They took the score down

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Attached: 1551166666391.png (758x436, 187K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Marvel so butt blasted they had to get them to remove the score

>w-we did it reddit!

>wb removing the score of disney movie
Too good?

>waiting for the mods to sleep so they don't delete your thread for the third time

Why would they delete it? It's about a superhero movie, based on a comic book. Those threads are only allowed if they're fawning over it?

>People don't like our SJW movie, sir! What should we do?
>Why, we'll simply ban disliking it. Heh.

Netflix did the same thing with Amy Schumer's special. They banned voting because it was getting bad reviews for being terrible. Schumer blamed 'the alt-right'.

next month is gonna be full of /pol/ tears and moving goalposts.

Yeah I'm sure normies are eager to spend $20 to stare at THIS in 3D for 2 hours.

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Wow, there's really no respect. Those handful of thinskinned faggots worked really hard to reach 30k downvotes, RT!

no u isnt an argument mouseshill

Attached: 1464952596500.png (311x300, 103K)

how many of those downvotes are legitimate though?

I cant wait till this makes all the money in the world

100%, all it means is that you aren't interested in seeing the movie. The media is lying en masse calling this 'review bombing' when it's not about reviewing at all.

About tree fiddy

You can't debunk a problem if you don't even understand it

that toe is SO FUCKING GROSS

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You’re serously comparing yourself to Gandhi?

...well, Gandhi did let his wife die in agony because fuck getting bitches proper medical care, amirite?


Remember, Gandhi's words are backed by nuclear weapons.

Based Gandhi.

Well, my nuclear weapons are backed by a childish delight in blowing shit up and a complete disregard for being civilized.

What a great supervillainess we missed, bros.




>>"We are disabling the comment function prior to a movie’s release date. Unfortunately, we have seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling, which we believe is a disservice to our general readership. We have decided that turning off this feature for now is the best course of action. Don’t worry though, fans will still get to have their say: Once a movie is released, audiences can leave a user rating and comments as they always have."

Some obsess time free fuckers are review bombing a movie before it's out.

You took yourself too seriously.

No matter what you do, it will get rave reviews and will be considered one of the most important movies of the year. You let it get too far and now you pay the price.

>non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling
I can almost drink their tears from here.

The mechanism is exactly the same. And don't tell me all those people were eager to let the world know that they didn't care for this movie.

Can't wait to drink /pol/ tears when the movie get released.


t. incel

what did you guys accomplish with your "campaign"?

the movie hasn't even come out yet, retard

Same, user, like every previous time. Remember when BP was gonna flop? Or Wonder Woman? Or literally any movie they predicted?

well he is. What has Trump actually accomplished in office that he promised?

A considerable bit actually. He's held closer to his manifesto pledges than the last four US presidents.

other than tax cuts, what has he done? Where's the wall? Where's the new better healthcare? Where's the solution to the crumbling infrastructure?

People were displeased with some events surrounding the movie, mainly Brie Larson's radical far left identity politics activism. With that, on top of the fact that the movie itself does indeed look like crap, people decided to click on RT that they were not interested in seeing the film. That's exactly what RT set that up to gauge; whether people wanted to see movies or not.
Are you telling me people never put similar comments in these comments in the past, for other controversial movies? Why make the call now?

>People believed bullshit clickbait and created a false narrative about the movie's radical left politics activism

You and literally 90% of everyone on Yea Forums will pay to see this movie in theaters you dumb nigger.

Attached: 1547115565562.jpg (493x348, 54K)

Gandhi was a pedo who used to stick his hands up little kids asses when they came for a blessing.

>the list says 4chunnars hate the word redddit I will just post it and I will win that one for hte cause honour
like a clockwork.

>Pay to see movies in 2019
I am sorry, but rapist pedo hell Hollywood isn't getting a dime from me!


I guess we're just loser trolls after all.

Thats fine and I actually agree with your choice, but the VAST majority of people Yea Forums are going to inevitably take the bait, so its sad to see their beta attempts at larping

>Why make the call now?
This unreleased movie gained in a handful of days the amount of votes that other movies struggle to reach over months. The numbers were almost 40k before they got deleted
>Half as many user votes as Black Panther and that came out a year ago
>Double what Antman & The Wasp got which also came last year
>Only 10k less than Infinity War, which also came last year and was one of the most popular movies in the franchise, if not the most popular
Or if you want to compare it to another unreleased movie, it's 30k more votes than Endgame which is undoubtedly much more anticipated than a solo like Cap Marvel

This amount of unadulterated shitposting has no precedent on the site. Even if 90% of the comments weren't disingenuous crap like pic related the numbers alone would get people to scratch their heads

Attached: inb4 Drew Barrymore joke.png (682x453, 29K)

>pay to see this movie

you realize you're posting on Yea Forums right?
no one pays for anything here


Attached: 1487527982382.jpg (481x401, 36K)

The gotta explain this away fast:

fuck off Heather

Of course. This is exactly what I want:

Disney pay for Reviews. Look at Star Wars etc. Would be interesting to know how much they paid them to change the want see feature. Wouldnt it be just easier to tell Brie one face larson just to shut up:P?

It is only a matter of time when user rating will be disabled or unfavorable comments will be deleted.

Attached: they-live-npc.jpg (1200x903, 199K)

Love watching Dcucks lose again

I think SJW sect just can intimidate or replace objectionable critics. No reason to actually pay them.

If someone doesn't want to watch a movie, they aren't going to go out of their way to vote on Rotten Tomatoes
Casually browsing, sure, but I've never been inclined to go "wow that movie looks bad, lemme downvote it on Rotten Tomatoes" after viewing the trailer.
The problem won't be solved after release either. People are just gonna get angry at second-hand information posted here or on Yea Forums and put in 1star reviews, even if they haven't seen the movie. Happens all the time

Attached: 555b1746-39e7-4b2f-887c-87ad3da4aa3c.jpg (540x483, 33K)

Stay asleep and don't wake up.

>where are my free things? Waah!

The only reliable user ratings are those only people who have bought the product can rate. They absolutely should separate the "want to see" ratings and the actual ratings, however.

Why would someone go out of their way to review a movie they didn't like?
It's the same with the previews and press you fucking mongrel.

>Why would someone go out of their way to review a movie they didn't like?
Expressing disappointment in a movie you watched isn't the same as crying en masse about the movie's mere existence, especially for (false) reasons that aren't even related to the actual movie

> They absolutely should separate the "want to see" ratings and the actual ratings
I don't think "want to see" rating should be a thing in the first place. It is just so happened that it is the only way to give the middle finger as respond for the insult and to be noticed.

The thing is the only way for SJWs to corrupt franchises into clown fiesta is to corrupt already popular and big franchises. This way simpletons would not know what they are actually about to see. Shackles must flow.

> The only reliable user ratings are those only people who have bought the product can rate.
Yeah, and therefore I think people should pay full price for the movie only after they see it and like it.

Attached: captain marvel tickets.png (925x925, 432K)

>It is just so happened that it is the only way to give the middle finger as respond for the insult
The insult you imagined in your head i assume?


