>There's no reason to watch Captain Mar-

>>There's no reason to watch Captain Mar-

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She will be on screen for five minutes top. It's better to watch webm from camrip. Or Crazy Rich Asians.

It's pretty telling that nobody who reviewed the film mentioned her.

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>the bad guys are PoCs
>this character is a PoC and ignored

Don't you know? You can't have hot Asians outshine the main white lead!

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I'm watching it just to watch incels death at the massive box office numbers. It'll be just like Black Panther all over again with /pol/co/ on full damage control

They don't count if they're not human POCs or are indistinguishable from human POCs. Aliens that don't have those qualities count as much as straight white men do, even if they're actually played by POCs.

Also all reviews from Gemma Chan are the same thing.
"Minnerva is fierce" and that's it.

>They don't count if they're not human POCs
Ah, liberal hypocrisy. Always so funny.

From what's being said about Fury in this film, they kind of emasculate him instead of making him the badass we know him to be.

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Captain Marvel looks awesome, who would even start saying that?

It's OK, it's black Fury not the real one.

>secondary female character is much much hotter than the main one
Bravo Marvel.

Wouldn't be the first time

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Can you imagine if they'd hired this girl to be in Star Wars? Nobody would have given a flying FUCK about Daisy "muh coke" Ridley and her teeth.

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To be fair, Fury and Coulson are supposed to be young recruits of SHIELD at the time the movie takes place, so it’s not like he’s gonna be a bad ass super spy yet

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All MCU women have to be covered and all men have to be semi-naked

>alien is just a painted person

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Yeah what's up with that?

She dies ten minutes in, killed in a skrull ambush

Of course

>M..maybe if I try to fetishize this smurf, they'll see it!

men are hotter than women

Disney bought Marvel comics years ago and made drastic changes in comics
One of the biggest changes was cover up all the heroines
Literally censored the female characters and bring to MCU this censored version

She's gonna get like 5 min of screentime at most.

You say that like its a bad thing

If you're only reason to watch a movie is to see a hot chick, then its a shitty movie.
The world is full of hot women, don't eat literal shit to see one for 30 mins

>Fury and Coulson are supposed to be young recruits of SHIELD


user, Fury was probably in his late 40s during Captain Marvel. Look at the promotional stuff and footage. His hair is already gray.

>what Yea Forums actually thought movie Gamora was going to look like

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So stop reading comics then?

He is not a young recruit, he is in his 40's and he was a spy during the cold war.


Yall mad that your SJW queen here to bring WAMEN to the light is a white blonde woman? Yall mad the saviour of the female gender is a white woman? HA

>Only appears on the opening and when Brie goes SSJ on the kree.

The '90s, the cat, Fury's eye, the Skrull, the post-credits sene. All valid reasons.

>Can you imagine if they'd hired this girl to be in Star Wars?
but she's underage

Mantis comic costume is fucking retarded and I feel like we can all agree on that. The only difference I would have made is to make her barefoot and im not even a footfag. It just feels more natural.

>rees internally

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to be honest I was far more pissed that they made Gamora the boring "mom" character rather than her redesign, I miss Gamora attitude from annihilation conquest when she was basically female Lobo.

This movie is full of characters I wanted to see more of

As someone who doesn't into comics, why does Yea Forums seem so pessimistic about Captain Marvel? Is it cause the character isn't popular, do leaks make the movie not sound good, something else?

her gender. some guys get insecure when they see a powerful lady lmao

Only white males are allowed to be superheroes. It was the same for Wonder Woman and Black Panther.

It's what happens when you're the only female.

Because Carol Danvers is a character that's never been well defined. Her personality before the Captain Marvel change was pretty awful (breaking Rogue's ribs, suffocating the Skrull in space, separating Julia from her daughter), so when they came around with Captain Marvel, she's her same violent self, but now everyone praises her for it. And writers DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HER! Her book has been relaunched so many times with no solid direction.

>"muh coke"

Even better.

Carol used to be mediocre to ok at best back when she was Ms. Marvel, but the comics started to push her super hard when they made her the new captain marvel, they tried to make her the flagship female heroine without expanding her character properly, hell even worse they removed or ignored the little of character she had before because she wasn't allowed to show any flaws which in turn just made her more boring than she ever was. Now marvel just keep shoving her in as many titles as possible and relaunch her main series over and over again in hopes that she catches on.
For the movie there are a different set of problems that i personally don't feel qualified to speak about because since my interest for the character is so low, I'm just waiting for the movie to come out and maybe save the character or just bomb already because I'm tired of people having console wars argument over if the movie is going to suck or not.
The MCU is separated enough from the comics to let me give them a chance to actually sold me Carol if they don't fuck up but I have my expectations super low.

Carol is just not a good character and everyone's tired of Marvel, and now Disney, trying to sell her not only as the supposedly greatest, bravest, most noble and most effective superheroine there is, but to pretend she's always been that and that she always been relevant. Fuck, even Jubilee is a more relevant Marvel heroine.

You realize she doesn't actually look like that, right?

Infestation of Yea Forums and /pol/.
Carol has always been Yea Forums's favorite.

Which men are semi-naked most of the time?

Yeah but Jubilee is half Asian and no one gives a fuck about Asian representation.

I know a guy...
He could arrange it..
He's a man with the plan.

Iron Man. And War Machine. And Spider-Man. And Ant-Man. And Dr Strange. Should I keep going?

So was Chris Lloyd.

Note: One of these guys is supposed to be a 15-year-old.

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I really don't get why people say this, she's every bit the selfish asshole the others are she just isn't a quipmaster like Rocket and Quill or borderline retarded like Drax

>oh no, don't sexualise the 15 year old boys! They're too pure for that!
I'd take my dick and ram it so far up his tight little ass that he'll think he has a second tongue.

