I watched 13 episodes of this, does it get better? Because while the characters are likable enough...

I watched 13 episodes of this, does it get better? Because while the characters are likable enough, the show is so far so freaking boring and I started to regret wasting time on this.

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It gets better as it goes. Just roll with it as it goes

you'll probably keep being bored, but I say keep at it. I liked it well enough albeit I still haven't seen the final season.

It never reaches the highs of the Clone Wars. which is a shame because there's always this sense of untapped potential. It's ok, just a bit disappointing.

Your time aint that important

It doesn’t get any better...for every bit of improvement they get in the show they take an equal bit back. Most of it is because of that Ezra fucker as the episodes without him are usually more enjoyable. Since, with exception to his Jedi power, he doesn’t become anything more than what he started out as. Plus that ending of the entire thing.

it does get better, but it's not worth watching every episode. there's quite a bit of filler. even episodes that aren't filler feel like filler. i'd find a 'best episodes' list and watch a few of them. it gets more interesting when ezra gets swayed by the dark side, but it's short-lived.

it gets a lot better.

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I guess I will finish the first season and then decide. I watched after the clone wars and it does feel like a huge step down in every way (including the budget..).

The problem is that every episode feel the same and the story is hardly progressing. I'm also getting tired of Kenan still being unsure about training Ezra like get over yourself already.

Third season is when it gets good, just like clone wars.

It gets better, I think. A certain seemingly unlikable horned guy shows up and everything gets crazy around then

well to be fair TCW first, what, four seasons weren't really that special or at least to me and with the movie itself possibly being one of the worst Star Wars-related stories I've ever seen. but yeah I do sorta agree with you regardless, and come to your own conclusion on whether you want to continue after S1.

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>It never reaches the highs of the Clone Wars
At the same time, I'd say it never reaches the lows of TCW either. The average quality for the episodes is probably about equal.

Rebels has a lot of highs, too ... they're just not Umbara level high.

...here's to hoping Resistance gets some highs at some point.

If you're an OT and EU freak it is better just because of the subject material and loving attention to old school ship and fleet fight cinematography.

S4E09 is probably the best classic star wars space fight since Return of the Jedi.

Is anyone actually watching this?

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>they played a couple KOTOR2 soundtracks on Malachor
I want to KISS Filoni

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I have been, because why not. It's not great, but there's some underlying potential there. It has all the makings of early TCW and - especially - Rebels:

>season 1
>cast full of OCs
>annoying, largely incompetent MC
>spunky girl in the crew who shows up MC
>non-human comic relief
>questionable animation
>occasional cameos to keep you interested
>lots of filler
>so much filler
>low stakes
>takes place away from the main saga action

I felt the same way about Rebels when Ezra was introduced with that fucking laser-slingshot on his wrist. But once he finally ditched that (after initially building it into his saber) the show got so much better.

The race-platform setting is pretty cool, but they don't do anything with it. And when they actually show First Order vs Resistance stuff, I dig it, but it's only like 2 minutes per episode, if that.

>Lucas wanted Revan and Bane to appear but decided against it because of Jedi faggotry

feels bad man

I was actually unsure about watching the clone wars at first, but I got hooked on from the first season because I love how it explored the galaxy and I was suprised at how much I enjoyed watching Anakin with padawan plus all the new characters were good especially Honda. There was also a sense of danger in the show and it feel like an actual war going on.

Rebels on the other hand feel too safe and seem like a bland version of the original trilogy so far instead of standing on its own.

>that pacing
>the camera work
>the slow jedi-reveal
...oh shit is this kino??
>those wookies
jesus christ, filoni what were you thinking?

I mean, it's obvious they didn't have the budget for good hair. So why the fuck did they include a 100% hair species in the first fucking episode?

I mean...Sort of? It basically stays at the same level of quality throughout but there are a select few episodes that boost it up. The last two seasons are fucking trash though, especially the ending. Since it's a prequel to the original trilogy, they have to leave it as a vague open ended thing and it's honestly just bullshit.

the Sith Holocron should have been made by Darth Traya
also get another voice actor for it, I know Ventress' poor voice actor probably needs work but fuck that
also also make it a bigger plot point

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>cast full of OCs
Ahsoka and the Clones were the only new characters in S1 and hardly got any foucs on the early seasons.

>annoying, largely incompetent MC
Who? Anakin? He was pretty competent actually.

>The last two seasons are fucking trash though
>Twin Suns
>Force wolves
>based Whittaker
>more Mandalore
>Defector Kallus

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I was mostly talking about Rebels, guess I should've been clearer. The comparison with TCW is more just that the tone of the early episodes was a lot kiddier.

The TCW cast was obviously way better, since it was literally just movie characters.

I mean, they don't look *that* bad. They could look far better, but really the main issue is the texture work was wonky and the model needed more tweaking.

which is to be expected as they were just starting to figure out the art style they were going for. By Season 3 they'd figured out a better way to do hair, which continued into Season 4

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I watched all of Rebels and TCW and the first couple of episodes were si boring I couldn't

Yeah, I don't get why people are comparing thrm and say they both were weak at the beginning. TCW S1 was far better than the Rebels and got the Ryloth arc which was pretty awesome. The only problem it had was Ahsoka who was way more competent and op for her age than she should.

Malachor touched us all. We all died there, and the echo kept travelling. It just took a while to reach us.

The wookies look so bad.

>Atton's death scene.
Just rip my fucking heart out already.

I can see why you'd be angry but personally I think force superbeings taking orders from Jedi and Sith seems dumb
Also Revan stopped being a Sith

>implying Revan didn't stay dark side and the Exile didn't reform the order

People always talk about how Revan was done dirty by TOR but I personally think The Exile was done worse

Yeah, it is a bit of a craw sometimes but when it's good, it's damn good. Rebels really is one of those shows that needs a viewing guide but almost every episode has a callback. Just wait for Tarkin. That's when shit gets real.

Also Grinky a best

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Revan was fine. It couldn't have ended any other way.

But the Exile got fucked over so goddamn hard: no mention of Bao-dur, Brianna, Visas, Atton, Kreia, Mira, or fucking anyone. Their status as a force revenant getting down rated to basic bitch jedi was awful.

What are you trying to meme?

Bitch you take that back he was one of the best parts of both series

>Revan was fine. It couldn't have ended any other way.
yes it could have
they dragged his corpse through half-baked shitty plots, it would've been 100x better if he were killed off-screen by the Outer Rim emperor ala the Exile but obviously he needed to show up in TOR as a """"""""""big"""""""""" character for fanservice.

I think he meant unkillable

He got his own DLC which is way more than the Exile got.

So we can all agree Sabine and Zeb were the worst on the Ghost crew right?

>If you're an OT and EU freak it is better just because of the subject material and loving attention to old school ship and fleet fight cinematography
Pretty much this. It depends a lot on nostalgia.

If you loved the clone wars and more of PT era fan, there's a big chance you wouldn't enjoy this.

a shit DLC that shit on Revan

>Rebels on the other hand feel too safe and seem like a bland version of the original trilogy
This an accurate description actually.

Worse than Ezra? Come on...

It fellated him to the bone of his dick, completely ignoring he abandoned the Republic.

Ezra was great you plebeian

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Whatever you say.

Remind me who it was that out-keikaku'd Thrawn with space whales?

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Ezra got great after the Maul arc. Let's not pretend he wasn't kinda crappy before then. They even make a crack about it in season 4 with the wanted posters that look like his old design.

that DLC is the aforementioned "half-baked shitty plots", or part of it. people were so pissed at how he was portrayed in the base game with a weak boss fight, that they made a pure Revan fanservice DLC which would've been fine if it didn't reek of shitty fanfic. the "Revan gets split" plotline is the stupidest thing in TOR.