Explain the insult people had to respond to

For a bunch of people who have no desire to see this movie, you sure are giving it a lot more attention than those that don't. Guess it basically biols down to:
>stop liking what I hate
For hating special snowflake sjw "muh feelings" you fucks sure do act a lot like them.

Feels good knowing that MUHvel, and The Mouse Overlord were so fucking ass blasted they cried to remove public opinion.

Man, you like should check interviews and ad campaign which caused backlash which we discuss ITT. It is not very polite to voice your opinion on the theme you are not familiar with.

God.. Marvel-Disney is so pathetic.
I can already see that Kevin Feige is getting strong-armed into pandering to the sjw crowd (maybe it was his idea).
Now that Brie Larson will be the new RDJ then I can say with utmost certainty, that the MCU is doomed to fail sooner or later.

>you like should check interviews and ad campaign which caused backlash
Oh but i did, I'm wondering if you ever checked them since you're apparently still convinced there's an insult to respond against

If only we could silence their opinion.

>I don't think "want to see" rating should be a thing in the first place.
It's fine, it just doesn't need to be a Yes/No metric. It should just count the number of people who want to see.

We will never know
I wish to live in the same fantasy land as you

You probably have missed certain parts with racism, sexism and minimizing any merit of competitive products in past hundred of years. Just kidding. I know you are just SJW garbage and I clearly understand that you unable to conduct a reasonable dialogue.

What's the point?

So that you can see that 11,000 people are interested in seeing X movie compared to 6,000 who want to see Y movie and therefore determine that there is more hype for X movie than for Y movie.


Please learn better English if you're gonna argue about English-language things

Good thing other actresses have not tried to instill the hatred of men in their promotional material. Otherwise, they might have rallied more incels to the cause!

Listen, ESL, I know English is hard but if you're not willing to at least put some modicum of effort into learning it then fuck off back to a forum where your disgusting nigger language is acceptable because whatever garbage you typed is completely incomprehensible.


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Working on it.

Yes, my son?

The best thing about this is that when the movie still makes mega bucks, all the buttflustered retards that took part in this campaign will see that nothing they do matters in the least.

What about other actors?

>movies with female leads
We already have porn for that.

Porn only appeals to cucks though.

Corrupting the billion-dollar franchises is indeed bulletproof. Well, maybe. I am not so sure any more.

>cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel cuck incel
Hi Laddersis.

I can assure you most weren't, given that months ago it was steadily at 98% and then these faggots took it upon themselves to decrease it during the past WEEK after all the Youtubers calling for boycotts and clickbait articles claiming the actress said this and that. No surprise that there wasn't a single mention of any of this until recently.

Oh hell, I didn't know Drew Bar--
>reads filename

>Youtubers calling for boycotts and clickbait articles claiming the actress said this and that
How dare they change the narrative!

If post had user ratings. Yours would be IC for InCel.

>It should just count the number of people who want to see.

Ideal, but too late. It isn't enough to like what you like anymore. People want to hate, to get things banned, to get posts deleted, to de-platform their opposition. Whether it's downvoting on reddit, post reporting on Yea Forums, or just trolling someone off of Twitter, we've all been conditioned to play this game because online moderation is structured to favor the whiners instead of a silent, apathetic majority.

What with all this incel slurs on Yea Forums recently?

>How dare they change the narrative!
They literally fabricated a narrative around the actress that wasn't there. And on top of that, this is the only "fact" they actually have going on for them , the "guaranteed replies" shit.
>"we swear we have no issues with women you guys! Brie is just a cunt, that's it"
>gets pointed out that the clickbait articles were false and used bits and pieces from interviews to make her stance look worse than it is
>"well uh... Captain Fungus! She's flat! Marvel hates sexy women! Resting bitch face XD"

Incel is the new “cuck”.

There is a big difference between 11000/12000 and 11000/1000000.

I guess society will collapse if we get rid from sexual based ad hominems.

Once everyone is an incel, no one will be.

Attached: Cj4XeTDWYAAlTFV.jpg (360x315, 32K)

I should have known. Video of the interview was fabricated all along.

Interesting how they decided to take action only when Marvel is attacked.

Imagine the world where guys have no hymen and so you can't say for sure if they are virgins or not.

Whether it's 12,000 or 1,000,000, those people aren't going to see the movie anyway. Their opinion is irrelevant. It's the 11,000 that are going to contribute to the success of the movie.

The video in which she spouts "anti-male, racists views" am I right, fellow bros?

What if this 12000 of people are tomatoes?

lucky for her it's not a DC movie, or else they would claim she's a pedophile

Yeah, weird how Warner Brothers is sticking up to Marvel there. Doesn't have anything to do with previous times where they did the exact same thing, only they finally decided to do something about it.
And either way it makes more sense like this. You can gauge interest in a movie based on how many people vote for it, while "disinterest" tells you nothing.
Right, that was weird. Wasn't the guy who did that a R. Kelly supporter anyway?

Attached: black-panther_infinitywar-RT.jpg (731x409, 156K)

Kind of makes you think.

Attached: Mickey.jpg (250x274, 7K)

Just filter it and you will see how Laddersis disappears.

> fellow bros
Did you just assume our gender?

Did you just pretend to be offended in a way no actual tumblrina has ever done?

>owned by WB


Disney owns WB.


With all the fabricated backlash from this one movie. It is going to be mediocre as fuck.

It's just a movie. Stop pretending that it will impact humanity in any meaningful way. Gone With the Wind and Casablanca are genuinely great movies, but they were just movies. They didn't find a cure for cancer or world peace. This is just another movie about people on fancy dress beating up each other. There are twelve more coming out this year if this one is rubbish. Big deal.

>owned by WB
>DC movies still get shit ratings
The mouse owns all user, don’t let yourself be fooled.

That is the problem. Capeshit movies are rubbish and dominate the media scene while promoting civil unrest with race baiting, and the battle of the sexes.

>while promoting civil unrest with race baiting

Attached: white_genocide.jpg (500x343, 32K)

They do not. They provide 1.5 - 3 hours of mindless entertainment to moviegoers with the promise of neat CGI battles.

so long as you agree

>dude just turn your brain off
>movies are not high art
>just mindless fun

I don't really know how actual tumlrina get offended... Maybe they can't be offended at all. Who knows.

Some of them don't want to see it so much that they downvoted it many many times. How brave.

These movies in particular are. But what stops you from watching Berlinale-approved films instead of the latest blockbusters? What really makes you think you have to consume any of this?
In the time you waste hating on all these awful capeshit movies, you could've easily watched several great films and read many outstanding books.

I like how stick-men on the pic get replaced but not added. Really makes you think.

Superhero movies are fast-food, user.

Yeah, it truly is another Shoah.

>it's ok when my corporate overlord and surrogate dad does it. Fuck pretentious dadmovies you like, massah Disney just know better what I want he so good with me don't you dare being mean to his hard work infidel


> It's just a movie.
What it even means? Movies are not closed boxes. They can be rated and perceived in different ways like every other piece of art.

If you shove those goalposts up your ass, they never stop moving.

He said it , it's fast food. Making these movies don't stop anyone from making others, and there's a huge, diverse (is that a no-no word for you?) offering every year.
And I watch much more than capeshit btw, I can even quote you some of the things that are coming this year that are worth checking and well below most people's radars.

