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What a rotten way to die.


Don't worry.
It was over in a snap.

He came bacl.
It's honestly better than him surviving and calling himself Rid and acting like Jason all of a sidden. I really hope he snaps out of it soon, the public service Nightwing team is kinda fun and all, but I don't want to wait do the next reboot event for more good ol wholesome Dick.

What? Holy fuck how can people even read those things? Are you all mentally handicapped?

I made three autocorrect typos. Three. Get over yourself fucking sperg.
on the topic of my tablet being stupid autocorrect wanted me to call you a sperm just now and I was tempted...

Anyone who's first language is English can make out what his drunken attempt at typing was trying to convey, and he's absolutely right about Rick being shit.

Not that user but we had story times pretty consistently when the games were fresh to laugh at the random bad art and asspulls

I look at followers of cape comics with the same mixture pity and fascination I feel when I look at followers of pro-wrestling. They know its bad but they're so eager for shallow, nostalgic escapism that they'll suck down anything they're given just to divert their attention briefly on the long embarrassing road to the grave

I wish I was drunk, just square fingered with a seven inch screen. I need a stylus pen.
I don't hate "Ric" but it's getting pretty drawn out and kinda depressing.

I meant the story you retards. How can anyone honestly read capeshit? It’s like soap opera but dumber.

Oh, well like and you you self point out, it's stupid escapism and were well aware that capeshit us dumb but it's fun to us. What the fuck do you like reading, boring black and white shit about nerdy lesbians arguing?

thats 80% of this board you retard

thats like one of those ponyfaggots going "UGH I HATE PONYS"

there's plenty of trash webcomic threads or shitty garbage comics for you to find

That sounds like my ideal piece of fiction

Well i can't remember what it was called but it was your stereotypical indie crap, black and white, boring, about realistic situations and long. I think it won some eisners. I'm sure another autistic indie fan could tell you.

Don't forget multiple Steven Universe general's or waifus for pedos threads

I'd say this one is ranked in the top 5 too.

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The deaths in Injustice are kinda dumb when you think about it.

Actually, let's remove the "The deaths in" from that sentence.

>Injustice are kinda dumb when you think about it.

>someone thought this was a good idea

>Fight crime in outfit with no helmet, no neck protection
>The slightest bit surprised when this happens

Literally the most important piece of armor you can wear is a helmet. Statistically speaking, he would be safer fighting completely nude except for a helmet.

Someone please make this happen. I need to see it for scientific reasons.

>Baton Passes his low HP Nightwing into Stealth Rocks
>It dies

Luckily they fixed Healing Wish in Gen 5 so it heals you before you take rocks damage.

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What a shame.

A human died a human death.

That would never happen to Batman

Mortal Kombat needs to show up more in Injustice, its canon to the universe

Plus everyone loves Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Raiden

Imagine this
>WB decides to make Injusticeverse Movie
>End Credits scene
>Batman: "so you claim to be from another "realm"? Well that isnt the strangest thing ive heard"
>Camera Pans around to see the Shillouette of Raiden, Scorpion and Sub-Zero standing in the dark, and Raiden steps forward into the light

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*smacks lips*

>Supergirl betrays Superman

Supergirl, Superman and Wonder Woman are a brilliant team.

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Always thought this kind of danger should be what makes it impossible for Bats and co. to have never killed any one. In all those years NO thug they knocked out ever hit the concrete badly? They never crossed the fine line between a punch that just knocks out and one that leaves a person quietly dieing?


thanks to batconcrete (special concrete mix made by batman that activates when he is nearby) thugs are safe when batman fights them

Yeah but is entertainingly dumb, like Batman becoming Etrigan or the weeding of Killer Crock and Orca.