of the charm of his character.

Meanwhile, Leia is essentially a leader and war veteran. This is her battle, Han and Luke just got tangled up in it.

Why so many star wars threads lately?

That is the problem. She was already trained and even participated in some missions as Rebels showed with meeting Ezra's. Why is it hard for people to realize that she literally is a capable fighter. Her shorts plays exactly as it is

And it takes until Luke to become near capable until Episode 6

No idea. The OP is just a butthurt troll with no life

Leia's cool

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I like that scenes. Leia's a total badass in this

This sounds like a woman’s response

How can you tell?

It's incompetence. Not so much in the "They hired SJWs to write" sense (something I highly doubt happened) but in the "We don't know how to handle Star Wars" sense.

The Devil's Rock and Roll with the seductive sway of Elvis Presley's hips, hippies and free love, youth cultures that promote drug use, premarital sex, interracial marriage, and the gum disease gingivitis.

Every counter-culture movement feels justified and that they are the only ones holding back insanity from consuming a sane world. You are no different. You never even stop to think that maybe what you are seeing isn't people being lured into a lifestyle but rather people always felt a certain way and now feel comfortable enough being themselves. Did YOU like being told by your elders that whatever you were into was wrong/bad/no fun/DESTROYING AMERICA?

>I'm just saying that LGBTQWERTY folks sexualizing children is an actual danger that modern cartoons are trying to normalize

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Like I said above, I was raised in a very liberal household. I've been feeling like an outsider ever since I told my mom that giving my then newborn sister a unisex name instead of a proper girls' name was dumb, and she retaliated by giving my dog away to some black kid because "Sexism is no joke and will not be tolerated in this house." to teach me a lesson. I was 10 at the time. I know I'm right because I've lived through radical leftist madness.

If this isn't bait then you're an actual pedo and you deserve worse than death.

Okay, so you showed your dumb whore leftist radical mom what's what by becoming a dumb whore rightwing extremist user? Far be it from us to think that perhaps there was more insanity going on in your household responsible for your current state and we should all take your single datapoint anecdotal evidence as proof that these barely minute long silly videos are the devil's plaything corrupting modern youth. Or not and shake our heads harder/laugh louder.

Han was always a lovable dumbass and a good shot
Leia was always a warrior princess
And Luke didnt become cool until EPV, in IV he was literally a cute dumb farm boy getting into a world he wasnt ready for.
These shorts just exagerate those traits because its a fucking cartoon. chill out

the meaning isn't lost, luke is fighting like a fucking padawan, the flippy shit is just like Obi against Maul or Anakin against Dooku, and it makes the loss of the arm even more material.

When was the last time you watched Star Wars? Leia was always the concomitant one. Along with Chewie and R2.

Luke is the well meaning farm boy that's in over his head, that grows into the hero. While Han is the lovable rogue, that's there to either look cool or be the comic relief.

Attached: ...and he's retarded.png (1350x933, 1.04M)

And somewhere inside the armor Anakin is thinking, "Maaaybe I choked off Padme's air supply a little too long. Oh god, this is my fault." Several years later he'll make up for it by hurling his terrible boss over an industrial hazard.

>flippy shit
>that frame drop 10 seconds in

I'm not a "rightwing extremist", I'm just making observations. And I love my folks, I'm just saying I know those circles and how they operate because I was surrounded by a sea of actual radical leftist academics while growing up. You're free to subscribe to whichever ideology you want, I'm not here to change your mind. I'm simply saying that the slippery slope is real, which is very apparent once you examine modern society and compare things to the way things used to be just ten or twenty years ago.

If the slippery slope were real you'd be one of them too.

Fuck it, can I just have a complete 2D remake of the original trilogy using the exact same script? Please?

>I'm not a "rightwing extremist"
When you crusade against a 60 second video on youtube you're being pretty damn extremist, yeah. Especially when you don't take in the other videos showing Luke as badass and capable or seemingly in praise of the military industrial Imperial war machine. You have, essentially, become triggered by seeing a moment in a very short video, and as we all know becoming triggered is something only lefties do. You may think you escaped but clearly you did not.

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That what's happening with every other media.

>implying that heterosexual people havent been sexualizing children for ages
really nigger?

Eh having watched both, I prefer the original because Leia brings a dynamic to the group, instead of dominating the scene and making everyone else look like a doofus.
Keep in mind I am an grown ass man, but I did watch that original sequence as a kid and I loved every character in it, while the animated short focus on Leia as the major vector of action while making the silly other characters bask in awe of her.
I can see a kid liking it the scene. It is well animated and fun, but I don't think they would care, i nthat scene in particular, about the secondary characters in it.

Kids fucking love this cool stuff you joyless moron.

Why do you say they hate Luke, and what do they think he represents?

Based on the artwork? He represents bullying the ineffectual girly boy, crossdresser, and/or twink community, which makes it rather hilarious when other anons are pushing that these cartoons normalize the united homosexual-feminist agenda in putting down the strong white male (because this is what Luke was in ANH?).

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>this thread

Han really look like Kylo here.

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Kylo wishes he had that chiseled jawline.

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The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>Today you freak out about drag queens
Drag queens didn't encourage people to self-mutilate. Drag queens were perfectly okay being men who liked to dress up like women, poorly. Comparing a drag queen to a transsexual is comparing a birthday clown to Pennywise. One of them is a fun-loving dude who wants to make people laugh. The other is a murderer.

And pushing the permanent self-harm agenda button to justify freaking out is the same as was done to the emos with self-cutting/suicide and hippies with drugs/premarital sex fucking up lives forever. To pretend that this is super serious this time and that it all hasn't happened before and will continue to happen again in the future is a laugh. Like you don't want your children to be confused into thinking they're gay because they'll catch "The AIDs" without stopping to consider that the societal stigma against being openly homosexual is what was pushing people into quick anonymous and risky sex in the first place

But that isn't really here and now, unless you think these videos are pushing some trans agenda. If you want that, check out a book by Chucky Wendig.

>Luke doing Prequels flips
>But Vader is just standing firm and swinging like a juggernaut
I'm conflicted

>comparing trans women to a fictitious demonic killer clown

This is fascist rhetoric. This is literally how every fascist movement in history has started, you do realize this, right?

>be part of the dominant group
>have a strong sense of identity build around inherent qualities you were born with (your nationality, race, sexual orientation, etc.)
>cry out in fear as the country is becoming too "diverse", due to an imaginary marxist and/or jewish influence
>decide that "we" need to take the country back from "them"
>anyone who disagrees with "us" is secretly one of "them" and can't be trusted

Translation: "You're one of THEM!"

This is what fascism looks like.

Attached: 830_dndcartoon.jpg (319x250, 14K)

Darth Vader is a veteran fighter, he knows that you never bring your A-game when you're fighting a rookie. You play it safe, keep your guard up (beginner's luck IS a thing), try to learn your opponent's body language, and wait for them to tire out before you go on the offensive.

>When you crusade against a 60 second video on youtube you're being pretty damn extremist, yeah.
Jesus Christ, is this what you kids think of as 'extremist' now? A right-wing extremist ties gays to their bumper and gives them a ride home, hangs blacks from trees and bakes Jews into pies. But for some reason this generation is calling someone who says they don't like a video an "extremist". Pampered fucking shits have no fucking idea what came before them.

Or, for that matter, what's coming next.

Buckle up.

here you go, user.

Attached: 'the jews are the real power behind chancellor vallorum'.png (1280x800, 693K)

Freaking out over a short youtube cartoon is ridiculously extreme, yes. Next you'll tell us about the new Night of the Long Knives only this time they're coming for the penis of every heterosexual (and probably white) male.