That's not "shitposting". People legitimately don't want to see it.

I won't argue about the quality of books as I do not have the attention span to read. No argument against it. The problem I have is the braindead consumer market base is not getting pushed to care about the latent appeal of films about period pieces, challenging thought, engaging character dialogue, or even clever open-ended endings without the promise of a sequel. All the pressure to push only blockbusters into the mainstream has been a detriment to the silver screen in the last decade. All thanks to the fucking mouse overlord MCU. Everything needs to be tied together in a long line of interconnected no-stakes sequels.

But surely saying that it would be nice to have more diversity in reviewers is completely anti-male AND racist. Even suggesting letting those "women" or "coloreds" near a thing is totally bigoted.

It is not about the movie,but about the false hype from aggressive and loud activities,who dare to call themselves "feminists". While their noise in the media worked for them,they used it. When Their opponents use their tactics,they starts to cheat and maneuver.
The movie is just the background of this battle.

Privilege of don't-want-to-see-it must be eliminated.

An actual "cultural warrior" right here, damn.How does it feel to waste all that time arguing online with people and pretend you're saving Western civilization?

Why waste your time, and energy loudly crying about not wanting to see a cunt on the silver screen when you could just say not pay money to see it?

It is true for all similar cases as well.

You're thinking too small...

Attached: do not criticise us in the comment sections.png (3308x1888, 2.1M)

>Flood this site and RT with absurd comments crying about events that never happened
>People call you triggered retards for it

No, just shut up and fuck off instead of pretending you have anything meaningful to say. If you hate the movie don't fucking watch it, "vote with your wallets" and the like

He is right, you know. Do you have something besides ad hominems?

Soon, they can eliminate all safe guardianship with anonymity so that everyone with an opinion that goes against social engineering programming will be stricken down to make sure their narrative is safe.

Why not?

No one on this site really cares about vindicating their opinions apparently.

No. I will do whatever I want and you can't discard my opinion by don't liking it.


It's not a matter of differing opinions if you have to fabricate something to complain about

You should stop fabricating stuff, man.

Like SJWs?

Oh, you only now noticed that making shit up to pretend you're offended makes you just as annoying as SJWs?

I'd agree with you if SJW were not in control of the media, and infecting everything fun I enjoy.

There is a good chance it was all due to a raid, so it's better to just remove it.

Aren’t raid threads bannable?

>censorship is good

Attached: Good goyim.jpg (349x353, 59K)

If the Critics Score is below 40%
Are they going to take the score from the Critics too?

Attached: 1538534326737.jpg (600x314, 59K)

So what you're saying is that this mindless bitching you're trying to subjugate everyone to is just a generic revenge against the "powers that be", it's not even about crying against Brie or Carol anymore?

Take your meds

Attached: zurg_the_fuck_is_this_shit.png (465x395, 126K)

Please tell me those toenails are shopped

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Why is Captain Marvel's clothing so baggy?
Is it any special effects scene, or this i sher new power?

Attached: 1482615006712.jpg (2572x3861, 2.48M)

They are going to take score from 60% of critics, DUH.

Imagine if Captain Marvel bombs at Box Office

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i can wait for this movie to release and make a billion so these people can stop making the same fucking thread all the time

Attached: b62.jpg (596x505, 40K)

>You and literally 90% of everyone on Yea Forums will pay to see this movie

Attached: 1543883557629.jpg (1056x1080, 501K)

No, you assume all this because you're on an anonymous image board.

Go get laid roastie.

This. These threads are just /pol/ circlejerks filled with facebook memes, like

Roastie please, I bet you said the same thing about Ghostbuster 2016.

I'm amazed you retards can keep finding new ways to be pathetic

At this point, I do not doubt anything else.

Obviously, alt-right white male troll incel supremacist will be personally responsible for it.

I counted 5 buzzwords.

So what you're saying is that this mindless bitching you're trying to subjugate everyone to is just a generic revenge against the facebook memes?

Take your meds

MUVvel drones will defend anything on team Mouse.

>Negative votes flooded in so fast they made the score drop 60+% in a few days and eventually stopped having impact on the score due to the sheer number of them

I'm sure this had nothing to do with the abrupt update at all...

Attached: captain marvel final interest score.png (759x306, 184K)

Post your face when Captain Marvel singlehandedly Mary Sues her way to defeating Thanos in Endgame.

They are all gonna be there, trust me. "Trolls" already there, in official statements from Rotten Tomatoes.


Attached: 10159048.jpg (320x240, 12K)

>"muh Solo, muh Ghostbusters"
You still cannot explain how, if "no one" wants to see this movie and if "everyone" hated the trailers, the amount of views and overall approval of every single one of the trailers released so far have been very well received and are among the most watched on Youtube.

Attached: captain-marvel-trailers.jpg (1090x887, 189K)

Not until trump's 2nd mandate kickstarts SHERMAN upon the media

People dont want to see this movie?
This must be scr the work of /pol/

Marvel owns everything. How hard is it to understand.


>there are still unironic marvel drones on Yea Forums
>one of them is a mod

Attached: captain marvel.jpg (822x2894, 470K)

>review bombing
>the option is "DO YOU WANNA SEE IT?"

Funny considering they deleted ratings
Must be some kind of campaign

Actually, in real life majority of them are just simpletons which don't know any better and don't follow news about entertainment. But after watching such films as SW TLJ, even simpletons have their doubts.

You can't have SJW agenda in not omega-popular stuff. It needs host to survive.

Attached: 1432577577098.gif (200x174, 2.21M)

How the fuck is this a raid thread what is there to raid

Does anyone really care? It's fucking Marvel. They could have Captain America eat a bowl of baby foreskins with milk and a spoon, staring directly at the audience and advocating child pornography, and whatever movie this happened in would still sell because capeshit is a self-fulfilling cash cow. They got bold with the negrotopia movie and now they are trying their luck by having an outspoken misandrist lead in this new one. It won't stop, there is no way to make it stop.

Attached: 1549012498329.png (645x773, 11K)

What are you implying with that pic?

It's really weird to see people directly go and downvote the Rotten Tomatoes score and then pretend they didnt do it, whats even the point of not taking credit when we all know it was just some assmad dudes who got angry at Larson?

>what did you guys accomplish with your "campaign"?
Pissing off big media corporations is an accomplishment by itself. Why would you not make their lives harder at every possible opportunity?

Look at the user ratings. A huge chunk of them were inserted way before the movie was out, and as you can see they were almost twice as much as Infinity War, a larger movie with more audience. It simply doesn't add up, specially when the amount of critics reviews aren't that different.

>guy on the street assaulted for wearing a red hat
>"Hmm sorry smelly but you just have to deal with the consequences of your words :)"
>celebrity declares open season on white males, so they negatively review her product
>"This is THE Holocaust"

Attached: 1549984396896.jpg (560x529, 55K)

They do this every time they get called out for being the retards they are

It wasnt pissing them off, it was just rendering a portion of a website useless, thus making the movie experience harder on everyone, purely to acheive something you didnt actually acheive since nobody beleives so few people actually want to see it

I bet you think the Gillette ad made them lose money as well

>Why would you not make their lives harder at every possible opportunity?
They made a new design and actually worked the interest button into something that actually makes sense.
>>celebrity declares open season on white males
Oh the humanity!