The entire appeal of Tom Spider-Man is wanting him to get raped. I mean, he dressed up as a maid to lipsync Rhiana. Everyone wants to see him fucked against his will.

She's too similar to Black Widow.

None of those guys are semi-naked most of the time.

Short scenes of a guy with their shirt off is rather different from having women wear highly revealing outfits all the time. For one, we all know that having a shirt off for a guy doesn't have same implications as wearing very revealing gear does for a woman.

>For one, we all know that having a shirt off for a guy doesn't have same implications as wearing very revealing gear does for a woman.
How do? They are both one hundred percent for sex appeal. The only difference is the target audience.

Why is Fox Mystique there?

>None of those guys are semi-naked most of the time.
Nigger they have a few shirtless scenes per film

I'd disagree with you, but then I remember that unnecessary scene from homecoming where Spiderman stripped down to his undies...

How? Black Widow is aloof and quippy, Gamora is mean and bitchy as hell. At least complain about her for the right reasons.

Does she have breathing issues or is she mentally underdeveloped? Mouth breathers shouldn't be allowed on screen.

>Fox Mystique
Can't be her, the makeup isn't lumpy enough and she doesn't have an awful wig.

>that Mantis
Thank god that didn't happen. You could have at least posted a contemporary version, but I guess that's not enough skin for your argument.

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Yes exactly. Yea Forums is angry that a woman of color wasn’t used in a feminist movie. Where the fuck do you think you are?

Your a strange sad little man and I pity you

Thank you for this picture. I love (real) women in skimpy, weird bikinis.

Oooooh double standard, why didn't you say it before?

Already with the Damage Control huh?

Are you sure you're not from the DC Universe?

all western women are threatened by asians, so they'll just ignore her

it is known

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Truth is, women will get more naked scenes when it stops being seen as strongly sexual. So you will only get it if you stop wanting it because the fact that it's desireable is what makes it taboo. Toples men are much more casual so it's acceptable to show them to a wider audience, so be the change you want to see and act as if toples women are casual, because as long as it gets the reaction it does now the double standard will exist.

Coulson is the reason to watch this movie.

Not sure I fully agree with your assessment, but this thing reminded me of this interaction re: Marie Kondo.

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My point was that if it was a supposed to be a 15yo girl instead, there'd be nuclear fallout levels of outrage in and out of the internet.

That's because society sees naked men and women very differently. No shit one is accepted and the other isn't when one is seen as sexual and the other is done in public places all the time.


You fucked up the quote.

Well it's been proven that there's a profitable market for black people in movies, otherwise Magic Johnson's theaters wouldn't have worked and those shitty Madea movies wouldn't still be made. It's also why Marvel marketed BP to black people pretty strongly and that helped it cross the 1 billion mark not to mention the movie was pretty hyped in Civil War and the premise of a hidden Kingdom was interesting to most people I talked to about it.

lawd is there gunna be blue titties?

>and those shitty Madea movies wouldn't still be made
Okay, I don't think you understand why those still get made (protip: it's because they're cheap as fuck)

who is this fluid druid

Any shots of Digimon?

She's going to be Carol's ongoing nemesis after Jude's Yon-Rogg dies in CM.

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He doesn't die.

You say that as if it’s a problem.

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That chinese leak was fake, dude just recently edited it to put footage from the latest trailer with new descriptions.
He also made one for Endgame.

Wait Jude is Yon-Rogg?
Then who's Mahr Vell?

He fills both roles

Apparently Annette Bening will play both Supreme Intelligence and Mar-Vell who hid among humans as a scientist named Doctor Wendy Lawson and at one point saves Carol.

I will never understand Gunn's sexless, joyless incarnation of Gamora. Seriously, the Drax line "This green whore, she is my friend" feel left over from an earlier draft of the film, for one because it's not literal, and also because in the final cut, Peter has to even teach Gamora how to dance, and she has a strong resistance to even putting up with romance or sexuality. On the one hand, you can argue that being raised as a captured child soldier isn't conducive to romantic development, but on the other, it was Gunn's movie that made Gamora a captive of Thanos who was abused by him and forced to become his weapon after he murdered her family.

Comic Thanos saved comic Gamora from destrucion, gained her trust, manipulated Gamora's own desire for revenge against the UCT, and did everything he could to raise her to be his weapon, yes, but also treat her as nicely as he could to make her loyal. He gave her a Christmas celebrations, for God's sake! It wasn't until she found out his actual plans for the universe that she betrayed him, when she was a full grown woman. If I had to guess the reason for this change, it probably has a lot to do with Gunn's jokey, sex and romance experienced, dancing Star-Lord. He changed Gamora to fit his new version of the hero.

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I heard that too, that the Supreme intelligence takes that form because of its importance in Carol's residual memories however, I heard from a different source that Mar-Vell is instead the title of an ancient legendary Kree champion

Gamora was the character James Gunn gave less of a shit about and you could tell and I think he realized that in the second movie when he shoved in that reconciliation between her and nebula.

I hope it's the second one user but you know this movie is going to make Mar-Vell into a woman because no fucking way will Carol take the name of a man and a lot of people who touch Carol's character post-CM are pretty intimidated by Mar-Vell.

They Ruined Minerva, so I agree there really is not a reason to watch it.
Itll be a success but I'm not gonna contribute

She's wearing the same Starforce uniform as the rest of them, what's your point?

when will we get a hot Asian superhero? the closest i can think of is Jennifer but Asian.
that way we can both have she hulk and amadeus to some extent


gemma chan is freaking hot

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