The buckling up you need is a straightjacket.

Conservatives on the internet be like

>"I'm not an extremist, I don't kill people! But I'll definitely dogwhistle my support for people who do!"

That's no user, that's a princess.

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>Freaking out over a short youtube cartoon is ridiculously extreme, yes.
No. It's entirely mundane. Your generation's overuse of "extremists" and "nazis" make the words meaningless. If you call anyone right of center a nazi nobody is going to believe you when a legit fascist tries to come to power because you've already used up your rhetorical ammo.

Learn the difference between a threat and a warning user. It could save your life one day.

What is it like being this Mad about stuff

Your life must be suffering

Actually your generation freaking out over every little thing like silly youtube videos is trying to make your behavior "normal" because after all you freak out about so much, therefore it is normal to freak out. Calm down, tighten your girdle, and, ironically, grow a pair.

This is Yea Forums(nel). Nobody comes for the sane, rational discourse.


> Your generation's overuse of "extremists" and "nazis" make the words meaningless
This is a common far-right talking point. I see it all the time on /pol/ usually in this format:
>says racist shit
>gets called out for it
>"gee, you're calling me racist AGAIN? :^) that word is starting to lose its meaning :^)"

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You sound like a far-right person.

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Shame these aren't 1080p. I only stole a few from other anons, including filenames.

Attached: [garbled fuck rebel scum noises].jpg (1280x720, 85K)

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How so? I'm used to people calling me a marxist and an SJW, lol


Attached: FOR THE EMPIRE.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

Man these shorts are awesome

New one every Friday, I think. Will we cheer or will we bitch? We're Yea Forums, we'll do both.

Attached: today was a good day - everybody died.png (1280x800, 460K)

They really are. I can't believe a joke about how long it took for luke to unravel the grappling hook caused so much drama.

Attached: lando.png (1095x669, 495K)

These days? I can believe it. We had a guy awhile back complaining about Leia slapping Luke was poisoning the minds of kids. That's like one step away from turning into a new BarneyFag freaking out over the cartoon corruption of innocence.

It wasn't like there wasn't always bitching but I do miss when fun things were mostly fun.

Attached: NOW KISS.jpg (1280x800, 88K)

This thread has now been claimed by the empire!

Fuck the dumb bait OP these shorts are good quality animation and are actually decent

Attached: for-the-empire.png (394x619, 161K)

It's nice and all but Luke just doing flashy acrobatic shit is a bit too tryhard and it reminds me of the prequels.

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Luke was always more stupid than Leia.

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He got to be a child, albeit one who was a bit too whiny at 19. Leia, on the other hand, was groomed to serve her people, and carry the weight not just of an entire world but also secretly the galaxy. She was a card carrying rebel years before their even was an Alliance to Restore the Republic.

>reeeeeeee why is this farm boy out of fucking nowhere not born ready fighter reeeeeeee
watch the originals you idiots

She didn't even slap him! She was pushing him away from the blasters. Incels and Faniacs will find any reason to whine

People are mad, well, claim to be made about 'revisionist history' retconning the glorious Original Trilogy into social justice propaganda. I'm not really convinced they're being serious, but these cartoons definitely aren't meant to replace the OT at all either. I'm enjoying them more than Forces of Destiny, although that had some fun stuff too like Hera making Han admit to the superiority of the Ghost over the Falcon.

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> farmer who grew up in bumfuck nowhere
> smuggler who hasn't read a book in his life
> princess raised with an elite education

That choreography is giving me bad Prequel flashbacks

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>She didn't even slap him!
I know it, you know it, but it don't matter. None a this matters cuz they didn't have the best damn friggin part of da whole picture there, fryman, which was the friggin' making out with his sister part! Grooming kids for incestual experimentation was always the point of Lucas' true vision!

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Because portraying straight white men in a positive light is against the rules these days.

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There's surprisingly less crossover between ATHF and Star Wars than you'd perhaps expect.

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>sexualize children
Oh please. Half this board was whining that the new She-Ra wasn't sexy enough and was 'obviously a boy'.

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...they are produced with the intention to be taken seriously.

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If we're gonna change a few things I'd like to propose this.

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Luke is a positive role model for male youth who needs to find himself and his place in the world.

You're the reason why discussion cannot last by instigating drama with DRUMPF memes.

>What in Tarkination?

All of these revisionist nostalgiafags convincing themselves that:

>>Leia was a fainting wallflower damsel, and not a badass saboteur and markswoman who killed a Harvey Weinstein the size of an elephant with her bare hands
>> Han was a cool badass and not a scummy rogue who flew by the seat of his pants before becoming a btter man
>> Luke was a Shonen swordsman who was instantly skilled and spouting one liners, and not an awkward farmboy who slowly turned into a pacifist vegetarian warrior-monk

I take comfort knowing that someday all this overly social justice content will be seen as cringy the same way we can mock all the conservative family values shit from the 80s.

You wouldn't be insulted if you weren't an incel

The scariest part is how adults are so dumb they believe cartoons for kids do not mentally condition them to think a certain way nor realize how they social engineer them.

what anime is this

That is right, everyone that does not agree with your ideology is an incel right """"roastie""""?

Horseshow theory. The liberal movement of today is already being pushed back by youth. It is actually amazing seeing it happen. Liberal progressiveness is so mainstream that it creating counter-culture. We'll be entering a new conservative movement in another 4-8 years. You see it all the time on the news with """"adults""""calling for doxing 16yo white teenagers and actually attacking them publically. Setting a precedent saying it is okay for adults to act like children throwing tantrums because an orange man is in office. Instead of setting a better example, they became what they hate, and it shows in mainstream media.

I'm never raising my kids on this garbage.

Nope. But every time one we have one of these "Everything I don't like is SJW" threads you people lose your minds the second I drop INCEL.

Says a lot more about you than it does about me

>you people
OBSESSED I can do it to :3

still boggles my mind that leia was able to choke a hutt to death. expanded canon often depict hutts as being absolute units that can perform swole feats when they want to. maybe jabba didn't lift enough.

Hutts are apex predators on their home planet. But Jabba was:

1)High as a kite
2)Fat and old, even for a Hutt
3) An overheated amphibian in the desert on a planet with 2 suns

Attached: gonna rip yo white dick off and add it to my necklace.png (1600x900, 2.34M)

he looks like a friggin battletoad

Are you high? Battletoads WISHED they looked like him!

Luke and Han have always been tools and doofuses. You're just an idiot who needs to cherry pick to hate disney, or an incel, or both.
Have fun being a faggot, go get AIDS AT THE GAY BATH HOUSE

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Luke was a dumb whiny farm boy in A New Hope
Luke was a dumb arrogant whiny bitch in Empire Strikes Back
Luke is composed in Return of the Jedi but walking into Jabba's palace and getting captured after sending all his friends to get captured and his plan for Vader of letting himself get captured does not demonstrate intelligence.

>the thousandst copy paste captain marvel thread

This post would be insightful if it weren't painfully consistent that, whenever possible, the female characters will be depicted as competent, strong, and understanding while the male characters are flanderized to the point of being incompetent NPCs.

Flanderization and caricatures are normal for short little cartoons, but to act like it inoccuously and equally does it to both sides is ignorant at best and deceptive at worst.

>People are mad, well, claim to be made about 'revisionist history' retconning the glorious Original Trilogy into social justice propaganda

Anyone claiming it's "social justice propaganda" is being silly.

It's actually just hack writing, where female characters are predictably more competent in just about every aspect than the male characters, all other things being equal.

It makes for boring, predictable tripe that isn't really interesting or compelling to watch. I like Star Wars, but a lot of the modern cartoons have serious writing flaws which can be boiled down to shitty writers writing shitty characters because they have shitty ideas about how to portray said characters.