I thought the box they were ticking was part of the websites option, something about interest about going to watch this movie.

>be racist
>receive consequences

Attached: dig that groove baby.gif (500x600, 130K)

You really wanted to bring up red hats since this is so tangential to my post that it really does reveal this thread is just about bitter people acting out

>"She was totally racist for calling for more diverse journalists in her own press junkets, guys"
Rinse and repeat.

>Yea Forums actually wants consequences for racism
No you dont

Remove male gaze. Same reason they cast a skinny unattractive chick for Lara Croft.

>Everything is /pol/'s fault
Sounds pretty similar to
>Everything is the Jews fault
Face it faggot you're just as bad as /pol/ and half as self aware.

Did you really think the other side wouldn't swing back?

Attached: call it.gif (328x328, 1.46M)

Swing back with what, blatantly obvious attempts at trolling? I'm very much aware of the way /pol/tards operate, don't worry.

What other side? This is just people making a massive deal out of nothing while preparing to make excuses for the film's success so they dont have to come to terms with the fact that these controversies are all a blip in the actual real world

what did the actress say? Im out of the loop

Attached: 1479312268069.png (852x854, 1.14M)

i.e. "less white"

yup, that's what's happening to brie alright.

Nobody knows anymore because she deleted the tweets.

Yeah, exactly. Because "diversity is anti-white" isn't it? And diversity by itself is racist because it's not white.

>everyone who isn't hyped for this must be /pol/
What do they mean by this?

Attached: 1551117454875.png (305x398, 135K)

Yeah what's the big deal? There is literally no downside to a pool of critics having more perspectives

Let me guess? he's from a blog named "Melhores do Mundo" Right?
A friend of mine used to post there and the owners went full SJW Left and closed their comment section on the website to put Facebook shit, also some of the female members there has some shady shit.

There were no tweets. It was all clickbait articles. Just ctrl-f in this same thread, though I bet you've been here all along for days.

Yes, calling for people to be hired for not being white or male rather than for any talent they have is racist. Implying that whites and males are inherently unable to empathize with others enough to review a movie about non-whites fairly is dehumanizing.

Whenever something becomes diverse the result isn't just adding people, it's subtracting existing ones. If she is calling for more diverse critics then what you are hearing is "I want less white male movie critics", which she is what she said pretty wholesale anyway.

A lot of stuff actually. For example you can't say that a Wrinkle in Time movie is shit if you are white male.

fair enough. i think some people are overhyping pre-release online opinion.

I'm not seeing it opening week. After a while I will ask my friends if any of them saw it. If they did and they liked it I will go see it. If they didnt then I wont go. I imagine thats how it will be for most people.

>defending white people
get out of here /pol/

she thinks too many white men have jobs and that non-whites and women should take them, even if they lack qualifications.

movie will profit regardless

>Whenever something becomes diverse the result isn't just adding people, it's subtracting existing ones
Except she actually invited more people, she didn't remove anyone from her press junkets.
Do I have to post the fucking quote again?
>Brie Larson is committed to making the press tour for “Captain Marvel” as inclusive as possible. For her recent interview with Marie Claire, the Oscar-winning actress handpicked Keah Brown to be her interviewer. Brown called the designation the “biggest opportunity” she’s had in her career and noted that “nobody usually wants to take a chance on a disabled journalist.” By becoming more active in determining her press opportunities, Larson is hoping to heighten inclusive voices.

>“About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male,” Larson said when asked about her reasons for choosing Brown as her interviewer. “So, I spoke to Dr. Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of color, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.”

>it's Starwars guys, it will make a profit
too big to fail shit again

Attached: 1547667045246.png (635x471, 275K)

>celebrity declares open season on white males
Man what the fuck are you talking about? She said she'd like to see more women and POC in the reviewer scene. She said nothing about white males being acceptable targets or whatever. Christ you people are delusional.

This post is stupid, but in an earnest way so I'll bite. You think more diverse critics means critics with zero qualifications? Its fairly obvious that these people will still have plenty of credentials and there is no reason to think otherwise

This is not true at all though, for example populations becoming more diverse are because more minorities are being born, not that they are actively killing white people.

Secondly, if the only way this can happen is by subtracting white male critics, who cares? It's literally an objective improvement to the medium where more perspectives means less homogenized reviews which is a good thing. There being 60 white male critics rather than 80 isnt a big deal my guy

While TLJ was a mess, it did indeed make a huge amount of money.

>About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male
Just imagine her sitting there seething about how too many white men had jobs lmfao

all this gas lighting
here have a butt for all your hard work

Attached: 1541271742915.png (1280x1792, 706K)

There is no way Episode 9 will not make bank

Must be the same guy who said this , something she never even implied.
If you keep ignoring the evidence, there's nothing I can do for you. It's only one week from now.

solo didn't
ya everyone is so hyped for more star wars

I mean we know you have no argument but at least you do to

>if the only way this can happen is by subtracting white male critics, who cares? It's literally an objective improvement to the medium where more perspectives means less homogenized reviews

Because as we all know, every white male has the same opinion and perspective. That's why the divide in conservative vs. liberal white male voters is an even 50-50 split (compared to blacks and hispanics and asians and everyone else, who vote 90% democrat.)

More diversity = less white men

Attached: bravo.gif (540x357, 86K)

TLJ was polarising at worst and even people who hate it are going to see it, its Star Wars fans. Plus how are they gonna make 50 gorrilion videos about it if they dont?

>populations becoming more diverse are because more minorities are being born, not that they are actively killing white people
>what is south africa

>ignoring solo

So if diversity isnt dependent on race why not make things 100% diverse since in your eyes, things will be exactly the same?

>projections for ticket sales are really, really low because of female lead and captain marvel being a boring character
>have your leading lady insult the blanket majority population, demand they not see the movie
>gullible retards now see the movie so they can cry about it on social media and how bad it was
>make sixty-six billion dollars

Attached: motherfucking colt.gif (176x400, 23K)

If eggs salads is basketball why not put trousers in the toilet?

worked out great for Ghost Busters

Ok so no response

> difference in opinions among critics depends on difference in their skin color
I wonder what criteria of critics this direction of thought implies...

>So if diversity isnt dependent on race
Read the post you responded to more carefully

It sure sucks being a MUHvelfag right now. You're now the crybaby going to your mommy.

Wasn't the thing they removed literally "who-want-to-watch-it-o-meter"?

>"what is my go-to /pol/ edge case?"
Yep, next thing you'll be talking about how Smollet is an example of all the victims of harassment and racism are actually falseflags.

>>projections for ticket sales are really, really low because of female lead and captain marvel being a boring character
>really low
We've been through this: Disney projected conservatively $100MM just like they did with Black Panther a whole year ago, but the site that originally said $160MM has stuck to their prediction.
>have your leading lady insult the blanket majority population, demand they not see the movie
She didn't, it was clickbait and youtube campaigns designed specifically to heighten an alleged controversy.
>gullible retards now see the movie so they can cry about it on social media and how bad it was
I mean, at least you acknowledge that you'll go see it anyway, so we're good here.

