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Other urls found in this thread:


Marvels Solo.

She’s gonna show that boy how she does it. And by “it”, I mean flop.

>look mom my cult has botnets

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You'd take this seriously based on a bunch of trolls and whiners that complain about a movie they've never seen because it's not even released yet?

Very sad and pitiful

It's Time DC Bros & Sisters.

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Fuck, you’re right. I apologize for my ridiculous behavior. I’m getting off Yea Forums in a bit to go preorder tickets for Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel, starring the amazingly talented and Oscar-winning Brie Larson, releasing March 8! I’m going to buy out entire theater and let people in my neighborhood see it for free! And it doesn’t matter if not many people take up that wonderful offer. As long as the movie does well financially, I’ll be happy. I really want Disney to make a lot of money on this project so they can understand that female empowerment is a lucrative direction to take their future endeavor. Let’s pull together as a progressive and forward-thinking nation and make this happen, people. HIGHER FURTHER FASTER BABY!

Reminder to report all RT threads for being offtopic

Tfw not a company wars fag and gonna see both

...Can't you just enjoy a movie as a regular viewer and not be an ass about it? And why do you have such a problem with progressive stuff?

Seriously, people have really forgotten how to enjoy a movie


Have they done a porn parody yet?

Daily reminder that black and white thinking is a symptom of autism

In what fucking way is this movie progressive? Because a woman is the main character?

That isnt fucking progressive, its not fucking new, you retard, theres been action movies about women for decades, why are we pretending like there havent been? Fucking Carol isnt even the first superheroine in a film, or the first MARVEL superheroine to star in a film.

Theres nothing progressive about this, its all fauxgressive nonsense thats pretending like its doing something different when all it is is using the veil of progressivist language and characterization as a shield from all the flaws it likely has.

>Can't you just enjoy a movie as a regular viewer and not be an ass about it? And why do you have such a problem with progressive stuff?
You first. I’m not the one who turned comic books and superhero movies into culture war battlegrounds.

Maybe not, but you're sure as fuck contributing to it

>Atom Tickets
Yeah that place also said Aquaman was outpacing Infinity War

Daily reminder buzzwords are for people with no arguments

So a bunch of simps organized together to bring down the audience score as if that will affect anything and the only way they'll feel validated is by seeing a article by the Mary Sue talking about their "sexism" and claim a victory over a fucking marvel movie. How pathetic

How is he contributing to it? By pointing out how bullshit it is?

Fuck Carol, she's a shit character, and her movie looks dull and boring.

What buzzword did I use?

how come girls weren't sent to see Wonder Woman for free?

No, by acting like a chimpanzee while doing so. SJWs, believe it or not, lurk sites like Yea Forums so they can screencap us and reaffirm the alt-right boogieman with the general public. The only way to win is not to play at all

>Footjob and foot fetish scenes guaranteed

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>Theres nothing progressive about this, its all fauxgressive nonsense thats pretending like its doing something different when all it is is using the veil of progressivist language and characterization as a shield from all the flaws it likely has
A movie with a main female character that's been taken seriously and not some cringe-worthy bullcrap wih eye candy dumb shit and stupid ass line that'd you'd expect from Twilight or that Alita movie that had a good idea but went completely cringy because of that dumbass romance plot with an idiot male character with cheesy lines that should have been killed off earlier, and that dog blood she marked her face with

And the movie is not even out yet and still you behave like a whiney bitch-ass baby about a movie you've never seen. Seriously, can't you just wait and see for yourself and then make the decision after that. Don't be a bitch about it

Waiting for it to blow over didn’t work. Marvel still killed off or replaced my favorite dudes. And when some of them got brought back they were turned into weak-willed pansies who let “marginalized people” walk all over them. So yeah, I’m contributing. If the castles burning down, why not make it burn faster?


Some of her toenails are really unappealing. Do footfags really have this shit of taste?


You did that yourself retard. You and your whiney fags started this whole thing because you can't grow up from whatever hole you're from because you can't handle that a main female character is taken seriously

Because you're making it harder to build a new one in its place

it's sarcasm

What if Disney is pulling a Smollett and doing this themselves in order to get people to buy tickets to fight for the good cause?
And what if it's actually some incel trolls doing this and the result ends up being more people turning in just to "fight back"?

Aliens, Tomb Raider, Underworld, Salt, Kill Bill, fucking Star Wars. Female leads are not anything new. Trying to hide behind progressiveness is also not new.

>if I pretend they don't exist, they will disappear
hahahaha it didn't work so far

The new castle will never be bigger or better than the one before. And even if a new one does get built, it’ll only be a matter of time before the next outsider group comes in and complains that it isn’t to their standards and tears it all down again.

Was Brie the Yea Forums goblin the whole Time?

You can't build anything on weak foundaments. You have to crush it down completely first

So what's your endgoal?

Wow you are seething are you? This is exactly what I'm talkiing about. Dude, you are a total bitch if you can' see the obvious by how hypocritical your views are, and how stupid your excuses have been if you brought up those movies and you try to use it for this. Just sad. You need help

If there’s no place for me and people like
me, there’s no place for anyone. Burn it all down. Salt the earth. And leave the toilet seat up for good measure.

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>And leave the toilet seat up for good measure.
mah nigga

So you're saying you want comics dead completely? Kind of selfish and shortsighted 2bh

>And leave the toilet seat up for good measure
You evil bastard

>Write thousands of comments on RT about how you shouldn't see the movie because you hallucinated that the lead is a meanie
>Make threads about it day and night just like this one to brag about how you're winning the imaginary war in your head


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That user, that user's on fire We don't no water...

WHY ?!

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Could you say that in english? I dont speak retardese.

Hey, if the progressive endgame is how you guys make it out to be then killing the industry isn’t much of a loss. Hell, I consider it an act of mercy.

>look at me, I still don't know how to greentext

Carol is a bad character and Brie is a delusional rich idiot who doesnt know what reality is.