I'm actually fine with the auxiliary lore concerning Revan following the events of KOTOR, though. I know a lot of people were extremely pissed at how it turned out Darth Revan was a "creation" of the Sith in the Outer Rim but that was pretty much already confirmed in KOTOR2 so not a big deal. The Emperor should have killed him though. TOR broke logic to keep Revan alive and it all just screams of shitty Revan fanboy fanfic.

Ezra n Thrawn teleport to Unknown Regions n create Empire of the Hand

Boom fixed Rebels

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>Ezra got great after the Maul arc. Let's not pretend he wasn't kinda crappy before then
He was already getting better before that. I mean sure starting with Twilight of the Apprentice he was a lot better but Season 2 Ezra was already more likeable than Ezra in the pilot

>They even make a crack about it in season 4 with the wanted posters that look like his old design.
that was just the most recent picture the Empire had of him presumably, not a crack at anything

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Wait, Ezra doesn't die at the end? What happened to Luke being the last jedi?


Yeah, when i said shit on I meant ruined, even if they were trying their hardest to jerk him off

He pulled an Ahsoka.

Fucking stupid autocorrect
I meant unkillable, yeah.

Can we all admit that Lucas creative ideas is what the Rebles was missing?

They pull this stupid time travel thing which is how Filoni saves his waifu Ahsoka as well.

along with a fucktillion per episode for animation

Nah. Most of the Rebels weaknesses were Lucas-tier goofy crap and Clone Wars series wank.

No. He was a mostly nothing character, but the Zeb/Kallus episode was great.

Ghost Crew official rankings:
>POWER GAP part 2

The entire franchise is missing his touch. It really doesn't feel the same without him.

Like Clone Wars it just gets progressively better with each season. Season 2 ends on a helluva high note and it just keeps going from there. The characters and the family dynamic grow on you and some of the arcs even manage to come close to being on par with the best of Clone Wars.

It won't get any better, but worse and laughable. The only good parts of certain episodes are tied to the clone wars plot.
Too bad they wasted Hera and Thrawn on the rest of this pathetic bunch.

Rebles was at its best when it had the clone wars call backs, actually.

>come close to being on par with the best of Clone Wars

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>come close to being on par with the best of Clone Wars.

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post yfw these fabulous motherfuckers came back

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>Rebels caring about anything
The series doesn't give a fuck, contradicts everything in the OT all the time but who cares after the ST amirite?

Ironic using Maul for your image considering Twin Suns is one of the best episodes of any SW show.

No way. Bringing back Rex and the old clones was garbage. The droid episode was good but standalone. Ahsoka as the informant was good but they fucked the hell out of her exit with the final duel with vader when they did the time guardian shit. The three force people stuff from clone wars was trash. More Maul stuff was a terrible idea when he should have never even been brought back from his Episode 1 death in the first place.

Palps looking like Senator Palps instead of the Emperor in the hologram when he was tempting Ezra was absolute class though.

it was cool I guess but Gregor being totally fucked up annoyed me after his appearance in TCW was so great

>contradicts everything in the OT all the time but who cares after the ST amirite?
what parts of the OT does it contradict?

It would've been if Ezra wasn't so forced into it like he is for every episode

Fire Across the Galaxy, Twilight of the Apprentice, The Honorable Ones, Twin Suns, Zero Hour, Jedi Night, and that's what I can remember off the top of my head... even if you thought the series was mediocre as a whole, you've got to admit there's some kino episodes in there.

Rex and them coming back was awesome, plus already had been set up in the order 66 episode of clone wars that explained how they avoided snapping like the rest the clones.

>Twilight of the Apprentice
Ahsoka surviving made this episode pretty pointless and lessen its impact.

>Kix, the guy who actually knew about all this shit, doesn't show up because of ridiculously convoluted reasons and is stuck in ST hell

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Beside the fight between vader and ahsoka, what's there about the episode that makes it "kino"?

Can't comment on the rest because I don't remember them.

>and is stuck in ST hell

I'd give it a watchable/10. It's for the most parts mediocre but when it gets good it GETS good. I remember season 2 being my favourite when (do not check the spoiler unless you're still doubting) Tarkin and fucking Vader show up and season 2 finale being the absolute high point of the series. The rest is okay but kind of forgettable still with some really good episodes sprinkled about. Also finishes up a few of the plot threads left hanging from TCW if you've watched it.

Kix was locked in a stasis pod for like 50 years and wakes up in the Sequel era
they've done almost nothing with it

>"I'm not going to leave you. Not this time"
>Leave him anyway

Just why? What was the point?

I know disney wanted to rake in the kid appeal but god damn if the focus had been more on Kanan and Hera instead of space aladdin and mando sue the show would have been so much better

It does get better as it goes, right before it shits the bed with the last three episodes of the series.

No idea

>Palps looking like Senator Palps instead of the Emperor in the hologram when he was tempting Ezra was absolute class though.
Credit where credit is due, I liked the way Rebels handled a lot of the Jedi/Sith stuff. The dynamic between Ezra and Maul was pretty decent, Kanan's whole spiritual journey thing between seasons 3 and 4, Sheev trying to tempt Ezra and unlock the power of the gate. That stuff was all pretty solid.

>people basically forgot about the Jedi and the Sith by the OT
>except two Jedi trashed imperial forces around the galaxy and fueled the entire rebellion
>also one of them can basically one shot star destroyers with his whale pals
>and teleports behind u with wolves

>Luke you are our last hope, go to that senile old pervert Yoda, he will teach you stuff
>I mean I could have told you there is a fully trained - capable of holding on her own against Vader - GOOD FRIEND available for a booty call who conveniently skipped the decisive battle between good and evil
>but why would I have not like anyone noticed there is an orange togruta trashing imperials with dual sabers all the time


I'm lazy to write more

>space aladdin
I laugh everytime I see someone calling Ezra that. It's really can't be unseen.

True, true.

I have to agree. The episode should have focused more on Maul. The fact that they had planned on that with Maul confronting his ghosts in the desert, hurts even more.

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>people basically forgot about the Jedi and the Sith by the OT
>except two Jedi trashed imperial forces around the galaxy and fueled the entire rebellion
Yeah, this is pretty stupid.

Finally someone else noticed. Twilight has a few minutes of their fight filled with the same old Rebels trash. Same with the Obi wan and Maul finish. There isn't a single all around good episode, just bits and pieces everywhere

Hera was too good for this series. Kanan is kind of meh but would have benne acceptable as the wise old bullshitter if the rest of the cast is strong but it isn't.

>people basically forgot about the Jedi and the Sith by the OT
That was already fucking dumb without Rebels. Bail Organa personally knew Obi Wan and other Jedi. So did so many other people from around the galaxy. Yet they forgot about all that in just two decades?

>I mean I could have told you there is a fully trained - capable of holding on her own against Vader - GOOD FRIEND available for a booty call who conveniently skipped the decisive battle between good and evil
Except she wasn't around and Luke would've had no way of contacting her.

Like this kino moment. God it was beautiful. The music was perfect.

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>I watched 13 episodes of this
>I guess I will finish the first season
OP is a sham

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>>people basically forgot about the Jedi and the Sith by the OT
>>except two Jedi trashed imperial forces around the galaxy and fueled the entire rebellion
No one "forgot" about the jedi in the OT, stop this stupid meme. The Imperials were just so utterly full of themselves and the empire that they didn't believe the Jedi were all they were made out to be. No one in the OT acts like they've never heard of a Jedi. They just act like snobby cunts who probably never saw a Jedi in action

>also one of them can basically one shot star destroyers with his whale pals
You're surprised that leviathan beasts that are known for destroying ships are able to destroy ships?

