So, what are the best Moebius (Jean Giraud) books with the best art?

So, what are the best Moebius (Jean Giraud) books with the best art?
I don't know where to start

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Moebius is overrated, his career is just another reminder how far a mediocre white man can get.

Thank you for your contribution

I don't want to start a new thread, so I'll ask here since it's a Moebius thread. Where should I go after reading the Airtight Garage? I really loved it, what other works should I read next? I've read Incal, by the way.

How do you think you're better than the retard who tweeted this when you're doing the same thing? How is being so blinded by being SJW that you can't enjoy Moebius different from being so blinded by being anti-SJW that you can't enjoy Moebius?

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Dark Horse put out Moebius Library - The World of Edena recently. It is among his best work, it was created over years so it shows his development as an artist and it's actually available in America. It would be a great choice.

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Dark Horse has been putting out Moebius Library collections. The World of Edena being the biggest and perhaps the most fulfilling.

I'm a poorfag. Will this eventually appear scanned online?

Already is

What do you guys think of Silver Surfer Parable?

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I think the writing isn't great and it's overall pretty mediocre but NA is starved for Moebius art so i could see why people loved it so much

Does anyone know where the OP pic is from? It's exactly the type of moebius stuff I like

Thanks for this, hadn't seen it. Here's 1080:

Major Fatal.

>evangelion reference
really? fucking hack.

God the way his stuff is handled in America is such an infuriating mess. Dude is top 5 ever and you can barely find his work in English and when you do they're thrown together in those huge comps with no consistent theme.

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Dumping Moebius' production art for Willow because it's better than the movie

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he pretty much single-handedly invented most of the conventions in science fiction we take for granted. If anything he's underrated.

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I liked Willow :(

You're responding to bait

Like what? Honest question because I don't know anything about Moebius and would like to learn more.

Try libgen

I remember Geoff Darrow talking about what a giant hard on Scott has for Moebius but i had no idea this existed.

In terms of visual style he is probably one of the most influential sci-fi creators ever. List of people who have cited Moebius as a major influence, worked with Moebius, blatantly stolen from Moebius or did all three:

>Hayao Miyazaki
>George Lucas
>Ridley Scott
>Federico Fellini
>William Gibson
>Neil Gaiman

Just one short comic as an example: The Long Tomorrow. It's a psychedelic sci-fi film noir. It was co-written with Dan O'Bannon. Dan
O'Bannon later wrote Alien with Ridley Scott who made Blade Runner directly after. You cannot understate the influence of The Long Tomorrow on Blade Runner, it is essentially an adaptation of that comic even more than the Phillip Dick book it is supposed to be adapting. William Gibson who is credited with creating cyberpunk in Neuromancer said that Long Tomorrow is essentially the first cyberpunk story. Getting into the influence of Moebius on Star Wars would take all day but as an example the probe droid design from ESB was literally taken out of a background panel of Long Tomorrow and duplicated exactly.

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It's fine but it could have been something amazing

I'm in a few of those Moebius facebook groups (shut up) and i'm always surprised by how much of his stuff i haven't seen before. Seems like we english speaking country's only got the tip of the iceberg.

I like it because it's not amazing, it's just a small (no pun intended) comfy movie I could watch with my grandma when I was little

Moebius is a god tier illustrator and amazingly creative with his visuals and worldbuilding
but holy shit is he a hack of a writer
I read both Incal and World of Edena, and both stories go absolutely nowhere and are hammed up with deus ex machina plot saves
not to mention his ridiculous exoteric syncretism and sci-fi hippie bullshit

Jodorowsky is the one who wrote Incal, user. Moebius just did the drawings.

the incal was indeed written by a hack but it wasn't moebius

explains a lot, honestly
Edena is less of a fucking mess than Incal, really
Jodorowsky was probably making shit up as he went, though
Incal starts as a futuristic noir story, with a sci-fi detective thing going on, then it turns into a bizarre quest for saving the universe out of fucking nowhere
a lot of it doesn't even make sense

I'm currently reading it right now, actually.

His influence on SW has only grown over time. The Prequels had more of his style than the originals and now the JJ movies have even more.

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40 Days in the Desert B is an insane showcase of his art, but it's out of print. Get the scans, at least.

It actually has a sequel, but it's out of print and also unfinished, called The Man from the Ciguri.
It would have worked better if it was on an alien planet. It wasn't to Moebius' strengths but I still liked the art.
Moebius is probably my favorite comic book artist of all time. He got me into comics and he influenced some of my favorite artists greatly (Nicolas de Crecy, P Craig Russell, Katsuhiro Otomo, Keiichi Koike). He is definitely not a writer, but his art has it all.

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What would his Batman comic be like?

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Now if only we can find his production art for "Space Jam".

Check out his movie:

Jodorowsky is just an absolute madman

Jodorowsky is hack desu

>He literally thinks that's genuine

Why does it matter?

>i was only pretending to be an obnoxious cunt

Star Wars is more Druillet

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Moebius has been fucked over so many times I legit forget what movies he worked on and which just stole from him. Did he work on 5th Element?

He did concept art along with Mezieres, but some elements of The Incal (one of the chapters is called Quintessence, or The Fifth Essence, for example) were apparently lifted. There was a lawsuit with Jodo and Moebius vs Besson, but they lost because Moebius was in the credits.
From what I remember, Moebius worked on Alien, Tron, The Abyss, The Fifth Element, Willow, Masters of the Universe, The Time Masters, Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland, and maybe some other stuff.

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>probe droid design from ESB
probably this one

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It's the image of the post you're replying to

Is it snu-snu time?

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Bump! I never knew about this thanks man!

You mean Frank Herbert's DUNE?

Yes, in europe, if there is a basic comic market, he is common and seen as the european Stan Lee meets Kirby.

Is any of Blueberry available in English?

>Masters of the Universe
Explains why the movie has this great design. If they would go more sci-barbarian and less visiting earth, it would have been a great movie.

Look at this ladies. Look they like Snu-Snu?
I would guess only rubbing body on body!

I think i saw once a storytime. At least some are translated.

Those are the pit droids from The Phantom Menace

His Heavy Metal buddy William Stout did most of them but they did collaborate

Check out Stout showing up in the comment section to clarify

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Still they did it together.

Start with Blueberry and see his style evolve and grow. Truly some beautiful work.
Then anything with Jodorowsky.
He contributed so much to comics, film, and culture that the full scope is mind boggling.
I have never heard of any other artists advertisements for a shoe company to be regularly swiped from billboards and city walls.

Jodi is the ultimate pleb filter.

Also Sons of El Topo is fantastic. Landoronn art is incredible.

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The whole introduction to Rey from Star Wars 7 is straight out of Moebius

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Now that you mention it, that was in fact the only part of that movie that I actually liked.

bump with something from The Horny Goof

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Imagine this as a series

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It made me think of Nausicaa. But Nausicaa is incredibly Moebius inspired so same difference.

kek. I get, user.

If you can find the 80's Marvel books.

I don't know who actually controls the rights to Blueberry since he did it with a writer.

I was gonna say it would be cool to see a Moebius inspired futuristic Marvel universe where the heroes live in one of his sci-fi megacity dystopias... but I guess that's pretty much 2099.

IIRC Miyazaki and Moebius influenced each other without even knowing it. Nausicaa was influenced by Moebius and Moebius was so blown away by it (not knowing it was influenced by his own work) he named his daughter Nausicaa

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