Alens, Kill Bill, and Star Wars earned that right and deserved it. Tomb Raider, Underworld, and Salt however are all cheesy and predictable with nothing interesting

However, you are still making excuses when compare to this movie that's not cheesy and it's doing something new. Stop making dumb excuses already and grow up. This is getting more dumber as it goes. And for a movie no one has seen yet

Everyday I’m thankful I’m not a footfag

>never underestimate the power of weaponized autism

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Hahahaha. Wow you are just too laughable. Did I hurt your masculine feelings? Hehehe

>unf unf unf
>dis shit is not fur mein sophisticated exquisite taste
>carol danvers is

>you guys
Not progessive. I'm an environmentalist, but that's the only real stance I have on any social issues. In every other sense I'm a centrist

Anywho, killing a whole medium because of two publishers is gay

incels and alt-righters have a lot of self hate, but they don't want to admit they hate themselves so they redirect it to women and minorities

Unfortunately, the press resulting from this obvious foul play is just going to make even more people watch it.

Well no, acting like a retard doesnt hurt my feelings.

I mean i feel bad for you that you think Carol Danvers is a good female character because you havent seen Aliens, Terminator, Kil Bill, or any other of the miriad of movies starring female action leads.

> I'm an environmentalist,
Oh lol, watch out for my burn, the global warming might increase too much

>it's doing something new
Its doing nothing new.

Literally nothing that its doing is new. Its the epitome of cookie cutter.

>that Alita movie that had a good idea but went completely cringy because of that dumbass romance plot with an idiot male character with cheesy lines that should have been killed off earlier, and that dog blood she marked her face with
Both Hugo and the face markings are in the manga. Hugo shouldn't have been killed off earlier, he should have had a better actor.

I want an actual debate

As opposed to ugly sjws and fat leftards who hate themselves, so they redirect it at normal looking people?

I'm just a civilised person that's watching the movie out of pure enjoyment like any other cinema goers and not while about i like a bitch

Learn how to watch a movie already. This is becoming laughable

What's new about it? Do you mean a female lead in a comic book movie? Wonder Woman did that and so did Catwoman and Elektra but those don't count.

I'm not saying to ignore them completely, but a direct response like what we're doing now just makes them double down and avoid the problem.

Rather than just bitching and moaning, you should vote with your wallet. Boycott DC and Marvel products, buy graphic novels, read manga: do whatever you can to show not only the big two but the general public as a whole that you like comics, just not the big two

And that's the thing. You need to make it clear that you're still willing to buy comics if they're good. Right now, as far as the big publishers are concerned, you're not a potential customer and never will be

Extreme SJWs are shit people, too.
You see, you spend so much time on the internet, you basically think there's shitty people like you, and everyone else is a sjw.
No, in real life, the vast majority of people aren't assholes and are reasonable people.

And I want to have a retractable sniktclaws out of my anus. Rarely in life we get what we want

>I'm only fighting against the culture war because it didn't go away and only got worse
unironically kill yourself discord scum.


Fighting the culture war, by definition, makes you part of it

It will sound funny to you, but sometimes you can't avoid the war. You can pretend you don't participate in it, but at some point you will have to choose. And it's easy to ignore it, until it happens to something you care about, and I don't mean some shitty movie, but if you don't have any principles, or you let others decide them for you, you're going to wake up someday and think "oh shit what the fuck is this gay shit on my wall" (it happened to me once)

OP, I know you're a faggot with nothing going on in your life, but can you just put the stupid strawpoll in the next eight threads about Captain Marvel you make today? I have to go do stuff, and I won't be here while you're still make even more threads about this movie. I just can't devote the time to it you can.

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And not fighting it makes you a collateral damage, or cannon fodder

Hookers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> women

He saw a youtube video. The youtuber gave him an opinion. He wants to share his new opinion with us.

Why can't he start twenty threads a day to do that, user? Just give the baby the attention he wants!

>If you defend yourself from attacks you are worse than the attackers, you only win if you stay silent and let yourself killed.

>sensible chuckle.jpg
I spend LESS time on the internet, because I am tired of that sjw faggotry. Yea Forums is the only place I bother to post, because everywhere else it's gay (no offense to homosexuals)

where are her fifth toes

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Sure you do

You and your cretins were the ones stuffing it to the brim with controversy and no substance, now that it's going away it's a shame?

Go fuck yourself, you killed my god damned hobby, and now you want the corpse hanging desecrated as a trophy. When it burns down, the comics that rise from the ashes will be better than your bullshit.

I've seen those movies already and they were pure gems. Except for the other Alien movies that have gotten worse. You're just making sad excuses to hate on this movie with no real reasons other than to see it fail. So why are you even trying? Why is this movie any different? You just don't want to grow up. That's simple

Again, movie's not even out yet

Dude, it was rushed an a number of stuff were missing. That movie could have done better and rewote some scenes to save time

Hello discord tranny, make like stalactite and hang.

Again, don't judge a movie you haven't seen yet. If it's doing something then let it do something first and decide afterwards

Wow you are making this up aren't you? Seething


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And Brie Larson is an extreme SJW. Hence why people are review bombing her boring movie.

>Alens, Kill Bill, and Star Wars earned that right and deserved it. Tomb Raider, Underworld, and Salt however are all cheesy and predictable with nothing interesting

Nobody gives a shit if you deem it worthy or not frankenstein, you can't cut it as a woman or a man, why would your opinion on what constitutes a good female lead matter at all.
>However, you are still making excuses when compare to this movie that's not cheesy and it's doing something new.
Carol is doing nothing new, it's the same sjw anti-marketing bullshit done to death for the last five years wrapped up in an MCU package. It's so bland and mediocre that even paid shills are strugling to defend even the most basic parts of it, the entire thing pisses on who Carol was before you dipshits ruined comics, and the captain marvel name as a whole.

I'd tell you to go fuck yourself for being a sanctimonious prick, but that might make that thing you call a "vagina" collapse in on itself. Drop dead.

>lol jus sit back and take it
again, kill yourself discord tranny.

>this dude is pretending that Captain Marvel will have non-cringey dialogue and plot developments

There's no way you're being serious right now. Has any cape movie not had at least a little bit of "cringe"? You need to get some thicker skin, or stop being a retard. Also, Alita is a psychotic berserker no shit she'll smear her face with dog blood and bite a motherfucker.

I get the first part, you need to defend yourself, but
>but at some point you will have to choose
No. Fuck you. The world doesn't exist in a binary of far left and far right. I'll defend myself plenty, but if that means having to chose between communism and nazism I'd rather blow my own brains out

I just wish the world would go back to normal. But I guess that makes me a centrist and centrism is ebil apparently

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I'm already looking forward to seeing this and even I think this is hilarious

>why would your opinion on what constitutes a good female lead matter at all
Because I want a famale character I can take seriously and not be a joke when a story makes sense

>the entire thing pisses on who Carol was before you dipshits ruined comics
You did that yourself for demanding dumb shit. And the industry needs new readers to avoid people like you. Plus Mar-Vell died

>Drop dead
Seething aren't you?