>and teleports behind u with wolves
you were surprised that Magical Force Wolves are able to BTFO people who've never had to deal with them before?

>Luke you are our last hope, go to that senile old pervert Yoda, he will teach you stuff
>I mean I could have told you there is a fully trained - capable of holding on her own against Vader - GOOD FRIEND available for a booty call who conveniently skipped the decisive battle between good and evil
Ahsoka was presumed dead after Malachor, Ezra found out she was alive but she was still in limbo somewhere and only returned years after the battle of Endor as far as we know

What does she contradict?

The whole idea of the Jedi fading into myth was already made ridiculous by the existence of the PT and Clone Wars series
>19 years after the end of the war, Jedi have become a half-forgotten myth across the galaxy
It'd be like if no one in 1964 had ever heard of a Nazi

Why wasn't she around? She had to go out to piss for a decade after the temple part?
>Luke would've had no way of contacting her
Ashoka is not a retard who can't act without orders. She was there for the Rebels on her own. "People are saying someone blew up the death star with an impossible shot, also has a lightsaber. I wonder if he needs me to help. Guess not."

Jedi were rare to begin with. Even in their hay day, Jedi were thought as legends, something that inspired hope. It really doesn't take long for a new generation to forget its past. Especially when their government is facilitating it. Happens all the time here too, you know?

You mentioning Nazis and Jedi in the same post reminded me of Karen Traviss

This. It made more sense when we thought Obi Wan was some dude in his 60's and Vader was in his 50's. Then Lucas shaved like two decades off that in the Prequels.

Ahsoka was already revealed to have survived in the episode. And it doesn't make it pointless, the point of it was one final confrontation between Ahsoka and her master

not by her choice, but by the fact they were separated during the duel

>all the investigating the Malachor ruins
>all the Maul stuff
>kanan using The Force to see after Maul blinds him

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Season 1 has 15 episodes.

Wasn't Obi-Wan in his late 50s?

That is one terrible comparison. The reason everyone remembers the Nazis, is because we made sure no one ever would.

>All troopers, focus all your fire on... on the Jedi
>focus your fire on the Jedi
>the class of warrior that gained infamy throughout the Clone Wars for being able to reflect blaster bolts back at their senders
Oh boy. It's a good thing Kallus is pretty.

Yes. He was actually close to 60 when he died at 57. Vader also died at 47 so I don't know what that user whining about.

He is right, I love Ahsoka but she should have died there and then. It was a well thought out scene - even with the pencil sabers - but fucked up in the end. Her entire character was tragedy from the start. She grows up besides the hero. We grow fond of her just like Anakin knowing well she will probably die from his hand in the end. And what do they do? Steal the catharsis. This already ruins the new TCW season to an extent.

>kanan using The Force to see after Maul blinds him
Sorry but I'm too old for this blind master cliché. It is so overused for me it is not even funny at this point.


Yeah, Obi-Wan is canonically 57, and Anakin is like 46. Alec Guinness was 62 when he filmed ANH so it really isn't that much of a stretch.

What always was a stretch was 77 year old Sebastian Shaw ever realistically being the Force Ghost Anakin when he was over a decade older than Guinness. You can rationalize the unmasked Vader since it could simply be skin damage from the intense burns that he endured, but the ghost verison never fit

Vader lived his entire life on borrowed time.

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This is bullshit of the highest order.

Sure, maybe in outer worlds they would be a little closer to legends. But even then, they were common knowledge before the rise of the Empire. Anakin, a slave child who had probably never even been 10 miles from home, knew what Jedi and lightsabers were. Hell, when Luke is told that his father and Obi Wan were Jedi knights together, he doesn't even bat an eye.
In Palpatine's first speech as Emperor, he publicly called out the Jedi for their attempt on his life and vowed that they'd all be struck down.
The Rebellion and Empire are both full of people who either served alongside Jedi or personally witnessed them in action. Chewie even gave Yoda a fucking piggyback ride.
"Jedi mind tricks" and the Force are common knowledge.

This has always been one of the dumber things about Star Wars since the purge was established as being only 19 years before ANH.

Yeah, it's not even like it's entirely new for Star Wars, or the OT era

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>This has always been one of the dumber things about Star Wars since the purge was established as being only 19 years before ANH
How long you wanted to be? Luke had to be young when the trilogy started.

>He is right, I love Ahsoka but she should have died there and then. It was a well thought out scene - even with the pencil sabers - but fucked up in the end. Her entire character was tragedy from the start. She grows up besides the hero. We grow fond of her just like Anakin knowing well she will probably die from his hand in the end. And what do they do? Steal the catharsis. This already ruins the new TCW season to an extent.
Sorry your headcanon was disproved.

>Sorry but I'm too old for this blind master cliché. It is so overused for me it is not even funny at this point.
Everything is a fuckin cliche user. Either learn to live with them or stop consuming entertainment.

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>He was actually close to 60
that was obviously a poor attempt to explain away the age discrepancy. Old Ben was portrayed as much older.

but whatever I wouldn't have done this any other way myself because Ewan had to play Obi and him being a bit younger fits the character better, during the Clone Wars era.

The only reason you can't believe it, it because you are one of the few who has seen them for yourself. The irony of it all.

Obi-wan was already 25 in TPM, 35 in AOTC and 38 by ROTS. That's not very young.

Twin Suns and Defector Kallus were pretty cool. Kanan's death was kino. But the rest was kinda meh.

Thrawn was a jobber who constantly lost but pretended it was al part of the plan. The force wolves had a pretty lazy design and got our heroes out of trouble too often, to the point where they felt like a 'deus ex machina'. Mando's were all right, but the weapon should have actually killed some instead of being just a false flag for fake drama.

maybe to us but in the context of Star Wars he looked and acted much more youthful than the elderly more wizened looking Jedi on the council. I couldn't buy him acting like that if he were 20 years older.

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>Thrawn was a jobber who constantly lost but pretended it was al part of the plan.
I mean, to be fair, it was, and the plan worked. He just wasn't prepared for a giant force gorilla or whatever to come in and fuck everybody's shit. Thrawn comes closer to actually destroying the Rebellion than any other Imperial in the franchise apart from maybe Sheev at the end of ROTJ

>How long you wanted to be? Luke had to be young when the trilogy started.
There's not really an option for it to make sense.
Although it could've helped by having the Jedi not be such a central part to the Galaxy. They could've just been a small group or something. Instead, they were right next to the Republic senate and acted as peacekeepers throughout the whole galaxy.

It's never really bothered me much - it's just one of those things about Star Wars - but it doesn't make any sense logically. My point was simply that Rebels didn't fuck it up any more than it already was.

>Thrawn was a jobber who constantly lost but pretended it was al part of the plan.
Thrawn didn't "constantly lose". He was goading the Rebels into making a big move on Lothal so he could crush them. That was literally the plan. Pretend that he was losing to them but not making it seem too easy so that way they'd build up to planning an attack.

And he still won the Battle of Atollon, it just wasn't an absolute victory.

>the force wolves had a pretty lazy design and got our heroes out of trouble too often, to the point where they felt like a 'deus ex machina'.
What? The Force Wolves had a great design. Still clearly wolves but unique enough to look cool. And that's literally not what a deus ex machina is. The Wolves aided the heroes on several occasions but they didn't solve all the heroes problems.