Attached: critique.jpg (560x683, 73K)

Good writing seems to be harder to find lately.

yes, the cubicle with the Imperial theme is definitely what you should be looking for as proof for an anti-Luke agenda

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Vader isn't a chump!
Sheev isn't a chump!
Yoda isn't a chump!
Dooku isn't a chump!
Just Luke!

I never said anything about that being out of character for Leia. Here's the entire argument you ignored:

Luke gets flanderized: what a chump
Han gets flanderized: what a selfish jerk!
Leia gets flanderized: what a strong, amazing role model!!

The male characters are specifically flanderized by their worst traits while the female characters are specifically flanderized by their best traits.

Who says she comes off as a role model? She's rude, abrasive, and violent.

Because Disney is social engineering propaganda to feminize and pacify little kids desu

Attached: ....jpg (813x668, 61K)

>Leia is bitchy and humorless, just like the original

wtf are you talking about? Leia was making sarcastic jokes and marvel cape shit style quips back in A New Hope. She was full of humor, in spite of her dire situation and seeing her home planet blown up.

Good writers work for more prestigious people who then counterintuitively demand more meddling. Leaving mediocre writers to flourish.

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>Who says she comes off as a role model?
Women. Leia is inarguably the most popular female Star Wars character because she is considered a strong leader and a role model for female viewers.

>She's rude, abrasive, and violent.
"rude" and "abrasive" mean virtually the same thing. You are reaching really hard to try to find negative qualities to assign to Leia because she has virtually none, even when flanderized (by design).

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Indirectly, they were fairly consistent with her fuck-ups and level of competence across the whole movie series in those, though.

how do you dumb down han he was always a moron

I want to FUCK that Luke.

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It's writing for a youtube exclusive Star Wars Kids channel. It was never going to be Dostoevsky, Barry.

That's a cop-out excuse and you know it. "It's for kids!" is not a blank check to write like a hack. Plenty of family programming and kids shows know how to employ actual writing and not phone it in.

Oh it most assuredly is a proper "excuse" because, you see, it isn't really an excuse if you don't have a problem with these animated shorts. Whether you have such a problem is a matter of opinion and is thus entirely subjective.

You scrap and fret and whine and wring your hands to the sky as much as you want, at the end of the day this is harmless fun that will ultimately be forgotten. But don't worry, it isn't even a kid's show and was never meant to be. It's a brief animated short where you aren't obligated to like it, in whole or in parts. Trying to play this up as some major issue, however, some sign of what is wrong with "our times" is ridiculous and really won't earn you or your sentiments much respect.

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I'd add I do find it amusing that these shorts get more play on Yea Forums than all of Star Wars Resistance. Of course most of the posts come off as disingenuous outrage for trolling purposes.

>"It's for kids!" is not a blank check to write like a hack.

Oh man, I remembered when it was the go-to defense to excuse how shitty that Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon was.

It's been a defense for quite a lot shows, just as calling writers "hacks" is often the go-to for people who just don't like a thing to hurl at people who like the thing. And many others.

Still silly to judge everything equally when they aren't really equal. The funny thing is the Leia video seems to be the focal point, it's certainly the one that keeps coming up. Perhaps it's just a symptom of the current zeitgeist. Now me, I like the thing because it gave us shit like and the Stormies vs Rebs vid.

If my kid ever said the original trilogy was boring I’d smack the living shit out of them. Gotta remind them when they say something retarded.


>they want to twinkify Luke.
Enough. You guys ruined Link already.

For the last time, Luke was already a fucking twink.

>blue eyed
>pretty boy
>hairless smooth skin
>not muscular

Literally a twink.

God clone wars sheep is Kino I’m read Darth plagues and the guy shines as a manipulative sociopath with a power lust

Luckily people like you don't breed, so you don't have to worry about that.

You've completely mischaracterized the argument in an attempt to sound witty so someone will post the screencap to /r/MurderedByWords

You're silly, and your argument is nonexistent.

>crawls back into the thread nearly two hours later
>you're silly!
Oh yeah, that's the way to have a proper discussion. They'll have to take you seriously now that you mentioned the dread specter of the reddits.

user, you never had an argument. You had a hot little opinion you were trying to pawn off as a fact without bothering to back it up. You don't have to like Galaxy of Adventures either as a whole or any single episode. That's fine! Each segment tries to do something different within either the existing story or the setting as a whole, so they're bound to be hit and miss depending on the individual. Maybe indeed these just aren't meant for you. That's always a possibility too. Still if you don't like them here's some good news. The Leia video alone has barely over 250,000 views and over 10,000 dislikes to 6.7 likes. It's hardly steamrolling the Internet.

Here's your (you)

>10,000 dislikes to 6.7 likes
Unsurprising. I normally don't go into the comments but it looks pretty much like this thread, especially in the beginning. Stormtroopers vs Rebels has 12,000 likes and only 121 dislikes. That's not missing a k, btw, only 121 people managed to survive the Empire long enough to hit the dislike button, martyrs to a traitorous cause. The two vids are like night and day.

>triggered by reddit


Attached: gets tremendously upset by trivial things.png (500x372, 220K)

Calm down there, Leia, just ease off your triggered finger!

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Attached: game over.gif (400x300, 375K)

No no, user, don't do it! He was only joking! You have so much to live for! A father who loves y- A kingdom you run so effectiv- There's so many more bugs left for you to eat!

I don't like black people or Jews, and white women seem to be a cancer set upon all men.


Attached: happyworldland1.jpg (638x471, 44K)

Your mind is your greatest weapon. For those of you firing blanks there's Shitpost.exe! Now with Bruised Ego Guard™!

They're mad that everyone hates Rey as the new MC, so instead of making Rey a good character they're retroactively ruining Luke. Anyone can wear the Vader mask but Mark Hamill is the only Luke and he's too old and unhinged to be profitable.

Why lie on the internet?

Attached: Luke vs Vader.png (1300x836, 1.67M)


Yes, and.

Whiny incels shitting up the board. I don't even care about the politics orr whatever. We can have a debate about that.

But incels fuck off to r9k


Attached: skywalkerkiss.gif (600x456, 982K)

But the shorts make no sense to someone that hasn't seen the OT

They don't have to. The market is 6 year olds who haven't seen it and 6 year olds who have. The new kids will see the colorful characters, thrilling action and simple humor and instantly be entranced. They'll want more.

Star Wars always was and always will be heroin for children. They can't get enough of it.

to be honest, i kinda wished they'd have doubled down on it, like Leia just flat-out ditches her 'rescuers' ,steals the falcon, leaves them holding the bag on the death star docking bay,
surrounded by stormtroopers,
Luke (desperate);but we were here to rescue her..
Han (sarcastic):..harsh lesson to learn, kid. but one you'll remember the rest of your life..or the remaining 10 seconds of it.
Chewie (¬¬): ..humph
lightsaber suddenly flies out of Luke's hand..
..into Vader's.
DV(deathly silent, even the breathing sound seems to halt a moment as he studies the weapon)... who are you?

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It's actually kind of sad - the only means these writers can think of to convey a female character as competent and strong is by making all the male characters in the vicinity bumbling morons so she doesn't have to actually compete with them.

This has been a problem with writing strong female that has persisted across all forms of media and speaks to how people really view women as a gender more than anything else. In real life, successful, powerful women compete with men who are their equals and succeed because of their own capabilities. In fiction, they succeed because they're the only ones running the race.

Tell me that a character is strong and independent and can take care of herself without her offending your delicate sensiblities.

Now do it in 40 seconds

This was always the problem with the short. Anyone who hyperbolizes the criticism is being defensive and cant cope.