>I'm better than everybody because I have a fence post shoved up my ass
>I literally can't make a decision because that'd mean I'd have to take a hard stance instead of shitting on everybody
>This makes me mentally superior
"centrists" are cancer and nobody likes dealing with egotistical know nothings like you.

>OP can't even post a full screen so anons can do the math
The numbers are up to 12K+ want to see it today, which is up from the 11K yesterday. I assume someone will ask RT to change how that number is displayed, since a movie with 400 votes and 98% want to see isn't really as impressive as one with 10K and 50% want to see.

Attached: Captain Marvel metacritic numbers.png (770x152, 44K)

>No. Fuck you
Do it user, choose, or I'll make you decide

>>Again, movie's not even out yet
So stop being a fucking hypocrite you retard.

If its not out yet, stop being a cocksucker saying its doing anything new, because you dont know that.

They're not even good feet...

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>Because I want a famale character I can take seriously and not be a joke when a story makes sense

... what a fucking tiny-brained little retard cultist you are. Fuck you. Read a book, watch a movie that came out more than five years ago, broaden your pathetic embarrassing horizons. You're a worthless consumer of pop culture and you can't even do that right.

You absolutely can judge a movie before its out, thats what trailers are for you idiot.

That doesn't make you any less of an undesirable asshole


I know exactly what I want. I have opinions and I believe in them firmly. One of those beliefs is that politics don't need to be in literally every facet of life, especially superheros which are supposed to be escapism

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Remember how people bombed Black Panther so people wouldn’t see it.

>broke box offices
>three oscars

Sure worked well for them :)

So both sides are using bots like a bunch of faggots because theres no fucking way that more people want to see Captain Marvel than an Avengers movie.

>Because I want a famale character I can take seriously and not be a joke when a story makes sense
You don't matter tranny, these characters are taken serious whether or not you deem it so. You mentally diseased fuck.
>You did that yourself for demanding dumb shit. And the industry needs new readers to avoid people like you. Plus Mar-Vell died
Yes, the new readers that don't read the books because like you they don't give a shit, they jsut want to dick wave that they're a "good person"
>Seething aren't you?
Of course, people like you and what you represent via trolling are a fucking blight. It's my duty to show you retards a mirror and get you to kill yourselves because you are worthless to humanity and a blight on the world.

It's a civic duty to beat these words into your diseased little heads.

>mfw when a fat smelly hairy cunt that's halfway into the tranny grave tries to imply I'm an incel

what's with you and trannies?

>I know exactly what I want
Yeah, to be a faggot who looks down his nose at other people while holding no concrete view of their own.

Your'e a coward, nothing more.

>There's no way you're being serious right now. Has any cape movie not had at least a little bit of "cringe"?
You mean before the MCU? Daredevil, Elektra, Fan4stic, Green Lantern, Steel, Batman & Robin

Those are a couple few I can put up

Again, you haven't seen the movie so don't pretend you know shit

Alita was a cringe movie with the most dumbest romance plot and predictable scenes in existance. Hell, both the manga and anime were far superior in terms of story telling and character development. While the fight scenes are great everything else is just terrible. And if you'd see the box office it hasn't even broke even

>just one person calls you out on being a discord tranny
Nah, we can smell it on you, you can't hide that fact from anybody. Live with it.

You know that being centrist isnt "having no concrete view of their own" and more "those two extremes are retarded, because both sides have good to them and its better to accept what both do well and dismiss what both fail at" right?

Fucking retard.

No, I believe in sanity. I want to go back to the way things were in the 80s, back before people got offended by colors.

Is that too much to ask?


We should go back to the based 90s


>group of people defines themselves by being obsessed with trannies, demanding they be given sacred status in society and shoehorned into all entertainment, despite being .0005% of the population if that
>other people start calling them trannies

How is it even possible for every aspect of your world view and perception of reality to be this backwards? How do you live? Who is keeping you alive?

I still hold the opinion that Fantastic 4 will be the first MCU movie to get a rotten tomato .

unironically extremely based

It's like you're speaking another language

>You mean before the MCU? Daredevil, Elektra, Fan4stic, Green Lantern, Steel, Batman & Robin

You think those movies had no cringe, but using blood as war paint is cringe? I don't know what to say to this.


How is buying tickets to your own movie considered a charity?

This scene from Spongebob pretty much sums up your logic.

A retard in addition to being a tranny, we've got a winner here. Which aspect of the simple post are you having trouble understanding?

Don't you dare rope Spongebob into your sick retardation.

And hence most people in real life don't give a shit about sjw outrage. It's all echo chamber farts

He makes a good point

I literally can't make heads or tails of your post.

You view any stance as "extreme" so you can look down on others, you cowards aren't fooling anybody. It's an easy out to have no opinion, it's why you cling so hard to defending your "centrist" position.
The fact that your'e even admitting you want to go back means that you're taking a side against the crazed left and will be branded alt right and chided by "centrists" you can't go back unless you fight for it, it's stupid but this is the way things are. Being a passive pussy won't get things to change.

Maybe if you stopped taking hormonal pills you'd understand english better.

Does he? Did "ignore them and they'll go away" work with Hitler?

Tfw not a company wars fag and not gonna see either one

I'm not a tranny

>>You view any stance as "extreme" so you can look down on others, you cowards aren't fooling anybody. It's an easy out to have no opinion, it's why you cling so hard to defending your "centrist" position.

No you're just a brainwashed faggot who thinks you're based for being dipshit /pol/ retard swallowing "LE EBIN BASED REDPILLS XD XD XD"

Politics isnt sports, you fucking mongoloid. Both sides can be equally valid and equally bad.


No, but becoming a communist isn't exactly the best way to fight nazism

You sure? You're self-admittedly not capable of parsing simple sentences so I don't think we can take your word on that. Could you get your caretaker to post for you?

How am I a hypocrite when you're doing the same thing. What do you hope to gain here?