> Mando's were all right, but the weapon should have actually killed some instead of being just a false flag for fake drama.
The weapon DID kill some... did you even watch the show? No, it didn't kill Sabine's mom or brother, but it did wipe out pretty much everyone else

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I'm confused. Are you trying to defend Ezra, or are you making fun of him?

>Thrawn was a jobber who constantly lost but pretended it was al part of the plan
Isn't that literally Thrawn's whole character?

To be honest, I think he's a pretty shit character, but a decent plot device. He doesn't work as a main character at all; makes for a decent secondary bad guy though. The nucanon Thrawn book was good because of based Eli. The second one sucked because of no based Eli.

>Obi-wan was already 25 in TPM,
What? Then, why everyone making a big deal about how he was "super young" when he took Anakin as Padawan?

How are you confused? It's quite clearly not making fun of Ezra. Are you developmentally disabled?

The second book would have been fun if Anakin didn't act like a complete idiot.

Best moments in the series were the ones that featured characters from Clone Wars. Fight Me.

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Everyone had to act stupid to make Thrawn look smart in comparison.

the Jedi got massive sticks up their ass about age. they almost denied Anakin because he was like, what, 4 years older than he should be and Yoda briefly lamented about how old Luke is even though the whole fucking galaxy is on the line. Jedi Masters are usually pretty old and not in their mid twenties.

The Maul and Obi-Wan parts of Twin Suns were kino. The Ezra and Chopper parts were a slog.

I agree that many of the show's best moments featured TCW characters, but many didn't too. Like Ezra's keikaku in the finale, or Kanan and Ezra vs the Grand Inquisitor, or The Bendu telling everyone to get the fuck off his lawn

Attached: Star.Wars.Rebels.S04E15E16.Family.Reunion.and.Farewell.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-SiGMA.mkv_snaps (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Which is stupid. Anakin was like what? 19-20 when they given him a padawan who was six years younger than him? That's what I call young, not 25 years old Obi-Wan.

Kanan being blinded and still fending off Maul was pretty kino. Especially when he starts wearing the old republic face mask.

They gave Anakin an apprentice because Yoda hoped it would teach Anakin to let go. Plus, ANakin was a Jedi Knight at that point.

Obi-Wan was still a padawan when Qui-Gon died, and the Council didn't think he was ready to go through the trials yet, let alone train a padawan. And to be fair, he kind of wasn't ready to train Anakin.

So, if Ezra is pretty smart and powerful, then why it was Luke (who was inexperienced) considered to be their last hope? Why Yoda and Obi-Wan didn't bet on Ezra which would be the smart thing to do?

that happened so Filoni could create his perfect OC waifu

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because he isn't movie canon, not really
same with Ahsoka

Anakin was knighted because of the war like many of his peers, not because they thought they were ready.

Because Luke has the familial connection to Vader. He(or Leia) would be the only ones that could truly get through to him. Obi-Wan also seemed to think Luke, not Anakin, was the Chosen One at this point in time, due to Anakin's betrayal of everything.

Plus, Ezra had disappeared into the Unknown Regions

>current year
>still thinking there are separations of canon tiers anymore

Then, they shouldn't have made them too powerful to begin since the Rebels is supposed to be canon to the movies, not alt universe.

This. They were easily the best characters of the bunch. I'm usually not much of a shipper, but I find myself actually wishing they had delved a bit deeper into their romance and how it affected them both. For Kanan, how he dealt with attachment while maintaining his Jedi teachings, and for Hera how her passion for the rebellion caused her to make sacrifices regarding her romantic life.

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>current year
>still thinking there are separations of canon tiers anymore
what is that even suppose to mean
it should be obvious Ezra and Ahsoka aren't actually canon to the movies, it's the only way the stories make sense. you will NEVER see them get a movie appearance for a reason.

>Luke has the familial connection to Vader. He(or Leia) would be the only ones that could truly get through to him
Why would they care about that when they never thought that Vader could be redeemed? If anything, it's a disadvantage because they wanted Vader died and his children would likely to hesitate to do that.

>what is that even suppose to mean
What confused you about it? Did you miss how they've been establishing that all new Star Wars content is on the same level?

>it should be obvious Ezra and Ahsoka aren't actually canon to the movies, it's the only way the stories make sense.
They are canon to the movies, that's literally how it is. The stories make perfect sense with them being canon to the movies.

>you will NEVER see them get a movie appearance for a reason.
Because their stories are already wrapped up in the mediums they're in?

>Why would they care about that when they never thought that Vader could be redeemed? If anything, it's a disadvantage because they wanted Vader died and his children would likely to hesitate to do that.
Because Vader would have some conflict in him with the fact that it's his children. This is evident by how Vader changed between TESB and ROTJ.

Yes. Very pretty.

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>Because Vader would have some conflict in him with the fact that it's his children. This is evident by how Vader changed between TESB and ROTJ.
Again, why would they care about that when all they wanted for him to be dead.

Luke was actually in danger of being corrupted by the dark side if he succeeded in killing his father so Obi-Wan and Yoda betting on him when there was better alternatives was pretty risky and break the whole premise.

I'll admit, I've never read the OG Thrawn Trilogy, but the two nucanon books make me wonder why people consider Zahn a good writer.

Not only is his prose just okay, but the plot...
>something happens
>Thrawn disagrees with leadership
>they get into a fight
>he pretends to acquiesce
>he has a separate plan
>everything goes to shit
>but actually he planned for that
>thrawn is rewarded
Rinse, repeat.

>He is right, I love Ahsoka but she should have died there and then.
This 100%. Having Vader kill both his former student and master would have been pottery.

>you will NEVER see them get a movie appearance for a reason
>still believing this after Maul showed up in Solo
All the old rules are out the door, user.
The Ghost crew was referenced in Rogue One. Saw Guererra was a major character. And, as already mentioned, post-TCW Darth Maul showed up in a movie, robot legs and all.

>Again, why would they care about that when all they wanted for him to be dead.
Because, you neanderthal, Vader's conflict would make it easier for Luke or Leia to kill him.

>Luke was actually in danger of being corrupted by the dark side if he succeeded in killing his father so Obi-Wan and Yoda betting on him when there was better alternatives was pretty risky and break the whole premise.
There was no better alternative. Obi-Wan believed Luke was the Chosen One and would defeat the Sith. Luke being Vader's son meant that he would be conflicted, making it easier to beat him.

Not to mention, Ezra literally disappeared into the unknown regions, they couldn't have started betting on him if they wanted to

>no you see SHIELD is canon to the MCU because Disney said so!
it's always just been Filoni's fanfic, he could have made it more believable at least by definitively killing off his Jedi Sues. but I'm sure in 3 years we'll get a comic that explains everything and fanboys can keep deluding themselves into thinking it's "canon" yaaay.

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>Luke was actually in danger of being corrupted by the dark side
Ezra was GOOD FRIENDS™ with Maul and tapped into the Dark Side himself.

Maul isn't a Filoni OC
i'll eat my underwear if they give us a definitive "Ahsoka actually exists!" in a movie

>Vader's conflict would make it easier for Luke or Leia to kill him
They believed that he was emotionless killer machine with no good bone in him. Why the heck would they believe that he would he care about his children?

>There was no better alternative
Yes, there were. Ezra and Kenan who were beating the empire left and right in Rebles.

Luke was Vader's son which from their point of view is more at risk at falling to the dark side with severe consequences. Ezra would have definitely be a better choice and less risky.