>user makes a point civilly
>gets a condescending bitchy reply
And you wonder why no one likes you, Yea Forumsmblr.

not even that guy but dont use the word " Yea Forumsmblr", its abit cringy

>>Asks for civility and gentleness
>>On fucking Yea Forums

This ain't your safespace sweety. Go cry about it somewhere else.

Attached: h.jpg (800x568, 100K)

You're not fooling anyone, pink-haired dyke.
Now proceed with crying about people not liking Leia being turned into a generic TUFF BITCH.

mate shut the fuck up you cringy little retard
youre a fucking embarrassment to this board, and this board is full of queers.

Lmao fite me irl fag

I see, "that time of the month" huh?

i fear we are too far apart for an actual scrap my freind but id enjoy it if we did
my cock doesnt bleed my mate

>>Boohoo the 1 of 2 girls in the original trilogy is getting some extra focus because Carrie Fisher died! She's making mean faces and making all of two characters look incompetent for the sake of comedy in a 40 second commercial on Youtube!
>>Society is collasping and they're rewriting Star Wars around girls become Leia was always just eye candy and never did anything useful like lead the Rebellion or strangle a 3000 pound slug!
>>The idea of treating Leia as an inherently strong feminine character that subverted expectations is a farce!
>>Its all a big conspiracy! Anyone who defends these shorts are bluepilled Tumblr whales! Gamers rise up!

Both of you are underaged. Get off your phones and study. Class starts soon

Being that anal-ravaged is unhealthy.


what has fucking happened to this board

How many times did you get held back? God American schools suck

arnt they just id have loved to experience one, jsut to see how much they butchered my language since they spell colour like "color"

Looks like you don't need any help butchering your language

Whatever you may think about the quality of his writing, Joss Whedon does a good job of writing strong female characters and strong male characters in the same setting without making either seem incompetent or lesser. He keeps his female characters on the same footing as their male equivalents and rarely falls into the trope of "lol silly boys watch and learn"

I fucking WISH American schools still held kids back.

>Joss Whedon does a good job of writing strong female characters
Stopped reading right there.

youre a sour young man arent you? i advise you talk to real people IRL. theres no reason for you to be so malicious. i also only spelled "arent" wrong and misplaced a letter in "just" youre literally nitpicking my comment

does joss whedon do good writing ?

Really? Because if so, you missed the crux of my entire point and only fixated on the fact that my opinion is different to yours like a child.

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Rarely, but he knows how not to write the generic strong female character accompanied by her male sidekicks.

Attached: corinthiansmile.png (545x561, 567K)

Not my fault your opinion is utterly idiotic.

its just the first time ive ever read someone say that desu, ive always thought he was appalling at doing a character decently

You also forgot the apostrophe in "I'd" in addition to leaving it undercase.

In your new comment you forgot the apostrophe in "you're." Twice. You also forgot to capitalize your "I's" and you're misusing "literally." I'm not picking lice out of your comment so I'm not "literally nitpicking."

Nor is it your fault that you lack the cognitive skills to have an objective debate without turning into a sniveling schoolyard bully.

Honestly, the guy's not the best writer and he has a very formulaic approach. My only point is that if he has one strength it's knowing how to write a strong female character without negging the male characters around her.

because progress now doesn't mean building someone up on there own merits, it means tearing others down to make yourself look good

>Oh yeah? Give me an opinion so I can tell you it's shit, thereby winning the argument in my mind
this is how you can tell someone doesn't actually have a point

Can't have an "objective debate" when talking to an idiot like you.

youre a sad cunt mate, get a grip im not fucking adding every dot to the i's and crossing the tees to reply on Yea Forums. this isnt a fucking job application

I'm sorry, I'm not really familiar with how to debate stupid people. Is this the part where I call you a name instead of actually proposing a salient point?

im really tempted to say something about black widow just to be a smart arse but i get your point

Wait, you're serious? Whedon is awful at women. They're always either quirky waifubait or ultracompetent Amazons. No middle ground.

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I mean, honestly, apart from the Loki scene I don't recall many times where Black Widow was made to look good by making male characters into stooges. She wasn't conveyed to be stronger than any of the other Avengers, but she had her own competences which Whedon made sure to highlight.

Want to know how that's achieved? All his characters are the exact same and all have the exact same voice.
Except for villains who are supposed to be made fun of and be total losers and idiots who fight against cool and hip kids.

oh no i meant that she is completely underpowered by the men around her
gods and the hulk etc.

Again, I make no comments on the actual quality of his writing. I'm just saying that, in this particular area, he's an example of someone who doesn't often fall into the "hypercompetent female, incompetent male" trope. He's just the first writer who popped into my head.

Underpowered, sure. Vulnerable, yeah. But never incompetent or bumbling.

unironically a lot of my college-age kids grew up with the prequels and love them to death. Their favorites are Obi Wan, Anakin, etc.

Forgot to capitalize and apostrophe "youre." Need a sentence break after "grip." You forgot to capitalize "this" and you need a period at the end of your statement.

i like you

Attached: getaloadofthisgoy.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Incompetent male, hypercompetent female is just comedy mate. Old comedy. Goes back to Finn MacCool and his wife. It's a further contrast between two already disparate characters for the sake of narrative. Not everything is political.

i wasnt trying to knock youre comment i agree with you desu but i was surprised to see that you said what you did

Godamnit, user, that's it! I has been thinking for a while: "What the heck is wrong with this guy's face?"
I think you nailed it...this dude lacks a propper JAW LINE. I guess its the big mouth and nose that makes his lower face features look smaller. they even changed it in some of the special figurines.

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I'm not politicising anything. Even my original point never implied anything political. My argument was that it would actually be more productive and conducive to portraying female characters as competent and strong if they veered away from that trope.

I'm guessing you've never taken a step inside the Harry Potter fandom. Casual.

You know that AIDS is rising in many countries because of the increased homosexual agenda.

They're SJWs. Of course everything outside of their cotton-styrofoam safe space is "extremist" to them.

>Your generation's overuse of "extremists" and "nazis" make the words meaningless

This works out for us because now the words actually don't mean squat. And they've lost a few verbal weapons. And they have no idea.


In my job, I'm dealing with college kids who get freaking anxiety attacks (and one who actually got an excuse letter from the fucking infirmary) about a freaking 5-point quiz for a minor class. Children are really really soft now.

>homosexual agenda
their increasing because religious black people dont want to use a condom you dumb nigger

Did the guy that made the video forget that Leila was bitching Han and Luke out yet the cartoon didn’t have that? It says she didn’t get enraged during the prison scene but all her bitching them out and barking orders at them was her being enraged at their ineptitude.

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people complaining about the Leia clip for changing what actually happen, while also jerking off to this shit, is really telling of their biases

They cut the “all too easy” part.

its just funny to picture Han and Chewie out in space suits ,putting a big grate or something over that vent while Luke learns of his *true* origins

Guess the incels came out of the woodwoR9K to complain about Star Wars

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Take note everyone, this is legitimate retardation at work.

I’m not reading this shitshow of a thread but I distinctly remember Leia emasculating both men in the first movie when they were escaping the Death Star. She’s always been a badass and arguably the smartest of the trio.

Here's your you

>Incompetent male, hypercompetent female is just comedy mate

Just because it *can* be comedy doesn't mean it is *only* used for comedy. Shitty writers use it as an extremely transparent soapbox "girl power!!" message in plenty of modern works. Dismissing any criticism of this hacky writing trend as "lol it's just comedy bro" is silly.

God damnit I like this.