Hahahah. Wow this is laughable

Trailers don't mean shit if you don't know the full story. That's an example Spider-Verse shown when people complain about Gwen's haircut, but only to find that Miles did that to her. And how people obsess over The Last Jedi trailer and come up with absolutely dumb theories that made no sense and ended up proven wrong. Or the Black Panther trailer that people whine about it before it was even out

I can go on with this

>It's a civic duty to beat these words into your diseased little heads
Hahahahaha! HAhahahaha! God you are so pathetic. You sound like a mentaly deranged child whose only good far is whining alot. Good luck with that manbaby because so far you have done that to yourself

give us your discord server , :3

>when you can't justify your retardation so you drag spongebob into it
kill yourself dipshit.

Saying a movie looks like shit and that it's not acceptable to be racist against white people is an extreme reaction on par with becoming a communist?

>>How am I a hypocrite when you're doing the same thing. What do you hope to gain here?
You're the hypocrite for telling me to stop saying it looks boring because i havent seen it yet, despite saying its doing something "new", yet you also havent seen it.

You have a room temperature IQ.

>Yea Forumsermin tard ass thinks his ebin culture war bullshit should be welcome on Yea Forums

You clearly haven't paid attention or realise there could have been other ways to make that scene work, and literally nobody helped her in that fight and she was the only one, but of course you'd think like that.

>le brainwashed
>le redpills
Again, you're the one talking in extremes and it's me calling you out for being a coward and holding no views of your own. I can safetly say I lean more right wing but don't agree with everything, but I've got the balls to admit I have a belief, you don't. The fact that you're angry at me is you being angry at yourself for being a limpwristed limp dick coward.

Work on yourself and have some fucking beliefs for fucks sake.

>>Trailers don't mean shit if you don't know the full story. That's an example Spider-Verse shown when people complain about Gwen's haircut, but only to find that Miles did that to her. And how people obsess over The Last Jedi trailer and come up with absolutely dumb theories that made no sense and ended up proven wrong. Or the Black Panther trailer that people whine about it before it was even out
>I can go on with this

My point was that trailers are meant to be used for people to judge whether or not a movie is worth their time and money, and by their nature are indicative of the quality of the movie, you freak moron.

Brie Larson has incredibly wooden stunted acting in the trailers, because she's an incredibly wooden stunted actress, so it reasons that she'll have a wooden, stunted performance. She's the lead, so that spells poorly for the film.

>newfag doesn't know Yea Forums has ancient history with feminism/sjw hate threads

Yes, yes you're a "real girl" all right. Hows that metal brace holding up your hole working out for you.

Again, you're saying that me and the other two anons dont have any beliefs or views, when thats not true. You have literally zero basis for that.

I have plenty of solid viewpoints, i just think you're a faggot.

>dismissing people with catch alls is fine, stop thinking.

I bet you think all these posts are the same person too. You retards really can't function without a safety net on reddit or discord.

We know from everything we've seen that this movie's going to be shit, paid shills are having issues defending it on the most basic premises, are you afraid that once the culture war swings against you you'll be ostracized?
>Hahahahaha! HAhahahaha! God you are so pathetic. You sound like a mentaly deranged child whose only good far is whining alot. Good luck with that manbaby because so far you have done that to yourself
What's funny is this only proves I've gotten to you, my words are gonna stick with you to the grave, which hopefully ain't far away. Nice knowing ya loser.

>The fact that your'e even admitting you want to go back means that you're taking a side against the crazed left
Yes. I also hate the crazed far right who wants to hang gays and black people for the crime of existing.
>and will be branded alt right and chided by "centrists" you can't go back unless you fight for it
Eat my dick dude. I'm not going to change my whole worldview because some morons called me rude names

You're judging a movie based on what you've seen or heard when it's not even out, but you're making it sound like you've seen it

And of course I'm saying it's doing something new when Black Panther did it and it was brilliant. So I saw the reailer and I like what I see. So I'm giving it a chance

So why are you being desperate here?

I don't think you know what a tranny is

Black Panther didnt do anything fucking new what are you on about, retard?

That literally means nothing. Seriously, what do you hope to gain from this?

Wow this is so pathetic. Keep trying manbaby. You're making this very entertaininig for me

Why are you shilling this movie so hard exactly?

You can't read so how would you know?

>Again, you're saying that me and the other two anons dont have any beliefs or views, when thats not true.
It absolutely is true, so far all you three chuklefucks can say is that you agree with hating both sides, in order to do that you'd have to generalize them into extremes. To do that you'd have to be completely dishonest and hold no view that would jive with either party, meaning you'd have to take non binary choices in questions that are exclusively binary, which means that you have views that coincide with either side, but have to demonize either so you fit into your definition of "centrist". It's slimey and cowardly, you ought to own up to that or else the mental picture anybody gets when they read your horseshit will be that of an overweight fedoralord in shorts, sandals and a chocolate stained atheism t shirt.

You can keep getting angry all you like, but in the end you're only mad at yourself, you can keep being a "centrist" though, but nobody will respect you for doing so.

No you fucking idiot we hate both sides because of their inability to compromise with one another.

>Yes. I also hate the crazed far right who wants to hang gays and black people for the crime of existing.
The "far right" doesn't believe that because they literally do not exist, you're eating up liberal propaganda, bet you also believed Jussie Smollett when he first came forward about being bleached and hung by racists.
>change your worldview
hard to change what isn't even there.

That says it all really. You're not mad because we're cowards, you're mad because we disagree with you

If that's what you need to damage control the fact that OP is too much of a pussy to put those numbers up, sure.

>K-keep trying m-manbaby. You're making this very e-entertaininig for me *sob*
god you're pathetic, this is literally you right now.

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You're delusional.

I hit the nail on the head.

Oh... hi, OP. I didn't think it was you for some reason.

Okay retard so which party should i go with if i think gay people are fine but guns are also fine?

No, they're both right. They both have good aspects. I, for example, have left wing social values but also believe in right wing economics and law enforcement.

You've just been radicalized by internet Nazis and fascists. If you go back and watch 90s and 2000s film/tv you can find the same *agenda*


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SpongeBob is chock full of Marxist propaganda you liberal cuck

For starters it's not a complete stereotype and made the culture of Wakanda very real and emersive. Even the language is real that it felt like an actual state

When have I?

Hehehe. Serioulsy? It's pretty much you at this point for trying too hard


Attached: 1478136631781.gif (540x267, 1.89M)

>When have I?
Since day one.

Oh yes, YOU definitely sound very masculine, lol


>Since day one
When day one?

pollution is real, "climate change" is not real. that's all you need to know.

what the the fuck is going on in this thread? whats wrong with captain marvel?