>They believed that he was emotionless killer machine with no good bone in him. Why the heck would they believe that he would he care about his children?
Because even if they think he's unquestionably evil, it's not out of the question that his children would not affect him. Either he'd have trouble killing them but still succeed, or he'd want them to join with him.

>Yes, there were. Ezra and Kenan who were beating the empire left and right in Rebles.
Neither of them were thought to be the chosen one, neither of them are Vader's offspring. One died the other disappeared. No better options.

>Because even if they think he's unquestionably evil, it's not out of the question that his children would not affect him. Either he'd have trouble killing them but still succeed, or he'd want them to join with him.
no that's stupid
Obi and Yoda weren't counting on Vader on still being human, he's literally not even Anakin anymore in their eyes. they picked Luke because he's their ONLY hope excluding Leia there's no other Jedi, no Ezra no Ahsoka. it's incredibly OOC for them not to be there to help however so it's up to some other supplementary media to explain what the hell they are doing.

>Either he'd have trouble killing them but still succeed, or he'd want them to join with him
You are proving my point.

Rebles having Jedi running around who are competent and powerful make Obi-Wan and Yoda wasting time on Luke who his uncle refused to let him be trained make little sense when they can prepare Ezra instead to defeat the empire.

>Neither of them were thought to be the chosen one
This had no affect what so ever in OT and it's another problem in the show. Anakin falling in Rots made them lose hope in the prophecy.

>You are proving my point.
No I'm not.

>Rebles having Jedi running around who are competent and powerful make Obi-Wan and Yoda wasting time on Luke who his uncle refused to let him be trained make little sense when they can prepare Ezra instead to defeat the empire.
You're ignoring that Ezra and Kanan lost hard to Vader whenever they faced him.

>This had no affect what so ever in OT
This isn't 1983 anymore, you have to judge things with the information we have

>and it's another problem in the show. Anakin falling in Rots made them lose hope in the prophecy.
No, Obi-Wan believed Luke was the Chosen One

>Maul isn't a Filoni OC
No, but Saw is. And he was in a movie.

>Anakin falling in Rots made them lose hope in the prophecy.
only in regards to Anakin being the Chosen One, Obi-Wan seemed to have convinced himself that Luke was the Chosen One... or at least according to Rebels. I'm not sure if that's implied anywhere else, or if there's anything concerning Yoda's opinion. regardless the son of the Chosen One would probably create strong children that could be used as a weapon against the Empire and it'd be stupid not to cultivate their potential and honestly they did fail with Leia, it seems like they were only going to resort to training her if Luke failed which is incredibly retarded.

but again despite Luke, Ahsoka and Ezra would have been invaluable against the Empire. practically their entire existence is about stopping the empire so something must have happened to them if Filoni wants his story to make sense, it'd be a betrayal of their characters if they just ditched the war effort.

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I liked this show but it is kind of infuriating that the protagonists meet virtually every key figure in Star Wars lore.

Luke met the Emperor once. Ezra met him three times.

Also why was Leia a young woman but Luke was still a young kid? They were twins.

>No I'm not
Yes, you are because prove how risky is to bet on them when according to you they believe he would ask them to join them and there's a chance they might accept since his their father. Their only family left.

>You're ignoring that Ezra and Kanan lost hard to Vader whenever they faced him
They survived with their limbs attached which more than anyone and Luke can say.

>No, Obi-Wan believed Luke was the Chosen One
I know and it doesn't matter because it has nothing to do with why they believed in Luke.

Luke was literally just reusing Ezra's model

>Ezra met him three times.
Ezra "met" the Emperor three times in S4, I know it must have happened in S4 because that's the only season I haven't watched, and somehow he wasn't killed/caught? how retarded is S4?

That something Rebles introduced. Lucas never implied nor stated in Rots that Yoda and Obi-Wan believed in Luke being the chosen one instead when they took the children because this will contradict the original trilogy since it never been brought up.

>I liked this show but it is kind of infuriating that the protagonists meet virtually every key figure in Star Wars lore.
Virtually every single piece of EU fiction, new and old alike, is about minor characters or OCs being involved in key events or with important characters.

Star Wars may advertise itself as a great, big, boundless universe, but if you play Six Degrees of Whoever with almost any minor character you can connect them to a major player within usually two or three degrees. Everybody knows everybody, everybody was involved in every major event. It's just a big, incestuous, worldbuilding clusterfuck.

Maybe someone out there liked the whale scene. There are people out there who legit like TLJ, so nothing would really surprise me at this point.

He meets him *once*, in Family Reunion/Farewell, as a hologram.

I guess it's possible Ben was just telling Maul what he wanted to hear, moments before death as a sort of mercy, when in truth he was a lot more jaded on the "Chosen One" thing. but I'm not sure. you could say his and Yoda's faith in Luke over Leia was because they think he's the Chosen One too. but we see Ben and Yoda converse about this and they don't bring up how they he's the Chosen One, but rather he's their "last hope" Ben didn't even seem to think Leia was force sensitive(?).

>Yes, you are because prove how risky is to bet on them when according to you they believe he would ask them to join them and there's a chance they might accept since his their father. Their only family left.
My point is its less risky than betting on Kanan/Ezra

>They survived with their limbs attached which more than anyone and Luke can say.
Barely, Vader nearly chopped Kanan's arm off and could have easily got Ezra's hand when he destroyed his lightsaber

>I know and it doesn't matter because it has nothing to do with why they believed in Luke.
it's literally one of the reasons they did.

The whale scene was great, what do you mean?

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The only exception is TCW which is why I can easily accept it because it contradict nothing much in the movies. It's probably have to do with Lucas being in charge of it.

Rebels isn't the best, but watching Resistance makes me miss it

So the hut model was fucking gigantic then? He barely reached half the height of the entrance doorway.

>My point is its less risky than betting on Kanan/Ezra
You doing a very bad job at proving that.

>Barely, Vader nearly chopped Kanan's arm off and could have easily got Ezra's hand when he destroyed his lightsaber
"Barely" is still more than anyone can say. Jedi masters couldn't survive Vader and Luke fared far worse than Ezra and Kenan did.

>it's literally one of the reasons they did
I dare you to show me where this stated besides Obi-Wan telling Maul about it which like I already stated, it's one of the many contradictions in the show.

Vader let them get away

And he let himself get force pushed by them too for giggles?

And Vader wasn’t actively trying to kill Luke, unlike he was Ezra/Kanan.


it's all for their 900IQ strategy of finding Duh Rebel Base even though they weren't tracking their ships at that point, and it was Thrawn's idea to use the pawns to find the base, but trust me it's all very smart and makes a lot of sense.

So, Vader decided to face just let them go when anyone can do that? The show is even stupider than I thought.

>The only exception is TCW
You mean the show where little Boba Fett meets everyone from the movies?
Or where Chewbacca shows up again for reasons?
Or where Anakin spends time with Tarkin?
Or where Obi Wan and Anakin fight Dooku and Grievous several times (though Anakin never TECHNICALLY breaks the "thought you'd be taller" line).
Or where Maul comes back to life?
Or where Maul has a secret brother who also trains under Sheev?

TCW and the PT in general are full of characters showing up just for fan service. Hell, George even put the Millennium Falcon in RotS.

People need to stop pretending like Lucas was above all this.

>You doing a very bad job at proving that.
Not really.

>"Barely" is still more than anyone can say. Jedi masters couldn't survive Vader and Luke fared far worse than Ezra and Kenan did.
Kanan and Ezra only survive because they have plot armor, just like Luke

>which like I already stated, it's one of the many contradictions in the show.
You've failed to explain how it's a contradiction

he let them get away because it allowed him to go right to their fleet and deliver a critical blow by destroying their command ship and pretty much all of their fighters. Not to mention he gained the unexpected knowledge that Ahsoka was still alive

do you people even pay attention

He literally cries after every mission. And then he acts like a cunt to Kanan even though Kanan needs to hold his head while he cries after every mission

He literally doesn't.