Now this is stupidity at its finest. You do realize that the fucking emo/hippy shit do actively harm the people and society around them right? You do realize that people are glad that those retardation are gone right? You do realize that nothing is wrong by calling and killing those shitty behaviour right? Oh what am I talking about, you're a retarded zoomer who doesn't even learn history so continue on being retarded I guess.

I hope they make a Kenobi one

You do realize there is plenty that harms people and society, right? This is not safe world. Very few activities can't lead to serious harm under the right, or rather wrong, circumstances. And yet people and society survive. Every generation has its bullshit that the previous generation freaks out about, and yet life goes on. If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.

Why the fuck their hair and eyes colors are different if they are twins?

I don't know, user, why are their balls different?

It was getting very nasty in Russia for awhile because they weren't bothering to teach safe sex practice. That was years ago and from a cursory google search it's only gotten worse. I don't think anyone would swear Russia is party to any vast homosexual agenda. Just ask Pussy Riot.

This is true. Leia's balls have always been bigger than Luke's and that's just the way Han likes it.

God, what a fucking joke. Sure the animation is nice but I agree with the others saying it robs the scene of a lot of the meaning

What would you say is the essential meaning? No attempt to freeze Luke? Well they couldn't exactly show the context of carbonite in a short video like this. Not cutting off Luke's hand? Apparently they are quite limited in the degree of violence they can show as they also removed hand removal from the Dooku video. The bit about being Luke's father? Did you really want them to spoil that in a youtube video? So what's left? Not enough trolling Luke by hitting him with debris?


>I'm used to people calling me a marxist and an SJW, lol
Not surprised at all lol

>Leia was making sarcastic jokes and marvel cape shit style quips back in A New Hope.

Correct. And the manchild you're replying to was offended by it at the time.

Basic problem: men as brawn, women as brains is a trope as old as 1950s TV.
Men didn't care until Gamergate.
Now it is being presented to them as a conspiracy by people with a vested interest in knocking women out of the workforce.
If I can see this as a thirtysomething dude, I'm amazed more people can't.

>Luke and Han have always been tools and doofuses.
Which is why they got out of Star Destroyer and destroyed it right? Fucking leftard who doesn't even watch movies.

Both of you are retarded to the core as shown by the fact that you cannot post even one fucking example of her being funny or even attempt a joke.

Now post the one with him and Leia you absolute troglodyte

It's loaded with bait threads because Cernovich, Posobiec, Anglin/Stormer and their roomfuls of trolls like it that way.

You know what's best in threads like these? The absolute dumbfucks like you who insist on calling everybody an incel and banning them, yet you can't ban a single opinion here.

TF? Here, have major movie magazine tallying them up.

I seem to recall Leia always being the more competent of the three, at least in the first to movies before Luke matured into a Jedi.

That list sucks. They don't even have the "laser brain" quote! It's her best material!

They're just cute little cartoons, relax.

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>mu-muh alt-right is sewious!
The utter state of this retard

Now you continue even more with your stupidity. The fact that harmful shit exist means we should just ignore it and live with it? What in retard dimension do you come from. Your entire logic can easily be destroyed with only one word: rape

That shit have been around since the dawn of man and you don't see anyone actively trying to encourage that.

>Very few activities can't lead to serious harm under the right, or rather wrong, circumstances.
Cutting and changing your vital organs is not serious harm? Lol no wonder you're a progressive retard.

>If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.
kek, the utter state of this board. Keep replying though, its cute to see how much of a dumbfuck you are.

You're literally proving my point here m8. Where's the bloody joke?

Leia was the most competent from the time she got rescued up until Luke and Han shoot down the TIE fighters while escaping the death star. Then she just becomes a sideline cheerleader for the rest of her arc.

Why are the defenders so butthurt Yea Forumsmrades?

You really aren't getting this, boyo. It's ALL harmful. The culture, the counter-culture. It never ends well. You get a lot of people dragged behind trucks, you get a ballooned AIDS epidemic.

Your logic stumbles and falls on its own ass with a single word: rape. What part does rape have to do with the emo crowd? Or the hippies? Oh there are surely individual instances within those populations, just as there are within any sizable groups, but unless rape is a part of their culture, you know, a rape culture, then all you're doing is trying to distract. And worse you don't even understand the flaws in your own point:

>and you don't see anyone actively trying to encourage that.
There have indeed been groups who encourage rape. Some say a lack of enforcement encourages it. That liberal bastion known as Hollywood actively turning a blind eye to it for decades, for instance.

>Cutting and changing your vital organs is not serious harm?
You don't like that? Fine, try to make a law prohibiting such surgical alterations during formative years when a person has a reasonable chance of being confused. Allow them to find out who they are before they seek to drastically edit what they were born with. But that doesn't mean that such people don't exist, thus it never gets to the root of the issue.

>kek, the utter state of this board. Keep replying though, its cute to see how much of a dumbfuck you are.
I enjoy seeing you flail around trying to create something approaching a cogent response, so at least we're both getting something out of this.

Maybe he's never heard of the casting couch? Or maybe he thinks it's prostitution?

Why are the detractors so assblasted by a single video out of 17? 16 if you don't want to count the trailer.

It's a Rashomon

>You really aren't getting this, boyo. It's ALL harmful.
Ah yes, trying to ban a D&D game is EXACTLY the same as encouraging childrens to mutilate their own genitals and brainwashing them to be the other sex when obviously their not. The fact that you can't make a proper comparison nor have the mental capacity to even think of the repercussion of certain social strata means that you're an absolute retard to the core.

>Your logic stumbles and falls on its own ass with a single word: rape. What part does rape have to do with the emo crowd? Or the hippies?
Jesus Christ, now we've reached a point where your stupidity is at its finest where you can't even see a simple fucking hyperbolic. Here's the part of the argument where you don't want to address. Where is the emo scene with their harmful suicidal tendency now? Where's the hippy scene with their utterly shitty drug habits now? Dead because society don't want those harmful shit to be present. Same as the LGBTQIASD you're seeing now. Why are you bitching about people being against this harmful shit when you know its an inevitable cycle?

>but unless rape is a part of their culture, you know, a rape culture, then all you're doing is trying to distract.
In the west? There is no such thing as rape culture you retarded SJW. The fact that you can't even give a proper example or fuck even define it shows the truth of the matter.The only thing close to rape culture is ironically the black ghetto culture, some Islamic gangs in Europe and of course the upper liberal Hollywood class. All of liberal's darling to be exact.

>Fine, try to make a law prohibiting such surgical alterations during formative years when a person has a reasonable chance of being confused.
Why the fuck do you think that right-wing conservative parties and people are rising? Trump tranny ban was a godsend and a step in the right direction but not enough yet.

>I enjoy seeing you flail around

>Why are the detractors so assblasted by a single video out of 17?
Hurr durr how do people like 1 movie out of 10(Hellraiser)

I know defender are eternally buttblasted by people disliking a cartoon in an obscure Indonesian gong knocking forum but don't be autistic.

OK, aside from Luke not being able to do all this acrobatic shit and Vader using the force strategically and to good effect instead of just spamming it, making the few force jumps and the use of the force impressive and enjoyable in the original. What I hate is the sheer force he puts into his swing even when not swinging at a saber. This shit cuts trough everything. It's a fucking torch. Why in the fuck are you swinging it not even like a sword, but as a fucking baseball bat?

Don't these dumb fucks realize that realism doesn't make a fight dull, it heightens the suspense. In the same way all this busy jumping around makes you feel like you're watching two grown men fight with Nerf products.