Trolls trolling trolls

boring bland corporate character is forced into having a movie that is running purely off of woke twitter steam and has very little actively going for it, so its the focus of le ebin culture war.

One side screams SJW, the other forgot about the last 30 years of movies.

Its all so tiring.


/pol/tards being babies yet again, last year it was with blacks, this year it's with women.

Nothing. Just more whining

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Disney is paying some shitposting crew to downvote their movie just to drum up a rallying cry because the movie isn't the feminist ambrosia that Brie Larson is making it out to be. It'll honestly be a 7/10 that'll get 10/10 scores because "muh cultural importance"

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People forget that reverse shills are a very real thing

What's the joke, there ?

>Have to pay for people to see your movie

>Disney is paying some shitposting crew
No, it isn't.
Come on, is it your first day on Yea Forums ? You know that movie get bashed on a daily basis and it's not even the place where the movie is hated the most. There is no need to hire any troll for it to happens.

I guess Paladecki wants some of that MCU cash and probably out of Supernatural.

Attached: Screenshot_20190225-141411_Chrome.jpg (655x774, 228K)

Then they're literally throwing even more money away, because I'll shit on this movie for absolutely free. It lacks any sort of appeal whatsoever.

Ron Perlman once tweeted that he shit on his hands and then was going to go around shaking the hands of trump supporters. Because that would really cheese off that bad orange man.

>Ron Perlman once tweeted that he shit on his hands and then was going to go around shaking the hands of trump supporters.
He didn't. That was a fake edit.

Uh, no. He said he didn't wash his hand after going peeing in the rest room and handshaked Harvey Weinstein.

Not exactly the same thing. and I am almost certain there has been several times you didn't wash your hand after going to the restroom.

Trolls would've done this right around where the movie releases.

This. There's a reason interest dies out suspiciously fast after opening weekend

I have been here long enough to know most trolls don't have a sense of timings.

the reason trolls are actual trolls is because they overflown way too soon and way after it is the right time to do so, that's one of the thing that precisely make it trolling.

Year later they will still troll about it, hoping to still get a reaction.

see>There's a reason interest dies out suspiciously fast after opening weekend
Are you a time traveller ?

>Uh, no. He said he didn't wash his hand after going peeing in the rest room and handshaked Harvey Weinstein.

>could've outed Harvey much sooner
>"Nah, I'll just piss on my hands"
Not to mention walking a long way to making it about Trump somehow

>I have been here long enough to know most trolls don't have a sense of timings.
They've did it with TLJ, and it worked, why would they change tactics suddenly?

No, they haven't.
Once again, there was already enough hate brewing for the trolls to not need any encouragement.


The fuck is going on here? Is this some kind of botnet?

>>could've outed Harvey much sooner
You know the reason women didn't talk was the same reason Men didn't talk. He could ruin carrieers and he created an environment where he convinced people it was normal.

Also, if there is one person anyone shouldn't obfuscate themselves over receiving insult, it's Donald Trump.

And ?

Other man who knew but never treated it more than like a joke was Seth Macfarlane

>You know the reason women didn't talk was the same reason Men didn't talk
>fearing losing your "career" over doing whats right.
So much for that tough talk, Lil' Ronnie.

the actress is an unlikable cunt just like the character she's playing

It's funny how when Wonder Woman release a few years ago nobody said anything, BUT NOW suddenly every is upset that the MCU is making their own female superhero movie that people are getting mad.

I'm convinced that there's a sizeable portion of butthurt DCEU fans who are review bombing Captain Marvel

>comparing a corporation selling a dumb comic book movie with feminism to Hitler

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>So much for that tough talk, Lil' Ronnie.

>blame him for not speaking
>so now he should keep not speaking
that's not how logic work, user.

Seriously though, don't blame him for not doing what no one else was doing. Especially as it's most likely all most people ever heard were only rumors. You know it make no sense to criticise people for not acting on rumors.

Trolls are just that desperate too shit on something they'll start doing as soon as a mere concept is released, who the fuck are you kidding?

The thing is, there has been an ongoing hate on the Captain Marvel comics in recent years WW never got.


Yes they did. even the most irrational troll knows they would spin this into their favor with all the victimhood capitalizing going on in media. I'm not calling trolls clever, but it's not hard to see Disney wants this to be Black Panther with estrogen.


It's bait

You are contradicting yourself. the original point was that an user claimed Disney made fake troll complain. My point is, they never needed to do that and all the hate post are most certainly genuine.

That disney might have taken advantage of it is a different thing, but I won't blame someone for using the ammos their opponent is providing them.

>Send girls to see Captain Marvel
Holy shit, it's literally the same thing they did with black children for Black Panther. They are not even trying to disguise their advertising tactics.

The "HER" in the trailer should have been a huge red flag.

>even the most irrational troll knows they would spin this into their favor with all the victimhood capitalizing going on in media.
>trolls rational
you haven't dealt with Troll often, haven't you ?

>I'm not calling trolls clever, but it's not hard to see Disney wants this to be Black Panther with estrogen.
Well, they forgot the part where they actually make a movie that people would actually want to see.
Saying "racist sexist alt-right nazis are sabotaging our movie" or whatever doesn't actually work when the movie itself looks like utter shit. That's when you have a Ghostbusters scenario on your hands.

>it's literally the same thing they did with black children for Black Panthe
And they liked it.
Nothing wrong with doing something similar. Are people forgetting that a big part of cape comics is power fantasy ?

I don't think it's disney, but I also don't think the hate is genuine either. People just like having something to shit on

you are complaining that a comic movie that empower women (which, empowering, is a thing lots of sueper heroes story do) is being advertised as empowering women ?

How is that a problem ?

>He could ruin carrieers and he created an environment where he convinced people it was normal


Attached: Heres+a+rundown+on+what+is+and+isnt+quality+on+_1c003f28a19c1eef558c8edf29117606.png (325x325, 30K)

>People just like having something to shit on
Then it's genuine Troll. Like that's basically the definition of it : shitting on it because you enjoy the rage it stirs.

Someone is doing a protest in response. Instead of raising money to send girls to see Captain Marvel, they're raising money to give to charities that help children living in poverty.

You shouldn't want girls to turn out like Brie Larson OR Captain Marvel.
One is a crazy cunt, and the other is an insane alcoholic.

>One is a crazy cunt, and the other is an insane alcoholic.
So, like Robert Downey Jr. and Tony Stark ?