>And then he acts like a cunt to Kanan even though Kanan needs to hold his head while he cries after every mission
he stopped that fairly quickly

>You mean the show where little Boba Fett meets everyone from the movies?
>Or where Chewbacca shows up again for reasons?
>Or where Anakin spends time with Tarkin?
How any of this contradict the movies?

>Or where Obi Wan and Anakin fight Dooku and Grievous several times (though Anakin never TECHNICALLY breaks the "thought you'd be taller" line).
They literally spent the entire show making sure Anakin and Grievous never meet.

>Or where Maul comes back to life?
They give an explaination that didn't contradict or affect the movies on anyway.

>Or where Maul has a secret brother who also trains under Sheev?
That never happened. It Dooku and Asaj who trained in secret.

Did you even watch the show, dude? Or are you trying so hardto niptake?

I thought they were talking about the confrontation during the S2 finale where Vader jobs for a couple minutes before Ahsoka comes out. I forgot about their first encounter, which was also very stupid.

>e let them get away because it allowed him to go right to their fleet and deliver a critical blow by destroying their command ship and pretty much all of their fighters
How this make it less stupid? Instead of killing them and get the job done already , he decided to give them a chance which they took and survived him so he actually failed his mission.

??? only Ezra confronts Vader then, and he gets his ass handed to him. If Ahsoka hadn't shown up he'd be toast

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because, it's far more damaging to destroy their fleet than it is to simply kill a few Rebels.

you're too narrow-minded in your planning.

>hurr durr why didn't vader kill Han, Leia, and Chewie instead of waiting for Luke to arrive

this is how stupid you sound

Lmao, now it's "plot armour".

And Luke survived because Vader didn't want him dead.

>You've failed to explain how it's a contradiction

>Lmao, now it's "plot armour".
yes, it's absolutely plot armor. Same reason Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, and Lando all lived. Unless they need to die to fit the story(Kanan, Obi-Wan, etc) they survive because plot armor.

>And Luke survived because Vader didn't want him dead.
and because plot armor.

>That something Rebles introduced. Lucas never implied nor stated in Rots that Yoda and Obi-Wan believed in Luke being the chosen one instead when they took the children because this will contradict the original trilogy since it never been brought up.
That doesn't explain at all how it's a contradiction. You literally just said "it's a contradiction because it was never said before"

How the heck the situation is comparable? They were alive because they had their benefits since he used them as trap for Luke which he succeeded in luring him in while failed in taking down the Rebels because the story had to make him a fool.

Its okay

Worth it for Mommy Pryce's tits

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Kanan was there too, only after. There was absolutely no reason to spare Ezra. He even deliberately force gripped the Holocron, he 100% wanted it, but couldn't rip it out of Ezra's baby hands. Canon Vader would've slayed one of them during their first encounter too. But plots gotta plot.

>How the heck the situation is comparable? They were alive because they had their benefits since he used them as trap for Luke which he succeeded in luring him in while failed in taking down the Rebels because the story had to make him a fool.
It's comparable because it's the same damned thing. Vader didn't kill them because they had the benefit of leading Luke to Bespin.

He didn't kill Kanan, Ezra, or the rest of the Ghost Crew because they had the benefit of leading him to their Rebel fleet. And the unknowing benefit of learning that Ahsoka was alive, which leads Vader to think more Jedi might have survived too.

Rebels never made Vader look like a fool, quite the opposite. He took down their command ship and most of their fighters single-handedly. He had walkers dropped on him and effortlessly lifted them off.

>and because plot armor
No, there's an explaination for why he survived instead of using "plot armor" like in your precious show.

>That doesn't explain at all how it's a contradiction
It's contradiction because something as big them believing he is the chosen one would have been brought up at least in rots if Lucas meant for that.

why does Kanan and Ezra need to be alive for them to track the ship

>Kanan was there too, only after. There was absolutely no reason to spare Ezra.
Kanan did not participate in the fight. And Vader didn't spare Ezra.

>He even deliberately force gripped the Holocron, he 100% wanted it, but couldn't rip it out of Ezra's baby hands. Canon Vader would've slayed one of them during their first encounter too. But plots gotta plot.
Because ezra had a strong grip on it. But even with Kanan trying to stop him Vader was pulling them both towards him. And then Ahsoka attacked him

No, it's literally not.

Vader didn't need to face the Rebels himself if he didn't care about killing them when anyone else can do the job while he had personal quest with Luke so he had to be involved.

>And Vader didn't spare Ezra.
then why did he survive

>Because ezra had a strong grip on it

>No, there's an explaination for why he survived instead of using "plot armor" like
No there isn't. It's literally plot armor.

>in your precious show.
Lmao stay mad.

>It's contradiction because something as big them believing he is the chosen one would have been brought up at least in rots if Lucas meant for that.
That's not what a contradiction is. Lucas never said that Obi-Wan thought Anakin was still the Chosen One, or that he wasn't. Rebels establishing that Obi-Wan thought Luke was the Chosen One does not contradict anything.

>why does Kanan and Ezra need to be alive for them to track the ship
They don't /need/ to be, and I'm pretty sure he intended to kill at least them, but they managed to get away because Sabine and Zeb blew up some walkers that fell on Vader, who easily lifted them off, but not before Kanan and Ezra could flee to the ship.

>No, it's literally not.
Yes, it literally is.

>Vader didn't need to face the Rebels himself if he didn't care about killing them when anyone else can do the job while he had personal quest with Luke so he had to be involved.
He was intending to kill Kanan and Ezra, but leave the rest to flee to the fleet.

>No there isn't
Yes, there's. You can your eyes and ears all you want because the explain was clear since Vader didn't want to kill Luke.

>That's not what a contradiction is
Yes, itss.

>then why did he survive
Because Ahsoka. Literally.

Vader was about to kill Ezra after destroying his lightsaber, Ahsoka shows up and Vader turns to face her instead.
Vader knocks Ahsoka off the temple, goes back to get the Holocron from Ezra. Ezra holds tight on the holocron but is getting dragged closer and closer to Vader even with Kanan trying to stop him. Ahsoka runs up and ambushes Vader. Vader again turns his attention to her.

>He was intending to kill Kanan and Ezra
First he let them go as part of his plan, now this? Make up your mind.

>No there isn't
Did you watch ESB or being in denial for the sake arguing like a child?

>Yes, there's. You can your eyes and ears all you want because the explain was clear since Vader didn't want to kill Luke.
And plot armor.

>Yes, itss.
No it's not. Again, Lucas never claimed that Obi-Wan thought Anakin was still the chosen one. The Rebels information does not contradict any previously made statements

>And plot armor
>Lucas never claimed that Obi-Wan thought Anakin was still the chosen one
Sure, buddy.

>First he let them go as part of his plan, now this? Make up your mind.
He did let them go as part of his plan, but only because he had to slightly modify it.

If you watch the fight, he was clearly trying to kill them, especially Ezra who he nearly forced to decapitate himself. But his intention was always to let some escape back to the fleet. As his whole goal was to find their fleet.

Once Ezra and Kanan escaped, he obviously wasn't able to kill them so his plan just became "track them to their fleet"

Why would Obi-Wan scream at Anakin about him being the chosen one who was supposed to bring balance at the end of their fight if he didn't believe that?

