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Detective comics 1000 cover by alex ross
What's the issue of Ross' fetish for golden and silver age capes? Autism?
He grew up with silver age comics, so naturally that's what he's nostalgic towards.
Socialist Party of the Working People?
I want one of the covers to be a throwback to golden age Thomas Wayne Batman punching a bad guy in the throat. I don't have the cover its from saved but Batman has it on a slideshow projector. Even back in the 40s Thomas Wayne was brutal as fuck.
Why do ppl like batsy so much?
Actually a pretty good realistic take on the cover. The original usually looks super awkward due to the posing but Ross made it work.
Needs more tits.
I think it's mostly the rogues and supporting cast, these days. Batman holds them all together, he's the glue, so he's an important part of everything, but we wouldn't really be fans without the other characters. If you out Batman into Metropolis and Superman into Gotham, it wouldn't be as interesting in either case
My favorite artist in the game. That being said, it's an aesthetic you either love or you hate.
Alex Ross is also a bit of a weeb.
To me, he made it every person look like a fatty old guy. Anyone had that image of Shazam drawn by him looking really closer to a pedo?
Not an argument, you're just using old ass memes like a redditor.
>that image of Shazam
Found the underage who "learns" about comics from idiot youtubers.
don't get me wrong, it's great and all I just don't get why Ross is the only super acclaimed painter when there's dozens of incredibly talented artists of his caliber, maybe the others just aren't as popular?
but why?]
Who thought including Batwoman was a good idea?
Why is it when a book has a bunch of variants, it’s usually a bad read?
Because he pioneered it and has a unique style that everyone recognizes.
>trying this hard to fit in
but like an old school 70s 1st gen weeb
I always forget which one of the brothers passed away. I got a Spidey poster somewhere by them. Plus all those cards.
And that's a bad thing?
There is also a bunch of Jim Lee variants that a bunch of comic shop chains are getting. I'm aiming for the Catwoman one because it's been years since I've seen her in best costume.
Wouldn't this make more sense as the cover to Detective Comics 1027?
It's called a homage or callback sugartits.
How does this not break the guy's neck? He's basically hanging him.
Mobster necks were made of tougher stuff back then.
Because they're editorial-driven nonsense being pushed by the publisher. Having 10000000 variants is usually DC/Marvel telling you "THIS IS IMPORTANT READ THIS MAKE IT THE BEST SELLING ISSUE OF THE MONTH"
I appreciate Ross' art on a technical level, but he's almost too good if that makes any sense, sometimes falling in the uncanny valley imo.
Who says he didn't break the guy's neck? He punches some dude (not the Joker) into a vat of acid in that very same issue and quips after he dies
They're fine as paintings but his work has literally no sense of motion or kinetic energy which is hilarious because he's a superheros artist.
Is it the same one where he smashes a man's skull by swing kicking him in the head?
>maybe the others just aren't as popular?
You answered your own question.
Alex Ross is prolific. Others may be just as talented, but they simply don't have Ross' body of work. He's essentially a name brand when it comes to artists.
You are sperg
No, that's a different issue. May have been Batman #1, which I think was Golden Age Batman's last kill, but I'm probably wrong.
Cute lizard
I like the Michael Cho one better but I'm planning on getting them both.
But that's actually kind of cool.
I think he's jumping the gun, considering they're probably going to go through this rigamarole again in two and a half years for the actual anniversary, #1027.
This but unironically. The only good work by him was those epic Kingdom Come poses. Even his normal covers are ass.
I like it, I like the throwback look to the first Detective Comics prints. People forget how long this book has been running.
He took this from a panel in Kingdom Come
Did he finally forgive DC for the N52?
>$16 shipping as the only option
>To ship a floppy
Alex Ross is a fucking con man.
Not usually a big fan of Ross but I think it works and looks great.
Maybe you shouldn't live on the moon. Why the fuck your shipping cost so much?
I live in Orange County California, and the only option his website gives is UPS ground at $16.
Where’s that one going to be? I want to get the Gleason one
>No Morrison
BUT WHY!? I understand he's doing Green Lantern at the moment but I'm surprised he hasn't done anything in #1000. I'm just going to get the standard cover for this one. Also I'm not following Detective Comics at the moment but I understand #1000 is going to introduce Arkham Knight into the canon? Never played the game but I know they won't repeat themselves and have it be Jason again. My bet is it is either a completely new character or one of Arkham's descendants.
I'm pretty curious what they are going to do for #1027
Batman used to kill people, you casuals.
How the fuck is this not the normal cover instead of that crappy Jim Lee one?
Alex Ross isn’t the publisher and CCO of the company
That's pretty classy and fitting for the 1K issue so good job I guess. Gold clap.
I only wish the contents weren't going to be shit.