Thoughts on the film Fantastic Planet? Also recommend similar films

Thoughts on the film Fantastic Planet? Also recommend similar films.

Attached: ywn be a giant blue girl's pet.jpg (1600x900, 1.7M)

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Weird shit, but it's HIGH QUALITY weird shit imported from France. 10/10

it's Czech.

Attached: Gandahar.webm (720x528, 2.92M)

There you go

The English dub of Gandahar by the same director is on YouTube.

For other surrealist mindfucks, try The Congress and anything by Jan Svankmajer. On the anime side, try Mind Game, The Night is Short Walk on Girl, Angel's Egg, and Paprika.

The only one of those I know I've seen is Paprika. It was pretty great

René Laloux was french

Beautiful artstyle and fascinating concept. I didn't like how the relationship between the alien and human was dropped completely half way through the film and never revisited. It would have been wonderful to have an ending where the alien and former human pet meet once again, but this time as equals and friends.

I recommand to you the King and the Mockingbird from Paul Grimault, La vieille dame et les pigeons from Sylvain Chomet; The Shadoks from Jacques Rouxel (only season 1 in english)

>the King and the Mockingbird
That's a masterpiece

I want to watch les maitres du temp but can’t

The Painting (2011)

Attached: Le_Tableau.jpg (272x367, 14K)

The Beatles Yellow Submarine

It exists in the bay.

Only movie I preferred watching high.

Attached: file_0.png (640x676, 560K)

Youre so cool

>blacked npc removing our waifus

It's nice to see that underage b& aren't doing drugs these days but shouldn't you be in class right now, kiddo? most middleschools start by 8:00.

holy fuck you're even cooler now

yeah, Debora Caprioglio is gorgeous

Sometimes the Courage homages are high-brow

Attached: Tulip.png (422x574, 203K)

I really recommend Anomalisa

Attached: f140fc-20160108-anomalisa01.jpg (1000x561, 36K)

Time Masters is pretty good. not great. maybe a 6 or 7 out of 10