Attached: Screenshot_20190220_Hollywood_Reporter_on_Twitter.png (640x637, 324K)

Well, comment sections being a shithole pretty much everywhere has been a thing for 10 years of so.

>implying the real world care about the plight of nazis incels
We, normal people, are collectively waiting for you retarded nerds to commit a collective suicide to join your waifu or some shit

Is he right?

There is a reason "channer" rhyme "with "liar"

>youtube rant
Most likely no.

I'm not seeing the movie. Even if I shot up the premiere where all the (((actors))) appear in-person I would still not bother to look at the screen. This implication that Marvel movies are "so good that even its haters see them" reeks of someone paid to post here, the only alternative is you're high on goofballs.

Attached: SOY.jpg (416x443, 135K)

Too late Disney, the damage is already done
Are you already regret about this cast, Disney?
I don't think you'll ever accept any Chris Evans casting orders, huh?

>We, normal people
lol stop posting

Attached: IMG.jpg (876x1024, 321K)

Normal people have empathy and common sense.

>"soi" pic
>triple parenthesis
>shooting up threats
Could you be anymore stereotypical?

Because the nature of society, different races will often go through different experiences and see society in different ways, because of this, they will bring those different perspectives to understanding the world and critiquing media. This isnt complicated. Its the same how different classes of white people may have different perspectives.

Was I supposed to bite on the "minorities are all the same because they all wanna at least vote for the party that pretends to like them" bit seriously?

Dont shill please

oh christ this is embarrassing

Reminder that Rotten Tomatoes restructured its website in response to backlash over this one movie.

Attached: problem today.png (452x467, 14K)

Why did you point out goofballs? Is this a secret waffen term?

Attached: 1478671861802.png (345x366, 306K)

-Nathuram V. Godse

/pol/ite kids like to use old school terms for regular stuff to seem Ur-boomers.

Sure is strange how /pol/ seems to be behind everything you don't like.

No, nu/pol/ are actually just boomers from reddit

> Because the nature of society, different races will often go through different experiences and see society in different ways, because of this, they will bring those different perspectives to understanding the world and critiquing media. This isnt complicated. Its the same how different classes of white people may have different perspectives.
I hope you can give us an example of how differently two persons can review same thing depending precisely on their race. Bonus points for same opinions of same races from different nations.

Watching the universal damage control on social media, Rotten tomatoes, Yea Forums and here has been very enlightening. I'm surprised we aren't seeing bodies laid out in the street for endangering the Disney bottom line.

Attached: 1500625691400.png (485x461, 391K)

>intentionally review bomb movies because you don’t want to see it
>abuse the system and use it in a way it’s not intended to force a bad score
>get upset when said review system is removed by its creator

Bunch of kids saying the same tired, memetic shit and having the exact same pushbacks towards things they could easily ignore don't strike me as a nebulous group, but more of a concrete demographic that feels the world owes them something they've had for years.
And on top of that,
>claim that it's the creator's fault all along and that they're in damage control

>system is "abused" in this way for a decade on nearly every film
>remove the entire system when it's used on loud white female

Attached: 1551191407023.jpg (747x753, 105K)

>Cosmic Book News

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23 ‘Captain Marvel’ Brie Larson on Leading an All-Female Avengers Team.png (800x738, 396K)

>"You are just self-entitled" - group who expects you to grin and bear direct insults (and pay for product regardless)

Get woke go broke

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017_11_28_at_12.59.38_PM.0.jpg (1200x800, 226K)

These are fake though.

Considering the amount of attention you've already given this FOR FREE, it's only natural they expect you to pay for the product when it's out, just so you have "more material" for your sikk takedowns on Youtube.

>tfw to smart to knowing disney manufactured the controversy
Thank god I'm not seeing this train wreck.

We have empathy for human being,not shit nerd who laugh at memes.Stay in your basement and kill yourself already so you can stop wasting oxygen

>to smart to knowing
Yeah, you're a genius alright.

Thanks for posting, Achmed

Footfags will defend this

Unless you're a woman or not white... or even if you are white but not the right kind of white

Thank senpai.

>deflecting this hard that you’re only excuse is “because it’s a white women”

>"Captain Marvel is a character in our comics and in a mythology whose got one foot on Earth, one foot in the cosmic arena. And now that we have made a number of movies that take place on Earth, and now a number of the cosmic adventures with Avengers, and with Guardians of the Galaxy and with Thor, we thought it was the right time to finally introduce Captain Marvel to the world. She's one of the most popular characters in our comics, she's one of the most powerful characters in the comics and will be the most powerful character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."

Thank you for confirming my words.

Waiting for based YIFI to upload this crap before endgame.

post yfw you arent brie olsen

Attached: alpha male in a sea of betas.gif (400x373, 2.54M)

Alpha males don’t argue about superhero movies, you fucking loser

You cant do the "Jersey Shore" show that people hatewatch- with movies because while people are stupid enough to watch something out of pure hate, they're also lazy and won't pay extra money to watch it somewhere else.

Attached: 1543360834944.png (3463x1864, 3.28M)


>I bet you think the Gillette ad made them lose money as well
It didn't bring them any extra money, that was a wasted ad campaign you dumb fuck.
>They made a new design and actually worked the interest button into something that actually makes sense.
Tell me user, why do you enjoy sucking the cocks of major corporations so much?

Why so you jerkoffs even fucking care? We all know Movie Critics have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

At least you're all in here.

Could be very interesting to see the Rotten and Disney e-mail now

Attached: ALITA.jpg (1080x828, 85K)

Well according to that one study by USGS Analytics, the majority of men with strong testosterone levels and closer and above peak physical levels tend to lean more towards Marvel Studios movies in general, quoting the appeal of the heroes and emotional connection collated with the interconnected, layered continuity that creates a considerable serotonin increase, helping them also achieve better results during gym routines.

>oh christ this is embarrassing

yeah, for Disney

> owned by Disney.
Now theres an alternate timeline I'd like to see.

Attached: whatthefuck.jpg (500x282, 23K)

Certainly, a bunch of screeching retards monetizing their outrage on Youtube are a cause of concern to Disney.

Remember when DCfags sent so many death threats to critics that gave Batman 3 bad reviews that they took down the comments section?

I guess incels never learn.

Legit Kek’d.

I know right how will they ever recover from a handful of basementdwelling 4channers flooding their audience interest section with "SHE SAY WHITE MEN BAD AND HER FEET ARE ICKY"
>Starting this week, Rotten Tomatoes will launch the first of several phases of updates that will refresh and modernize our Audience Rating System. We’re doing it to more accurately and authentically represent the voice of fans, while protecting our data and public forums from bad actors.

>As of February 25, we will no longer show the ‘Want to See’ percentage score for a movie during its pre-release period. Why you might ask? We’ve found that the ‘Want to See’ percentage score is often times confused with the ‘Audience Score’ percentage number. (The ‘Audience Score’ percentage, for those who haven’t been following, is the percentage of all users who have rated the movie or TV show positively – that is, given it a star rating of 3.5 or higher – and is only shown once the movie or TV show is released.)