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>I had ample opportunities to assassinate Hitler, but instead I just put his strudel between my ass cheeks before serving it to him. I think about that every time when lil Stalin lights his pipe.

Not that giving poor kids just some fun time isn't a bad thing either.

yes, let's compare an actual dictator to people whose bad deeds were mostly uncomfirmed rumors and then blame them after the fact because knowing what should have been done after the facts is the same as knowing what to do at this moment.

So my take away from some of these responses is if you dont like the movie, have criticisms to the politicisation surrounding the movie due to the lead actress, or have no desire to see the movie, you're a troll/incel/bigot/sexist/etc.

Everyone quick! To make sure you're not called a troll on the internet, go buy a few tickets to captain marvel and tell everyone how amazing and excited you are for this female lead movie!

Yes, it's also the fault of the person living in a abusing relationship to not tell the police. You definitely don't know how power play work.

Two entire binary stars worth of seething.

What's the endgame, boyos? Who are you going to fuck when you've run all the girls off?

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If you don't like a movie that isn't out yet and aven't seen, then you are kind of a moron, as for the "politicisation", it's on the level of Mr. M'kay that getting offuscated by it is kind of a childish reaction.

Most people who are not interrested by a movie don't spent time in threads telling how they are not interrsted by it. Instead they go to thread that talk about the things they actually want to see.

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Kek imagine being worried about a political leader from 80 years ago who literally did nothing you crazies claim he did.

Woke Capitalism is legit the cringiest thing to ever come out of this godawful decade. I hope it's nearing the end of its shelf life.


People inventing new buzzwords every week is legit the cringiest thing to ever come out of this godawful decade. I hope it's nearing the end of its shelf life.


>take the time to explain why I'm not interested in a movie based on its trailers
>told I'm an idiot for making judgments based on a trailer
Gee, I wonder why I wouldn't want to discuss my opinions with people like you.

>he doesn't know about robo-waifus

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>to people whose bad deeds were mostly uncomfirmed rumors
There were warnings since Courtney Love. Power plays work only if you let them.

>omg I'm so afraid of Hitler
kek, what a weak person you are


Sure takes me back. Yes sir, sure takes an old man back.

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People pretend that this score indicates the quality of the movie, but when you got to the audience review section there are droves of reviews like
>Fukkin SJW
>Brie Larson doesn't like me cause I'm a white man
>Feminist trash
Film looks okayish, might suck but the hate-boner for it is pathetic.


The only fool is a person who says you cant "not" like something unless you see it. People have seen trailers articles synopsis of many movies and walked away with a wide variety of feeling. Some being they dont like it. As an over the top point, I can tell you that I wouldn'tike a movie if it was pretty much 2 hours of setting puppies on fire. I dont need to see it to come to that conclusion if the I fo on the web concer I g it was detailed enough.

Also yeah, people not wanting to see a film that apparently promotes a political message or ideology is also acceptable. If people want just straight up super hero movies, give them that. Do t let your lead actress politicize the movie. Cause in this specific case, that's what has happened. It also happened to SW. And fans and customers are signaling they dont want that in their movies by commenting and refusing to purchase tickets. Even if the movie is amazing, tainting it with politics isn't brilliant. Flip this a bit; let's say brie Larson was out there mocking sjws and wearing a mags hat. Do you think that's gonna polarize the film a bit and cause some part of the audience to be mad? Probably, even if the film has nothing to do with that. It's not a brilliant marketing move long term.

We will not rest until the financial, political, and social elites who control things are a rainbow of ethnicities and gender identities. When the 1% is perfectly diverse, we will know real happiness.

that's awfully anti-semitic of you

>You and your cretins were the ones stuffing it to the brim with controversy and no substance, now that it's going away it's a shame?
That's been a thing for literal decades you moron. This shit isn't new, you're just triggered because you don't like it.

>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was INCELS!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was ZOOMERS!
>"It emphasizes muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It makes some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It is expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"It is gonna do very well, just you wait and see Yea Forums!"
>"These RT scores are terrorism!"
This is the most damage controlled Marvel movie I've seen since Black Panther. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It is a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's MCU was made to pander to SJWs, and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

I wouldn't call it a complete abomination... it just doesn't have a single thing going for it. There is literally no reason to bother watching it.
A "complete abomination" would be something like "The Room", which practically everyone has seen, but for all the wrong reasons.

Hope someone is collecting screenshots

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this is definitely a case of spamming or something cuz that shit polumited from when i saw it last.

>what the the fuck is going on in this thread? whats wrong with captain marvel?

/pol/ set up a few different campaigns to attack CM and harass people, there's combing RT, making up some fake reviews, and plans to buy tickets for other movies even if they don't see them or some shit. Basically same /pol/ spamming that happens with every movie these days. Mostly by people who only watch YouTube "pundits" and don't actually consume any other media.
/pol/ has been spamming this same thread here every few days and even every few hours.

I know this is bait, but come on now.
If you really wanted to bump the thread so bad, just say "bump".

>People pretend that this score indicates the quality of the movie, but when you got to the audience review section there are droves of reviews like
>>Fukkin SJW
>>Brie Larson doesn't like me cause I'm a white man
Yeah people keep saying that here but it sounds retarded this time because everyone is upfront about hating it because they think it's "SJW" or what someone said in an interview and not the movie or even the trailers or what it looks like otherwise. The spammers are being honest for once. There's also the fact that they set up bots to spam the RT thing to make it seem like it had four times more people who care about Captain Marvel than care about Endgame which is such dumb fucking shit the spamming and bombing is obvious. And and all over the Internet they've posted "go to this RT page and spam don't want to see" which people who have noticed have screenshotted and shared because you're not invisible on the Internet. But hey I just it could be magical unicorns on Rotten Tomatoes and the sky could have purple polkadots and dancing leprechauns in it too, I mean how can you prove it isn't?

>go to pages where people are mad about movie
>asks "why are you mad?"
>all answer: "I am a white man and offended by what the actress said so I decided to spam Rotten Tomatoes out of anger at what the actress said also I am tired of SJW movies like Black Panther and Star Wars"

It's a fucking mystery!

...where are the people who are supposedly excited for this movie?

I actually don't give a shit about this movie I just hate idiots insulting people's intelligence and how shitty and incompetent raids have gotten. I know this is too much to ask but it would be cool if people supported things they enjoyed instead. Instead you're just shoveling money at clickbait and hack ecelebs on "both sides" again.