Still dragging those goal posts around, but sure this has been covered. The Satanic Panic over D&D was actually worse than genital mutilation, it was a threat to the immortal soul of these poor children. You don't think the self-mutilation of emos was considered bad? The SUICIDE? The damage of prolonged excessive drug use or the unwanted pregnancies from the free love movement that fucked up lives and futures, if you follow the worst of it. You don't realize you're doing exactly the same thing as the moral crusaders of the past. You're taking a worst case scenario (since not every crossdresser or child who feels they were born the wrong sex will or even could opt for expensive hormonal therapy and reassignment surgery). But no, you think society self-corrected all of those and didn't even consider that these cultural movements tend to be fads and like all fads they tend to fade. Oh, never go away completely. Disco never fully dies, now does it? So why are YOU bitching about this when you apparently agree that it's a cycle that will work itself out?

You can find examples of so-called rape culture. Easier to find elements of society that have encouraged it. "Boys will be boys" and "sowing their wild oats" to the acceptance of rape in prison as just part of the moral price criminals should pay as opposed to extra-judicial harm that should heavily discouraged.

Your tired insults and ridiculous assumptions are cute, but you've moved so far from the supposed culprit, a less than minute long video where Princess Leia is shown as more effective than her male compatriots, which oddly enough she was when she took over her own rescue in the film. Now you want to drag Trump's transgender military ban as some salvation that will, what, save us from another Steven Universe? You're doing better to prove you're delusional than I ever could.

This is humous given becoming completely fudgepacked by a single video on youtube is pretty much autism incarnate. Not even the exaggerated Yea Forums brand of autism but the kind that leads people into starting a Barneyfag style crusade.

>The Satanic Panic over D&D was actually worse than genital mutilation, it was a threat to the immortal soul of these poor children.
I'm sorry, what? Are you suggesting D&D actually made people evil? This discussion is getting confusing.

How are you not even aware of the Chick Tracts? That shit was gold.

Attached: tRfDrTP.gif (468x240, 34K)

He's more the sad crusader version. The kind that would have flipped his shit about The Gays damning their souls, corrupting the youth, spreading disease. Somehow that "cycle" never played out and it was the cultural warriors who mostly failed and died off, at least until The Gays came for marriage rights, and how dare they. Don't worry, there is a solution to this as well.

I love how the font makes these look like edits.

Attached: mike pence v the homosexual agenda.jpg (960x540, 161K)

Ask /tg/.

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>I love how the font makes these look like edits.

Attached: D&D will turn you into a sith lord.jpg (299x193, 45K)

I'm well aware, I was playing D&D during the scare and had some interesting interactions due to it. There is a difference between the actual panic and the reality.

I'm say I can't tell if that poster was really saying "D&D turning people evil was a greater evil than genital mutilation" or was being sarcastic or something.

Man, so that is where I caught my case of Suicide from. Damn you D&D!

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure the same religious nuts who flipped out over D&D also believe trans people are the tools of Satan too, so their "immortal souls" are equally in jeopardy. And why not? Bodily resurrection in Heaven meaning Jesus will personally restore your genitals before kicking your ass into The Nine Hells where the tanar'ri will feast on your pain for all eternity.

As far off topic as the thread became I'm surprised nobody brought up Wicca.

And the retarded progressive finally reveal herself to be the incarnate of stupidity and hypocrisy that she really is.

>You're taking a worst case scenario
Its not, for them it really is the best case scenario and this time the conservative are definitely in the right when they tell people that modern media are advertising and propagating such harmful ideas and actions to the masses in an attempt to normalize it.

>So why are YOU bitching about this when you apparently agree that it's a cycle that will work itself out?
Why do leftard can't argue for shit and have to steal everything to make a point? Hey retard, I was pointing out that your argument doesn't make a lick of sense when you bitch about fad and trendy shit being a cycle and we should just ignore it and let it go when all of the example you've just posted contain people actively trying to fight against those harmful behavior and the current LGBTQIA problem is no different. There is literally nothing wrong with people pointing out and reducing these problems.

>You can find examples of so-called rape culture. Easier to find elements of society that have encouraged it. "Boys will be boys" and "sowing their wild oats"
MashaAllah does the retard train known as progressiveness knows no bound? How the fuck do "boys will be boys" a fucking rape culture you imbecile?
>to the acceptance of rape in prison
Ironic since prison rape are mostly committed by fags which are the root of the problem. Again there's literally nothing wrong with pointing this out and trying to reduce it. Cull the fags, cull the rape statistics in prison.

>Your tired insults and ridiculous assumptions are cute, but you've moved so far from the supposed culprit
And as you've realized, we have far past the point of that shitty advert in the first place but your point is moot since you're going to continue flailing around and reply to me YET AGAIN.

>Now you want to drag Trump's transgender military ban
It makes you butthurt though

When in doubt just keep claiming the other side is a progressive libtard all while defending your excessive spaz attack over a goofy video barely anyone has even seen? This is coming off as a false flag, especially bringing Trump up out of nowhere. You're acting like a foaming at the mouth caricature of a conservative, which comes off as highly disingenuous.

>When in doubt just keep claiming the other side is a progressive libtard
The irony here is too great you can literally make a shirt straight by just touching it

Because this is a cartoon for 4 year olds on YouTube on a channel called...”STAR WARS KIDS.”

It’s a one minute and thirty second short to show Leia as a bad-ass.

If this 90 second infant cartoon ruined Star Wars for you maybe you should realize this show might not be for you.

Again, “Star Wars Kids”.

I mean when Rufio is narrating what’s happening to the audience in the most childish voice ever you should realize this show isn’t for you.

Ah, here's your problem. Freedom of Speech gives you the right to criticize, but it neither comes with an obligation for society to realign itself to your worldviews nor does it leave you free from being mocked for soiling your trousers over a cartoon. It's not really clear why you keep dragging trans-rights into this thread given the video in question appears to have nothing to do with trans-rights, unless you're offended by them drawing Luke too girly? Is that what's bugging you? Did you see that thread from a few days ago? Man I bet that messed you up.

The point is that Luke is not ready for his fight with Vader. In all aspects. In the clip he's fighting as well as Yoda or Anakin ever did with the highly acrobatic moves and techniques. Vader just beats him because he is Vader, and he has to win in this scene, not because he's keeping up with anime Luke. Even in Jedi, Luke only beats Vader through sheer rage, he fucking hides for most of the fight. Another problem is pacing and how it affects the tone of the scene. In the movie, the fight is almost glacial. They begin the fight barely attacking the other and we get the feeling like any wrong move on Luke's part could mean his end. The scene actually gets scary when we don't know where Vader is and we jump with Luke at every hiss of steam or groaning of machinery. It's less of a scene from an action movie and more a horror scene. The protagonist is not duelling a bad guy, but trying to survive against a monster. In the end our fears are confirmed that Vader was just fucking with Luke and he cuts off his hand with a riposte. In this animated fight we lose all tension in the scene. Luke is flipping around like a ninja and we get the feeling that he is Vaders equal, hell it actually looks like he has Vader on the ropes in the beginning. The fight itself is a story with something to communicate to the audience and the meaning is lost even though the why it began and how it ended was the same.

So you are a progressive libtard pretending to be a foaming at the mouth conservative? At least you're being honest now. False flagging isn't a game, user. People have gotten hurt over false flags.

I'm not exactly getting a sense that Luke is ready in this either. He doesn't do too bad at first, but then he didn't in the movie either, surprising Vader. "Impressive. Most impressive." Then he starts trashing Luke. The video certainly showed him being knocked through the window and he's bruised and battered.

This is odd. People hate the Leia video because it makes Luke too weak and ineffectual. You hate the vs Vader video because it makes Luke too effective. Still I don't see that last one. Luke is showier than in the film, more Prequel Era effects (though I suppose we did see Yoda teaching Luke spinning flips on Dagobah). What they weren't going to show was the end of the fight when Luke is finally defeated. It's too gory and leads to too many spoilers. One could argue that without those elements, however, showing Luke too overmatched wouldn't come off right either outside the greater context. It would just make him look pathetic to the younger audience and they wouldn't see him as heroic or worth cheering on.