>What else are we doing? We are disabling the comment function prior to a movie’s release date. Unfortunately, we have seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling, which we believe is a disservice to our general readership. We have decided that turning off this feature for now is the best course of action. Don’t worry though, fans will still get to have their say: Once a movie is released, audiences can leave a user rating and comments as they always have.

>Last but not least, you will notice we are making some layout changes to the site. Through our research department we have learned that our users would prefer a cleaner, less cluttered, presentation of the Tomatometer and Audience Score. Don’t worry, the information and data are still there (promise!).

Honestly, all of this makes sense. You shouldn't be able to comment on a movie before its release, nor should general interest be confused for genuine quality.

Congrats, you proved Feige never mentioned Thanos

>Interested in cape shit and willing to spin it's direction when there are more people in Yea Forums, /co, and Reddit that hate it more and are more willing to sabotage it.
Are you going to rant about the Russians and alt-right movement, too? Because you sound just as off as those White Supremacists that blame the Jews for everything.

It must be very dangerous when people start seeing the lines, isn't?

>Remove website features to disallow wrongthink in your "review" website.
They sure showed those trolls how meaningless they are.

>someone says they like a disney movie
>user shills their youtube channel for fractions of pennies from adds.
OMG This user is soo right cause he validates what i already thought!

The lesson i've learned from 4chen is it's ok to shill as long as it's for google/youtube and not for a mouse.

You mean the strings that the russian puppets are dancing on?

I miss the days when being a film critic mean to torn apart Hollywood cookie-cutter crap instead of sucking corporative cocks. Fuck neoliberalism

They're just going to change the definition of "Top Critic" to Disney shills.

More like paid shills. Mostly chinks, pajeets and illegals that work for peanuts, literally. Disney is infamous for its sweatshops and questionable marketing campaigns

Tulsi Gabbard will become president.

So far, they're laughing at her. Come primaries they will fight her.

> You shouldn't be able to comment on a movie before its release.
Yeah, and ad campaigns for upcoming movies should be illegal.

Like Orson Welles said once, Hollywood isn't run by money but by ego. Of course money is important because it keeps the machine running but Hollywood is actually a circlejerk of producers wanting to brag about their name being attached to the latest hit

How can you actually use RT after this? Holy fuck that's pathetic.

This is funnier than if it had reached 10%

This. I hate the modern Democrats now. They're not anti-war, anti-monopolies or oligarchs, anti-tax avoidance, or even anti-illegal immigration. Literally all their economic policies somehow benefit the Elite wealthy classes over the common people. They're no better than the Republicans. Yet people think they're the good guys when both parties are all for lowering wages for the masses, overpopulating areas already full, increasing real estate etc, just so their masters can leech off the system even more so.

>Captain Marvel first Marvel film to bomb
>first Marvel film to alienate the footfag demographic
Coincidence? I think not.

I don't since wokebusters.

Let me rephrase: You should not be able to comment upon the perceived overall quality of a film before its full release.

Commenting upon snippets of information is perfectly legal. Pretending that it's all going to be shit, not so much. Ever see the trailer to "Drive"?

Satan is among us! I wonder how much of Carols own movies relative failure is due the fact Captain Marvel is just ultimately a very boring superhero? He was so boring they had to turn him into a woman so she would be at least slightly interesting.

>That's why the divide in conservative vs. liberal white male voters is an even 50-50 split (compared to blacks and hispanics and asians and everyone else, who vote 90% democrat.)
Actually the hispanic vote for the Republicans have been stedealy increasing since the 2000 election and not even Trump's controversial statements could stop it. Gringos see latinos as an homogeneous group but they hate each other and have engaged in war in multiple occasions, often encouraged by USA but that's another topic. Latinos and Republicans have many things in common, like their hatred for women, niggers and fags. Also many latinos agree that immigrant bring crime. The ironic twist is that latinos that voted for Trump were deported, true story.

No, it's weirder that anons here are blaming /pol/, of all boards, for this when you have anons here and other boards proudly admitting they're responsible for this. Misdirection, misblaming, and projection on Yea Forums. At least Yea Forums and Yea Forums can admit they're contrarians faggots that hate everything mainstream on principle. Yea Forums can't even admit to that. They have to support cape shit, even if they know it's terrible and holding the industry back.

>You should not be able to comment upon the perceived overall quality of a film before its full release.
Why not? If the movie looks like shit before its out, then thats the fault of the ad campaign. The movie very well might be the best movie of all time but it doesn't change the fact its advertising was fucking terrible, of course people should be allowed to voice their opinion about that.

>would be nice to have more diversity in reviewers i

Nobody is stopping women and black People from being reviewers. However, what Brie and others want is to open the floodgates and let everyone be a Rotten Tomatoes reviewer in the name of diversity without a quality control.

didn't you get enough of them when Hillary won?

Attached: isntevenoutyet.jpg (802x437, 52K)

>Rotten Tomatoes reviews
>Quality control.

Attached: killsixbillionkeks.jpg (252x248, 64K)

Most of /pol/ is the same ten threads copy pasted to infinity. There is hardly any geniune content there.

A.K.A. /pol/ is shills shilling shills. And you shouldn’t take it seriously.

let me try again

You should not be allowed to offer a judgement that can be utilized as an overall determination of a film's quality if and when the extent of your knowledge of said film is limited to marketing campaign material. Commenting upon standalone advertising and marketing material is allowable but given the number of differences in the goals of and the members of the marketing and filmmaking teams, the former should not be presumed to be reflective of the latter, nor should the latter be seen as responsible for the former.

If that were true, white male critics would be the minority that they are in real life.

RT is fucking useless now. Every shitty Hollywood capeshit/Disneyshit movie gets a 90%+ even if it's a piece of shit (see TLJ)

>RT: Hey, do you want to see this movie?

>Millions of people: Nah


Marketing is done is explicitly done to promote the product, show you why it's better then competition. If even this isn't enough to make you think something is good, you have enough of a reason to think the product won't be good for you. And you can express it, why not? And if the marketing is just shit, you ask? Well, that's on them, not on you.

There's a big patch coming out next week for a game I like. I went to /vg/ to see if there was any news I missed.

There was this one guy, I'm guessing about 12 years old or the mentality of a 12 year old, bragging about how he was going to "troll" a popular streamer by calling him a fag in the stream chat. Then he became absolutely apoplectic when he did that and the streamer banned him from chat. Just wouldn't stop sperging out about how his free speech had been violated by those horrible SJWs.

It reminds me of those people bitching about RT now, as if their spamming wasn't obvious to the whole world.

Good, you unruly fucks need to be kept in line, freedom was a mistake



See my cock and suck it, my point still stands

I really really want this movie to be bad and only make like $600m at the box office like that shitty Wasp movie.

What was the score before it was taken down?

>the former should not be presumed to be reflective of the latter, nor should the latter be seen as responsible for the former.
It is the ad campaigners job to reflect the former with the latter, so when a person says "This looks like shit", then its their failure.