Dude, lmao.

How do people like you even function in life?

Obi-Wan says "You WERE the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness! "

That's literally what went down in the episode, aspie.

Aaaaand you just returned to our established point that were good enough survive Vader when else could Thank you for this very "enlightened" argument.

They weren't "good enough to survive Vader"

They only survived because they had friends who were able to stop Vader long enough for them to escape

It was said in past because Obi-Wan thought Anakin is dead for sure which is why "I love you" was changed to "I loved you" not because he suddenly stopped thinking he was the chosen one.

But it's not out of the question that Obi-Wan stopped believing that Anakin was the chosen one at some point over the 19-20 years and started believing Luke was

If he did, it would've been brought up in conversation in the originals since this is impossible, this mean you have to make your show fit the movies, not the other way around.

No he wouldn't have. Stop being retarded.

The concept of the Chosen One was introduced to Star Wars after the OT. But the way Obi-Wan and Yoda talk about Luke and Anakin can clearly be construed to be discussing this with the information we have now

i'd say the story does get better so if you are enjoying the characters i think you should keep watching

Yes, he would've since it's a very important piece of information to not talk about.

Do you know why Lucas added the conversation between Windu, Yoda and Obi-Wan about the prophecy in Rots? To show that they had no doubt that Anakin was the chosen one, what they had doubts about was the content of the prophecy. They were worried that he wasn't actually meant to bring balance and destroy the sith, but he was meant for something else which is why Yoda said that it could be misread and why they were wary about him. So, Anakin falling wouldn't suddnly make Obi Wan and Yoda stop believing that he is the chosen one. It would be just a confirming of what they feared.

And the scene in Rebles doesn't only contradict the movies, it's also very pointless because we already know that it's not Luke and stupid because how did Maul learned about the prophecy and why would he care? It's something only the Jedi believed in.

Hera was trash, the token Twi'lek that humans can't keep their dicks away from.

Do you know why Lucas added the conversation between Windu, Yoda and Obi-Wan about the prophecy in Rots? To show that they had no doubt that Anakin was the chosen one, what they had doubts about was the content of the prophecy. They were worried that he wasn't actually meant to bring balance and destroy the sith, but he was meant for something else which is why Yoda said that it could be misread and why they were wary of him. So, Anakin's fall wouldn't suddnly make Obi Wan and Yoda stop believing that he is the chosen one, it would be just a confirmation of what they feared.

And the scene in Rebles doesn't only contradict the movies, it's also very pointless because we already know that it's not Luke and stupid because how did Maul learned about the prophecy and why would he care? It's something only the Jedi believed in.

>how did Maul learned about the prophecy and why would he care? It's something only the Jedi believed in
Good point. From where he find out about it and why he believed in it?

I liked it in that it was pretty cool in an over the top way and just cool looking. though it was certainly a pretty weird/retarded ending.

>Do you know why Lucas added the conversation between Windu, Yoda and Obi-Wan about the prophecy in Rots? To show that they had no doubt that Anakin was the chosen one, what they had doubts about was the content of the prophecy. They were worried that he wasn't actually meant to bring balance and destroy the sith, but he was meant for something else which is why Yoda said that it could be misread and why they were wary of him. So, Anakin's fall wouldn't suddnly make Obi Wan and Yoda stop believing that he is the chosen one, it would be just a confirmation of what they feared.
No one is saying it would suddenly do so. But that scene takes place before Anakin falls to the Dark Side and betrays everyone. Obi-Wan very easily could have sat on Tatooine for years thinking over everything that happened and then considered the possibility that Luke was the chosen one instead and chose to believe that.

>And the scene in Rebles doesn't only contradict the movies,
It doesn't. Again, the movies never claim anything about what Obi-Wan thinks about the Chosen One prophecy. For there to be a contradiction, the opposite claim would have had to have been made. Obi-Wan's beliefs in ROTS do not necessarily reflect his beliefs 20 years later

>it's also very pointless because we already know that it's not Luke
the point of the scene is to show that Obi-Wan believes Luke is the chosen one, not to try and make us think Luke is the Chosen One. God you're stupid.

>and stupid because how did Maul learned about the prophecy and why would he care?
Maul could have learned of it any number of ways, the Prophecy was never said to have only been known by the Jedi. As to why he cares? Literally his last words "He... will... avenge.. us."

Maul wanted revenge on Sheev for how he was wronged, and for Savage. The Chosen One is supposed to destroy the Sith and bring Balance to the Force. So by destroying the Sith, the Chosen One will inadvertently be avenging Maul and Savage.

To all those mad about Fox killing Fives, let it be known in this thread that Vader personally killed him.

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>No one is saying it would suddenly do so. But that scene takes place before Anakin falls to the Dark Side and betrays everyone. Obi-Wan very easily could have sat on Tatooine for years thinking over everything that happened and then considered the possibility that Luke was the chosen one instead and chose to believe that
Do you realize how you keep contradicting yourself and miss the point? Or do you just love arguing so much?

The purpose of the scene to put the doubt in Obi-Wan's mind about the content of the prophecy which Anakin's fall confirmed what they feared. That's Anakin's mission as chosen one wasn't to bring balance and destroy the sith like they hoped. So, why would Obi-Wan keep holding on the prophecy when the two masters who he had the most respect for and followed their teaching already planted the idea on his mind that they might have misread it? The only reason he wanted to believe in it was because of Qui-gon and his love for Anakin after all which all shattered when saw the recording.

I'm not mad. It's not like Fox had other option since Five put them in tough situation.

Jesus, if only Obsidian wasn't a dumb shit rookie developer and finished their goddamn work in time.

Fox literally could have used a stun shot

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Why would he? They were literally shooting at Ahsoka when she run away from jail if it wasn't for Anakin telling them to stand down and later ordered them to use stunt gun when they went to search for her again. It's just the standard.

I was about to give up on this show when that scene came up. And I enjoyed most of it (even those famously stupid scenes) but O. My. Force Time travel was so retarted it killed the last season for me.
One thing that really bugged me was how the jedis were able to deflect ship's blasters with their lightsaber; now Im not fucking expert on Star Wars physics or spaceships low speed chases but I always assume those blasters were, I dont know, "too big" to deflect them or something.

They're usually too fast for a Jedi to deflect.

This. Does it really matter that you were just pretending to be retarted if by the end you killed them all?

It does when you didn't end killing them all. The only one who end died was Kenen and this because he sacrificed himself while the rest all survived to beyond ROTJ

It gets alright, but never quite as good as Clone Wars.

Had Thrawn's project not gone up in flames there wouldn't have been a rebellion at all.

The plan only failed because of intervention by a fucking giant deus ex machina force monster thing that could literally blow up shit from the sky.

If we're playing a game of chess and I'm moments away from declaring 'checkmate' when suddenly your heretofore unheard of disabled neighbor's helper monkey, Jeeves, runs into the room with a stolen revolver, shoots me in the balls, and drives us both out of the house at gunpoint, you don't get to brag about how you outplayed me since I didn't technically win the game.

Don't forget that Konstantine was a retard that cost Thrawn one of his Interdictors, which allowed Ezra to escape and bring in Mandalorian reinforcements.

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It ends well enough, but a certain plot twist and the cliffhanger ruin it.

Which is why I am considering ignoring Rebels from now on. And if the new season of Clone Wars does not end ambiguously enough, and leads directly into Rebels, I will ignore it as well. No one tells me what's canon, besides myself.

As far as I'm concerned, PT+OT+TCW are the true canon because they were made by the creator of SW himself where everything else is fanfiction with the exception of maybe RO.

