Is true? Is she the smarter Marvel character?

Is true? Is she the smarter Marvel character?

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Other urls found in this thread:–cube_law

She is, but she's also incredibly naive and inexperienced.

Her first instinct when faced with a problem is usually to go yell in its face.

I should point out that when she was declared the smartest character Hank Pym was/still is Pymtron, and Mr. Fantastic was still missing.

I'll say she's 2nd place now that the FF are back.

It's okay to not be the smartest

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Smartest AND sexiest.

those edits of her

"Smartest character ever" is probably the laziest writing device ever.
The worst part is that it's constantly used by writers who are literally and unironically retarded, so "the smartest character" ends up sounding like a fucking idiot.

>the mage
Do they explain what that means or are they just fucking with him

>another kid that thinks they're smarter than everyone else
She solved a puzzle in record time. Apparently Banner couldn't even solve it and he made it. It's a hollow title. She might as well be Scientist Supreme.

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If they had any sense they would use the confusion to bury the jdea of "smartest there is" once and for all.

Knowledge doesn't work that way. SCIENCE doesn't work that way.

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Considering nothing comes of this and it's believed by some to be a ruse by Loki it might as well be fucking with him.

She is the sharter Marvel character.

What edits?

She's smartest in her... narrative.
I see Moon Girl as a pretty standalone story - adventures of young girl in a world of superheroes and supervillains.
As something in vein of cartoons like MLAATR.

In one of the X-Men crossovers she encountered Forge and took one of his inventions and improved it. Even though he doesn't actually know how what he builds works she still one upped him. Then again the Inhuman/X-Men crossovers were all shit.

It seems like liberal wish fulfillment. Somehow they think if they make all these brilliant child /young teen spunky black girls hacking into lantern batteries and making high tech suits of armor, that will start to happen in real life. Or people will believe it happens in real life. But no.

That's the most Bendis page I've ever seen not written by Bendis.

>Richards is The Explorer.
>Stark, he is The Engineer.
>Pym... you are The Mage.
This is exactly why I hate (modern) Marvel so much. They always have to do these retarded forced categorizations of everything because none of the writers went through creative writing 101 and none of them understand the show don't tell rule.

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>liberal wish fulfillment

Where and how did you get to that conclusion?

Conservative racism.

>hacking into lantern batteries and making high tech suits of armor, that will start to happen in real life
>in real life
I hate to break it to you user but comics aren't real.

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It's more like them trying to "fix" something that has typically moved in one direction for most of its life (adult white male heroes being the most common characters in cape books) by doing the most extreme thing they can in the opposite direction (a young black female hero is the smartest, strongest, most important, etc. character). Like filling a jar of hot water with ice cubes made of absolute zero. The hope is that taken as a whole the thing they're trying to fix ends up in a happy middle, but the way they go about it is really abrasive and jarring to people on the outside.

The hell, that's not how lego works. What am I looking at.


Time out, those aren't horns?!
It's just a popped up collar!?


Happy middle? Like hell. They want white males gone.

Again with that Loki shit?

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Lunella's area of expertise is DIY tech. All her machines, inventions, and weapons are things she either got from her house or salvaged from the dump.

In theory Pymtron is the smartest... he's both, it's like having two Hank Pym in one and let's not forget that Ultron was already smarter than him, Stark, Richards, etc.

You /pol/ is showing.

It's kind of weird how the Moon Girl writer tries so hard to stick to wider Marvel canon (Lifebringer Galactus, Heroic Doom, Mayor Fisk, etc.) but the other Marvel books don't really do the same. None of the concepts introduced in Moon Girl have really appeared in other books.

That doesn't mean you can shove a gear on a fixed axle and attach it to a 4x2, squish some smaller gears on top of it, and keep stacking pieces and gears and somehow expect it to work! Is she fucking autistic? That Shirley Manson from the terminator tv show was better with legos!

user you have to realize that comic writers aren't what you'd call "smart".

Not him, but I feel like there should be some sort of required course called "writing smart characters when you're a fucking moron", so that you don't end up with someone who is supposedly "the smartest person on the planet" being unable to figure out why school days are 8 hours long.

This could be solved if more writers just had time or cared to research.

i like moon girl. kind of a loveable weirdo.

riri sucks though.

>collapse under own weight

but wouldn't everything scale to support the new size?

I don't expect that of my silly picture book writers.
I do, however, expect them to work around the glaring gaps in their own knowledge, like "make ~the smart stuff~ happen reasonably off-panel", or "make the smart characters say less, so that you don't reveal how dumb you, the writer, actually are."

Yeah, the series does a good job of showing Lunella's arrogance as a flaw, but it's also understandable.
Things only scale to themselves eventually the outside pressure would be too much.

Like how deep sea fish can't survive at sea level.

>/pol/ was right
oh no!

Your tumblr is.–cube_law

I was talking about the shit art though.

Daredevil, Moon Knight, Thor, Peter Parker, Fantastic Four, Tony Stark, Captain America, Punisher, Deadpool, most of the X-Men.

Mayor Fisk is a thing in Daredevil and the 30 different Spider-Man books.

When did they blackwash Deadpool?

They never did, those guys are all currently white men.
Right. Moon Girl follows other books' canon, but stuff introduced in Moon Girl like Girl Moon and Princess Fisk aren't mentioned.

Then your point is completely shit, considering that most of that list has been blackwashed/vaginawashed in recent years. It was only retconned because everyone consistently hated it.

>He thought any change in comics was permanent

Now I KNOW you're a /pol/tard, because anyone who reads comics knows it's all about the status quo.

How? they literally say so

Changes become permanent when people like them.
Nobody liked any of your "woke yass slay" diversity horseshit. That's not my personal opinion, that's the opinion of everyone who quit buying comics when they were pushing that idiocy to the point they've pretty much all been retconned.

People liked Spider-man's marriage, that got retconned.

I'm gonna stop talking now, because you pretty clearly don't know jack shit.

>Be smart
>be inexperienced or naive
This. Intelligence does not equate to wit or wisdom.

>People liked Spider-man's marriage, that got retconned.
Yes, and what's the average person's opinion of OMD, marvelcuck?

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