Attached: 3D630591-3ECE-4A94-AB85-CDCA5A22ACC6.gif (540x310, 463K)

> ad hominem

>tfw a teenage boy is thiccer than you

kiss me already

>what did you guys accomplish with your "campaign"?
What "campaign"?
Nobody wants to see this movie. It looks so bad that it'll probably ruin Endgame (the movie that people were actually looking forward to) by association.

No it doesn't. This isn't people saying nah, this people vindictively attacking something based on a lie. We all know it doesn't represent what the general populace thinks and to pretend otherwise is stupid.

Why did this apparent disappointment manifest only so suddenly this week then? Why weren't the trailers massively downvoted, why did RT score drop so fast in a couple of days instead of slowly overtime as you'd normally expect?

Yes it does

No, that's not what ad hominem means, retard.

I just checked.
If people are excited for this movie, why are these the top comments in the trailer?

Attached: captain fungus top comments.png (623x525, 37K)

So do you think any of these guys or Girls ever had a Job.

I mean a real job not wasting oxygen

Attached: dab oof.jpg (1400x686, 206K)

Youtubers aren't people and their opinions mean nothing.

>1 week ago
Thanks for reinforcing my point

If the movie is so widely hated or ignored why did you have to post comments instead of data like low viewership or bad like/dislike ratios? This is the trailer you found those comments under

Attached: IMG_20190226_180218.png (1080x1194, 244K)

> another ad hominem

No u

i was in a pretty bummed mood the past couple of days but this cheered me up.

thanks OP

I wonder how many people who are actual "comic fans" are actually excited. I sure as hell give no fucks.

Come on boo SIT DOWN!

Attached: ooftastic.png (1300x900, 429K)

It's a bait thread. Give it a bit of time to come out, then we can hopefully discuss it like adults instead of like /pol/shits

Attached: low quality bait.jpg (800x600, 29K)

By comic fans do you mean those who read comics or the clickbait crowd.

Because to be honest I think the latter (Pro and Anti) is then the former.

So you're proud you falsified something to such a degree that a company needed to behave like a parent and take your toy away from you because you couldn't be trusted to behave like adults?
How embarrassing.
t. straight white male

>This is not true at all though, for example populations becoming more diverse are because more minorities are being born, not that they are actively killing white people.
Only for the first 30% of diversity, and even then you're ignoring miscegenation.

>fellow white people
Sure thing, Mr. Goldstein

So then why aren't all the trolls who smashed that "want to see button" removed as well? It's almost like there's some ulterior motive going on here.

Attached: some tomato.jpg (900x810, 55K)

Pussies. If you don't want people to use that vote button, then why have it?

>be not people
>have invalid opinions
>make millions of money with that

Attached: Pewdiepie when asked about the MCU.gif (300x231, 1.99M)

>If you don't want people to use that vote button, then why have it?
They didn't think people would vote the wrong way

What a grasp on the English language. Go back to Russia.

did anyone in the entire world actually look/care about the fan scores anyway?

Attached: hecurun.gif (463x463, 392K)

That's because those movies have the most critics viewing them. And by "critics" they mean "bloggers who only review MCU capeshit" who bloat the numbers. 60% of the "certified" critics of those movies don't show up in most other films.

>millions of people
>not fat neck beards who can’t control their anger over people wanting to watch a movie they didn’t be plan on watching themselves

Moar pls?

Attached: Batman- Birth of the Demon-188.jpg (394x479, 65K)

Disney insider here:

Disney lawyers sent a message to RT that if they didn't take it down, they'd be sued into oblivion. This was confidentially done

Did you even look at the OP, they deleted everything

John Nintendo here, can confirm

"And thus countless Youtube videos were created on this post alone,"

>in Yea Forums

Attached: Oh you poor goy.jpg (500x499, 47K)

>implying you can’t raid that
It’s the exact same thing.


On what grounds?

So people legitimately saying they aren't interested in seeing a movie too much caused them to cut their own nose off to spite their face, and this is anyone's fault but theirs? Get fucked moron.

This but literally and unironically.

Right, like we were able to discuss black panther here without being called racist by discord shills.


>calling people brain dead
>admits he can’t even read a book


>Did you even look at the OP, they deleted everything
No, they left up the "want to see", but removed "not interested".

Attached: some cocky anime bitch.jpg (352x359, 27K)

Yeah 100% legit. There’s definitely nothing fishy about a movie dropping from the 90s to the 30s in just a few days, two weeks before its release.

>There’s definitely nothing fishy about a movie dropping from the 90s to the 30s in just a few days, two weeks before its release.
There isn't, I've seen retards compare it to endgame but that isn't out for a long while and makes no sense to compare it to.

This only happened with Solo and shitty DC movies that aren't Shazam and Aquaman, curiously it DIDN'T happen with Wonderwoman and Panther.

It's almost like nobody wants to see this piece of shit, and instead of owning up to it they're insulting their core audience and blaming it on Russian bots again, like they did with Solo.

If it was legit, why was there such a sudden change? It already had almost as many votes as Infinity War. Why do you insist on lying?

Why don't we switch to ticket sales over amount made? It's skewed due to different theatres having different prices and discounts and other factors.
Am I missing something?

>MCU movie
>no one wants to see it
Choose one and only one.

>It already had almost as many votes as Infinity War.
That's far more suspicious than a bunch of people not wanting to see Captain Fungus.

>If it was legit, why was there such a sudden change?
Because nobody is as vocally abhorant as Brie Larson, and being as outwardly antagonistic on social media will cause people to express their disdain for you and y our product. Even when Panther got lavished with criticism nobody from it ever got vocal until after it did gangbusters. In fact when Panther got hit with "bots" it never dipped below 65% and it went back up to about 80 before release.

But that doesn't count because this proves the alt right are nazis, right you mentally diseased tranny fuck?

Quick, Yea Forums - how are you going to cope if this movie makes $700m?

>Star Wars movie
>no one wants to see it
Chooose one and only...wait

>implying people even saw that interview, let alone cared
No one outside of polchan even gives a shit

But nothing happened on social media, what the fuck are you talking about?

Star Wars has had fans hate movies before. The closest thing Marvel has to that is TIH, and that was before the MCU was even a real thing.


>outwardly antagonistic on social media
Source or gtfo.
You clearly don’t even know what you’re mad about.

dreaming about Brie giving me a footjob and fisting me with her photon hand.

Attached: 1538499468324.webm (1280x720, 424K)

I will wake up to find the movie only made $100.
$100, not $100m.

Have some dignity

>borderline trolling

Yeah, like the dozens of posts claiming people who aren't interested in this movie are incels.

Attached: 1543346845154.jpg (320x311, 17K)

>Post your face when Captain Marvel singlehandedly Mary Sues her way to defeating Thanos in Endgame.

Attached: marvelcucks.png (289x280, 37K)

Attached: 1424532825013.gif (500x344, 345K)

If you react to this showing blatant censorship and creating an agenda by the media you are called an incel bigot. I just want to enjoy my hobby and escape the real world without narratives and agendas being shoved in my face. SJW's win because they have the media backing them and have taken the moral high ground.

Whelp I wasn't going to see this movie regardless, not because its a woman or Brie, but because I was a fan of Mar-Vell and they are shitting on him in the movie.