>advance ticket sales
lol this is Yea Forums's version of "amazon preorders"

I've never met one.

I don't know a single person who is excited for it or who wants to see it. I've literally seen every MCU movie and I don't want to see it.

I don't think these are, you know, good signs. From a marketing perspective.

If case you've been asleep for the last decade, the clickbait and accusations happen no matter what you believe "le epic secrit 4chin club" does.

Me neither

The closest I've heard is "women will want to see it", but I literally haven't seen any evidence of that either, other than Marvel buying up tickets themselves and forcing little girls to watch it at gunpoint.

Attached: 371ff11.jpg (500x529, 41K)

>okay we have a new tentpole character to prop up our flagship franchise
>she has basically no pop culture footprint, no brand, this will be her big mainstream debut
>to help with that we'll weave her origin story movie into the Infinity War movies
>hopefully the unstoppable momentum we built up with over a decade of blockbuster hits and this huge crossover cinematic universe coming to a climax will be enough to propel her with meteoric force into popularity
>oh jesus no
>god, no, listen DC was desperate, they were going for literally any angle to generate interest, it worked out only cause the movie was actually pretty good
>but we don't need to go that route, we have so much going for us right now, there's no need to manufacture controversy for no reason
>that's just rocking the boat--

Attached: 1403614901661.jpg (350x260, 12K)

No he means paid trolls. He's right, this shit is all /pol/, Disney would have waited till opening weekend

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I've got a Brie Larson ready to go on table 7 with a side order of resting bitch face.

Jesus Christ there is nothing redeeming about her. She has nothing, a waste of a human being.

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The expectation is that people are going to blame sexism for this doing poorly and Shazam doing well, right?
Despite the progress supposedly made with Wonder Woman?

That's funny...and True

Wonder Woman had no controversy started by WB and by that point on the release circle it had a lot of positive buzz on the quality of the movie

Where were the "sexiest" reviews and rotten tomatoe "bomb reviews" when wonder woman was coming out? Gal and Patty didn't push an agenda. Simple.

>Gal and Patty didn't push an agenda. Simple.
I think the agenda pushing is just the tip of the cherry on top of this shit pile.
Carol Danvers is a garbage character, Brie Larson is a terrible actor, and the movie didn't even remotely look interesting. Those were all reasons enough not to see it. Acting like a cunt just made it go from "Nobody wants to see it" to "Definitely nobody wants to see it now."

I wouldn't say Brie is terrible actor. She's pretty un charismatic though, and that's a key characteristic for super heroes

she is boring

Not to mention unlike Captain Cunt his arrogance is seen as a vice and not something endearing.

broke: going to see both

woke: seeing neither


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>so assmad you bribe the company into changing how it fundamentally functions to cover it up.


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>increases inclusion
What did they mean by this?


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A week before user rating may be confused with critic rating or changed by white supremacists.

Hi, /pol/tard!

>dat tinfoil hat

Rotten Tomatoes is a safe place now.

It really is a bizarre decision.
It's not like this is going to make anyone go "wtf I love Captain Fungus now".
The reason so many people said they didn't want to see it is because it looked ridiculously bad compared to what we've come to expect from capeshit movies.

Yea Forums is like a reverse Yea Forums. Instead of irrationally shitting on their hobby, they'll irrationally defend it to the death with fallacies out the ass.

man poor aquaman it only made a BILLION.

>local idiot decides not to watch movie
My God how will Brief Larson recover

That's just a marvelcuck thing.
They'll defend literally anything with the Marvel label on it.
Even DC fans, along with everyone else are pretty distraught with the state of the comic industry.

Hey there loyal members of the Carol Corps! Be sure to watch Disney's™ Captain Marvel™ in theaters to fight back against those misogynist trolls! And don't forget to pick up your Captain Marvel™ action figures and Goose the Cat™ collectible doll. You don't want the trolls to win, right? The best way to combat oppression is by giving money to multibillion dollar international corporations, they're the ones who truly care! Don't forget Disney's™ Captain Marvel™ in theaters March 8!

>Local Kree Ruins Everything

Nah ,that loudy shit is just mix of trolls , pseudofeminists and blind consumers who likes whatever is popular.
True marvelfags dont give a shit about this movie,how they gave no fuck about black panther,Ant-Man or doctor strange.

Their latest tactic is "Haha, that new writer totally fixed Miles/Riri/Etc, am I right, or are you a casualgate incel?", despite them just being as fucking awful as ever.

>literally SHUT IT DOWN

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>It really is a bizarre decision.
It's not. There was news also covering /pol/ talking about bombing or bots for movies like the new Star Wars movie that doesn't come out for another 9 months and every single movie they think might have an "SJW" agenda. As soon as you have what the coveted normie coveted demographic having bot or spams by what normies see as Nazis, your site is in serious trouble. That's also why YouTube is demonetizing anti-vaxx videos and similar shit.
The site doesn't work for its intended purpose once groups or companies start fucking with them for various reasons anyway, but the biggest reason is money. Once terrorists or neo-Nazis or anti-vaxxers or pedophiles get noticed by people, it's such bad PR websites will now destroy whole sections instead of being associated with groups that are revenue poison. It's all about the money. The /pol/ Star Wars shit in particular got a lot of attention and all normies hear is "Nazis use Rotten Tomatoes."

>idiots were too focused on downvoting Captain Marvel for the percentage
>forgot to even upvote Shazam a little to build the narrative
You guys had ONE JOB, and you fucked it up. Now it's too late to even fix it.

Attached: Shazam want to see.png (749x388, 178K)

/pol/'s "narrative building" is too badly done now to sucker even the biggest idiots.

How much did Disney have to pay WB for this?

That's good, shows that DC fans aren't doing this retarded shit

The weird thing about this campaign is that... does anyone care about the "want to see" rating? I don't think anyone legitimately even looks at that rating when looking forward to a movie.

They only care about the review scores, which obviously is going to be bombed too but why waste your effort now?

so when will the media blame gamer gate or the alt right for this movie failing

Attached: 1543088344772.png (500x375, 189K)

>dat damage control
Fuck, you idiots probably made Captain Marvel an extra $100K with all this stupidity.

>Once terrorists or neo-Nazis or anti-vaxxers or pedophiles
So let me get this straight. If I take pride in myself and my people or if I don't want some big pharmaceutical corporation injecting my kids with "vaccines" I'm as bad as pedophile or a "terrorist"? Jesus people are dumb.