Vader easily blocks every single one of Luke's frenzied attacks though. You're right he's way more acrobatic in this, but that's just a liberty they took in cartooning, when Luke WAS stunting with a frontflip in the original

Leia literally punched through Luke's Stormtrooper armor and emasculated him. Just ripped his pecker off in front of the children, making him Luka Skywalker.

>Ah, here's your problem.
>Freedom of Speech gives you the right to criticize
Jesus Christ you love projecting your flaws onto your opponent do you? Not once did I bring up Freedom of Speech or its upside and downsides. The tranny shit is just an example of how flawed and dangerous the movement is, nothing more. Its meant to be a rebuttal to your retarded logic that we should just ignore it just because its a trend. We've all agreed that the Leia cartoon is just pure shit meant to show the stronk wymyn trope by leftard people who love to deconstruct shit half-assedly, so why bring it up?

Yet you kept talking about how you should be allowed to complain. Was that not talking about your freedom of speech? Also where exactly is this projection of flaws? Also you're still convinced that the Leia video is part of a trans conspiracy? And when did everyone agree to anything regarding the Leia cartoon?

This is why people think you're false flagging. You just keep rambling away while constantly sabotaging the very thing you claim to be supporting.

They're just messing with the original stories the scenes are telling in general. Luke was way too competent against Darth Vader for the sake of flashiness the shorts.

Yeah but kids don't want to watch a movie from the 80s

I love how in the one video the Luke immediately gets the saber on Tatooine and starts doing super flips and twirls. In the movie his first act was looking down the barrel.

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Well, it's not like looking down the barrel of a gun is always bad or stupid. You just have to remove the magazine and check the chamber first. In the case of a light saber I would guess removing the power cell and checking for residual energy would be the procedure. But yeah, Obi Wan basically gave a kid a loaded gun.

You bite your tongue! This isn't as random or clumsy as a blaster, it's an elegant weapon for a more civilized age!

There should be a What If? where Luke poked out his own eye, suffered extreme brain damage, so instead of heading to Alderaan they had to take him to a hospital where he was rebuilt similar to Lord Nyax, Palpatine's retarded cyborg son with lightsaber knees.

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What exactly does Luke "represent?" Characters with depth? Male role models? A man who didn't need a love interest?

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>Yet you kept talking about how you should be allowed to complain.
What the fuck are you talking about you utter retard? I've made no claim about my or your own capability to say anything, this is an imageboard and people can say whatever the fuck they want and reply to whoever the fuck they need.

>Also where exactly is this projection of flaws?
You accusing me of bringing off-topic shit when there's buttload of people including you yourself doing the exact same shit

>Also you're still convinced that the Leia video is part of a trans conspiracy?
The fuck? I didn't claim that shitty Leia cartoon ad was a trans conspiracy, it was just another feniminist tripe which predictably been made all the time. My anti-tranny comment is just a response to your shitty logic.

>This is why people think you're false flagging. You just keep rambling away while constantly sabotaging the very thing you claim to be supporting.
Oh how ironic coming from someone who literally said that evil D&D is worse than genital mutilation.

>stop being critical of something written by adults for kids!

I wouldn't be critical if the "Starr Wars Kids" stuff was actually made BY kids, but it's made by adults, and they aren't absolved of lame writing choices just because it's "for kids".

So you're just being butthurt and off-topic, but everyone else is doing it so it's okay? If the trans community jumped off a cliff would you follow them out of spite?

It's not what one user claims, it's what the actual Satanic Panic movement claimed. You really should look it up. It went far beyond just Dungeons and Dragons, for one. Pretty sure they're against trans people too and probably see it as part of the same problem, but typically yes the religious right views physical harm as secondary to spiritual harm. The body is transient. The soul is forever.

He is so insanely cute.

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students please look and watch. This is what someone attempting spook you looks like. Watch as this user waves the spook about to make you feel uncomfortable.

see the spook

That's not an user, or were you talking about yourself as waving the spook about?

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>literally no one cares about this shitty cartoon
>shills larp as offended incels
Even when libshits go to Yea Forums, they figure out how to make their own echo chambers LMAO

Why make it echo with the sounds of their supposed enemy, though?

I do agree that the horror movie aspect I like more in the original, but I'm not sure that would fly on a kids channel. Or at least, I don't think the writers and boarders were smart enough to condense the scene into a clip that could keep kids in that tense mood up to the point where Vader finally chops off Luke's hand. Kids do like being scared, but their parents, not so much.

I'm almost sure it'd be made into a jumpscare and any vigilant parents who actually watch what their kids view would get uppity about it. Playing it as an action scene keeps it safe for them, especially since they cut off the amputation at the end.

Kids are very impressionable. Minds are still developing. One thing can change them forever.

*blocks your path*

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Mwa-ha-ha, cough cough, another lightsaber for Grakkus' collection!

Don't worry, he got thrown in Imperial jail where he became as fat and lazy as all the other Hutts. I mean they offer a free weight room, but no, use your criminal connections to get an extra slice of toad pizza in the lunchroom and all the spice you can fit down your massive nose slits.

>Whoa, look at that

>dumb cartoon makes exaggerations for goofiness
>Luke is only dumber because of hijinks
>Leia is only angrier because of hijinks
>Han is just shaken up because of hijinks

You know, if you want to call out the "Star Wars was ruined" argument, that happened back in 1999 when Episode 1 came out.

I would say you still have the original trilogy but George Lucas took that away for the Special editions. Might have to go tracking down the De-Special editions (save for the Palpatine rerecording in Empire, that stays)

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I find Han's reaction pretty much in keeping with the movie. Not sure if he's starting to like her or wants to kill her, but damn sure he's sporting a boner after she took Luke's gun and shot some dudes in the face. This just sets the pace for their entire relationship, sadly extending all the way to the Sequels since apparently there was barely any personal growth in 30 years.

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Can't see them suns without this popping into my head

Here you go:


Han Solo's showcase video enveloped Leia's, so the stronk wymynoid has her introduction vid swallowed by a tribute to a big strong white male.

I guess this is Disney filling their libtard echo chamber with conservative larping or...whatever? I'm not even sure which side is trolling which anymore.

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Why is Nien Nunb dressed as a sherpa?

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None of this is new footage (that I'm aware of) but it's still a nice excuse for some more screen grabs.

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Check out Asian Leia.

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You say that as if doing so was wrong. Disney SW and TLJ not only legitimately deserves all the hate they get, they actually deserve much, much more.

Attached: hanime solo.png (1280x800, 632K)

They can force jump and shit

Kathleen K Kennedy and Ruin Johnson aren't going to have sex with you, user.

Attached: objects in screen are angrier than they appear.png (1280x800, 563K)

You can't possibly know that.

Attached: rambo organa.png (1280x800, 710K)

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It's funny how Disney is literally incapable of doing wrong to some folks.

>Just see what they did to him in TLJ.
Added more depth to his character?

Attached: smack 2.png (1280x800, 592K)

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Nice strawman. Don't you have to go suck your wife's boyfriend's dick?

Don't worry, Luke survives this senseless brutality.