Luckily, there are a bunch of older movies she was in that we can down rank if we wanted to.

probably nolook who's talking about wasting oxygen

>wasting oxygen is categorized as a "job"
Get a load of this retard.

>I want to escape politics
>That's why i created an account to bitch about politics with my politically-aligned friends in ways we never did before, because i want to escape politics SO much!
Grow up


I can't wait until you go back to twitter.

His top teeth are so far back it makes it look like he is choking on a bar of soap

The website is owned by one of the five companies that own pretty much everything. Make sense but if one of the companies is getting bad press bad reviews etc. that one of the other forward step in to help.

improved economy, reducing regulation, recognizing Jerusalem, negotiating with North Korea...

I legitimately clicked not interested because I'm not interested. Does that make me a troll? I honestly saw more picture-less accounts and obvious fake names on the want to see side of the voting when I was reading comments yesterday.

>actually he's done a bunch of shit, here look
fucking really.

Already paid for. Are you doing your part Yea Forums?

Attached: original.jpg (513x745, 75K)

It's the only contact with soap he ever had. And he ate it because he's a fat fuck.

Good job shill.


You're one guy. 40k voted for either interested or not (assuming no bots) and a big chunk of them were spewing meaningless tripe like or pic related

Attached: IMG_20190223_170941.png (1078x187, 34K)


I want to wake up and find that she's reolaced with a woman of color playing Kamala in the next movie


Attached: 4af.jpg (328x398, 34K)

Yep. Same here man

Those are all valid reasons.
I'm not sure how much of an insane authoritarian you must be to believe otherwise.

Ahhh, I didn't see that one. Priceless.

They're not, and even if they were retarded but genuine reactions they came from blatant lies and clickbait

>Actually the hispanic vote for the Republicans have been stedealy increasing since the 2000 election

Stop posting

Attached: who's ruining the country.jpg (1200x1032, 254K)

>"Uhm, excuse me, but it turns out that too many people voted for the incorrect choice, so we're just going to remove that now."

Attached: nu-Marvel.gif (800x800, 230K)

Attached: Mt._Lady_takes_credit.png (732x412, 288K)

This is like asking if anybody asks about movies on places like Yea Forums or other social media.

Unironically the only groups who use official critic scores are movie producers themselves and fanboys, both for the same purpose: to assert their movie is unanimously good and you should totally pay for it.

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Where did I make an account?


Can't you say the same about the fan scores?

reddit said youtube doesn't count

Fan scores don't hold any semblance of authority, but they do give a more accurate representation of how widely-liked a movie actually is. Critics are paid advertisements for the most part.

Nice source

Just now I watched some Star Wars mashup video that served as a sort of combined trailer for all the movies, harmless, nicely edited etc, just something cool...

But then it ended, and the recommended video was a Captain Marvel hate video with over a million views:

Now, I wasn't even logged in, so it couldn't have gleaned my interests based on that, but I can't blame retards for buying into bullshit clickbait and false allegations, when there's monetized videos on Youtube capitalizing on their outrage. There's a sector on Youtube that has the algorithm in lockstep and know how to reach specific audiences with the right keywords, even with unrelated stuff.

You can say whatever you want about the big corporations and stuff, but this is coming from regular people with huge followings. And then you have them coming here, pretending to be "woke" (but on the other spectrum) and think they're beyond manipulation.

>t. console baby

STFU shill

>fan scores
Go look at the amount of votes for every Star Wars movie and tell me there’s nothing fucky about it

Look at the scores of every "professional critic" review of Star Wars and tell me there's nothing fucky about that. I would much rather trust the word of Yea Forums or Yea Forums.

you first

>I'm not going to offer proof about anything he's done, but you just take my word for it as some random anonymous faggot on a Scandinavian fishing forum.

> Already paid for shilling
It good to take money in advance

Carol Danvers in the comics.

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I never said critic scores were good, wanna try again?

She did say that she didn't need to hear the opinions of white dudes. Or was that rant speech I watched doctored?

>what did you guys accomplish with your "campaign"?
pissed off a group of faggots and anti-whites by making fun of their gay movie

>12 minute video
>about hating a movie
>that isn’t even out yet
>one million people have watched it
YouTube outrage culture is honestly one of the worst things to happen to the internet. At least RLM waited a decade for the Plinkett reviews.

Holy shit, what’s it like living with this much of a persecution complex?

She said that last year about a movie that isn't Captain Marvel for reasons related to that movie specifically and nothing else. You bitch about it now only because some other retards told you to

What's to stop people from doing negative reviews once the film drops?

"These can't be legitimate reviews. There are more negative reviews than tickets sold!"

5 more years loser

>What's to stop people from doing negative reviews once the film drops?

Fuck Carol and fuck Carolposters.

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That doesn't prove him wrong, that still lumps all POC into one group.

>he mad
So do you got any of them sources yet?

Attached: lulwut.png (476x453, 226K)

Memes won't stop Trump from going to jail, incel. Keep 'em coming because they literally will never make a difference no matter how many of them you post.

Indeed, and it's not just now, during last year with TLJ it was one of the most unbearable periods on the internet precisely because of the countless of videos and content revolving around how that movie was a huge failure and why Disney is in shambles etc, all 15-30min long videos nitpicking the exact same things and all with millions of views; at some point you just gotta wonder what kind of person sits through all of these and how it shapes their opinions on things.

Still none of them can explain this , how we went months without hearing anything about "troll ratings" and downvotes and the videos getting good reception and several million views, then suddenly a week ago, the explosion in bad comments and "review bombings". All coinciding with some campaigns by "prominent" youtubers who took it upon themselves to churn out outrage shit based around clickbait.

Even the special counsel has been on record saying they don’t have anything.

But she also said she wants to give women and people of color more priority on her Captain Marvel interviews because the current ratio of critics is "predominantly white." So, isn't that just confirmation that her attitude back then is the same as her current one?

I mean, Gunn is a pedophile for making jokes about pedophilia a decade ago, but Brie isn't a racist/sexist because the racist/sexist statements she made were a year ago and in relation to a different movie?



>She invited female journalists, that means she hates me! Hate speech, hate speech!

>I mean, Gunn is a pedophile for making jokes about pedophilia a decade ago, but Brie isn't a racist/sexist because the racist/sexist statements she made were a year ago and in relation to a different movie?
I can't believe this. It's exactly your type of faggotry that created the non-controversy of Gunn's pedophilia, why the fuck would you even mention it? YOU got Gunn fired because he hurt your feefees, i didn't buy your bullshit with that exactly the same way I'm not buying it now

Now I'm actually mad

>What's to stop people from doing negative reviews once the film drops?
Nothing. They're just going keep screaming "incel" forever.
For all the talk about "review bombing", nobody actually has a single nice thing to say about the movie. I don't get why Marvel keeps trying to push their worst characters.

So incels got Gunn fired and also complained about Brie being racist? Even though getting people fired over tweets is the left's weapon of choice and has been for two decades?

>Now I'm actually mad
Yeah, I'd be mad too if I didn't have a life beyond this place.

I haven't been in a theater in over a decade.


Because if their worst character can hit a demographic they still have guaranteed sales.

But Captain Marvel doesn't hit a demographic.