>giving this much of a shit about muh canon
Honestly I couldn't give less of a shit about canon as long as I get some moderately interesting stories and characters out of stuff.

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>not caring about canon
No wonder why we got a lot bad stories from EU. Because of people like you.

Solo had George inputting ln a scene, it was minimal but it was his idea to have Han throw the jacket when he kissed Qira

Sorry Obi-Wan, your epic quotes are not in the right place tonight.

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Sadly, writing wise Solo falls apart under scrutiny.

>Sorry your headcanon was disproved.
Except Ahsoka dying by the hand of Anakin/Vader was always the endgame for those characters Always. What we got are fanfic tier mental gymnastics how muh favorite character survived even if it goes against everything and lessens all the work they put into her. This is especially hard to understand when the higher ups obviously don't want to accept her existence in the main events. She will never appear in mainline movies, even fucking Battlefront puts in any trash from the ST than her, an actually interesting character. She was literally saved for waifufaggotry cameos in some future works by Filoni.
>Everything is a fuckin cliche user.
Except you can do it lazy like this and properly like many others. You can't defend rebels because there is nothing to defend. Even the best episodes are just bits and pieces and the rest of it is obviously lowest of the low filler aimed at the youngest children because they like everything.

Canon can make for solid continuity and a good branching off point for tangential stories... but too much obsession with canon and you end up coming up with retarded bullshit to explain every inconsistency and different interpretation

It's how you end up with stupid shit like the Kessel Run where Lucas made one terminology oversight in the script and rather than just write it off as the mistake it was people spent 40 fucking years coming up with convoluted explanations for it.

Nothing to fight about. Shit series relied on already established guest characters all the time to do something interesting.

>Except Ahsoka dying by the hand of Anakin/Vader was always the endgame for those characters Always.

>What we got are fanfic tier mental gymnastics how muh favorite character survived even if it goes against everything and lessens all the work they put into her.
No, what we got is the explanation as to how Ahsoka went from locked in combat with Vader to walking deep into Malachor's temple.

> This is especially hard to understand when the higher ups obviously don't want to accept her existence in the main events. She will never appear in mainline movies,
So? Broaden your horizons.

>even fucking Battlefront puts in any trash from the ST than her, an actually interesting character.
Actually, there are voice lines referencing her in Battlefront, she's going to be added in the near future.

>She was literally saved for waifufaggotry cameos in some future works by Filoni.
No, she never died there and now has a lot of potential plotlines opened up to be explored.

Despite all his shit in Rebels the guy will always have my respect for this monumental feat.

If you watch Obi, you'll see it even wasn't an oversight. He talking out of his ass the entire time. I had hoped Solo would have put an end to it, but I guess so many people obsessed over making it true for so long, they went with it. Probably to keep some of the rabid fanboys off of them.

>how retarded is S4?
Oh boy you are in for a wild ride...

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To be fair, their shields were down.

See that's exactly the shit I'm talking about. In a single post you bash one group of people for their headcanon obsessions while simultaneously declaring your own headcanon true.

Her unrelenting loyalty makes me so hard. Too bad she had to put on the dunce hat all the time like the rest of the main officers.

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Meh, it wasn't that bad.

What are you talking about Hera was good and the best character in rebels. Interesting personality, proper skillset, good script.

Dude. Watch the scene...

Shes better in the Thrawn comic

The small ones weren't the ones one-shotting Star Destroyers you retard. It was the gigantic, leviathan ones.

The Small ones were only one-shotting TIE Fighters

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I would also like to mention that I didn't bash anyone. The only reason Lucas didn't contradict it, is because it was a really cool explanation. Like a lot of things he used from the old EU. He never wanted to stifle other peoples creativity. The main reason everyone assumed Boba was a Mandalorian instead of a man that hunted Mandalorians, might I add.

What these things you people keep fighting about and from where did they come from?

They're called Elder Things and they came from space.

Deed space.

For what reason they decided to attack the empire? Did they attack their homes?

They're called Purrgil. They're whale-like space creatures that evolved the ability to travel through hyperspace, and were studied by people in the ancient past in order to learn how to travel through hyperspace themselves. They often wander through hyperspace lanes and can accidentally crash into them, unintentionally killing the inhabitants.

Ezra had a back-up plan to have some people fly a ship into orbit and send out signals at a specific frequency, which end up calling Purrgil to Lothal. Ezra used Beast Tame to have the Purrgil help liberate Lothal by attacking the Empire.

Attached: Star.Wars.Rebels.S04E15E16.Family.Reunion.and.Farewell.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-SiGMA.mkv_snaps (1920x1080, 2.36M)

Rofl people thinking Ani isn't the chosen one
when fucking mortis had him making the son and daughter bow to prove he was.

Then we got Momin talking shit about Vader still believing he is the chosen one .

How fucking in your face can it be ?

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How so?

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Sure. I mean as long as it's free. It's not great and either slowly getting better or eventually you manage to accept it, sort of like an incurable disease. It's almost up to TFAs, at least. Poe just took back BB-8 and is headed for Jakku. We know from the mid-season trailer that Kaz overhears Hux's speech about destroying the Republic. I'm vaguely interested to see where it will go after that. Still so far the only thing worth noting is that apparently FO Stormtroopers get brain bleached if they act up too much. Mind wiped and "recalibrated".

There's another thread for this, but it's pretty shitty unless you want to see two spergs going at it over Vader's feelings.

They are called a lazy solution for everything and they came from the writers ass.

Wrong on both counts, but only just. I swear Filoni only did it to piss you fuckers off.

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No more so than anything else a writer creates is pulled from their ass. The Purrgill first appear in episode 15 of season 2. In season 3 episode 22 Bendu tells Thrawn that he sense his defeat, "Like many arms surrounding you in a cold embrace." In the Rebels series finale Thrawn is literally held in a "cold embrace" by the tentacles of a Purrgill which pulls his ship into hyperspace with it, thus ending his threat and the TIE Defender project, plus the occupation of Lothal.

>It gets better as it goes. Just roll with it as it goes
>You just have to watch 20 hours of shit to get to good bits

"I see your defeat. Like many arms surrounding you in a cold embrace."

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Planning beforehand is a supernatural feat now?

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Rebels was in one word, inconsistent. You had stretches of great stuff punctuated by garbage and stretches of garbage punctuated by greatness. Count me though as someone who both hated Ezra's season 3-4 buzzcut and Kanan's retarded helmet. He should have gone with the blind samurai blindfold look instead of that dumb thing.

He couldnt have as the DC-17 has no switch to swap to stun

Trips don't lie. Fox may have been a ruthless dick but he was always justified.

The DC-17 has a stun setting.

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It does

And it has no switch to swap to it, meaning the DC-17 requires complete retooling, OR a specific stun variant of the DC-17

Fox had neither, and thus was unable to stun Fives

Or maybe there's a mechanism for switching to stun that isn't some big switch

Nothing on the HD model of the DC-17 indicates as such

did they fuck

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I didn't like any of the characters but it finishes some plot threads from TCW so you have to watch it. Some returning characters make it tolerable at times. Wouldn't re-watch it.

Only in lewd fanfics

No but they did

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>He got his own DLC which is way more than the Exile got.

ToR constantly shat on Kotor2 and pretended it didn't happen. It was very cringy.

i honestly keep forgetting to watch this show. i want to but whenever it's on, i forget that it's on (usually doing something else).

It's so shit it makes Rebels look like gold.

Like I said, the Exile got fucked.

Just look up the popular episodes and watch them, the show is a slog to go through in its entirety