The confusion over the score was the only reason it was being focused on. No one cared about it until it was something that could be used to push an agenda.

Casualgate has a big hateboner for Captain Marvel, but no one cares about them. All their kickstarters are just scams and there are only a few hundred of them at most. So I wouldn't be surprised if GG WAS blamed, as it was far larger.

I bet you think it was DC fans who brought down TLJ as well

ya an agenda against another agenda
a counter agenda if you will

>If you kill the SJWs, they win!
Okay, Justin.

Reminder that the Washington Post said that the Russian bot narrative was bullshit. Who do you trust, Lucasfilm/woke Twitter or the Washington Post? Democracy dies in darkness.


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You guys didn't kill shit. You just embarrassed yourself and gave a movie with tons of presale tickets a free boost of attention.

And people saw how fake it was, because the RT shit was never matched by youtube downvotes or something that's harder to scam.

It's funny timing, but let's be real; the "want to see" metric, as a percentage, didn't make any sense. It's dishonest polling, the sample is always going to be people who went out of their way to say "yes/no." It's just going to be biased, and the meaning could range from "i hate this film and hope the director dies" to "it's just not my thing. Disinterest from some people also doesn't really speak to how well the film is or if you, as a third party, will enjoy it.

A better metric would be a flat number of people who are interested in seeing the film. There's no reason to include people who don't want to see it.

netflix did this shit when that fat cunt's comedy special got a terrible score
these people can not take criticism of any kind

or maybe the public just really hate this movie
ya Solo did so well at the box office

nice damage control shills, where are your proofs?

Both the character, actor, and movie all look like shit, so I'm going to keep calling out shit for what it is. I'm sure my posts are generating more billions of dollars than Larson lost them by acting like a crazy cunt.
I'm totally getting played like a fiddle, because I didn't accept your two options of "praise it or be silent".

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Yep, you caught me.
Literally bawling my eyes out right now.

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They're just playing with RT at this point. I would be vastly more impressed with protestors outside of theaters on opening night.

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Yes, they "public" hate this movie (that hasn't come out yet) so much that its YouTube trailers have well over 90% positive votes.

>I would be vastly more impressed with protestors outside of theaters on opening night.
Why would people go out to protest empty screenings?

Attached: this anime girl is dabbin on u lol.png (541x604, 154K)

>you can't hate a movie unless you watch it
you really don't understand people

When I was living in poverty growing up I saw 0 movies and didn't have a tv. We got some clothes and food, but no entertainment. It would have been nice to see the movies other kids were talking about at school.

>Nothing wrong with doing something similar
Disney should be the ones paying for it. I would fully support them if they did. A mega corporation doing a gofundme for it's own movie though? Fuck that shit

Where does /pol/ fit into this, incel?

I'm genuinely more excited bout Shazam than I am Endgame. It looks really fun, and who doesn't like seeing a boy want to be a superhero. Its literally what all our inner manchilds dreamed about. I am worried how it'll do releasing in the same month as a fucking Avengers movie though, I would think they would push it forward a bit or something.

We should sell public schools to buy those poor kids potatoes. Man, they can't study if they are starve!!!

My digits are more accurate. cap this

>That's an example Spider-Verse shown when people complain about Gwen's haircut, but only to find that Miles did that to her
>people don't like the haircut
>b-but there's a reason in the story for it
that's supposed to make it better? it isn't really an alternate universe of living people. people aren't judging the character for choosing a hairstyle, they are judging the characters look itself.

Wow...that's pretty desperate sounding.

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It would be funny if DC Captain Marvel is the one that beats Thanos in the box office.

The movie is not even out though...
What agenda are you trying to push?

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Vaccines work. Deal with it. How do you think we got rid of polio?

>our overlords now fear you might grow a brain

not that user, but there's something about the Fantastic Four that doesn't seem to work in live action. They could be successful if they go the Future Foundation route.

That's gonna be a solid yike from me. Glad I came before seeing this.

I understand where you're coming from, but his actual tweet is pretty fucked up:


"Did I ever tell ya about when Harvey Weinstein told me to make sure I shook his hand at a charity event, so I stopped in the mens room and pissed all over my hand, then went straight up to him on the receiving line? I think about that every time lil donnie opens up his KFC."

>pissed all over my hand, then went straight up to him

Attached: VOMITchoke.gif (268x150, 1.73M)

Is it just me, or does she only have 4 toes on each foot?

Attached: wait huh.png (196x196, 49K)

>Daredevil, Elektra, Fan4stic, Green Lantern, Steel, Batman & Robin
Not that guy but:
Daredevil, with the see-saw fight in the schoolyard wasn't cringe to you?
Elektra, with her "training" by cutting immovable sand bags wasn't cringe to you?
Green Lantern's humor was not cringe to you?
Batman & Robin as a whole was not cringe to you?!
I'm not saying these movies are bad or not (I'd consider so, but that's my opinion), but you can't deny the cringy/goofy elements of most superhero movies

>How am I a hypocrite when you're doing the same thing. What do you hope to gain here?
Because you claim we can't know how a movie is or make an opion until it comes out, which is what you're doing by saying it's "doing new things" before it came out. You don't know that, we don't know that and just cause we're both doing it doesn't mean we're both hypocrites, it means you are one, cause we never claimed we're not doing it, you did.

Buddy do you even go on /pol/ I honestly haven't seen a single thread on Captain Marvel there. Shit they only had one Oscar thread and the majority of it was posters calling OP a faggot for giving a shit about the Oscars.

Stop blaming /pol/ for everything, you sound just as bad as they do when they blame the Jews for everything.

This is just making you look stupid. You're ensuring that any critisism of the film wont be taken seriously because you guys have been so retarded already

No criticism of this movie will be taken seriously. It's the same as Ghostbusters 2016 and the Star Wars sequels. If you don't like these movies you are immediately ridiculed as some kind of incel racist monster. Six months after this movie releases maybe we'll be allowed to say we didn't quite enjoy it.

Liberals are such thin-skinned cancer-riddled baby sacks of shit.

Just went to the page to see the percentage and noticed they removed it. Yet they leave the number of users that want to see it up.

This is blatant censorship. I get tired of the whole "fake news" thing but when stuff like this happens it makes me think that the media really does try to control a narrative. If people do not want to see a movie then they should be allowed to say as much without being criticized.