Attached: smack 4.png (1280x800, 584K)

No, the scary part is how they inflate this effect to crazy proportions, but ignore much more influential factors such as aspects of home and school life. A kid can watch or read whatever and he'll grow up fine, just 20 years ago movies like Robocop, Rambo, Aliens and Predator were the most popular topics on primary and middle school playgrounds and that generation grew up fine. I'm sure the generation after that, and the ones now are also watching shit they shouldn't to no negative effect. But if a child is mistreated or ignored in school or at home, it could really fuck him up. But that takes actual hard work to notice and prevent, so of course your usual shit-tier parent or educator would rather just blame comics, cartoons and movies and ban them with a snap of their fingers.

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>Resistance is fairly simple and aimed at a much dumber audience.


I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear all that. Could you repeat that, but this time take the Mouse's dick out of your mouth?

It's a joke in a clearly intended parody.

That's not what's happening here.

a new hope luke is literally a redneck and leia was the smart one back then. luke had a bit of coming of age story through the trilogy

muh dik

your post makes a lot of sense

i honestly no longer remember the last time it wasn't. 2014?

Attached: 11207-10-356088c82a6a4de5b0f2826caed37e0b-morganyon.jpg (3500x1557, 3.63M)

>That is literally the whole point for all of these shorts

I'm afraid I'm going to have to require you to give me actual documented evidence to support your claim. Exactly WHO associated with the production has made a formal statement explicity stating in no uncertain terms that these animations are in fact produced with a deliberate intention to parody. I'm going to need a name and the interview or social media post this was detailed in.

Go on. I'll wait. Put up or shut up.

The lengths some shills will go to to defend The Mouse.

Attached: - Leisure Suit Larry 01.jpg (331x521, 43K)

How fortunate for you that you can hide behind anonymity rather than say that to my face.

Most fortunate for you indeed. You'll be the one needing a safe space.

Literally one of the most iconic jokes of the original movie is Han and Luke panicking about the Stormtroopers pushing down the hallway, and Leia just shoots the vent and jumps in. This has always been a thing.

>not liking the Empire vid
Geez, Larry, I didn't know they made you a flaming la la homo man in your newest game.

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>because some day someone will take up a moral campaign and feel they are better, more righteous and more correct than YOU

They would be wrong in that regard.

maybe she was tapping into force choke

>lightsaber knees
has got to be one of the dumbest things
if you're close enough to KNEE a man, and you're covered in lightsabers already, there's no reason TO kneesaber him

I always figure she lucked out and that was Jabba's top snuff fetish. It wasn't so much the choking as he creamed himself to death.

Then again maybe there's no such thing as luck after all.

Look at this man who has never known the searing pain of a lightsaber to the groin! Point at him and laugh!

Seriously, what part of the Sith lead to some freaky deaky shit did you not get at the opera?

Because they want to send this delusion that women are superior to men

>discord tranny

Kill yourself

What do you MEAN "And?"?

"AND" that's BAD sexuality children is objectively BAD. Right and wrong is absolute.

The "slippery slope" is VERY real.

Then invest your money in a good pair of cleats.

Just because you're willing to take everything given to you with the "Star Wars" label on it without question, doesn't mean those of us who genuinely love Star Wars and hate seeing it being degraded for LCD cretins like you have to.


Okay, you're a pedophile who thinks sexualizing children is okay. Thanks for clearing that up

This is what degeneracy and weak moral fibre looks like.

Just because you bitch and moan and scrap and fret over a damn youtube video doesn't mean we won't laugh at you even harder. Seriously, are you that hard up for a worthwhile cause?

I'd like to buckle your face.

Seriously. Where the fuck was during the Aphra storytime?

Well, maybe one day you'll actually give a damn about something that's important to you, and then you'll understand.

So you're just riding out the last few posts to autosage with as much shitposting as you can cram in?

Attached: there's a wire in my brain that simulates sexual pleasure when i shitpost - that's all i h (1200x1600, 182K)

>This is a common far-right talking point.

And it's a valid one. A very valid one.

The better question is why are star wars fans ok with the franchise being so zombie that they'll accept remaking the movies as a cartoon at all.

I bet you anything by tomorrow he'll have remade nearly this exact same thread to do it all over again. This is about the twelfth thread on this same subject and it's only been roughly two weeks since that video was released.

These aren't remakes. That's why people are complaining. Please do try to keep up, this isn't complicated.

>People are mad, well, claim to be made about 'revisionist history' retconning the glorious Original Trilogy into social justice propaganda.

It's a legitimate thing to be concerned with. Because that's exactly the very thing that is happening.

If you aren't seeing the problem with it, then you're part of the problem

This is hardly replacing the movies, thus it isn't a retcon. You do know what a retcon is and how it works, right? Because if you don't you're part of the problem. Because you flip out over every single goddamn thing Disney we can't get anyone to take ANY of the criticism seriously. They claim there is a concerted troll campaign and then low and behold you show up dribbling all over a youtube clip barely anybody has seen.

YOU are why we cannot have nice things. It's even worse if you think you're justified in what you've done.

>>I disaggree with them so obviously something must be very,very wrong with them. I can't possibly ever be wrong so the problem clearly lies with them.

Exactly what they want you to think.

>that happened back in 1999 when Episode 1 came out.

Except it didn't

First they came for muh EU. Then they came for muh Sequels. Then they came for muh manly heroic idol Luke. Then they came for muh youtube shorts. Now they're coming FOR ALL OF US.

You ever think maybe you take this persecution complex a bit too far and it's become just a tad silly?

Okay, Tipper.

Well, that brings back some memories...

hopefully we get more non movie stuff with those animated shorts. Would love to see Revan or Captain Rex and the Commandos

Again, show me the specific statement from someone involved in the production where it is stated in no uncertain terms that the purpose of these shorts IS a parody.

I'm still waiting.

That's not a rebuttal or any indica to the contrary.

No. I'm making a statement of sincere intent. I genuinely want to buckle his/her/your face in.

Modern Feminism: "It is not enough that we succeed. Our enemies must also fail."

How did an entire fucking animation team of people who did not even remotely "get" Star Wars get handed this product? I've met six year olds who understood Luke's character than these actual adults appear to have.

I don't think I'm justified. I know for a fact I am. I'm the good guy here.

Just because you'll take everything The Mouse shits into your mouth with the Star Wars and beg for more doesn't mean we can't give a damn for 40 years of the gfreatest sci-fi legacy pop culture has ever known or will ever know.

YOU are why we can't have nice things. Because your corporate overlords at the largest hive of scum and villainy know that their are sheeple like you who accept 3rd best. And the funny thing is that no matter how much you suck The Mouse's dick, they won't hesitate to throw you under the bus if they felt it would suit their standards. The Mouse has no loyalty towards you no matter how much you defend it. And that's the truly tragic part of all of this.

It's not a complex when it's real.

Maybe one day something you really and truly care about gets ruined. Then maybe you'll develop a bit of empathy for other, rather than trying to trivialize their very real, very valid concerns.

More like

>"It is not enough that we succeed. Our enemies must also be completely and utterly destroyed."

Did you ever think maybe more of us than you aren't happy with the current state of things? We just don't whine about it so loudly, and every chance we get.

You want change? Posting on Yea Forums(nel) isn't going to get you what you want. Also also this:

You're playing into their heads. Going after the most trivial and ironically most sympathetic given how they've played up the Empire rather than showing them as cowardly and ineffectual like the rest of Disney you're giving them exactly what they want. Proof positive of the whiny manbaby trolls they say are coming after them. You pick and choose your battles. You, however, are choosing poorly.

This is how you play into their game, you dummy. You're giving them exactly what they need: proof beyond their claims of persecution. Read your own words and if they still sound like a sane, rational response then you are truly lost.

You're just a pawn in their game, and you call yourself justified. You call yourself the HERO of your damn story. You sad bastard.

>I'm the good guy here.
It's cute that you think that but you're really Don Quixote tilting at windmills.